SOTD by u/KerblimeySkal

u/KerblimeySkal posted on 2024-08-29 19:23:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 29, 2024

  • Prep: cold face wash
  • Brush: Omega 21762 27mm Boar
  • Razor: Fatip Il Piccolo Storto Gold
  • Blade: Bolzano Superinox (29)
  • Lather: Abbate y la Mantia - Crumiro
  • Post Shave: Abbate y la Mantia - Crumiro splash
  • Tags: $UltraNightmareMode $RawHoggin $Discord

Day 29: Two days? I can do two days. Blade is tired, I am tired, a lot of yall are probably tired. Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Or will we discover... a weapon... to surpass, metal gear.
RawHoggin Album

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024