Post 'Saturday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jul 01, 2023SOTD' of challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 12
  1. u/Madflava81 posted on 2023-06-30 23:04:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 01, 2023

    I have just under a week left here in Japan. Staying with my in-laws I have to say that a regular Shit, Shower & Shave routine has not been established. My lathering here has not been the best. My travel brush is small and I just hybrid-load it straight from the Maggard sample jar and my palm. What else am I gonna do? Ask my mother in law if I can use an old rice bowl??

    I had this Flowers in the Dark sample for a long time but never used it. I quite liked the scent and performance of the soap. It’s sad they are closing down.

    It’s been a great year of shaving for me. I added lots of soaps to my den. I got the Overlander which is my new favourite razor. But the highlight for me this year was the MOAR BOAR. Thanks to the crew who made that happen!! My first boar and I love it. But hey, did you all spot the MOAR BOAR prototype at the 2022 FIFA World Cup???

    Muh hashtags #photocontest

    When We Met - Dana and Alden Spotify / YouTube

    (edited to make small corrections)

  2. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-06-30 23:48:20-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 01-July

    • Brush: Omega/Shave Factory - 10049 #HOLLOW #OLDWORLD
    • Razor: Rolls Razor  #SELFSHARPENING   
    • Blade: Rolls Razor Blade   
    • Lather: Talbot Shaving – Iliahi Ridge
    • Post Shave: Superdrug - Forest Fresh Aftershave 

    This is my first Lather Games so fingers crossed I am doing this right, if not ah well, it’s all in good fun!

    Tried to make this one a first for everything barring the brush, the Talbot Shaving Iliahi ridge was a freebie with a Charcoal Goods purchase earlier this year, it’s been sat in the drawer of mystery ever since.  Whilst quite mellow off the puck it kicks it up a notch on lathering, sandalwood seemingly but seeing as my only other experience with sandalwood is proraso and B&M I have a limited range for comparison, good though and lathered a dream with the piggy.  

    The Superdrug Forest Fresh was remarkably good considering the price, if I remember rightly it was only a couple of quid but was perfectly acceptable, run of the mill type scent. What I didn't take notice of was the lack of a restrictor, so I ended up with enough in hand (and on the floor) that the scent is probably so intense now that I smell like I work in the world's oldest profession.

    Now the rolls was an odd one, I’m sure this will be many people’s Special Challenge razor today.  I’ve never tried one before and I think it could do with a slightly better condition strop plate. The thing looks a little intimidating but it's actually fine. I’ll say it was an ok finish but not great but it's piqued my curiosity. I might actually consider digging a little further into this! 

    Hope everyone has a good kick off to the games and a grand day. 





  3. u/merikus posted on 2023-07-01 04:01:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Lather: Golddachs Classic
    • Brush: Proraso - Professional (Boar) #OLDWORLD
    • Razor: Ever Ready Lather Catcher
    • Blade: Gem PTFE (1)
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented (Glacial) - Splash
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    I lucked out for today’s shave. I literally didn’t look at the calendar until this morning, which is embarrassing for someone who is judging this contest. Saw it was stuff you hadn’t used yet, which is a problem, because I didn’t think I had anything I hadn’t used.

    Turns out that /u/djundjila sent me this soap like six months ago and I lost it in a black hole. It resurfaced just as I needed it which worked out perfectly so thanks for hooking me up for today DJ.

    I plopped the entire puck of triple milled soap into my SGUTTLE and just started switching the perfectly floppy ProPro all around it. It started developing into a real nice lather. As it did so, I kept on being nagged by the fact that I had bad associations with this scent but couldn’t figure out what it is. Soon it dawned on me that it smells exactly like what Arko would smell like if Arko smelled good. I was surprised Arko could smell good, but there you go.

    I wanted to be all simpatico with the entire theme of the day, but I’ve actually tried razors in every single one of those categories. I decided to roll with my Rolls since I never really use it.

    So all lathered up I got ready to enjoy my Arko++ shave and the Rolls proceeds to make me feel like I’m dragging a dull cheese grater across my face. I quickly give up on it in less than one pass and go fumbling for another razor I rarely use. I found this gorgeous Lather Catcher sitting at the bottom of a drawer. It always seemed to be more of a show piece than anything else, but I figured, what the hell.

    I was surprised with how good this razor is. It is massively aggressive, but not in a bad way. Quickly mowed down my several days of stubble. No real irritation. I might actually try this thing again this month.

    EDIT: #PhotoContest

    The Lather Catcher is the most beautiful razor I own, and it was hard choosing between highlighting its beautiful script on the back or the artistic “stained glass” effect on the front. So I decided to use mirrors to try to show all the beauty of this razor.

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Great composition and lighting. Not on a theme, but well done.

  4. u/hairykopite posted on 2023-07-01 05:19:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023 – LG2023 Day One – New To Me & A Slight Hiccup

    • Brush: Semogue – TSN 2018 Boar 24mm #OLDWORLD
    • Razor: Ali Express – Folding Razor #YTHO
    • Blade: Cloud (1)
    • Lather: Elysian – Pineapple Ambrosia
    • Post Shave: Elysian – Pineapple Ambrosia
    • Fragrance: Creed – Aventus

    It’s finally here, the most anticipated day in the faced paced high octane world of wetshaving.

    I have a bad habit of grabbing items especially soaps and not using them so finding a brand in the den that I haven’t used before wasn’t too hard and this set from Elysian has been glaring at me for a while.

    Slightly trickier was today’s challenge of a different style Razor, like most in the hobby I like to try things old and new so I have tried most things but luckily u/USS-SpongeBob sent me a link for what I thought was just a shavette but luckily the blades it takes I have never used before so here we are.

    The base from Elysian was decent and better than I thought it would be if I’m honest. The scent I wasn’t as keen on though, the creamy pineapple was just a little Meh for me so back in the trade pile.

    I didn’t dare shave my head with this beast as I have tried in the past and it’s just a blood bath, I mistakenly thought I would just give me beard a trim and a tidy up I mean what can go wrong? Well this went wrong OUCH one miss judged stroke and it seems I have cleared a strip of skin away from my face, at least I will probably have a lasting scar to remember the start of LG2023.

    I finished of with a plaster and a quick spray of my dying Aventus Decant as its the only thing I could think of with pineapple in the notes, that said I once loved this massively cloned fragrance but now I find it a little underwhelming.

    I’m not 100% sure my Brush qualified for the #oldworld because I’m unsure where the knot was made or if you just needed the handle to be made in Europe, if I’m wrong someone give me a poke.

    Here’s to everyone having a great games, happy shaves to you all.


  5. u/raymoonie posted on 2023-07-01 07:00:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023 – Bonjour Lather Games, AKA why Quebec is sus

    • Brush: AP Shave Co Synthetic
    • Razor: KAI disposable – Sunroute Hotel chain special edition
    • Blade: KAI (1)
    • Lather: Martin de Candre – Vetyver
    • Post Shave: Proraso – Aloe and Vitamin E

    Well well… Here we are again for a month of shaving tomfoolery. Or should I say: On se retrouve encore avec notre gang d’imbéciles pour raser ensemble pour un concours ridicule sur reddit. Et bein! Which roughly translates to: I like snacks.

    “Bonjour Later Games” reminds me of a really awful video from the 80s by a Québec comedy group called Rock et Belles Oreiles. They did a parody song called Bonjour la police. I do not suggest watching it, but it’s on YouTube if ever you dare. “Bonjour/Hi” is a pretty common greeting in this mostly French place where I live, but of course not without controversy

    To keep up this French theme, I’m shaving with Martin de Candre’s Vetiver which is new to me. Have never tried their offerings, but u/purple_ombudsman was kind enough to send some over some time ago. Finally breaking it out with purpose. For someone who had already tried all types of razors (I do not have a rolls) I figured this KAI single blade disposable might just fit the bill. This disposable cartridge razor is a style that I’ve never used before. I have been holding onto this one since my Japan trip back in 2018. Happy to use it and lose it today. Shave and scent were predictably meh. Proraso splash makes it all OK though, and finally a spray of Chameleon, as that’s exactly what I feel like as an anglophone living here. Au revoir !

    And a happy Canada Day to those who find that stuff meaningful.


  6. u/tsrblke posted on 2023-07-01 07:15:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. 22mm Faux Horse w/ Ruby Ripple Handle #fauxfur
    • Razor: Univilions #KAMISORI
    • Blade: Artist Club (1)
    • Lather: Zingari Man – The Master
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man – The Master
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux – Unconditional Surrender

    So here we are the opening of lather games. Today’s challenge, new stuff. Now it’s advice here not to change too many variables at once, and today throws that out the window for one…subpar shave. New, never tried before razor style: Check New brush with a knot I’ve never tried before: Check Soap brand I’ve never tried before: Check. (I’ve only used Zingari bath soaps, lotions and post shaves.) Post I’ve never tried before: Not check, but I’ve only used this once and I get a funny tingle form the cinnamon, so why not use it on a day I’m going to butcher myself. Frag I’ve never tried before: Check. (We’ll get to that in a moment.)

    Soap was a generous smush from u/straightshaversix sitting on my den for probably 6 months or more now. Loaded it into a tub and started swiriling. Building my lather realized it wasn’t enough, went back and did it again, got a good lather and set to work. This kamisori was a PIF from u/loudmusic boy. He even included a blade. Now it’s been wrapped in foil to protect it from any kids who stumble into my office (and me when I reach in the box) so I don’t know if that affected the blade. We’ll see! Now, as mentioned before I have a hand eye coordination issue that exacerbates when I’m doing fine detail work and nervous. I also have 2 protruding moles on my cheek and chin. (No pics no one wants to see a weird pic of my chin). This shave is..acceptable. Took like 5 passes and I feel raw, but I had 0 nicks or cuts, so a win. By pass five my hand was shaking quite a bit from nerves and exhaustion so I called it quits. Asked wife “do I look acceptable” she said “yeah, I guess?” So we’re off to a kid free breakfast.

    Now the frag. I don’t normally wear frags every day, but this month is special so armed with a Chatillon Lux and Maher Olfactive discovery set (plus a few other things) I’m going to roll into #FOF and see what the hell happens. As many of you who’ve trade smushes with me know, I’m also born, raised and still in STL. So when I use Chatty Lux stuff, I’m going to throw in my own take, though often it won’t be something quite as ad copy ready as Shawn’s stuff. Unconditional surrender is named after Pres. Grant, honestly expected more tobacco given…well Grant. And maybe some booze. But it’s actually got a floral note and something musky underneath. Grant is of course well known here and much in the odd way STL is always in tension so was his rival Lee. Lee famously developed the riverfront that would become known as “Laclede’s Landing” during his time with the Union Engineers. Obviously though, there will be no Lee themed frag for good reasons. There’s also a lesser known Union General Lyons who, upon hearing some folks were gonna storm the union arsenal and take the weapons to secede rode down and had himself a bit a battle. This battle is not as famous as many others in the history books, but had the traitors succeeded they would have had the weapons to open a new front in the war. So, there’s your brief and probably 90% correct military history lesson for the day.

    Also throwing in to the #photocontest. In honor of u/cowzilla3, I read the rules and ain’t no rule that says I can’t use Photoshop’s generative AI to add a golden retriever to my photo. And damnit I needed an excuse to use that since I pay for photoshop.

    Lastly shout out to all my fellow #ROTY participants. I’m not demanding unconditional surrender yet, but this will be a heated and friendly competition. (I wasn’t going to get through this with at least one joke about the frag name).

    Looking forward to fun month internet friends.

    Edited: forgot a tag damnit.

    Edited again. Well I hope there posts are judged on final format because in my excitement I forgot to call out the internal theme. Obviously I dickhole set this shave but actually all 3 elements were scented by Shawn Maher.

  7. u/ginopono posted on 2023-07-01 09:15:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-01 – Bonjour, Lather Games

    • Razor: Gold Dollar 208
    • Lather: Grooming Dept - Jasmine & Civet
    • Post Shave: Captain’s Choice - Venture
    • Fragrance: Le Labo - Jasmin 17

    I Smell Fantastic!

    I get up early and the daily theme awaits me
    I take a steamy show'r; I'm full of energy
    I power on hard and I check the challenges
    We already know today's challenge

    I take my brush n' soap and start to lather
    I swirl around a bit cuz I don't know how this one lathers
    I get my phone and I check the challenges
    How will I do the challenges

    All I know is wet shaving is better during Lather Games
    All I know is my face feels really smooth, my skin feels so very damn smooth

    I smell fantastic!
    And I never smelt as good as how I do right now
    Except for maybe when I think of how I smelt that day
    When I smelt the way that I did last year, last year

    Games are anything but easy with themes
    I tried to plan them out, my daily latherings
    I can see the month unfold in front of me
    So I take the blade get to work

    The razor's a type that I've not used before
    What was a routine's now sharp pain in my chin
    So I take the styptic pen and just chill
    And then it's time to shave again

    All I know, shaving's easy when you don't stress out about Games themes
    All I know is to do the challenges I always do the challenges

    I smell fantastic!
    And I never smelt as good as how I do right now
    Except for maybe when I think of how I smelt that day
    When I smelt the way that I did last year, last year

    Sometimes I'd like to slow things down
    Enjoy the aromas
    But when I look the moment's gone

    Shaving's over but I can't quite forget it
    Got to snap a pic and write a thing for reddit
    For the fine djudges that djudge for the Lather Games
    Right in the r/wetshaving sub

    Arrange some stuff to set a scene, like that
    Some are better but this one has a cat
    Now it's getting late and I need to post this thing
    What will I do for tomorrow

    All I know is the shave is smoother when you don't gotta fit it with Games themes
    All I know is July is better when I'm in r/wetshaving's Lather Games

    I smell fantastic!
    And I never smelt as good as how I do right now
    Except for maybe when I think of how I smelt that day
    When I smelt the way that I did last year, last year, last year


    Challenge accepted! As noted for each below.
    Side note, because there are probably those who are wondering why there are several posts already with revised song lyrics: u/merikus seems to have inadvertently (or intentionally, only he truly knows) established an unofficial tradition.
    Bringing are really fucking bringing it already with those, so... meh, it's still early and I'm not really sure I can manage to put in the same effort I did last year, anyway.

    Relevant Post Shave and Fragrance

    All fit daily theme. Common element: jasmine.


    Oh, boy. I knew at some point I'd use one of these things. I also knew that it would be on the Games' "New to You" day.

    This is my first time using a straight. It is not the first straight that I purchased; no, the first one I purchased was a super cheap one from a shady website where you can get questionable stuff from China. I will still (try to) use that, at which point I'll recount my efforts to get it sharpened and share the results of whether those efforts had any kind of success.

    As for today, I clearly have no idea what I'm doing with this. It was purportedly shave-ready when I got it, but I have my doubts about what that ever even means, so I gave it what I believed to be a good stropping. I'm reasonably sure I didn't risk rolling the edge, but who knows, because it did not like to cut. I tried it on hair on my wrist to check if it would cut anything at all, and it seemed alright, but those are much finer hairs than on my face.
    And I did see some hair bits in the lather on the blade a couple of times, but I also clearly have no idea what I'm doing with this.


    A jasmine-forward soap is something that I've hoped to find for some time. In my efforts to find a jasmine-forward soap, I came across this one. It has jasmine in the name, of course, but I feel like it's way overpowered by the civet part. It is strong, and the reason why I've been reluctant to use this, my first Grooming Dept soap, before today.

    What is civet, you ask? It's an animal, the musk of which is used in fragrances, including this one. Don't look into the coffee thing, though, which is fucking horrific. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    And boy howdy, I do not vibe! It sure overpowers, and it is a special kind of stink that made the whole experience less-than-pleasant. Not only that, but the lather was really eager to fizzle out while I was trying to figure out the straight, making for an unfavorable combination, to say the least.

    Even after the post-shave, I think the musk lingers heavily. It may be evening out, settling with the other scents (including my own), in which case I suppose I can see the argument for why it's common in perfumery, but that first impression is sticking with me.


    I didn't manage to get last year's #TANGLED, but this one checks a couple boxes on the scavenger hunt (horse, of course, 60mm loft, wood+chrome, made in Spain), and fits with a couple days' themes, including this one.
    One of the biggest things I've seen said about horse brushes is that they're floppy, and there is no better word to describe it. It probably doesn't help that this is a pretty narrow brush, at 21mm.
    Being the first time using the brush, shedding–although probably not all that much–was a thing to deal with.
    The fizzling lather may or may not have been in part due to the brush, but I'll need to use it again with a better soap to be sure–and I have that planned for later in the Games.


    Post Shave

    I selected Venture to keep jasmine as a common element between all the things. Also, I don't believe I've ever used Captain's Choice before.

    The trouble with jasmine is that it's pretty common as a component note in a lot of scents, but my nose is not nearly discerning enough to be able to identify components as such.
    In that way, I don't think I'm able to pick the note out from Venture. Frankly, I'm not even sure what hit me most as I put it on. It was very likely the pineapple, come to think of it.

    What I can say for certain is that, when following up the absolute stink of the soap, Venture was truly refreshing. That was the word that came to my mind, and that same word is used in the product description itself.
    A very welcome relief from–I'll say it again–the absolute stink of the soap.


    I pretty quickly followed it up with the Jasmin 17. Some months back, I got an inkling to poke around in search of a jasmine scent (probably around the same time I got the soap), come to think of it.
    It was much easier to find a jasmine fragrance than a jasmine soap, for the simple and obvious fact that a variety of floral fragrances are more common, Target audiences and all.

    There's no need for a discerning nose for a scent such as this, because it is exactly what it says on the tin: Jasmine.

    After donning this, I Ventured into the kitchen to make myself some jasmine tea, which is one of my favorites and definitely a major reason why I want a jasmine soap.



    Okay, that part's obvious, but it's not just shoe-horned for the purpose of the photo contest. No, the cat represents a civet. Also, civets are evidently sometimes referred to as cats, and they have spotted sides, much like Artemis!

    The plant behind her is Jasmine. I was hoping it would bloom before today, but I don't think it knows it's blooming time; I've been mostly keeping it inside, plus I just got it just like a week or so ago. Inside, it hasn't been getting much direct sunlight, but it has been protected from the devastating sun that instantly desiccates everything it can. The sun is the death-bringer. I have known jasmine to survive outside here, though ("here" being about 7 inches from the sun).

    Shit, I forgot to put the fragrance there. That was the second time I set it up, too, because the first time I forgot the aftershave! And the tea! The little green things in front are jasmine pearl green tea. Delicious! There's a shot with the fragrance vial (though the label isn't evident) and a less-obscured plant.

  8. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2023-07-01 09:53:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023 – LG 1: Bonjour Lather Games

    • Brush: Grizzly Bay Elite Razor 28mm Silvertip
    • Razor: Valet Autostrop #SELFSHARPENING
    • Blade: Feather FHS10 (1)
    • Lather: Through the Fire Fine Craft – Campfire
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Scrumtrulescent
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Rumble

    Day 1, woot!. Never used an auto strop before and never used TTFFC.

    Let’s start software. TTFFC is a decent base, not knock your socks off but plenty serviceable. Scent wise campfire it is a decently sweet, smoky, tobacco and vanilla- like eating a more. Coincidently I am headed off camping today, and hoping limited cell service can keep me posting in the games. Scrumtrulescent really builds onto that chocolate flair, quite gourmand. Lastly, my first go around with rumble and I’m impressed. More chocolate, while adding some booziness and dirtiness from the woods and vetiver, but overall much less sweet than the prior two. Quite a rich thruple of scents. #FOF

    Hardware wise, the valet auto strop is new to me. Thanks u/eldrormR for hooking it up on the zaar. Uses a blade similar to GEM SEs but without a spine, and appears to only work with one orientation. Its rigidity seems between a standard DE and GEM SE. I went into the shave with similar angles to using a GEM based on the head design, which I rarely use. Same trouble spots same as SE for me namely under nose and bit around chin. #photocontest (thematic)

    soap brands 1/30, post shave 1/30, frag 1/30, post/frag linked 1/30, software sponsors 0/15, hardware sponsors 0/2, razor hashtags 1/15, brush hashtags 0/15, photo contest 1/30, daily challenges 0/25, special challenges 1/5

  9. u/gcgallant posted on 2023-07-01 10:47:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023 - Bonjour, Lather Games

    • Brush: Oumo Warhammer Iceberg 27mm Meri-2
    • Razor: Weck Hair Shaper (Straight Shave 265) #YTHO
    • Blade: Kismet (1)
    • Lather: Mystic Water Soap - Yellow Rose - Soap
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Rose - Toner
    • Post Shave: Eufros - Rosa Oud - Aftershave Balm

    2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    I am looking forward to seeing all the Lather Games comments this month. Last years' were very entertaining.

    I have never used a Mystic Water Soap Co. soap before. I've had this tub for almost a year. It came along with a group of soaps that I bought on the Bazaar. Mystic Water is in Maryland about 25 miles from me just outside Washington D.C. I could visit there in 30 minutes without traffic, and 2 hours during rush hour. The scent on this soap is very nice if you like rose. It is very close to Klar/Dusy Kabinette which, according to boomer shaving forums was a very well liked rose scented soap. The soap consistency is on the thin and fluffy side, but it is very slick and has surprising residual slickness. While it doesn't produce your typical rich and creamy artisan lather, I had no issues working with it. And I like rose scents, so I'm really surprised this one stayed on my shelf until today.

    Even though I have 265 straight shaves, this is my first use of a shavette. I have maintained that there was no need to use a replaceable blade straight razor because I have 15 years of sharpening experience and maintain all my edges (many edged devices and a growing collection of razors). However, u/djundjila invited me to participate in Days of Weckoning. Though I originally declined, he's persuasive and even sent me this Weck Hair Shaper to try. [Thank you! btw]

    I expected the Weck to be a blade-chattering experience that required constant lather rinsing due to the small blade. The opposite was true. The blade did not chatter or make much noise, and was both very sharp and smooth. The razor felt comfortable immediately so I went at my shave with Weckless abandon [I assume points are deducted for awful punnage]. So, I loved it. During Days of Weckoning I'll be using a Sextoblade that is currently at u/whosgotthepudding's spa getting bling treatments.

    Theme: Bonjour, Lather Games! #photocontest

  10. u/jwoods23 posted on 2023-07-01 12:27:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jul. 1, 2023 - It’s Go Time!

    • Prep: CeraVe - Hydrating Facial Cleanser

    • Brush: Dreadnought Avenger #SMOLL #RUNT

    • Razor: Supply The Single Edge SE

    • Blade: Supply Injector

    • Lather: Captain’s Choice - Venture

    • Post Shave: Captain’s Choice - Venture Aftershave

    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co - Executive Man EdT

    As we start our “Venture” into this month of the Lather Games is there any better way than going all out on new things? Well I for one could’ve picked a better choice for my brush. Got this Dreadnought brush purely for shiggles since I paid all of $3.75 for it. Well I think I might have overpaid for it…to start out with it was advertised as being 40mm diameter by 50mm loft. Despite the handle being advertised as 30mm (yes that math DEFINITELY checks out!) When it arrived it really showed its true colors as barely being 19mm x 45mm! Don’t worrry though because its “The Ultimate Shaving Brush for ReAl MeN!” Good thing I’m not a fake man otherwise this would be a huge disappointment! Let’s not talk about its performance, ok?

    I’ve actually had a sample of Captain’s Choice soap since Christmas because it came free with the scuttle my wife got me but somehow I never got around to using it. I love how they definitely dance around the fact that its an Aventus dupe on their website! Oh well, I still am happy with my scuttle from them for when I bowl lather. They support great things and it’s a pretty nice scuttle.

    First time using an injector razor today and I didn’t have a great go at it. Obviously the first time you pick up a razor it isn’t going to click immediately but I wasn’t impressed. I’m glad I’m borrowing this razor and didn’t pay money for it, at least initially. I am borrowing this from my Father-in-law who I got into wetshaving. He only shaves his neck and this seems to work out well for him! He hasn’t fallen into the rabbit hole that this hobby is, he has all of three soaps and goes back and forth between this razor, a 34c and his carts. This will go back to him next week when we visit.

    #PhotoContest See my photo linked in the date header, it speaks for itself today! #AirBud #ICanDoThisAllMonthLongRight?

    To the judges and people who made this happen: thank you so much! Been looking forward to this for the past ~~11~~ 12 months and I am so excited for this again! It is my third time participating and super excited to see what the month holds! I was looking back at the Highlight thread from last year and LETS GO!!

  11. u/djundjila posted on 2023-07-01 12:46:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Bonjour, Jeux de Savons!

    We're back, baby!

    • Brush: Rubberset 400-3 #Ancient #Hollow
    • Razor: Henkotsu Kamisori #Kamisori #Str8Snob
    • Lather: Hendrix Classics & Co - Roasted
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Cheshire
    • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors - Saint Julep

    These lather games feel weird, instead of preparing to compete, I've sunk more hours that I'd like to count into preparing for their organisation and operation. I thought at least I'd be more relaxed this time when I can't really compete with u/RedMosquito (As an aside, did you know that his family wealth comes from shady GDR oligarchy circles? His grandpa ran the Rote Mücke Volksrasurfabrik MikroMatik in Magdeburg in the late 1970s and through most of the '80s. I started my oppo research before I was asked to join the organising committee, and I also have other juicy titbits), but it's still super exciting to experience the start of Lather Games. Big shout-out to u/Crisp_Mango for setting immediately a sky-high bar!

    I can't wait to follow along in these games and talk about them in the podcast!

    This soap sample is from u/EldrormR, and it's the first time I try a HC&C product.


    I've used all the types of razors on the list, but this kami was approved by the Chief Djustice himself.

    Post Shave and Fragrance Relevance: They're all drinks. Coffee lather, Earl Grey tea post shave, Mint Julep frag. And I continue the drinks theme in the #photocontest.

  12. u/kitaecw posted on 2023-07-01 15:36:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023

    • ⁠Brush: Omega s-brush

    • ⁠Razor: Edwin Jagger EJ89

    • ⁠Blade: Astra SP (Green)

    • ⁠Lather: Mammoth Soaps - Almond Leather

    It’s my first time participating in LG and I will try my best to take part in it each day. I have listened to the LG podcast and understood that ugly pictures sometimes are better than fancy ones. So here is a picture of an end of a party with some food and drinks left on the table. Hope it counts! This is my first time with a Mammoth soap and it’s a nice shave overall.

    Tags: #ROTY #photocontest drinks