July 24, 2023 – Gift Day
- Brush: Solid Set B3
- Razor: Ever Ready Streamline
- Blade: GEM PTFE (41)
- Lather: Catie’s Bubbles – Maggard Razors 2023 Meetup
- Fragrance: Declaration Grooming – Auryn
- Fragrance: London Razors – Mountain Laurel
When I looked at the calendar I thought, “this day will be easy.” I’m lucky enough to have been on the receiving end of a lot of awesome stuff from this great community. The last week I figured I’d better take a look at the participants. Imagine my horror when I realized the other people were not participating! I started at for soaps for probably a concerning amount of time trying to trace the origins of everything. Then I landed on this soap from the meetup, and an idea popped into my head. See, I did not get this soap from u/c_bubbles, despite the fact that I was staring at him across the walkway the entire meet. For most of it, I was too busy (mostly talking to u/J33pGuy13). At one point J33p was kind enough to offer to walk around and collect some samples for me which he then GIFTED to me. It was mostly a very generous gift, other than the fact that he also made me use CFG Banana.
Speaking of u/j33pGuy, and despite the fact that he called me out on the podcast, I suppose I can say some nice things about him. Our community needs to getters full of enthusiasm to keep functioning. He jumped right in and took over organizing ROTY when u/steelersroc86 abandoned me. J33p brings so much hype to the community. He also seems to be working on about 50 projects at once which benefit the r/wetshaving community, but also the wet shaving community as a whole (see the Stirling Zenith brushes on the way). To some it up, J33p is a good dude, and it was awesome to meet him at Maggard.
u/j33pGuy13, if you’re reading this fuck you.