Post 'Sunday Austere August SOTD Thread - Aug 18, 2024' of challenge 'HoneMeistershaft 2024'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 8
  1. u/djundjila posted on 2024-08-18 03:17:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Day 18/31 of Looking for Serenity in Austerity: Hone Day Edition

    • Brush: Semogue Owner's Club (cherry wood and boar) (18)
    • Razor: Zwilling J. A. Henckels Friodur 50 (7/8", hollow ground, stainless steel, masonic deco) (1)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Roman Spice
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Roman Spice
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Roman Spice

    It's honing weekend in the HoneMeisterschaft! I.e., the first time since August started participants actually should do something 😅

    My setup

    I have a fairly minimalist honing setup. For instance, despite being tempted on multiple occasions, I have not yet dived into the natural stone finishers. I have a Naniwa 3k/10k Super Stone combination stone, a lapping plate to keep it flat, and a big bag full of styrofoam packing peanuts (actual styro, not the starch-based bio-degradable ones). I also have a Jeweller's loupe, but I'm not using it anymore. That's it.

    The 3k side is maybe a bit fine for setting bevels, but with a bit of patience, I've also managed that in the past (even on chonky vintage wedges with wide bevels).

    My Process

    Is partially copied from "Simple Straight Razor Honing" on Science of Sharp, but instead of counting strokes, I rely on how the razor feels on the hone and, most importantly, the u/gcgallant packing peanut test (here shown on a styrofoam deco ball, but packing peanuts are cheaper and work just as well).

    Starting out honing razors, the most difficult part for me was to figure out what works and what doesn't. I'd frequently spend an hour or more honing a razor without palpable progress. I tried to visualise progress using loupes, a microscope lens, etc. Every once in a while, I'd get that glorious edge through trial and error, but the lack of reproducibility was frustrating. At some point, u/gcgallant shared with me how he uses packing peanuts to test the progress he makes during honing, and it's been the missing link to get reproducible sharp edges. Styrofoam has thin membranes around porous beads or puffs. It's a bit like a tomato in that a sharp knife slices through the skin effortlessly and allows you to make clean cuts, while a blunt knife struggles to cut the skin and crushes the meat underneath. Packing peanuts are like that and make the difference between more and less sharp parts of the edge obvious. Except, the peanuts all feel exactly the same.

    Even though a few laps on the finisher would have been just fine for refreshing today, I decided to do the whole process (see the version on the lemmy for pictures)

    I soaked the water stone for a bit over ten minutes. It hasn't been lapped in a while and looks correspondingly dirty in the water bath.

    There were a few dished areas of the stone,

    and lapping both sides flat took a while.

    With a freshly flattened and soaked stone, I started off by thoroughly killing the edge,

    An then rebuilt it with trailing edge strokes on the 3k side, frequently interrupting to check my progress on packing peanuts. At first, progress is very fast and some areas of the edge become noticeably sharper than others. This shows where to apply more pressure and when the edge felt uniformly sharp, I moved over to the finisher side. Same process again, trailing edge strokes and peanut tests until it's uniformly sharp enough to just melt into the styrofoam.

    To finish, I stropped on chromium oxide-loaded canvas for a few laps to get any potential burrs of and smooth out any potential rough bits (I only use loaded canvas right after honing, and only clean canvas and leather after that) and test again on the peanut. (The reason for that last test is that some razors I've honed for the first time got really sharp on the peanut test, but after stropping would feel horrible. The edges would just crumble during the first shave. This can be remedied by killing the edge and start over from a coarse stone to cut away the weak surface steel).

    My Shave

    Now I'm not sure how it went for everyone else, but my blade did not really need a refresh of its edge yet, so I wasn't sure what to expect from the refresh. Unsurprisingly, there wasn't a huge difference. The fool's pass did feel noticeably smoother, and that's always nice.

    Great shave today, and I'm looking forward to reading all the honing posts today. Have a great Sunday!

    $FriodomRiders $HoneMeisterschaft $RawHoggin

  2. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2024-08-18 04:02:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    SOTD 18-Aug-24

    • Brush: Zenith - Unbleached Bristle 506U
    • Razor: Henckels - Friodur 17
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Beloved
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Beloved AS
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Beloved Balm
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Beloved EDP

    Can definitely see light through the soap so we're making progress, and the brush is performing well. I really like the olive wood feel on the handle, I may very well end up getting the slightly larger handle size.

    Refresh Day
    The blade is still going strong, it doesn't really need a refresh but rules are rules. It's a simple setup, water spray bottle, packing peanuts and a 3" Miniog slate finisher.

    I do have a naniwa 12k that I use on occasion, but this miniog seems to work very well. Though this one has now tempted me to try a few more naturals. Bloomin slippery slope though!

    I really don't do anything crazy, dozen or so passes with water, I don't really count either, just whatever feels right. I've been tempted to try oil with this stone, but to be fair the water does the job. I'd not used the packing peanut method before this AA kick off but it works remarkably well. Previously I would just test it in use but this is very reliable. On the plus side at least I can put all that packing material to good use!

    Have a cracking day all!




    Brush and Software Progress
    Zenith Day 18
    Soap Day 18

  3. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-18 04:51:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 18, 2024 – $honemeisterschaft  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Today is the $honemeisterschaft weekend touch up of our blades. I recently watched someone hone on a natural stone, using a bit different technique than gcgallant. I decided to play around. As my razor is generally sharp enough, I decided to hone on my Naniwa 12k and make slurry with a 12k Nagura Irodori. First, I had a bad slurry. The Nagura soaks itself close to the Naniwa when hold flat. Rubbing becomes more difficult. I did 50 laps with each side holding a straight angle, edge leading. Clean up and with a better slurry, holding the stone with one of its edges down, I did another 50 with each side, still using more torque. Clean up and with thick slurry, but without torque, 50 passes each side followed. During clean up of the stone, I felt the “dust” of the metal on the stone. Last pass, I added some diamond emulsion on the stone and did trailing strokes without torque. Little deburring strokes and I was good to go. The arm hair fell of well. In the first shaving pass, the edge felt awesome. The past days, I was convinced that a hone would not be necessary if you strop enough. In the second and third pass, the edge quality was not as good as I hoped. With my eyes, I could see a little scratch pattern at the edge.

    I decided to hone again. This time, following more of gcgallants technique. I started with a 45° angle, edge leading and 10 rubs before switching the side. Then edge leading strokes, 45° angle, less torque. Edge trailing strokes followed by X strokes. With myx eye, it seems that the scratch pattern is more prominent now. The edge wear is uneven. The side with the logo has more scratch patterns in the middle of the edge, while on the other side, the head and tail have more wear.

    Arm hair falls off way easier now, but the scratch pattern concern me. I ll report tomorrow.

  4. u/Environmental-Gap380 posted on 2024-08-18 07:15:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 18, 2024

    • Brush: Zenith 507u xse unbleached boar
    • Razor: Friodur 72 1/2
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Sonder
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Sonder Splash

    $RawHoggin $FriodomRiders $HoneMeisterschaft $MammothMafia24

    Put off honing another day since I didn’t want to have a mess to clean at my SIL’s house. It still shaves, but the quality has declined. Lathering didn’t go as well. I’m looking forward to shaving at home tomorrow. We are meeting up with some friends for lunch this afternoon. Then going to go load up on some Usinger’s Summer Sausage to bring back to VA.

    Brush after shave 17

  5. u/Str8_Razor posted on 2024-08-18 14:40:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August - Day 18 - Refresh Day

    • Brush: Ever-Ready 200 - GDMG Black Boar 27mm
    • Razor: Zwilling J.A. Henckels - Friodur 14
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Sonder
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Sonder (Aftershave Splash)
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Sonder Edp


    The blade didn't need a refresh not even a stropping. It had an amazing performance, it only lost a little edge keenness but won on smoothness. With today's refresh, it has returned to the first day state.

    I used a JNAT, Shobudani Midori Asagi that said the vendor but who knows, the main thing is that it works. With a Mikawa Shiro Nagura progression. I used in this order Botan ボタン, Tenjou 天上, Mejiro 目白 and Koma コマ. There is no magic, just raise the slurry on the base stone, not too light or muddy, and then run the blade across the stone, I did it gently the stone is hard and you can damage the edge.

    When I started sharpening I counted the passes but I found it counterintuitive and useless because I quickly got distracted and it didn`t allow me to pay attention to more important things such as the movement, the pressure, the slurry evolution or the sound of the blade on the stone.

    Here is a video of the sharpening. And the final stropping, On linen and leather with the dog snoring under the camera.

    I did strop between naguras, but I failed to record the video

    The Black Boar knot

    Tomorrow #NoStrop


  6. u/Admirable-Nobody-946 posted on 2024-08-18 21:07:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts “Jurassic” handle with AP Shave Co. 28mm Pure Bliss synthetic knot
    • Razor: Dubl Duck - Satinedge ⅝ straight
    • Lather: House Of Mammoth - Shire
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Shire balm
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Shire

    Late night shave after a weekend of camping. I was certain I had a roll of electrical tape around to use to hone the razor tonight, but I looked everywhere and couldn't find one, and it was too late to go to the store. If this fails me for honemeisterschaft, I accept. I am still going to pick up a roll of tape tomorrow morning and hone my razor after work either way because im excited about it.



  7. u/J33pGuy13 posted on 2024-08-18 21:20:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 18th, 2024 - Stagalicious

    It's the 18th and I forgot to order my stone to do the honing challenge... guess I'm switching to headless. Mistakes were made and life has been busy. Least I'm still having awesome shaves with the 17!






  8. u/Zimora posted on 2024-08-18 22:06:56-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August Day 18 - The ~~Headless~~ Friodom Riders

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps “Stanton” w/ V8 Tip

    • Razor: J.A. Henckels Friodur #17

    • Lather: MacDuffs Soap Co. Wild Rose Country

    • Post Shave: MacDuffs Soap Co. Wild Rose Country

    $FriodomRiders $honemeisterschaft