- Prep: Water
- Brush: Studio Pro SB020(that what it says on the packaging) #RUNT #SMOLL
- Razor: Some Chinese No Name Brand AliExpress razor
- Blade: Gillette Minora(18)
- Lather: Viking - Shaving Cream Sensitive
- Post Shave: Balea Men - Ultra Sensitive After Shave Balsam
- Fragrance: Shirley May - Just Black
Now I could have went the route where I use stuff that was gifted to me, cause then it's 0$ and that's the cheapest, but that's not the idea, that stuff is for scrubs! All these products were bought at FULL PRICE, nothing was reduced!
Short summary of prices total and per g/ml:
- Brushhh: Studio Pro SB020 - 1.13$
- Razorrr: AliExpress Razor - 2.33$(that's what I got it for)
- Bladeee: Gillette Minora 0.56$ per pack of 10
- Latherrr: Viking - Shaving Cream Sensitive 1.13$ per 100 ml, 0.0113 per 1 ml
- Post shaveee: Balea Men - Ultra Sensitive After Shave Balsam 1.69$ for 100ml, 0.016$ per 1 ml
- Fragranceee: Shirley May - Just Black 3.38$, 0.0338 per 1 ml
So total cost of gear is 6.84$! THAT'S CHEAP!!!!
Now we're gonna take out of the equation the hardware, brush+razor to see how much the consumables cost per shave.
The pack of Minoras is 0.56$ per pack, which makes one blade 0.056$, I haven't seen how many shaves I can get, but currently I'm around 20, let's say 20 shaves per blade, which means one shave of the blade costs 0.0028$.
Assuming I use my usual 1 gram per shave of all the products it comes down to(plus the blade) 0.0639$ per shave.
When all is said and done:
I was so ready to moan here about the shave, and was ecstatic actually, sadly it did not turn out like that(almost).....
- Cream: It was almost like water, but it did the job done, Proraso is much better and Arko is way beyond that! Should have gone for Arko now that I think about it...
- Razr: I really wanted to hate this razor cause of how cheap and awful it looked, but God damn it... It shaved me REALLY WELL. Did it feel nice on the skin? NO! Did it take me a great deal of concentration? YES! Was it easy? NO. But at the end of the day, did it irritate my skin? Absolutely not.... One of the better shaves I've had this LG, proves to you everything comes down to technique!
- Post Shav: This is probably the closest I've come to finding an unscented balm, but there was a faint tingle in the nose of chemicals. Did not hydrate skin well enough..... BALEA MEN, YOU SOME SCRUBS, MAKE A GOOD BALM!!!
- Brushj: Now if you wanna find a good scrubber for oily pans and similar stuff, THIS BRUSH IS FOR YOU, THE ALL NEW FACE REMOVER 5000!!! Folks, take a few strokes and magically see how your face disappears.... Seriously I don't think I've ever seen a boar brush with such metal like structure bristles, but hey, it's 1.13$!!!
I think that this experiment proves one thing, that really probably the most important thing is the razor you're using and HOW you're using it, everything else can be average at best, doesn't mean it should!
I do not feel great about SAVING MONEY
This is my first perfume ever that I used, ever since I was 15, and to this day I sometimes use it, albeit all the other awesome EdT I have.
Before getting all the fancy shmancy stuff I have now, this used to eat up all the compliments, it just really clicked with my skin. It's a simple retro fragrance heavy on the woods with good depth and decent longevity! Really is an old-school aroma, one that you would associate your father with or grandfather with, depending on your age. It is warm and embracing! After 6-7 hours it's just a skin scent, but when someone gets close to you, they can really appreciate how it has developed, and for all intent and purposes that's what we're going for, that close range appreciation!
- Daily Lather Themes: 28/30
- Daily Challenges: 28/30
- Hardware Scavenger Hunt: 21/20
- Hardware Vendor Points: 2/2
- Software Vendor Points: 13/13
- Software Vendor Bonus Point: 1/1
- 30 Different Soap Brands Point: 28/30
- 30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point: 28/30
- 30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point: 28/30
- 30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point: 28/30
NOTE: All spelling mistakes are just in case so that the portal doesn't pick up something it shouldn't!
P.S.- You know what grinds my gears!?!? That I had a razor for 0.33$ from AliExpress but threw it out during the move last year, cause I was like "WHEN AM I GONNA USE THIS!!??!?!?!?"..... And you could bend the head with your hands no problem, it was truly a genius razor, and it was 0.33$!