u/AirBudRuler's SOTDs for challenge 'Lather Games 2024'

u/AirBudRuler submitted 7 SOTDS.
  1. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-06 06:34:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 6, 2024 - The First Air Bud Shave

    Lather: Zingari Man - The Brewer

    Unfortunately, the judges have been on my tail recently, as I am sure they are on u/sukirem's as well meaning I haven't been able to post about my shaves, though I, of course have been doing them. That's because I'm always shaving, just as we all are. We are in a constant state of shave and as we've uncovered the judges want to keep it all hushed up. They want the true power of this sub and the world to never be realized. Well, we'll show them, my fellow wet shavers.

    As you can see this shave is on theme, though I doubt the judges will award a point despite the very real shave that should very much be counted for a point. I was sent this smush by u/sukirem himself with a note saying that it was the wrong type of "lager" for the city he was in at the time but it's all he could get his hands on. Of course, this smells like an IPA not a lager of any can so it must be a hint to his location this week, right?

    Have you been following along so far? Remember, those who complete The Search for Sukirem will have the chance to win this year's Air Bud Rule Treasure! Last year's was a holy grail of shave brushes that u/ChrisDaBombz probably called, "The greatest shaving brush ever made. Shaving with it feels like I have finally found peace."

    Only one more hint this week. Do you know where Sukirem is yet?

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: Zingari Man - The Brewer

  2. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-07 09:25:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 7, 2024 - #AirWillBeBud

    Lather: Actually whatever I want because I am free to choose, not ruled by some harem of shaving dictators!

    The judge sthink they're soooo funny with their puns and "clever" wordplay. We know the truth, though. They would never let us shave with whatever we like (even on that day where they pretend to let us shave with whatever we like) because that would mean admitting they have no control! Vetiver You Like may be the most insidious theme of them all!

    If you feel the same way, join me in Air Bud Rule III: The Search for Sukerim and help us topple the judges from their shaving pedestals. The second Air Bud Treasure will be discovered, Air Bud Rulians. Stay strong.


  3. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-09 07:38:56-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 9, 2024 - The Second Air Bud Shave

    Lather: MacDuff's Shave Company - Old Strathcona

    It appears that u/sukirem has moved on. I received this Barbershop soap via a secret carrier today with a note about how he was in a park with much the same name. But what park and where?

    Why did Sukirem have to leave the last city? Did you figure out what city it was? the clues are still available, scattered across the Games, the podcast, and r/AirBudRule. If you have discoverd the last location remember to send me your answer! You'll need to track Sukirem throughout the games to have a chance at collecting this year's Air Bud Treasure! Hopefully his switch in city is because he's one step closer to finding the linchpin that will take down the judges and the conspiracy behind everything, everywhere... all at once.

    Of course I shaved with it using the Air Bud Rule and of course the judges will once again not acknowledge the perfectly legitimate points I score. But I continue on. Fighting the power. And don't complete that quiz! You're just providing them with more information to track you and control you! Give them nothing. #AirWillBeBud

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: MacDuff's Shave Company - Old Strathcona

  4. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-15 13:34:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather: The Air Bud Ruler Will Never Die!

    Kill a tub? With the Air Bud Rule you'll never need to but the judges won't let you hear about that. No they'd rather keep everything quite and hushed up so they can maintain control of not just the games but the entire world. They're controlling the competition, people! But you know better. You're fighting against the power and helping in the Search for Sekirum. We're one step closer to finding him this year's Air Bud Treasure! Don't give up. Never surrender. Have you figured out what city he's in this week? Did you miss the first week? No matter. Just send your answers in and you'll have a chance at winning an Air Bud Treasure that will blow your beard off (or not if you choose to not use a razor when you shave).

  5. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-17 06:51:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 - So obvious, it's brilliant

    Lather: Los Angeles Shaving Company - Bespoke #1

    Got this smush through clandestine means from . Definitely vegan. Must be a hint... but can it be that obvious of a hint? Yes... yes it can.

    Stay tuned for this week's podcast as well! Coming soon.

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: Los Angeles Shaving Company - Bespoke

  6. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-26 06:38:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather: Pink volcanic stone ground up to dust

    I'm not sure why u/sukirem sent me this to shave with. Obviously it's a hint as to the city he's in but it's not something one would ever shave with. I mean, the entire point of what we're working towards is the freedom of the Air Bud Rule to not have to shave with ridiculous things. This feels like... like something a judge would do. I'm becoming more and more disillusioned as the weeks go on, honestly, and now this. What does the Air Bud Rule even mean anymore?

    I... I guess we should all still continue looking for Sukirem. Send me your guesses through a DM or message.

  7. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-30 15:12:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather: Doubt

    The final shave of the Lather Games. I have one more hint from u/sukirem before I get the chance to speak with him tonight and find out what's really going on. But what is really going on? Over the course of these games I've had my soul shook friends. I'm no longer sure of anything. The judges have openly talked about the Air Bud Rule, I've had people involved with LG (who will go unnamed) help me search for u/sukirem. Some of the games most committed players as well. Open discussions on the meaning of the Air Bud Rule have flowed freely throughout SOTD posts. It feels like.... the Air Bud Rule may have become part of the games themselves and where does that leave those who once fought from the outside. What is left to fight for? I just... nothing makes sense anymore. Sukirem will know, though. I'll talk to him and it'll become clear what's going on... right?

    Despite all this doubt, the Air Bud Treasure is still up for grabs. If you haven't been paying attention you can still go back and figure out the four cities that Sukirem "visited" throughout the month. Hints were hidden in SOTD posts, r/airbudrule, and the weekly podcasts! DM or Message all four citites to me and you'll be entered to win the Air Bud Treasure! Everyone has until Wednesday to get their guesses in, then the winner will be picked. You really don't want to miss out.