Post 'Saturday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jul 29, 2023' of challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 10
  1. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-07-29 00:06:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 29-July

    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts - Declaration Grooming B16 #SHD 
    • Razor: Charcoal Goods - Everyday #CNC   
    • Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium 
    • Lather: Sir Henry - Sandalwood   
    • Post Shave: Sir Henry – Sandalwood AS

    I don't see Sir Henry so that much, certainly in the UK, but it's very nice and their Sandalwood is actually my favourite, followed by Kentucky Rain. Nice easy lather, lovely scent and non-alcoholic splash which obviously makes it a lot easy to acquire! 

    For the challenge of the day, my favourite general reads have been /u/Priusaurus ' interviews, sometimes informative, sometimes amusing but always a good read. /u/Crisp_Mango deserves an honourable mention, everyday coming up with new lyrics deserves a shout out, very inventive. 

    FOF I'm genuinely not sure, not being able to understand it myself, I would always struggle to know whether what someone is saying is on the nose or a load of rubbish. 

    Best picture, this is truly challenging. There have been so many good ones over the course of the event. I think for myself it would be a toss up between /u/gcgallant for Almond day, another by gcgallant on day 25 and finally /u/chronnoisseur420 for day 11, I think this one just wins out for me, the lime background with the water splashes just really caught my eye. 

    The best post, I'm not sure I should call it that as it's closer to stomach turning, would be /u/hugbckt and Day 18 and going the extra mile for the daily challenge, absolutely grim but shows absolute dedication to the cause. 

    It's been an entertaining run, and I'm hoping myself and my gear arrive at tomorrow's destination in one piece and I have access to WiFi for my final shave tomorrow. 

    Hope everyone has a grand day. 



    #ROTY  #PhotoContest

  2. u/tsrblke posted on 2023-07-29 07:44:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023 – Sandalwood Sandwich

    • Brush: Chisel & Hound Badger #composite #shd
    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy #cnc #rainbow
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Sharpedge (Yellow) (1)
    • Lather: Red House Farm – Sandalwood & Bourbon
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man – Traditionalist
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive – Waking Dream

    Had to think a bit about this setup and it took a few tries but I put it together. For #fof all three of these scents have a sandalwood note in them, prominent enough to be be called out in the descriptions. And it progresses so that the sandalwood is up front in the soap, moves to the middle of the pack in the balm and then plays base note to the iris in the EdP. Overall a pretty good, but nontraditional progression. Sandalwood up top, sandalwood in the middle, and sandalwood on bottom. Hence, sandalwood sandwich.

    Since this is u/j33pguy13’s CFL, a quick note him, shaved great. Smoother than expected, no irritation. Needs some technique work on my part. I see what people mean about the pineapple handle being slippery. It’s also beautiful. I love the flame treatment (#rainbow tag). But also not sure I can justify $350. Sure could get a non treated one, or the aluminum. But why half ass anything. Maybe in a few years.

    As I’ve been doing my #photocontest ties in with the challenge. It’s vegetable themed and my prediction to win this whole thing is a vegetable… Wait that doesn’t sound right. Point is I included am onion in the picture for a reason. I’ve said it before, I think u/onionmiasma is running away with this thing. He’s been on point the whole time. And while it’s unclear to me if he’s gonna lose 2 points on wildcard Wednesday for not using things marketed as posts and frags (thus blowing the 30 of each bonus) he’s still crushing it. (I think the WCW rules extend to post and frag but not sure.) Just look at the legendary post category on the portal, it’s got more onions than a Philly cheese steak. As for individual challenges hard to say he didn’t own wildcard Wednesday either. I gotta hand it to him even if he did one up my kids kitchen shave. Outdoor day, crushed it. Hell I don’t even remember the challenge for autumn, but his 10 pass on the road shave should be it’s own challenge.

    There are of course other competitions. Obviously I hope to pull off #ROTY but who knows. Getting some serious competition from u/pridetwo, u/whosgothepudding, and others. Should have upped my game earlier.

    And #photocontest is anyone’s game. I didn’t start this intending to take 30 photos and hit all the themes but I did (even if I used #photochallenge on day 7, so only 29 count.) Many people haven’t been declaring themes so there’s probably only been about 5 to 10 in contention for that prize. But a ton of great shots for the best shot.

    And then there’s #fof. Let’s be real, I apologize to judges for my posts there. I’ve been participating but mostly as a way to focus my themes and force myself to spell them out. I’ll be dead last on that. I’m not even sure I understood the assignment enough to take a guess at who’d win.

    1 more then the board is set and we just wait for the reveal.

  3. u/pridetwo posted on 2023-07-29 08:00:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Chisel & Hound Kuai Taper w/ V18 Fanchurian 26mm

    • Razor: dubl duck Duchess Hair Shaper #YTHO

    • Blade: Personna Hair Shaper Blade

    • Lather: Captain's Choice - Sandalwood

    • Post Shave: Proraso - Red

    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive - Santal Auster

    Today's Theme: Sandalwood - I'm pretty sure a soap named sandalwood works for sandalwood day. Djudges ran out of ideas by the time they got to day 29 huh?

    Today's Challenge: Do our homework day. - So I've actually got some people in mind that I'd really like to highlight.

    First of all, /u/ginopono with the Pei Wei Asian Kitchen shave was not only incredible in his own right, but also inspired /u/Priusaurus to get kicked out of a Thai restaurant on coconut day. Absolutely incredible stuff and I must say that public shaves have been off the hook this year's LG.

    Then /u/onionmiasma has been absolutely crushing it on the regular with both humorous and high-effort shave posts. I think people are heavily sleeping on his shave at the Bean he did a couple days ago. We're all getting tired over here as the end of LG draws closer, meanwhile onion be like "I didn't hear no bell"

    /u/tangerinesky and /u/djanovshaving have been the greusome Bulgarian twosome all month long too with absolutely hilarious shaves and great interactions with the whole community. I genuinely believe that /u/djanovshaving might be one of the top rookies in this crop of rookies. /u/tsrblke has been a top tier contestant alongside myself and djanov in the rookie class, and I really do enjoy his interactions both around the subreddit and on discord.

    And while everyone saw /u/Crisp_Mango kick off lather games on an absolute tear, you'd be forgiven for being unaware that he has quietly been collecting Legendary Post points at a pretty steady rate as well.

    And last year's winner /u/RedmosquitoMM has been quietly killing it all month long too. No victory laps for him!

    LG Top 5:

    1. /u/Priusaurus
    2. /u/Crisp_Mango
    3. /u/onionmiasma
    4. /u/mrtangerinesky
    5. /u/RedmosquitoMM

    ROTY Top 3:

    1. /u/djanovshaving
    2. /u/tsrblke
    3. /u/pridetwo - because I'm humble like that.

    FoF Winner: /u/chronnoisseur42O - I don't know if anyone else has noticed his fragrance combinations, but they've been hot fire all month.

    My personal pick for top post of LG: /u/ginopono shaving in a Pei Wei Asian Kitchen

    My theme for today's shave: Sandalwood yo

    On the eve of this year's Lather Games' final day, it ends for me much the way it began - with a miserable and bloody shave using a razor type that I've never touched before. I could blame it on using Personna blades instead of Kismets, or on the choice of hair shaper instead of a sextoblade, but let's be honest. It's a skill issue. I won't be doing Austere August so my shot at intense honing of my weck/hair shaper skills is out of the question for the immediate future, though I may do a couple practice runs on my cheeks to get used to using a folding straight razor.

    This lather games has been so much fun to compete in, and I've really enjoyed getting to know more of the community throughout the month's shenanigans. Thanks again to everyone here and elsewhere that have helped make Lather Games what it has become.

    I'm a noted sandalwood hater, I think it's one of the most boring scents out there and completely overplayed. It's the Hoobastank of perfumery. Santal Auster is a nice, deep, resinous sandalwood scent though.

    I listened to Iced Earth's The Blessed and The Damned, it's a collection of their most well known songs with some live tracks sprinkled throughout. Great album, great band. I always tear up a bit at Watching Over Me. #photocontest #FOF #ROTY

  4. u/jwoods23 posted on 2023-07-29 10:39:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jul. 29, 2023 - The best of the best

    • Prep: CeraVe - Hydrating Facial Cleanser

    • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive MOAR BOAR

    • Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley SB-C

    • Blade: Astra Green (1)

    • Lather: Red House Farm - Sandalwood & Bourbon

    • Post Shave: Stirling - Unscented Balm

    • Fragrance: Noble Otter - Firefighter

    Jokes on you Djudges because you want to cheat off of me when I cheated off of you to help finish building this list! I started the month of saving my own “Best of” list knowing today would happen! I opened my list up this morning only to realize I stopped at day 12…so off to the portal to help find the shitlist and finish this out!

    Some of these are on there, some aren’t, everything I laughed at! This is what makes the Lather Games the best for me! The entertainment!

    Todays #photocontest theme is insects and invertebrates. I’m traveling this weekend so you get a hotel pic, thankfully no real bugs in my room but have had that happen before unfortunately.

    Day 1: u/Crisp_mango Started us off in song

    Day 2: u/OnionMiasma did something more dangerous than getting hit by a car for the 7th time

    Day 3: u/hugbckt accused u/RedMosquitoMM of colluding with “big almond” for his win last year

    Day 4: u/crossan1983 revealed the main source of error in science: kids

    Day 5: u/priusaurus interviews a bot

    Day 6: u/marquis90 Shaved laying on the floor

    Day 7: u/enndeegee reminds users of the real spice that matters

    Day 8: u/rocketk455 Asks the hard questions for the daily challenge

    Day 10: u/jwoods23 shows the professionals how to draw a label

    Day 12: u/priusaurus gets kicked out of a restaurant

    Day 13: u/tsrbike shagged close to 10 users

    Day 14: u/chronnoisseur42O BUILT A RAZOR OUT OF ICE!!

    Day 15: u/crisp_mango Compares War to a sheep and sings us a song

    Day 16: u/OnionMiasma picks up the torch from u/j33pguy13 with meme replies

    Day 17: u/pridetwo Buys the wrong kind of Osma, uses it anyway

    Day 18: u/Priusaurus Gets spooky in Salem

    Day 19: u/MrTangerineSky Creams his sock on video

    Day 20: u/Marquis90 Turns his SOTD upside down

    Day 21: u/Impressive_donut114 Brings the haiku

    Day 22: u/ktturtlesue Gave a live demonstration of how to leg shave for a fellow competitor. She also got screwed out of relevant post shave thanks to that user

    Day 23: u/ginopono Braves the heat to find inspiration

    Day 24: u/rocketk455 Curses out a judge in his appreciation post

    Day 25: u/crossan1983 Did not shave himself today

    Day 26: Everyone who got a “No Scrub” AKA used something other than soap

    Day 27: u/chronnoisseur42O OD’d on Lavender Post Shaves

    Day 28: u/djanovshaving Uses a priceless item as his “Frugal” brush

  5. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-29 11:45:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023 - Sandalwood Saturday

    • Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird

    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)

    • Lather: Proraso - Sandalwood - Cream

    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Original

    • Fragrance: Stirling - Sandalwood - EdT

    Daily Challenge/Write-Up:  

    Have to be a little short and sweet today, because I'm traveling.

    These games have been an absolute blast. First I'd like to call out the djudges- it's a lot of work putting this together and reading about all our stupid antics.

    On to who I think should win-

    #photocontest - I'm uncomfortable naming names since I'm a judge here, but in my mind there are two clear frontrunners. I'm excited to see who ends up winning.

    #ROTY - This to me feels super clear. u/tsrblke seems like the clear favorite here. He's been super engaged, and I'd also expect him in the top 10 overall.

    #FOF - There are two that I feel like are clear standouts here. Between them, I can't choose a winner. Either u/RedMosquitoMM or u/chronnosieur42O

    The games overall - I've made it no secret that I've been playing to win. In my head, there are a handful of people right there competing for the crown.

    u/priusaurus called his shot day one, and has probably been the most consistent player since then. He regaled us with interviews, history lessons, shitposts, and everything in between. If I were putting money on who wins, he gets my nod. My play was better because I was constantly trying to outdo him, with limited success.

    u/Marquis90 was a slightly quieter (no open feuds or calling me out) player, but no less consistent. Hilarious posts like his ice shave, the stack challenge… day in and day out great posts.

    u/Impressive_Donut114 - for great, well-done, and succinct videos every day

    Some others I'd like to recognize for particular contributions to the games:

    u/MrTangerinesky - the lion still doesn't care what the Mountain Goat has to say, but watching his videos has been entertaining, if shocking at times.

    u/newtothethis - thank you for teaching us how to leg shave, and for continuously injecting humanity into this mess

    And most importantly-

    u/ktturtlesue - for your ideas and putting up with my stupidity the last 20 years. I may have dialed it up to 11 this month, thanks for being willing to laugh at me rather than be annoyed.

    Soap Theme Justification  

    Sandalwood Saturday - I think Proraso Red is many people's first exposure to Sandalwood. However, as Sandalwood goes, it's not my favorite. 

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes  

    • Today’s theme is “Sandalwood”

    • All three are primarily sandalwood scents. The splash has some bergamot added to brighten it up, but I am a walking sandalbomb today.  TBF, I preferred being a Lavender bomb, especially because I find sandalwood scents to land better in cooler months

  6. u/raymoonie posted on 2023-07-29 12:21:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023 – Lather games day 29 – AKA Hold my sandal, would you?

    • Brush: Dogwood Badger B11
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2)
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. (Formerly Oleo Soapworks) – Sandalwood
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Cerberus
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive – Santal Auster

    I don’t think that anyone has used this soap yet so far. I love the base but the scent on this one is quite weak. That’s OK though, Cerberus splash and Santal Auster frag to the rescue.

    I wish I had time to pay more attention to the games this year, but alas. I see some strong contenders even from the small tastes that I’ve taken of reading the daily posts and listening to the podcasts. I’ve tried my best to at least provide a decent SOTD photo for y’all, but as to the winner? I am excited to find that out myself in due course, so no predictions here. Hat’s off to those who gave it their all, that’s for sure. Also, I don’t do homework.


  7. u/ginopono posted on 2023-07-29 12:24:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-29 Sandalwood

    • Brush: Yaqi Metal Timberwolf
    • Razor: "Germany"
    • Lather: Haslinger - Sandelholz
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Varen
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - Weinstrasse

    Sandalwood: Sandelholz, indeed.
    I think this is interesting: If the Online Etymological Dictionary is to be believed, the sandal- part of sandalwood is cognate with the word candle, and traces back to a Sanskrit word along the lines of "wood for burning incense." It seems to be unrelated to the footwear word sandal. Etymology is fun!

    Relevant Post-Shave and Fragrance: On the topic of word-fun, I'm far more proud of this than I have any right to be: the name of each is a non-English germanic word; Sandelholz and Weinstrasse are both German and Varen is Dutch.
    The razor also kind of ties in, because it appears to be made in Germany. That's literally all I know about it. Well, that and that it handles like a less-bitey Old Type.

    I didn't think I was a fan of sandalwood, because my first experience therewith was from one of Maggard's empty tubs, which had been from a sandalwood soap (I don't recall which), and I found it unpleasant.
    Sandelholz provided a different experience. It started unremarkable, its scent faint and its lather unimpressive. By the time I was done, the lather was much stronger, and the scent it provided was rich, warm, soothing, and even classically manly. I don't know what that other soap I tried was, but this is much better. That said, I still hesitate to call myself a fan sandalwood.

    Following it up with Varen, the strong oakmoss and vetiver fit right in, bringing some green to the wood. The lavender note of Varen seems to come through more in the aftershave than the soap, where it feels more like a subtle afterthought at most, u/oswald_heist. As such, the lavender offers a smoother transition into the florals of Weinstrasse.

    As an aside, I feel like my smell-sensor has learned a lot over the past few weeks, during which time I gradually became better at picking out individual notes. I still have mixed feelings about that, if I'm honest. I still feel that a scent should be appreciated for its whole.
    At the same time, though, it seems comparable to, say, a color. As a simplistic example, take a single color in the RGB colorspace. The color is its own thing, but one can still identify that it's more red or blue, or dark or light, without losing sight of the color as a whole. With scents, you can identify, say, oakmoss or tobacco or nacho cheese without losing the overall experience.

    Weinstrasse makes me realize that, though I've made strides, there's still much to learn. Specifically, there's a bunch of notes here that ~~I'm not familiar with~~ I haven't learned in isolation, i.e. honeysucke, iris, helichrysum (?!), coumarin.
    The scent certainly reminds of white wine off the top, accompanied by floralness and... something sharper that almost competes for the attention of the wine, which must be the blackcurrant, I dare guess. As those fall away, the oakmoss and musk (musk being a note that I learned on day 1 of these Games) affirm their presence. I realize I'm largely just describing how top/base notes work, but hey.

    Fun fact: white wine comes from red grapes! The difference is that the grape skins are removed from the grapes during the production of white wine, whereas red wines get their color from the skins that are left on.

    Challenge Accepted: I'm of the opinion that this challenge should be re-framed to reflect what it's really about. It's not about the judges or their scoring. Never has been. It's about recognition of Games well played and identifying the players who ~~require mental health treatment~~ have demonstrated devotion to the Games.

    I think it's pretty clear (not to mention heavily hinted by the djudges) who's in the top running for the Games. In no particular order, u/MrTangerinesky, u/Priusaurus, u/OnionMiasma, u/hugbckt, u/hairykopite, u/tsrblke all seem to be top contenders.

    As such, u/tsrblke also seems pretty likely to take the top-scoring ROTY spot.

    As for #photocontest, a quick glance at the portal seems to indicate that there's only a few who have carried through with that contest hitting all the days and themes. Notably, I've had an eye on u/chronnoisseur42o throughout the month. Meanwhile, I doubt I did myself any favors with a couple of, uh, "liberal" interpretations of loosely-defined (or simply non-defined) categories.

    Photo: Society
    This one was probably the trickiest to figure out how to do—or rather, what to do. I've just been winging it from day to day, so I missed a few days when this could have been easier (Pei Wei folks having lunch or people walking by the park, for instance).

    Last night was pretty stormy, and we had dime-sized hail here in the desert. That's not unusual for this time of year; our summer storms are characterized by massive raindrops, which are big because they form as hailstones; on occasion, they manage not to completely melt as they careen through the firelike air. As a result of the storm, internet went out for a while last night, and it was out this morning and is out still.

    What's one place where people go to use the internet when not at home? The library! I mean, I don't, but people do.
    A regular public library was an option, but the university has those neato wooden steps. They weren't there in my day, though. I might have been able to try to get the effect such that my little pieces of wood blended into the steps, but I figured it probably wouldn't have been worth the effort.
    I did, however, wait around for someone to use the stairs there (to no one's surprise, not a lot of students in the university library in July) to really get the society theme pegged.

  8. u/Priusaurus posted on 2023-07-29 12:48:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023

    • Brush: Stirling Soap Co – 24mm Synthetic Brush
    • Razor: Rockwell 6s
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Castle Forbes – Cedarwood and Sandalwood Cream
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts – Samhain Splash
    • Fragrance: Kenneth Cole – Mankind Rise EdT
    • Music: Dillon Carmichael - Sawin' Logs

    For Sandalwood Day, I thought the best place to shave would be the woods and appreciate the natural sandalwood all around me. Then I googled where Sandalwood comes from, hoping to go to the local sandalwood forest, and quickly learned it comes from India, Australia, and Hawaii. And none of those places are driving distance to me. Dammit. Buuuuuut… Cedar is half of the scent notes in the soap I used today and we have White Cedar trees everywhere! Bingo! Let’s go hiking! It’s a great day to shave in the woods! So I woke up early, made myself a wonderful cup of Stirling Ethiopia Yirgacheffe with my v60, into a travel mug. And brought it hiking with me.

    Today I’m working with Castle Forbes Cedarwood and Sandalwood, because it’s Sandalwood Day and it’s half of the soap. I used Southern Witchcrafts Samhain splash because sandalwood is the 2nd scent note listed on the bottle. Try as I might, the other scent notes certainly come in stronger, but the sandalwood is certainly there. This is such an amazing scent. Then my frag was Kenneth Cole Mankind Rise. It’s described as a deep woody amber scent. Perfect for Sandalwood Day, perfect for going into the deep woods, and perfect for a morning hike. #FOF

    As I walked through the woods, I made sure to take the time to appreciate all the smells along the route. It absolutely downpoured yesterday, so it smelled a little damp and musty. The scent of pine surrounded me as I went further into the forest. A lot of the paths were muddy and smelled like a swamp. And of course, the smell of the wet rocks getting enveloped by the river around them. This. This is what nature is all about. And, unfortunately, mosquitos are also part of nature. I had to spray on bug spray which kinda messed with the nature-scents thing I was going for, but whatevs. I hiked along this path, listening to the sounds, thinking of the events of the last 29 days, and I came upon the opening to riverbed. It seemed so very peaceful that I decided this was the spot I wanted to shave at. No grand theatrics today, and no hyperbole or gimmicks. Just an old-fashioned, relaxing shave at this beautiful spot on the river, among the woods and nature, as I enjoy my coffee. Taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the world around us, taking about our next Lather Games Champion…

    Here's the video.

    For the challenge, as much as I’d like to be brash and say that I should win in order to fulfill my day one prediction of winning this whole thing, I believe one man has stood in my way. One man, has done it better than I have and has been a wonderful ambassador of the games to every single participant this year. That man is kind, funny, and one of the most creative people we have on this sub and he will make a great Lather Games Champion. He’s the only one person who I can say, I’ve looked forward to and read every single one of their posts. And that man is u/OnionMiasma. He didn’t initiate silly feuds, participate in Spite Shaves Wars, or get kicked out of any restaurants – because he didn’t need to. He stuck to what he is good at, did his thing, and did it better than anyone. While I was doing my best to be over the top, charismatic, and entertaining, trying gimmick after gimmick, he was just being himself and being damn good at it. I felt like I had to try to do SO MUCH to keep close to him. I believe the Legendary Post points will be what makes the difference and he currently has more than anyone. And rightfully so. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets another one before this thing is up. It’s time for Red to pass the crown to Onion, and I can only hope that next year, Onion loses internet for a couple days in June, because I think that is my only hope of beating him.

    The winner of FOF has got to be u/RedMosquitoMM. His ability to detect scents and so eloquently and accurately write about them is unparalleled.

    Photocontest: No clue. While I try to read as many posts as I can, more often than not, I don’t click on the SOTD pics. I’ve been trying with the scavenger hunt part, but no idea how anyone else is doing.

    For my own #photocontest entry today: Scenery.

    I feel very fortunate to have connected with Southern Witchcrafts for the final interview of my Lather Games series. They made the splash I used today - which happens to be one of my favorite scents in all of wetshaving. Southern Witchcrafts makes absolutely, unique, outstanding scents and great performing products. They have a wonderful vegan base, and most importantly to me, they don’t use palm oil in anything – including their bath soaps! I’m not sure any other artisan can say that. But if you’re reading this far, you already know all this. So, thank you u/Phteven_j for connecting me for Courtney for this series. I love what you both make, what you’re all about, and I couldn’t think of a better way to close out my interview series. Without further ado, the final entry:

    10 Questions with… Southern Witchcrafts

    1) How did you get started making shaving soaps?

    I have strange taste in fragrances and choices of vegan soaps were kind of limited back then so I thought it might be fun to make my own. It wasn't supposed to be anything serious at first but we sent out my first try to some friends and they loved it just kind of grew from there.

    2) All of your shave soaps are vegan, which is getting more popular, but even more impressive is that your bar soaps are made without using palm oil. Why is that important to you?

    Palm oil is a big contributor to deforestation but also known for its production being riddled with human rights violations like child and forced labor. We always try to be as ethical as we can with our ingredients.

    3) I really, really love how all of your scents are completely one of a kind. Which is your favorite?

    I feel like Carpathia does the best job of getting across what I was going for. It smells like the wet bricks of a dilapidated castle in the Carpathian mountains. It's what I would imagine Nosferatu would shave with if he was homesick.

    4) What surprised you most about starting your own shaving/grooming company?

    Just that people would enjoy my weird creations.

    5) I live in Massachusetts, which historically has not looked kindly toward witches. Do you think a company called “Northern Witchcrafts” would have been crushed like Giles Corey?

    Thankfully things up there have improved since back then. I have visited a couple of times and at no point did anyone try to throw me in a lake or press me to death. I consider that a win for progress.


  9. u/iamhonestlylying posted on 2023-07-29 20:04:00-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023

    • Brush: Boti – Stump 28mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
    • Lather: Sir Henry’s – Black Tie LVS Soap
    • Post Shave: Sir Henry’s – Black Tie LVS Splash
    • Fragrance: Diesel – Only the Brave Street

    I recently learned what sandalwood smells like and I enjoy it. It kinda smells like a lot of typical “masculine” fragrances. Like if something doesn’t smell manly enough, let’s throw some sandalwood in there to make it more tolerable for the masses. And that’s kind of the impression I get with Black Tie LVS. The LVS stands for Lavender, Vanilla, and Sandalwood. The lavender shows through right away and it is tied to Vanilla, but underneath that tasty floral sweetness is the sandalwood to turn the volume down a little bit. It’s a really nice scent the checks a lot of boxes and I think I can use something like this year round. I finished the shave with Diesel – Only The Brave Street because it’s woody and spicy, so I thought it would help bring out the sandalwood from the Black Tie LVS. And as it turned out, I picked up a stronger scent of vanilla in the cologne that I didn’t smell when I sprayed this tester before. Funny how I expected one thing, but when I layered this cologne on the splash, it seemed to almost change or morph into the aftershave I was wearing. #FOF


    If u/Priusaurus doesn’t win, we riot, right? That is how this works, right??? I recognize I may be biased because he sent me smushes, but I don’t think so. The interviews were a great way to hear from the people that make the stuff we use, but he didn’t stop there. It seemed like every day he was shaving somewhere new or doing a new shtick. A lot of people did funny stuff and a lot of people were informative in their posts, but he was a great mix of everything. I looked forward to his antics and the content of his posts. I can’t say that for anyone else.

    For #FOF: I have a feeling it’s not me. This was my first Lather Games and I was in way over my head here. I saw the challenge and figured there was no harm in trying it, but it seems like the consensus is u/RedMosquitoMM is gonna win. Based on the post of his that I’ve seen, that seems about right.

    For #ROTY: I haven’t been paying attention at all. Sorry team. I missed the ROTY announcement before the Lather Games started and never looked back.

    For #photocontest: u/gcgallant has had some great pics.

  10. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2023-07-29 20:29:13-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023 – LG 29: Sandalwood Saturday

    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Coprolite B15
    • Razor: Gillette Old Type
    • Blade: Personna Super Stainless (4)
    • Lather: Declaration Grooming – Cerberus
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Cerberus
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Sandalorian

    Today, we took sandalwood Saturday quite literally.

    You’ve spent days on the desert planet of tatooine, your leather plate armor beneath the beskar growing heavier each day as it takes in your musk and sweat. Despite not belonging to their tribe, your newly formed gaffi stick has left sacred wortwood dust and shavings in every crevice possible; the tusken chieftain looks on with approval. You exhale, sweat dripping from your brow beneath your helmet. Your next breath makes you realize the warm woody and leather aroma permeates from you under the 2 suns, a hint of resinous ceremonial incense lingers in the background. Alas, your time has come to make way back to the capital of Corsucant, you put your starfighter into hyperdrive to catch some much needed rest. Upon arrival, the heavily perfumed floral senators pass by and it mingles with the remanence of your musky, woody, dominated regalia. In need of sustenance, you give a few Galatic credits to the nearby vendor, who graces you with the rich aroma of jogan fruit. Then you notice the few meiloorun fruits in the corner, reminding you of your time on tatooine, you ask for a few. Finally secluded to you quarters, you remove your helm, the exotic fruit now truly mingling with your tired, woody, musky self, and just a hint of the florals still caught in your nose so prominently worn amongst ethically questionable senators of the galaxy. #FOF

    For my #PHOTOCONTEST, I went with wild animals. I’ll be honest birds and squirrels were all over the feeder in the morning. By the time I set up for the photo, scarcely there. My peanuts could not lure the squirrels back, so we went for a lone bird. I know our photo judges must have keen eyes, but I included a r/uselessredcircle just in case. No joke, I also videoed for like 1+ hour hoping to take a cool screen shot to no avail.

    As for the challenge. I have to think u/Priusaurus, u/onionmiasma, u/MrTangerineSky, and u/crisp_mango all made strong showings for the podium.

    For u/priusaurus, the interviews, witch, ice and restaurant shaves were all great. Brought his A game everyday.

    For u/onionmiasma another A game everyday. I know the oil and gasoline shave got a lot of traction, but the Chicago bean mirror shave had me in stitches. Great interaction with many players too.

    For u/MrTangerineSky, he pushed the limits and was continuously hilarious. Wonderful outside setting shaves. Also, he speaks highly of me so he’s clearly pretty smart.

    For u/crisp_mango. That dude was one of if not the first poster almost everyday putting out shaving tunes non stop. That takes skill.

    As for FoF, reigning LG champ u/RedMosquitoMM (and 2022 FOF runner up) was eloquent all July. Said he had to take it easy this year and still walked circles around majority of players.

    For #PHOTOCONTEST, I think u/gcgallant consistently had really cool photos, often in some differing style. I think my favorite was u/impressive_donut114’s Death Before Decaf Photo. Beautiful shot.

    As for ROTY, I think u/tsrblke was a consistent poster and putting in bery solid effort, way better than my rookie year for sure. I think u/djanovshaving was superb too. The way he just continually integrates the memes, pics, and gyfs makes for fun reading.

    At the risk of sounding like Bobby Newport, can we show self love too? I had a great time this year, particularly pushing myself more with photos. I like to think I went ESPN 30 for 30 on that shit. However, in hindsight I could have used aforementioned names against them. I wish I had done more to include LGers in photos. I mean, Onion for vegetable, Mango or Tangerine for fruit, Donut for food, Mosquito for insect, Priusaurus (that’s and extinct animal, right?!?). NTM u/j33p_guy13 for vehicles or u/airbudruler for airbudrule. You get the idea.

    soap brands 29/30, post shave 29/30, frag 29/30, post/frag linked 29/30, software sponsors 13/13, hardware sponsors 2/2, razor hashtags 11/15, brush hashtags 10/15, photo contest 29/30, daily challenges 5/25, special challenges 4/5

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:
