SOTD by u/Crossan1983

u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-07-15 02:06:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

LGSOTD 15-July

  • Brush: Simpson - M7 Manchurian #OLDWORLD  
  • Razor: E2UK DE #RAINBOW 
  • Blade: London Bridge 
  • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Le Grand Chypre
  • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Le Grand Chypre AS

I was on the fence today with the software selection, I had tried to look around and see what was classified as a chypre other than Le Grand.  I did a run around on Fragrantica checking what I had in hand. It pulled out GFT Eucris but wasn't sure if it would cut it, this is way above my head, I'm still learning. . So instead I went with the safe bet of Le Grand Chypre.  Standard B&M performance which is cracking. If eucris is one then I'm gutted, love that stuff. 

This razor is a no-name effort, I actually stole it from the Mrs for the tags. She tried this when I convinced her to switch but she didn't get on with it and frankly neither do I.  It’s bloody awful, louder than a buzz saw but about as effective as a soggy sponge. On top of that the finish (unsurprisingly) is also awful, I wouldn't even PIF this on my worst enemy. 

Daily Challenge, Urrgh, take a video or tell you about my favourite wet shaving YouTube person and why they’re better than VisceralWatch. This was not a challenge I looked forward to regardless of the route I took.  Hardly any pictures of me exist, never mind videos, so youtube it was (maybe next year) though this in itself has its own barriers!  The biggest one, I don’t routinely watch wetshaving YouTube people (stars?), bugger.  The only reason I've been to YouTube was for honing advice, for this the main man Lynn Abrams being my pick. The videos just made sense, simple but also giving specifics allowing me to follow closely right from setting a bevel, actual honing through to refreshing.  

Now, why is he better than VisceralWatch, off the bat not a clue, the main problem being I have no idea who VisceralWatch is, HD Shaves? Think so from my reddit search. So to give a fair shout I had to go and watch….some time later...well that was an eye opener. He’s certainly reviewed a vast quantity of hardware and software, and of those I saw they were comprehensive. But why is Lynn Abrams better… sorry mate, that was the content I was after. Perhaps I've been living under a rock, I really am new to this particular corner of the internet.

Ah well, decent software but subpar finish, I’m looking forward to a better one tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a grand day.





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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. SOTD photo scavenger hunt
  2. Rookie of the Year
  3. Lather Games 2023