SOTD by u/Environmental-Gap380

u/Environmental-Gap380 posted on 2023-07-22 13:33:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 22, 2023 - Strange Times For Leg Day

  • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive 31mm Moar Boar
  • Razor: Schick “Stick Schick” (Type L)
  • Blade: Parker Injector
  • Lather: Black Ship Grooming Co. - Captain’s Reserve
  • Post Shave: Noble Otter - Jack Splash
  • Fragrance: Dolly - Smoky Mountain


Today’s Theme:

Another tricky one for me since I don’t have any banana or watermelon soaps. I had a couple possibles, but 30 for 30 killed them as I really needed the brands on another day. So I was looking through my soaps and finding all the scent notes, when a recent purchase popped up 2 choices. I picked up Black Ship Grooming Co.’s Dark Side and Captain’s Reserve just after Star Wars day. Dark Side has blackberry listed 3rd, and first listed scent on Captain’s Reserve was black currant. After debating between the two, I felt Captain’s Reserve was a better fit. Then it was a search to find anything for post and fragrance that fit the theme. Juniper berry is in Jack, and Dolly - Smoky Mountain has black currant. My selections were set.

Today’s Challenge:

First things first, regular leg shavers a tip of the hat to you. Holy **** that is harder to do than I thought. I picked the Moar Boar as it is one of my biggest brushes, and for the razor, the Schick is a longish handle and pretty forgiving (At least I thought so). I scooped 3x what I normally would use to lather. I got my blue plastic IKEA kid’s bowl pretty full of lather, and got it to just starting to drip. I started with my lower left leg. I really massaged it onto the leg. A thicker lather would have been more photogenic, but I wanted the slickest I could get. I didn’t notice it as it happened, but right at the bottom of the shin where it meets the top of the foot, I gave myself a bit of a nick. (warning a little bit of blood) Ok, I need to be more careful on the right leg, but oops, more blood. Next was the thighs, and I am not flexible enough to see what I was doing there, but I shave up to where my boxer briefs would cover. I realized that my pre shave pic doesn’t tell the story, so I took a careful photo that shows where I stopped shaving. I didn’t do the neatest job, but around where the shadow ends is about where the shaving stopped. When I rinsed off, found I had a big nick on my right hamstring area. I really thought this would be an easier challenge. I don’t have a lot of leg hair to start with, and it is much finer than my beard. Not being a contortionist and out of shape really upped the difficulty.

Today’s Fragrance:

As I mentioned, I was a bit stymied n setting up today. I settled on the soap at the beginning of the month, but had no clue what I’d do for everything else until today. First the soap had a fairly familiar scent, but I was having trouble placing it. I picked it for the black currant, but in the jar I was just getting a slightly sweet fruit scent at first. Then I started to make the lather, and it became even more familiar. It smells a bit like this black currant iced tea I used to get. I love tea scents, so I was liking this choice. I don’t know if it was intended to smell like tea, but that is what I got from it. Noble Otter’s new scent Jack is very much a gin and tonic scent (maybe light on the tonic). The lime and juniper berry played well with the soap. Finally the perfume is one I gave to my wife around Valentines day. I decided since she is the only leg shaver in the house, I should use her perfume. It is a bit sweet, fruity and floral on the first whiff. Black currant is listed as the second scent on Fragrantica, and I felt it tied up the whole package pretty well. I wouldn’t make this a common set, but overall pleased with how well they worked together. I almost went unscented for the post shave, but I’m happy I picked up Jack.

Today’s Haiku:

Are points worth so much,
That I try shaving my legs?
I guess they must be.

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2023
  2. Feats of Fragrance 2023