SOTD by u/oswald_heist

u/oswald_heist posted on 2023-07-28 09:28:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 28th 2023 - Lather Games Day 28

  • Brush: Omega 11137
  • Razor: GEM Featherweight
  • Blade: GEM PTFE (15)
  • Lather: Stirling - Weekend in Malibu
  • Post Shave: Stirling - Weekend in Malibu
  • Fragrance: Stirling - Lightish Red

Weekend in Malibu - $14.25 soap, $13.65 splash

GEM Featherweight: $5.00 at auction

Omega 11137 - $9.99

Stirling EdT - $18.95

GEM Blade - $0.45

Total $62.29 for my cheapest gear. Sticking with this stuff and not being seduced by the siren song of sundry soaps and splashes and surely you would see the sought-after promised land of Shaving Savings.

To investigate why Stirling remains the best value, I decided to take a page from u/Priusaurus' great interviews and query the soapmakers directly, and maybe see if anyone there would join me in a shave. I packed up my gear, typed Stirling Headquarters into Google Maps and headed out. Upon arrival at Lord Stirling's quarters I was not scared off by the sign that said "Not Open to Public" because I am no ordinary member of the public, I am a Lather Games participant and that status gets you special treatment, not unlike how only Olympic athletes are allowed in the Olympic Village. Unfortunately, nobody was home but since I still needed to shave I figured I would make the best of it and shave there anyway.

Of course, this meant shaving outside in the heat for a second day in a row since my failed attempt to do this yesterday by trying to convince Rod and others that Varen is a lavender soap (it's the second listed scent note!) met with well-deserved mockery and scrub status being bestowed upon me.

I set up my gear on the commemorative plaque outside for some #photocontest history action, and then started to face lather. I stopped to pop a lather selfie, having styled my hair in homage to u/chronnoisseur42O's great 'do, and got to work. I completed my first pass which was somewhat difficult without a mirror, especially my cheeks, went back to my brush and lathered up for a second pass. While all this was going on there was a light flow of traffic on the road behind me; hopefully between the curvy road and peaceful scenery they were too busy to notice the guy shaving in the grass. I got through my two passes as mosquitos chewed my legs, toweled off and put on some Weekend in Malibu splash. I then hit myself with a few sprays of Lightish Red, which for me is a very nostalgic scent because it is a dupe of Abercrombie and Fitch Fierce, which was my perfume of choice back in high school. Both Weekend in Malibu and Lightish Red have a fresh, aquatic citrusy feel, with lily of the valley and sandalwood in the background so not only was this shave frugal but it was a great combination of scents.

After my shave I figured I would do a little sightseeing, so I drove through a nearby covered bridge on my way to the Memorial Arch, where Stirling's name was engraved for what I can only assume is their contribution to frugal shaves.

Now if you'll indulge me while I dust off my history degree, I shaved in front of the house where Major General William Alexander, Lord Stirling, was headquartered during the cold and hungry winter of 1777 at Valley Forge.

William Alexander, Lord Stirling, was born in New York in 1727 to émigré Scottish parents and joined the New Jersey militia as a commissioned colonel during the Revolutionary War. He rose to prominence during the Battle of Long Island, when he led a rear-guard action that allowed the American army to avoid catastrophe and retreat safely, and was captured by the British. He was released in a prisoner swap and promoted to Major General after taking part in Washington's crossing of the Delaware River. This house is where he was headquartered (along with future president James Monroe) during the Continental Army's disastrous winter encampment of 1777-1778. Unfortunately Lord Stirling's drinking and diet led to his death from gout in 1783, just months before the Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War. Thanks for reading!

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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. SOTD photo scavenger hunt
  2. Lather Games 2023