SOTD by u/Crossan1983

u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-07-28 01:08:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

LGSOTD 28-July

  • Brush: Erasmic Shave Brush #FAUXFUR
  • Razor: Gillette - Tech
  • Blade: Gillette Super Blue
  • Lather: Arko – Shaving Stick
  • Post Shave: Nivea - Balm

The only positive to this shave is the razor and blade. I cannot stand the solid arko soap, be better off as a urinal cake. The brush is also terrible, seemingly synthetic bristle. I think the brush put more 'hair' on my face than the razor took off and felt like I was running a steel brush over my face.

I'm pretty damn sure I've gone off on a tangent and completely missed the point of today's theme and challenge, and I was egged on by the Mrs to attempt to work this out, whether it's right or not is another thing. I've tried to put the workings under a spoiler so no one was forced to read it. If it didn't work I'm sorry, I would strongly suggest just skipping to the end!

!Someone threw in an arko stick on a bst purchase a good while ago, so I haven't actually bought any. But went checking prices. So a 12 pack of arko = £10.87, each stick is approx 75g(91p per stick) which equals about 10.87/(12x75) = 1.2p per g. This stick was 76g pre shave, and this was the weight of the stick post shave. Obviously no change so I'll round up,  shave soap cost me 1.2p for this shave.!<

!The nivea men fresh is about £3 for 150ml, this one is a fresh jar so the weight is as new (can't discount the jar on this one). So the same exercise will have to suffice with this being the 189g pre shave and this is the 188g post shave. So 300p/188g = 1.6p, so I used 1g for a total cost in this shave of 1.6 pence.!<

!The razor is a little trickier, I wasn't sure what this one went for, but the best I could find was 89¢ (CAD) in 1968. So to account for inflation this would equate to approximately $7.48 (CAD). This would convert to approximately £4.42.!<

!The blades picked up from bigdealsmart, 100 for £9.20, so 9p.!<

!The god awful brush was popped in as an extra on an ebay purchase for a puck and mug of Shulton Old Spice, clearly hasn't been used since purchase. This is £3.15 from Savers.!<

!Finally the water, it's £1.4526 per cubic meter, 1 cubic meter = 1000 litres =1,000,000mL. 145.26p/1,000,000 = 0.00015p. 1g water =1mL.Weight of water pre shave 934g, and weight of water post shave 540g. So with 394g = 394mL x 0.00015p = £0.06p!<

So this shave cost approximately £3.15 (brush) + £4.42 (razor) + £0.09p (blade) + £0.01 (soap) + £0.02p (balm) + £0.06p (water) = £7.75, though the hardware is of course reusable.

Converted to USD for the majority this is $9.91.

Nice finish, cheap but not an enjoyable shave. I think I'm a little happier with the extra cash I've dropped on my gear, I feel a little more justified in my hoarding ways.

Hope everyone has a grand shave.




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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Rookie of the Year
  2. Lather Games 2023