SOTD by u/MrTangerinesky

u/MrTangerinesky posted on 2023-07-18 18:59:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


  • Prep: Water
  • Brush: DS Cosmetics 30mm Tuxedo Knot
  • Razor: Blackland Vector
  • Blade: Chinese(7)
  • Lather: Gentleman's Nod - Cosecha Catalana
  • Post Shave: Gentleman's Nod - Cosecha Catalana splash
  • Fragrance: Antonio Puig - Agua Brava


Damn calendar, ruining my plans. Today would have been such a great fit for Tres Matres which is based on the horror movie "Suspiria" which did have a remake in 2018. But points I guess.....


Anyways, I went with a different route which is Cosecha Catalana by Gentleman's Nod. This is a scent that when it got to our group in Bulgaria, everyone went nuts over it, except me(cause I'm a pretentious cunt), but it did spark the mania for getting soaps by Gentleman's Nod in their C4 base. I gotta admit that their scent, Juniper Reverie, especially in the EdP is one of the finest things I've smelled!!! Simply amazing! This one though, while I recognize it is a good scent, it doesn't really tickle my nose the way I liked it to be tickled!


Yes I am on theme today with a fall scent, but it would have been more awesome to have incorporated something that was actually spooky... So I will leave you with a boring story.

Some might have experienced sleep paralysis at some point in their life. I forget when it was actually the first time it happened to me, around 5-6 years ago. I had heard about it but never cared that much to read about it. And then it happened.... It was so surreal, sends shivers down my spine. At one moment I was falling asleep and a second later I could not breathe as though someone had grabbed my throat and was choking me. Furthermore all my senses were tingling, my hair was standing up like lightning was about to strike near me. I was in my room but everything was different, and then I saw it, a shadow figure in the corner of the room, before I could fixate my gaze it was in front of my face. Words escape me to this day to explain what hellish creature was in front of me. That was the braking point of my mind where I started actually screaming and woke up and stood up, drenched in sweat. The whole experience lasted a minute or less, but for me it felt like ages. That night I learned the true meaning of fear. All previous fears that I have had, like fear from heights paled in comparison. Truly if hell existed, at that moment I thought that being trapped in it was a similar experience. Sleep has never been the same afterwards. Fear truly is the mind killer....


Don't know about the 2020 LG, but last year there was no such thing, much like the daily challenge for tomorrow. Either the djudges are getting crazier, or I'm getting more normal, but having in mind I snorted OSMA yesterday, I'd say it's the first.

Here you go..... Honestly with such a challenge it really is hard to get inventive into what crazy thing one could do.... I had the idea of drinking the damn glass, but then thought, naaaah too icky, also soap might fuck up my innards. I chose the glass cause I hadn't yet decided whether I would drink it, but when I looked at it, I lost my appetite...


Man reading some of the latest posts I did for the FOF, I ain't placing anywhere.... I even thought about stopping and not putting any more effort until the end, but then I remembered "never half-ass stuff".

So why Agua Brava? Well it's a fragrance that my father really likes and it is a very masculine chypre scent that projects confidence, combined with the warmth of Cosecha Catalana gives you a great experience of what a fall can smell, albeit a more positive and non-gloomy fall.

  • Daily Lather Themes: 18/30
  • Daily Challenges: 18/30
  • Hardware Scavenger Hunt: 14/20
  • Hardware Vendor Points: 1/2
  • Software Vendor Points: 8/13
  • Software Vendor Bonus Point: 0/1
  • 30 Different Soap Brands Point: 18/30
  • 30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point: 18/30
  • 30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point: 18/30
  • 30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point: 18/30

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2023
  2. Feats of Fragrance 2023