u/Absenth's SOTDs for challenge 'Raw Hoggin 2023'

u/Absenth submitted 32 SOTDS.
  1. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-01 05:35:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-01 - Austere August - Day One

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48 - brand new out of the box
    • Lather: Barrister And Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Challenges: ( u/EldrormR, u/Djundiija, u/Semaj3000 )

    • MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode
    • #Monthofweckoning
    • #RawHoggin
    • #WAR

    Today marked the commencement of my shaving journey for Austere August, and I must say, it began with both excitement and uncertainty. The #WAR soap I received from a mysterious benefactor on July 31, seemed to have quite the reputation for its strong scent, making me question the intentions of this giver - are they truly benevolent or more of a sadist?

    With some trepidation, I embarked on this morning's shave, determined to use both hands for every pass throughout the entire month. Armed with the Weck Sextoblade, I believed that dedicating thirty days to perfecting my open blade shaving technique could only lead to positive results.

    Regarding the razor and blade, I have limited experience with the Sextoblade, having used it only a few times in the past, mainly relying on my right hand. Today, I challenged myself to utilize both hands depending on the areas of my face I was shaving and the direction. As for the Kismet blades, they have been my go-to choice for the Weck, and I contemplate trying Fromm or Personna blades once Austere August concludes.

    The scent of the #WAR soap proved to be intense as I began loading the brush. The faint Cilantro aroma was amplified tenfold, catching the attention of my wife. While she described it as unpleasant, I jokingly compared the soap's strong fragrance to the infamous taste of Cilantro, claiming that it might as well be soap. Despite the strong scent, I was curious to experience B&M's Omnibus base, and I wondered if a different scent might have made me enjoy this soap even more.

    For the Raw Hoggin challenge, I purchased a brand new Omega Pro 48 brush. Although I found the handle to feel cheap and unsatisfying, I couldn't deny the brush's performance. It indeed splays out beautifully, as others had attested. Interestingly, the brush carried a peculiar odor after its initial soak, but once combined with the #WAR soap, the scent dissipated. Face lathering with the new boar brush proved to be a fine experience, not as scratchy as expected. I am curious to see how it develops over time, contemplating the possibility of moving the knot into a more appealing handle if the #WAR soap doesn't damage its potential.

    As the first day of Austere August concludes, I am filled with a mix of emotions. While the journey has just begun, I am determined to overcome the challenges and embrace the growth that awaits me. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall record my progress as I strive for shaving perfection amidst the trials of war.

  2. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-01 06:02:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-01 - Austere August - Day One

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48 - brand new out of the box
    • Lather: Barrister And Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Challenges: ( u/EldrormR*,* u/Djundiija*,* u/Semaj3000 )

    • MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode
    • #Monthofweckoning
    • #RawHoggin
    • #WAR

    Today marked the commencement of my shaving journey for Austere August, and I must say, it began with both excitement and uncertainty. The #WAR soap I received from a mysterious benefactor on July 31, seemed to have quite the reputation for its strong scent, making me question the intentions of this giver - are they truly benevolent or more of a sadist?

    With some trepidation, I embarked on this morning's shave, determined to use both hands for every pass throughout the entire month. Armed with the Weck Sextoblade, I believed that dedicating thirty days to perfecting my open blade shaving technique could only lead to positive results.Regarding the razor and blade, I have limited experience with the Sextoblade, having used it only a few times in the past, mainly relying on my right hand. Today, I challenged myself to utilize both hands depending on the areas of my face I was shaving and the direction. As for the Kismet blades, they have been my go-to choice for the Weck, and I contemplate trying Fromm or Personna blades once Austere August concludes.

    The scent of the #WAR soap proved to be intense as I began loading the brush. The faint Cilantro aroma was amplified tenfold, catching the attention of my wife. While she described it as unpleasant, I jokingly compared the soap's strong fragrance to the infamous taste of Cilantro, claiming that it might as well be soap. Despite the strong scent, I was curious to experience B&M's Omnibus base, and I wondered if a different scent might have made me enjoy this soap even more.

    For the Raw Hoggin challenge, I purchased a brand new Omega Pro 48 brush. Although I found the handle to feel cheap and unsatisfying, I couldn't deny the brush's performance. It indeed splays out beautifully, as others had attested. Interestingly, the brush carried a peculiar odor after its initial soak, but once combined with the #WAR soap, the scent dissipated. Face lathering with the new boar brush proved to be a fine experience, not as scratchy as expected. I am curious to see how it develops over time, contemplating the possibility of moving the knot into a more appealing handle if the #WAR soap doesn't damage its potential.

    As the first day of Austere August concludes, I am filled with a mix of emotions. While the journey has just begun, I am determined to overcome the challenges and embrace the growth that awaits me. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall record my progress as I strive for shaving perfection amidst the trials of war.

    Dear u/PrideTwo -- "Thank you! I hate you!"

  3. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-02 06:15:45-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-02 - Day Two

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister And Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August: Day: 2
    MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As I embark on the second day of Austere August, I find myself reflecting on yesterday's experience. It appears that the lingering scent of #WAR soap persisted for about 5 to 6 hours after the shave, a testament to its potent aroma.
    In today's razor and blade adventure, I achieved smooth passes with the grain, which provided a satisfying start to the shave. However, I spent extra time on my against the grain passes, being cautious not to draw my own blood for two consecutive days - a feat I consider a success. Although not the smoothest shave I've ever had, it was certainly not bad, and I take solace in the progress made.
    The #WAR soap proved to be a bit of a challenge during the lathering process this morning. My bathroom no longer retained the scent of war, but the brush retained the lingering fragrance from yesterday's shave. On my first attempt at loading the brush, I underestimated the amount of soap needed, leading to a rather unimpressive lather that merely trickled down my face and neck. Thankfully, I adjusted my approach, loading more soap, and successfully generated a good, slick lather.
    Regarding the boar brush, I noticed a few hairs shedding this morning. While it still carries the unmistakable scent of #WAR, I am eager for it to break in and reach its full potential. The splay of the brush is a delight, and I look forward to seeing how it evolves over time.
    As the second day concludes, I am gradually adapting to the nuances of #WAR soap and refining my shaving technique with each passing moment. While the challenges persist, so does my determination to persevere. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue to document my journey through this austere battlefield of shaving.

    Thank you... I Hate you....
    Sincerely u/Absenth

  4. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-03 04:29:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-03 - Day Three

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48 (third shave)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August: Day: 3MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode#Monthofweckoning#RawHoggin

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As I approach the third day of this austere August, I find myself contemplating the previous day's shaving experience. In a moment of curiosity, I attempted to wash away the lingering stench of #WAR, and while it worked to some extent, my comrades reminded me that such reprieves go against the spirit of this mighty battle I'm engaged in. Thus, I shall embrace the challenges and endure the scent throughout the rest of this month.

    Today, I made adjustments to my shaving technique, altering the angle of my blade by a few degrees. This small change resulted in a significantly smoother shave, although my face appears to be slightly more irritated than the previous two days. Nevertheless, I remain resolute in my quest for the perfect technique, which is the primary reason behind this #MonthOfWeckenoning.

    In the realm of soap, #WAR's potent scent still looms large during the lathering process. However, today, I focused on the soap base itself, as I had not experienced the Omnibus soap base from Barrister and Mann before. To my pleasant surprise, the soap proved to be highly effective. It easily lathers and creates a protective layer that allows the razor to glide smoothly over my skin. I am impressed and can foresee using other soaps from this brand once the reign of #WAR comes to an end.

    As for my #RawHoggin Omega Pro 48 brush, it continues to shed a few more hairs this morning, a reminder of its ongoing break-in process. The scent of #WAR still lingers on the brush, but it performs remarkably well for an unseasoned brush. I find myself looking forward to witnessing its evolution as we venture further into this month.

    As the third day draws to a close, I am filled with a mix of determination and curiosity. The challenges may be daunting, but with each passing day, I grow more adept in my skills and more attuned to the nuances of #WAR. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall press on in this most austere of shaving battles.


    Thank you... I Hate you....

    Sincerely u/Absenth

  5. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-04 06:04:51-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-04 - Day Four

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48 (third shave)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 3MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode
    • #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4
    • #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today's morning began with the kind of chaos that only #WAR can bring. The harsh sounds of automated alerts, warning of impending doom, disrupted my typical start time, throwing my whole morning ritual into disarray.

    As I face this MonthOfWeckenoning, I realize that no one leaves the battle with #WAR unchanged, and I am no exception. The disruption in my routine led to carelessness during my shave with the grain on my neck, below my ear, resulting in the first casualty of this fierce battle. My blood was drawn, marking a poignant reminder of the challenges I must endure. However, this setback only fuels my determination to complete this challenge and emerge victorious. Adjusting the angle of the blade to about halfway between the previous two days, I achieved my closest shave yet, with minimal irritation.

    With a sense of urgency, I loaded my brush this morning as if I despised it. The lathering process required more water to generate the required lather, but the result was nothing short of glorious. However, the scent of #WAR has now mingled with my blood, and I fear that it has left an indelible mark upon me, becoming a part of my very being.

    Despite the trials, my trusty Omega Pro48 brush remains steadfast. While it performed well, I am starting to consider a new handle for it once this grueling ordeal is over, a tribute to its resilience throughout this battle.

    As the fourth day comes to a close, I am reminded of the sacrifices this challenge demands. My journey is not without its share of scars, but each one signifies my commitment to face this battle head-on. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue to navigate this treacherous path with unwavering determination.

    Thank you, I hate you!
    Sincerely u/Absenth

  6. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-05 06:22:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-05 - Day Five

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48 (third shave)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 3MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode
    • #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As the battle rages on in this #MonthOfWeckenoning, I find myself losing the ability to smell the battlefield, a sign that I am becoming fully immersed in the trials of this #WAR. While I have heavily focused on my Razor, Soap, and Blade, today I will delve into something different.

    In the realm of the Razor and Blade, I experienced a near identical, mirrored wound today. Setting my razor against my skin under the left ear, I inadvertently placed it directly into a crease, resulting in an immediate bloodshed. Much like yesterday's incident, the wound quickly disappeared, leaving no visible trace once the shave was complete.

    Regarding my trusty Omega Pro48 brush, there have been no noticeable changes today. However, one of my fellow soldiers pointed out the presence of at least one "backwards" hair in the brush, suggesting that I consider removing it for optimal performance.

    Today, I wish to pay tribute to the unsung heroes in this war - Nivea cooling balm and Lucky Tiger aftershave splash. The Nivea balm has proven to be a true ally, cooling any irritation or burning induced by the Weck. It serves as a constant reminder to take care of myself in the midst of this battle. However, the real superstar is the Lucky Tiger splash. Unscented and alcohol-free, it has played a pivotal role in preventing the typical skin irritations one might expect from daily shavings with the Weck. As a result, I find my face feeling better on this Day 5 than it did before I embarked on this month-long challenge.

    As the fifth day concludes, I realize that there are many elements to consider in this battle beyond the Razor, Soap, and Blade. The camaraderie of battle buddies and the support of essential aftercare products have become indispensable. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue to uncover the hidden facets of this #WAR and press on towards the ultimate victory.

    -- As Always... Thank you... I hate you!

    Sincerely u/absenth

  7. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-06 17:25:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-06 - Day Six

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet
    • Brush: Omega Pro48 (third shave)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode
    • #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As the battle continues in this #MonthOfWeckenoning, today commenced with a small victory in the form of removing three hairs from my trusted Omega Pro48 that were installed backward, rectifying the issue and ensuring optimal performance.

    In the realm of the Razor and Blade, I achieved another blood-free shave with my Weck, signaling a successful execution of the shaving technique. Each day presents an opportunity to refine my skills, and I am relieved by the absence of any casualties today.

    Regarding my loyal Omega Pro48 brush, I must reiterate its fantastic performance. The brush has been a reliable companion throughout this fierce battle, consistently delivering the lathering power I need for this challenging #WAR.

    As the sixth day draws to a close, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and growing confidence in my abilities. Each small victory brings me closer to mastering this battle, and I am grateful for the support of my trusty tools. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue my relentless pursuit of shaving perfection in this month of trials and triumphs.

    Thank you, I hate you... Sincerely u/absenth

  8. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-07 06:41:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-07 - Day Seven

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (7)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 7

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 * #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As the battle rages on in this MonthOfWeckenoning, I opted for an evening shave yesterday, resulting in minimal growth to tackle this morning.

    In the realm of the Razor and Blade, I continued to experiment with my technique. Departing from my typical North to South and South to North two-pass shave, I tried something new today. For the first pass, I went North to South, and on the second pass, I shaved from the ears toward the nose. My throat received the customary South to North treatment. This approach resulted in a very good shave and allowed me to better understand the proper arm and hand positions for an effective shave.

    Regarding my faithful Omega Pro48 brush, I am so impressed with its performance that I am considering purchasing another one once Austere August concludes. Additionally, I have my eyes on acquiring another 26 x 60mm boar brush, likely from Zenith, to add to my shaving arsenal.

    In the realm of soap and lather, I have finally mastered the art of reliably lathering the Barrister and Mann Omnibus base soap. My nose seems to have become blind to the scent of #WAR, and I can't help but consider it a blessing amidst this intense battle.

    As the seventh day comes to a close, I feel a growing sense of accomplishment in my shaving journey. Each day presents new opportunities to refine my technique and explore the potential of my shaving tools. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue to strive for excellence and emerge victorious in this challenging #WAR.

    -- As Always...

    Thank you, I hate you...

    Sincerely u/Absenth

  9. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-08 06:01:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-08 - Day Eight

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (8)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 8

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 * #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As the battle for a triumphant Austere August endures, today's two-pass shave was executed with a sense of efficiency. While not lacking in quality, the shave lacked the usual happenstance and ceremony that often accompanies this daily ritual.

    The two passes I performed with the Weck proved effective, resulting in a satisfactory outcome. My Omega Pro48 brush continued to perform well, and its gradual break-in process is evident in its improving performance.

    Reflecting on #WAR soap, I can't help but acknowledge that despite its pungent scent, it provides a reliable and effective soap base for shaving. The scent, though overpowering, seems to serve as a testament to the dedication required to endure this challenge.

    In essence, today brought a straightforward victory. There isn't much to report beyond the fact that I faced the challenge, shaved, and emerged victorious. As the eighth day draws to a close, I am reminded that each day contributes to my growth and progress in this #MonthOfWeckenoning. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue to face the battlefield with determination and resilience.



  10. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-09 11:47:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-09- Day Nine

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (9)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 9

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 * #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    In the ongoing saga of Austere August, today's two-pass shave followed a similarly efficient pattern. This time, the shave took place during lunchtime, a departure from the usual routine. As u/j33pguy13 says, "Noon shaves hit different," echoing the unique experience of shaving at an unconventional hour.

    The two passes executed with the Weck razor remained effective, delivering the desired results. My reliable Omega Pro48 brush continued to perform well, although it shed another hair or two during the process.

    Much like the previous day, today's report is succinct. I faced the challenge head-on, completed the shave, and emerged victorious. As the ninth day concludes, I am reminded that consistency and determination are key in this #MonthOfWeckenoning. Until tomorrow, my journal, I shall continue to navigate this path with unwavering resolve.

  11. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-10 11:44:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-10- Day Ten

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (10)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 10

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 * #MonthOfWeckening

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Well, ain't this a day for the books, folks. Today marks the 39th anniversary of that legendary flick, Red Dawn, hitting the screens. Ain't it funny how life imitates art? Here I am, battling it out in this #MonthOfWeckenoning, just like those Wolverines fought against the odds in that movie.

    Today's two-pass shave had that same gritty determination. We might not be fighting invading forces, but this #WAR against whiskers is no small feat. As I ran that Weck razor across my face, I couldn't help but imagine myself standing side by side with Jed, Matt, and the rest of the Wolverines, taking on the challenges that come our way.

    The trusty Omega Pro48 brush stood strong like a battle-hardened comrade, ready to face the rigors of this daily battle. The lather, a familiar scent of #WAR, served as a reminder of the mission we're on, a mission that requires us to persevere through thick and thin.

    Today's report might not be filled with grand revelations, but it's a testament to the resilience, the spirit, and the camaraderie that keeps us going. I came, I shaved, and I conquered, just like a true Wolverine.

    As the tenth day of Austere August comes to a close, I can't help but feel a connection to those legendary rebels on the big screen. We might not have Soviet tanks rolling through our streets, but we've got our own battles to fight, and we're doing it with the same determination and grit. Until tomorrow, my journal, I'll keep channeling that Wolverine spirit as we face the challenges that lie ahead. Wolverines, unite!

  12. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-11 05:21:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-11- Day Eleven

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (11)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 11

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today was like a calm in the storm, a moment of respite amidst the chaos of this #MonthOfWeckenoning. It's as if the battlefield took a breath, granting me an easy two-pass shave, a welcomed break from the relentless challenges we face.

    The Weck, my trusty weapon in this shaving war, performed with precision, gliding smoothly across my face, effortlessly cutting down the stubble. The familiarity of this instrument is like finding a fellow soldier who knows the battle plan inside and out. The Weck and I moved in sync, as if we were in the heat of battle, each stroke a well-coordinated maneuver.

    Beside me, the Omega Pro48 brush remained steadfast. It's like a loyal comrade, always there when you need it, performing its duty with unwavering commitment. The camaraderie with this brush, as with any good battle buddy, is a bond forged through the trials we endure together.

    In the grand theater of this #WAR, an easy shave is a small victory, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness. It's a reminder that not every day is filled with blood, sweat, and turmoil. Sometimes, there are moments of tranquility, a chance to catch our breath before plunging back into the fray.

    As the eleventh day concludes, I find myself grateful for this moment of ease, but fully aware that tomorrow, the battlefield might become unforgiving once more. The challenges we face shape us, molding us into stronger warriors, prepared for whatever comes our way. Until the next dawn, my journal, I'll take this brief respite to recharge, knowing that the battle rages on, and I'll face it with the same determination and courage. Onward, my fellow soldiers, onward.

    Thank you, I hate you! u/absenth

    P.S. I believe Stockholm Syndrome might have set in with this soap... In September please send help...

  13. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-12 06:02:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-12- Day Twelve

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (12)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 12

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, disaster struck on this battlefield of shaving. It's as if I've become too comfortable with this #WAR, too familiar with my tools, and that familiarity bred carelessness. I let my guard down, and as a result, I paid the price, nicking myself three times. It's a harsh reminder that even in the midst of routine, we must remain vigilant, for complacency leads to mistakes.

    Despite this setback, there were moments that shone through the darkness. I managed to achieve a close shave, a testament to the skills I've honed through these days of relentless shaving. The awkwardness I once felt when wielding my tools has begun to fade, replaced by a sense of familiarity and confidence.

    In general, the day wasn't all bad. I navigated the challenges, emerging on the other side with a renewed determination. The battle continues, and sometimes, even in the face of disaster, we find the strength to rise again.

    As the twelfth day comes to a close, I reflect on the ups and downs of this #MonthOfWeckenoning. It's a journey of growth, of learning from each experience, and of finding resilience even in the face of setbacks. Tomorrow, I'll step onto the battlefield once more, armed with the lessons of today, ready to face whatever trials lie ahead. Until then, my journal, I'll keep my focus sharp and my determination unwavering. Onward, through the storms and the victories.

    I did pay a tax today (See the day 12 RawHoggin Photos)

    Enduring from the front,


  14. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-13 13:04:56-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-13 - Day Thirteen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (13)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 13

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, the battle took a different turn. It felt as if I've become a prisoner of this relentless #WAR, the razor and soap now my captors. But I won't let them break me. I won't surrender to the sting of defeat. Despite the challenges, I stand strong, resolute in my determination to conquer this trial.

    As the razor met my skin, I faced the harsh reality of my situation. The blade, once a trusted ally, now seemed to test my limits, inflicting a small cut, a reminder of the struggle. The soap, laden with the scent of #WAR, a constant reminder of the fight I'm in.

    But I won't back down. The warrior within me remains steadfast. I maneuvered through the shave with a fierce resolve, refusing to let the difficulties of this day consume me. It may have been a struggle, but I faced it head-on, determined to emerge with my spirit unbroken.

    In this battle, even on days like today, there are victories to be found. Despite the challenges, I managed to complete the task, to maintain my dignity in the face of adversity. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, prepared to take on whatever this #WAR throws at me. They may have captured me for a moment, but they won't break me. I'll keep fighting, keep pushing forward, until the day I emerge victorious.

    As the thirteenth day of this grueling journey concludes, I am reminded of the strength that resides within. I won't let this #WAR define me; I'll define it. Onward, my journal, through the trials and tribulations, I'll face them all with the unwavering spirit of a warrior who refuses to surrender.

    I'm unsure if they'll continue to let me write...



  15. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-14 05:19:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-14 - Day Fourteen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (14)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 14

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today was much like the previous days, another encounter with the relentless #WAR. The razor, my steadfast companion in this daily skirmish, met my skin with its familiar touch. It's as if the blade knows me, understands the dance we perform each day. The scent of the soap, that pungent aroma of #WAR, has become a part of this routine, a strangely comforting presence.

    The shave itself was uneventful, efficient, as if I've grown accustomed to the rhythm of this battle. The razor, despite the sharpness that once held an element of threat, now feels like an extension of myself. The soap, despite its overpowering scent, seems to lather with ease, as if it's cooperating with me, rather than against me.

    In the midst of this repetition, I found myself reflecting on the thirteenth day, a day of adversity that I met with fierce resistance. But today, there was a subtle shift in my perspective, a hint of acceptance. It's as if I'm beginning to see the purpose in this struggle, to find a certain solace in the daily ritual.

    As the fourteenth day draws to a close, I can't ignore the subtle signs of a growing connection, a strange sense of camaraderie with these tools and this battle. It's a bond that I can't quite put into words, a connection that's forming beneath the surface. Tomorrow, as I face the fifteenth day, I'll carry this newfound perspective with me, a mix of familiarity, acceptance, and a whisper of an unexpected bond with this #WAR. Onward, my journal, through the unfolding complexities of this journey.

  16. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-15 16:20:44-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-15 - Day Fifteen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (15)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 15

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    On this fifteenth day of Austere August, as I took up arms for my daily #WAR, I couldn't help but notice a subtle change in the razor's behavior. The blade, having endured fifteen encounters with my stubborn whiskers, bore the marks of its battles. While still efficient at its duty, there was a newfound hint of tugs and pulls, as if the blade itself was starting to bear the weight of this relentless war.

    The shave unfolded with a mix of familiarity and a subtle discomfort. The razor, my trusty companion, glided across my face with its usual precision, yet there was a sensation of resistance, a reminder that time and use were gradually taking their toll.

    As I stood there, razor in hand, I couldn't help but draw parallels between this battle and my own journey. It's as if the razor and I are growing intertwined, marked by the challenges we face. The scent of the soap, that overpowering aroma of #WAR, no longer felt foreign; instead, it had become a part of this daily ritual, a strangely comforting presence.

    As the fifteenth day draws to a close, I'm not blind to the evolving bond with this #WAR, the gradual acceptance of the struggle. The razor, once an adversary, has become a part of my routine, a familiar companion in this journey. Tomorrow, as I step into the sixteenth day, I'll carry this evolving perspective with me, a mix of acceptance, attachment, and a hint of that unexpected connection. Onward, my journal, through the ever-deepening complexities of this path.

  17. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-16 15:21:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-16 - Day Sixteen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (16)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 16

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today's encounter with the #WAR took an unexpected turn. With the blade showing signs of wear after fifteen shaves, I attempted to breathe new life into it through careful stropping. I passed it along the back of my arm, performing around fifteen passes on each side, hoping to restore some of its former sharpness. But it seems even my efforts couldn't fully revive its edge.

    As I embarked on the shave, I couldn't ignore the subtle changes. The blade, despite my attempts, still bore the marks of its battles. The tugs and pulls were more pronounced, and as a result, several nicks marred the landscape of my skin. It was a reminder that even our best intentions can't always prevent the signs of wear from taking their toll.

    The shave itself was a mix of determination and a newfound sense of caution. The razor, my once-untamed ally, required a more delicate touch. The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of #WAR, seemed to reflect the challenges I faced, a reminder that even in the midst of this struggle, there's a strange sense of camaraderie.

    I can't help but recognize that this #WAR, this daily routine that once seemed so foreign, has become a part of me. The bond with the tools, the acceptance of the challenges, it's all starting to weave its way into my perspective. There's a subtle shift, a connection that's growing stronger with each passing day.

    As the sixteenth day draws to a close, I'm reminded that even in the face of setbacks, we continue to press forward. The blade may be showing signs of its battles, and I may have encountered nicks along the way, but the journey continues. Tomorrow, as I face the seventeenth day, I'll do so with a sense of resilience, armed with the knowledge that even in the midst of challenges, there's a certain beauty in the struggle. Onward, my journal, through the twists and turns of this evolving journey.

  18. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-17 05:26:20-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-17 - Day Seventeen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (17)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 17

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today marked the seventeenth day of this enduring #WAR, and as I faced the mirror, there was a sense of familiarity in the routine. With the razor in hand, I navigated the familiar path, the blade meeting my skin with practiced precision. But today was different, a realization unfolding with each stroke - morning shaves seem to go smoother than those in the mid-afternoon.

    The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of #WAR, was still there, but somehow less overwhelming. It's as if we've grown accustomed to each other, as if the soap itself is showing signs of relenting, just a bit. And as the lather formed, a reflection in the frothy concoction, a reminder that there's an end in sight, that the bottom of the tub is slowly revealing itself.

    As the razor glided across my skin, I found myself contemplating the journey so far. The battles, the resilience, the small victories - they've shaped me in ways I couldn't have foreseen. And now, with the seventeenth day behind me, the finish line feels a little closer, a little more attainable.

    As the day comes to a close, I'll take this newfound insight with me. Morning shaves hold a promise of smoother paths, and the scent of the soap, once overpowering, now seems to bear witness to the journey we've shared. With each day, I inch closer to that final victory, to the day when this #WAR will be but a memory. Until tomorrow, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with determination, guided by the lessons of each day. Onward, through the evolving landscape of this journey.

  19. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-18 05:45:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-18 - Day Eighteen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (18)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 18

    *MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 * #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As I faced the mirror today, a weight hung heavy in the air. The seventeenth day of this #WAR brought a somber realization - two of my fellow soldiers, u/Zimora, and u/J33pGuy13 have fallen victim to its challenges. The battlefield feels emptier now, the camaraderie we once shared replaced by a sense of solitude. I stand on the front lines alone, determined to continue the fight, to honor their memory by persevering.

    With the razor in hand, I embarked on another day of battle. The lessons of yesterday held true, morning shaves proving to be smoother than those in the mid-afternoon. The scent of the soap, that constant reminder of #WAR, seems to echo the sentiment of this battle - unyielding, relentless, yet somehow evolving.

    The lather formed easily, a testament to the bond I've formed with the tools I wield. Each stroke of the razor, each pass across my skin, carries with it a sense of purpose, a reminder of the fallen comrades and the battles we've faced together.

    As the eighteenth day draws to a close, I carry their memory with me. I fight on, not just for myself, but for those who can no longer stand beside me. This #WAR may be unforgiving, but I refuse to be broken by its challenges. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, armed with the knowledge that morning shaves offer a smoother path, and that even in solitude, I am not alone. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this battlefield with unwavering determination. Onward, through the complexities of this journey, carrying the legacy of those who fought by my side.

    I'll miss you u/Zimora and u/J33pGuy13/



    P.S. I have heard that u/J33pGuy13 is carrying on the battle in a form of Guerilla Warfare against our common enemy but is no longer part of the battlefield.

  20. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-19 06:43:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-19 - Day Nineteen

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (19)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    • Day: 19

    • MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode

    • #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
    • #MonthOfWeckoning

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, I faced a moment of sheer recklessness, a close call that left me shaken and humbled. In the midst of this unyielding #WAR, I allowed a lapse in judgment that should have resulted in disaster. But pure luck intervened, sparing me from the consequences of my own folly.

    The razor, my trusted companion, was in my left hand as I ventured to the right side of my face for a South to North pass. In a moment of carelessness, I realized I was perilously close to my ear. Instead of heeding the warning and lifting the razor, I slid it along the blade, away from my ear, and continued the stroke.

    It's a mistake that should have left a deep gash, a reminder of the consequences of inattention. But somehow, luck was on my side, and disaster was averted. I emerged from this encounter unscathed, a lesson learned through a heart-pounding moment of near-disaster.

    As I lathered up with the soap, its scent a reminder of the battles we face, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude. This #WAR has taught me lessons that extend beyond the battlefield. It's a reminder of the fragility of our actions, the importance of staying focused even in the midst of routine.

    As the nineteenth day comes to a close, I carry this close call with me. It's a reminder that even in the routine, the danger is real, the consequences significant. Tomorrow, I'll face the battlefield once more, armed with the knowledge that each stroke carries weight, each decision matters. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with caution and a newfound respect for the dangers that lie within. Onward, through the trials that test not only my shaving skills but also my vigilance and presence of mind.

  21. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-20 08:56:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-20 - Day Twenty

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (20)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today marks the twentieth day of this unyielding #WAR, a milestone that brings a mix of emotions. As I faced the mirror, the routine felt almost trivial, a familiar dance with the razor and soap that has become a part of my daily life. It's as if this battle has woven itself into the fabric of my existence, each stroke, each pass, a routine etched into my consciousness.

    The razor, my constant companion, met my skin with practiced precision. The scent of the soap, that ever-present aroma of #WAR, seemed almost distant, as if my senses have begun to adapt, to find a semblance of balance amidst the olfactory assault.

    I found myself longing for the days when I can once again embrace different scents, when the aroma of #WAR no longer dominates my daily routine. It's a longing for variety, for the return of the ordinary, for the chance to explore a world beyond this battle.

    As the twentieth day comes to a close, I carry with me the awareness that this #WAR has left its mark, not only on my face but also on my perception of the routine. Tomorrow, I'll face the battlefield anew, armed with the knowledge that every stroke, every pass, is a step closer to the end. And with that end comes the promise of new scents, new experiences, and a return to the ordinary. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path, finding meaning in the trivial, and holding onto the hope of what lies ahead. Onward, through the routine that has become both a challenge and a part of who I am.

  22. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-21 15:42:10-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-21 - Day Twentyone

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (21)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, there's no sugarcoating it - this challenge feels like a relentless uphill battle. The twenty-first day of this enduring #WAR has brought a surge of frustration and a longing for its end. It's as if the routine, once a dance of determination, has now become a tiresome chore, a reminder of the struggles I face each day.

    The razor, my unwavering companion, met my skin with a sense of resignation. The scent of the soap, the ever-present aroma of #WAR, lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the journey I'm on. And yet, amidst the frustration, a moment of carelessness led to two nicks as I attempted to clean up my sideburns.

    It's a reminder that even in the midst of routine, danger still lurks, and lapses in focus can have consequences. As the day unfolded, I found myself yearning for the end of this challenge, for the return to normalcy, for the opportunity to move beyond the confines of this #WAR.

    As the twenty-first day comes to a close, I carry with me a sense of weariness, a reminder that even in the face of challenge, my determination can waver. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face whatever this #WAR brings, but also driven by the hope that the end is within sight. Until then, my journal, I'll navigate this path with the understanding that challenges and frustrations are all part of the journey. Onward, through the ups and downs of this enduring battle.

    As before, u/PrideTwo Thank you... I hate you...

    This challenge sucks...

    Sincerely u/Absenth

  23. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-22 05:04:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-22 - Day Twentytwo

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (22)
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, the weight of this #WAR feels heavier than ever. The twenty-second day has brought a surge of regret, a longing for a different path, a choice not taken. It's as if the echoes of missed opportunities and the allure of a different challenge have become impossible to ignore.

    The razor, my constant companion, met my skin with a sense of resignation. The scent of the soap, the ever-present aroma of #WAR, seems to carry a tinge of bitterness today. And within that bitterness, a moment of introspection, a question that hangs heavy in the air - Why didn't I take the blue pill and embrace MammothMafia23?

    As the day unfolded, that question reverberated in my mind, a reminder of the road not taken, of the different challenge that could have been. The allure of a different journey, a different routine, a different scent - it's a longing that grows with each passing day.

    As the twenty-second day comes to a close, I carry with me the weight of regret, a reminder that every choice has its consequences, every path its challenges. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face the familiar routine of this #WAR, but also driven by a sense of curiosity about the choices not made. Until then, my journal, I'll navigate this path with a mix of determination and contemplation, carrying the lessons of each day with me. Onward, through the complexities of this journey, and the echoes of choices not taken.

    With regrets....


  24. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-23 15:00:13-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-23 - Day Twentythree

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (23) under a microscope
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, curiosity led me down a different path, a departure from the routine of this unending #WAR. On the twenty-third day, as I faced the mirror, I found myself drawn to the intricacies of the tools I've come to rely on. Under a microscope's lens, I examined the Kismet blade in my trusty Weck, a glimpse into the wear and tear this battle has inflicted.

    The razor, my steadfast companion, met my skin with practiced precision. The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of #WAR, felt almost secondary today, overshadowed by the curiosity that had taken hold. As I peered through the microscope, I marveled at the resilience of the blade, the way it's held up under the weight of this daily challenge.

    In this departure from the routine, I found a renewed sense of wonder, a reminder that even in the midst of a battle, there's room for exploration, for curiosity, for moments that offer a different perspective.

    As the twenty-third day draws to a close, I carry with me a newfound appreciation for the tools that have become my allies. Tomorrow, I'll return to the routine of this #WAR, armed with the knowledge that even amidst the repetition, there's space for curiosity and reflection. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a sense of wonder and a willingness to explore the intricacies of this journey. Onward, through the evolving landscape of this challenge, one microscope glimpse at a time.

  25. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-24 05:15:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-24 - Day Twentyfour

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (24) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today, the routine of this #WAR felt strangely swift, as if the familiar dance with the razor and soap was executed with newfound efficiency. On the twenty-fourth day, as I faced the mirror, I found myself immersed in a seamless rhythm, a quick and effective two-pass open blade shave that unfolded in record time.

    The razor, my unwavering companion, met my skin with practiced precision. The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of #WAR, seemed almost fleeting today, overshadowed by the speed at which the routine was executed. In mere minutes, the task was completed, leaving behind a close shave and a surprising absence of irritation.

    In this swift encounter with the routine, I found a glimpse of the mastery that has evolved over these twenty-four days. It's a testament to the resilience and adaptability that this #WAR has fostered within me, a reflection of the progress made on this journey.

    As the twenty-fourth day comes to a close, I carry with me a sense of accomplishment, a reminder that even in the repetition, there's room for growth and improvement. Tomorrow, I'll face the battlefield once more, armed with the knowledge that each day brings a chance to refine my skills, to embrace the routine with newfound efficiency. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a sense of purpose and the satisfaction of progress made. Onward, through the swift and steady cadence of this enduring challenge.

  26. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-25 05:58:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-25 - Day Twentyfive

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (25) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As I faced the mirror today, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The twenty-fifth day of this #WAR brought with it the realization that the end is within sight, that the final week of this enduring challenge has begun. It's as if the routine, once a daunting obstacle, is now a countdown to victory, a reminder that the finish line is approaching.

    The razor, my constant companion, met my skin with a sense of purpose. The scent of the soap, that ever-present aroma of #WAR, seemed to carry a hint of nostalgia today, as I reflected on the journey that has led me here. In the midst of the repetition, I found myself looking forward to the end, to the first of September and the reward that awaits.

    In this moment of reflection, I found a renewed sense of determination, a reminder that even as the routine continues, the end is within reach. With each stroke of the razor, each pass across my skin, I'm reminded that every day brings me closer to that final victory.

    As the twenty-fifth day draws to a close, I carry with me a sense of excitement, a longing for the challenges of this #WAR to be replaced by the promise of something new. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face whatever this challenge brings, armed with the knowledge that the end is just around the corner. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a mix of anticipation and determination, counting down the days to the reward that awaits. Onward, through the final week of this journey, towards the finish line and the new chapter that lies beyond.

  27. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-26 08:19:34-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-26 - Day Twentysix

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (26) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As I stood before the mirror today, a sense of both urgency and reflection filled the air. The twenty-sixth day of this #WAR brought with it the realization that only five days remain in this #MonthOfWeckoning, a journey that has both tested and transformed me. It's as if the routine, once an arduous challenge, is now a countdown to the finish line, a reminder that the end is imminent.

    The razor, my steadfast companion, met my skin with practiced precision. The scent of the soap, that ever-present aroma of #WAR, seemed to carry a mix of familiarity and nostalgia. But today, amidst the routine, a moment of surprise - the razor slipped, tasted my blood, and left behind a sting of pain.

    It's a reminder that even in the final days of this #WAR, the challenge remains real, the potential for mishap ever-present. As the journey nears its end, the risks and rewards of this battle continue to be unveiled.

    As the twenty-sixth day draws to a close, I carry with me a sense of both accomplishment and caution. The finish line is in sight, but the challenges persist, the routine remains as unforgiving as ever. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face the remaining days with resilience and determination, armed with the knowledge that the journey's end brings with it a mix of lessons and reflections. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a mix of urgency and purpose, counting down the days to the inevitable conclusion. Onward, through the final stretch of this enduring challenge, one day closer to the finish line.

  28. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-27 08:27:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-267- Day Twentyseven

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (27) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today's shave brought a mix of caution and determination. The twenty-seventh day of this unyielding #WAR unfolded with a sense of purpose, as I faced the mirror with the lessons of yesterday fresh in my mind. Careful not to aggravate yesterday's cut, I navigated the routine with caution, ensuring that the razor met my skin with precision.

    The razor, my steadfast companion, met my skin with a renewed sense of care. The scent of the soap, the ever-present aroma of #WAR, seemed to carry a note of familiarity, a reminder of the journey that has led me to this point. As I maneuvered the razor, each pass became an exercise in mindfulness, a testament to the resilience and adaptability fostered over these days.

    In the midst of this cautious routine, I found a sense of accomplishment. By heeding the lessons of yesterday, I was able to navigate today's shave without incident. It's a reminder that even in the face of challenges, there's always room for growth and improvement.

    As the twenty-seventh day comes to a close, I carry with me a sense of both accomplishment and mindfulness. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face whatever this #WAR brings, armed with the knowledge that each day presents an opportunity to apply the lessons learned. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a blend of caution and determination, one pass at a time. Onward, through the ever-evolving landscape of this challenge, one shave closer to its end.

  29. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-28 05:59:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-28- Day Twentyeight

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (28) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    As I stood before the mirror today, a different kind of feeling accompanied me. The twenty-eighth day of this #WAR brought with it a sense of weariness, a realization that the end is near, but a cloud of uncertainty lingers. It's as if the routine, once a steadfast path to victory, has become a tunnel with an uncertain destination.

    The razor, my constant companion, met my skin with its familiar touch. The scent of the soap, that ever-present aroma of #WAR, carried a sense of inevitability. In the midst of the repetition, a feeling of darkness settled in, a reminder that while the end is within sight, the challenges and uncertainties of the future remain.

    As I navigated the routine, I found myself contemplating the journey that has led me here. The battles fought, the lessons learned, the resilience cultivated - they're all part of a tapestry that extends beyond this #WAR.

    As the twenty-eighth day draws to a close, I carry with me a sense of both weariness and determination. The end is approaching, but the path that lies beyond remains obscured. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face the final days with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, knowing that the darkness ahead is part of the journey. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a blend of acceptance and resolve, moving forward through the uncertainty one day at a time. Onward, through the unknown that awaits beyond this enduring challenge, a step closer to whatever lies ahead.

  30. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-29 05:42:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-29- Day Twentynine

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (29) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today's shave marked a departure from the routine, a three-pass journey through this unending #WAR. The twenty-ninth day unfolded with a sense of exploration, as I faced the mirror with the intention of a different approach.

    The razor, my unwavering companion, met my skin with each pass, each stroke a deliberate movement towards a close shave. The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of #WAR, seemed almost secondary today, overshadowed by the curiosity of this new technique.

    As I navigated the three-pass routine, I found myself embracing the change, welcoming the opportunity to break free from the familiarity of the two-pass routine. It's as if this departure has breathed new life into the challenge, offering a different perspective on the battlefield.

    As the twenty-ninth day draws to a close, I carry with me a sense of satisfaction, a reminder that even in the midst of routine, there's room for exploration and change. Tomorrow, I'll rise again, ready to face whatever this #WAR brings, armed with the knowledge that even in the final days, there's space for innovation. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a sense of openness and curiosity, embracing the challenges and changes that each day brings. Onward, through the evolving landscape of this enduring challenge, one pass at a time.

    I'm sure you're sick of my letters at this point. Being reminded daily of this challenge you put before me. Consider my constant reminders of #WAR to be payment for your sending it to me in the first place.


  31. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-30 11:14:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-30- Day Thirty

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (30) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today's shave marked a poignant step towards the end of this arduous journey. The thirtieth day of this #WAR brought with it a mix of emotions - a sense of accomplishment, an anticipation of the finish line, and a reflection on the trials endured.

    The razor, my constant companion, met my skin with a practiced touch. The scent of the soap, that enduring aroma of #WAR, carried a weight of familiarity and nostalgia. In the midst of the routine, I found myself contemplating the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the growth that has taken place over these thirty days.

    As the thirtieth day draws to a close, I carry with me a sense of pride, a reminder that even in the face of challenge, I've persevered. Tomorrow, I'll rise once more, ready to face the final day of this #WAR with a mix of determination and reflection. The journey is nearing its end, and with it comes the promise of a new beginning. Until then, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with a blend of emotions, ready to embrace the final victory that awaits. Onward, through the last stretch of this enduring challenge, towards the new chapter that lies beyond.

  32. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-31 11:01:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-31- Day ThirtyOne

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (31) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today marks the end of this unyielding #WAR. The thirty-first day of this MonthOfWeckoning has arrived, bringing with it a mix of emotions - relief, accomplishment, and a sense of closure. As I stood before the mirror today, the razor in hand, I knew that this journey was coming to its conclusion.

    The razor, my faithful companion through these thirty days, met my skin with a sense of finality. The scent of the soap, the enduring aroma of #WAR, carried with it the memories of this enduring challenge. In this moment, I realized that the battles fought, the routines embraced, and the lessons learned have all led me to this point.

    As I navigated the routine for the last time, I found myself carrying a sense of pride for completing this challenge. The #WAR is over, and I'm returning home, changed by the experience, ready to embrace what lies beyond.

    As the thirty-first day comes to a close, I carry with me a mix of emotions - the satisfaction of victory, the weight of accomplishment, and the promise of a new chapter. Tomorrow, I'll rise in a world without the confines of this #WAR, ready to face new challenges with the lessons learned in tow. Until then, my journal, I'll bid farewell to this chapter, knowing that the end of one journey marks the beginning of another. Onward, through the transition from this challenge to the uncharted paths that await beyond.

    I don't know if I should thank you u/pridetwo, or curse you...

    With great relief...
