Post 'Thursday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jul 06, 2023' of challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt'

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The number of participants is 13
  1. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-07-05 23:34:50-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 06-July

    • Brush: Simpson - Chubby 1 #ANCIENT 
    • Razor:  Blackland - Blackbird #CNC
    • Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw – Vor V
    • Post Shave: Wholly Kaw – Vor V Toner
    • Post Shave: Wholly Kaw – Vor V Balm
    • Fragrance: Wholly Kaw – Vor V EDP

    If the judges were trying to make us really appreciate a proper soap and the artisans behind them, after yesterday's canned goop, I think you can give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. Opening this up and getting a lather going was a relief! 

    Took me a while to piece this Vor V set together, we don't often get the EDPs this side of the pond. Think I picked up the soap, balm and splash in December 2021 from Maggards then eventually managed to get the EDP from Slickboys. I use it sparingly as I know it probably won't appear on these shores again, but I love it. 

    This brush was purchased in roughly 2011/2012, still going strong and a solid performer but prefer slightly larger brushes. 

    For the challenge today, I have to be absolutely honest, I chickened out. I did have my Friodur 17 lined up but I really didn't want to see my beloved straight dinged up to high heaven. Enter the Blackbird, this was one of, if not the first, modern razor I picked up, often my travel razor just for the efficiency and how solid it is. Tried to stack the entire setup but for the life of me couldn't get the brush to balance but I've given it a shot, though apologies for the angle of the pic, my little one had pulled all her toys out in her bedroom and I didn't think you'd fancy seeing that mess!

    Have a grand day all. 





    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Congratulations you've been selected for the best photo contest ☺️

    Reason - love the aesthetic on this one.

  2. u/Madflava81 posted on 2023-07-06 00:14:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 06, 2023

    • Brush: Zenith - 31mm r/wetshaving exclusive MOAR BOAR #CHONK
    • Razor: Karve Shaving Co - Overlander #CNC
    • Blade: Gillette - Silver Blue (1)
    • Lather: Zingari - The Nomad
    • Post Shave: Zingari - The Nomad - Balm

    Hashtag #photocontest

    Good to be home! After using a synthetic travel brush and the King C Gillette razor for the last 3 weeks… wow… amazing to see what a big difference a better brush and razor can do for the shave. Wonderful shave.

    Daily challenge:

    I was tired after a 9 hour flight, but I came up with this stack

    “That Life” - Unknown Mortal Orchestra Spotify / YouTube

  3. u/Priusaurus posted on 2023-07-06 06:19:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023

    • Brush: Zenith B16 24mm Boar #OLDWORLD #HOLLOW
    • Razor: Gillette – Fatboy #DIAL
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. – 40 Soap
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. – 40 Splash
    • Fragrance: Chicago Grooming Co. – 40 EDT
    • Music: Prince Swanny - Stacking

    I have mixed feelings about today. On the one hand, Chicago Grooming Co.’s 40 is one of my favorite scents. It’s inspired by Tom Ford’s Fucking Fabulous, which I have never smelled, but I can confirm that 40 is absofuckinglutely fabulous. But on the other hand, I want to #ridewithitchy for every day of the Lather Games because matching your soap to your aftershave to your fragrance is indeed bad, sad, and boring. But the Lather Games Djudges bestowed this upon us today, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Today is the only day I’m going to match scents, so I’m sorry to the #FOF judges for being uncreative and lame today. My hands are tied. The good news is the scent is awesome. It’s a perfect balance of leather & tonka with a subtle sweetness coming from vanilla and almond and a slight floral of lavender and sage. It is so, so good. If there’s one scent that I don’t mind dickholing to, it’s this one. This scent is my go to when I need to smell good in a formal setting – weddings, funerals, trips to the dollar store, or important meetings… Things like that. I have to leave the house today for work today, and I’m happy the stars aligned with my schedule and I’m smelling ~~remarkable~~ Fucking Fabulous on a non-work from home day.

    For my #photocontest, I’m doing light sources because this product deserves to be in the spotlight and I thought adding my desklamp to the stacking would make for a cool pic.

    And of course, everyone’s favorite challenge (that we missed last year): Stacking! I was originally going to use a 3-piece razor today, buuuuuttt I figured the butterfly doors from the Fatboy would act as a better stand to balance stuff on, plus the weight and girth of the Fatboy would make for a decent base. Also used this Zenith brush because it is the lightest one I own (thanks to being #hollow) plus it matched the color scheme I was going for. After many falls, I have to say thanks to Chicago Grooming Co for using a well-made splash bottle. The thing literally hit my hardwood floor about 10 times. The first time, my heart skipped a beat. Mostly because I hadn’t shaved yet and I needed to use it today, but also the thought of breaking a bottle of splash on my office floor would make me incredibly sad... But my perseverance prevailed and I was able to balance everything for just long enough to take a couple pics before everything came crashing down. Hopefully this challenge doesn’t serve as a metaphor for my 2023 Lather Games performance – Strong presentation, and trying so hard to hold everything together just long enough to matter, then everything comes crashing down behind the scenes. Could actually be said for my life, as well. Big yikes! ANYWAY, let’s move on…

    For my interview today, I chatted with Vida Perez from u/chicagogroomingco. She’s one of the absolute best in the business. You ever get the sense of “I really don’t know this person, but I could absolutely be friends with them”? That’s what I got going back and forth with Vida. She’s so nice, down to earth, and completely got what I was going for with my questions. Thank you so much for playing along, Vida, and making amazing stuff!

    10 Questions with… Chicago Grooming Co.

    1. It took me far too long to connect the duck dots in the naming of Canard and Darkwing. So, I ask you, as a cartoon duck aficionado: How do you think Scrooge McDuck is able to swim through all those coins?

    Loooolll (thanks for that laugh) Scrooge McDuck has been around a long time and practice makes just about anything possible. Plus, I hear ducks are slippery little buggers.

    2. On a roadtrip, who should be in charge of the music playlist? The driver or the passenger?

    Always the passenger BUT you gotta have some trust in your co-pilot otherwise that playlist might have you rethinking your whole trip.

    3. You clearly put a ton of effort into making products that will make your customers’ skin feel good. Other than skin care, what do you do to make yourself feel good?

    Hair care! I went from COMPLETELY bald to rocking a lovely poufy head full of hair. Gotta take care of the locks.

    4. Of the different scented products you’ve made, what’s your favorite scent that you’ve released?

    Hmm, man this is always a tough one...Pucker… Probably because it's so darn fresh and clean

    5. It’s not a secret that you are the one making the products for House of Mammoth, how much of you time is spent making and developing your own stuff vs making products for Ben (or others?)?

    Lately most of my time is spent in production for House of Mammoth but I have plenty of time for CGCo and other creative pursuits. Around a drop, things can get hectic but after that everything calms down again. It's all manageable.

    6. How often does someone think they’re hilarious and hit you with a “Livin’ the Vida Loca” reference? Did this question count as one?

    Oh goodness when that song came out EVERYONE thought they were so clever. I got REALLY good at giving a meanie faced hard stare. Nah, you're fine. It was a long time lol

    7. What’s the best Deep Dish Pizza in Chicago?

    Giordanos, argue with your momma (please don't argue with your mother). I'm sorry Mrs. [Priusaurus’ Last Name], I didn't mean it like that!

    8. Women have much larger area to shave, and (generally speaking) women tend to put a greater emphasize on skin care and self-care, yet the wetshaving “hobby” a male dominated. Keeping that in mind, my question is: Why do Chicagoans still call the Willis Tower the Sears Tower?


    Because you just don't go around changing things simply because someone bought something. I mean, seriously!

    9. What's next on the horizon for Chicago Grooming Co?

    EDP samples, collabs... A little of this, a little of that ... Good times to be had all around

    10. How does Chicago Grooming Co. differentiate itself from other shaving soap companies out there?

    My goal has always been to make very high quality products accessible to as many people as possible. Whether it's shaving soap, hair care or personal care products, I believe everyone should have an opportunity to try some of the good stuff and I'll continue to do exactly that as long as I can.

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    good stack

  4. u/raymoonie posted on 2023-07-06 06:22:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023 – Lather Games day 6 – AKA Executive stank stack

    • Brush: r/wetshaving Zentih MOAR BOAR 31mm #CHONK #OLDWORLD
    • Razor: Gillette Tech #REGUS
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (8)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Executive Man
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Executive Man
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Executive Man

    My olfactory overdose for today, brought to you by Executive Man. Pretty widely liked I think, and boy am I a cologne wafting stank bomb right now. I really enjoy the pineapple notes in this one.

    Stacking is hard, especially when the caps of the frag and aftershave are slightly convex. Did what I could and for what it’s worth, the AS was not touching the rest, just didn’t know where else to put it and could definitely not stack it. Voila.


  5. u/ginopono posted on 2023-07-06 06:46:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-06 Honoring the Olfactory Oeuvre + Horology

    • Brush: West Coast Shaving - Two Tone Synthetic 26mm #PREMIUMPLASTIC
    • Razor: Clix E-Z-Flo #UNICORN
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch
    • Blade: Personna Super (2)

    Challenge Accepted:
    Not only have I outdone myself this time, I think it's very clear I've even outdone u/Tonality!
    Behold! Such expert, delicate, and unsuspicious stacking to put u/Tonality to shame! There is no trickery afoot, as the pocket watch clearly demonstrates the direction of gravity! A round bottle of aftershave on its side, mid-stack! The brush, bristles-down and without compromising the structural integrity of the bristles! See it close-up if you do not believe me! Can u/Tonality do that? I think not! Crown your new king of stacking!

    (I wasn't too pleased with the photo quality, so I updated the SOTD pic, albeit with a much lamer stacking method. There is no masterful weaving of powerful invisible forces, no expert control of electric currents within the very air. Just the boring vertical-only gravitational force. The much more impressive version is still here, too, though.)

    Relevant Post Shave and Fragrance: As required by the daily theme.
    Also: black razor, black brush, and black watch to match Black Watch.

    Sure, it's not completely black, but that's beside the point, contrarian person I just made up! Its bristles are all black, which is remarkable enough, and I made up the rules for whether the brush counts for my points-less theming, and I say it counts! Plus, being that this brush is going for $34.00 after a 20% discount, it also gets the "pricey synthetic" badge.


    Lather/Post Shave/Fragrance:
    As I attempt to document my experiences for #FOF day by day, I am slowly coming to realize that, as a collection, my ramblings may be tied together under a theme of The Haphazard Explorations of an Olfactory Rube. I'm okay with that, because I think there's value in such a perspective. There's no harm in appreciating a scent for what it is,

    The human brain is a curious thing; it is very suggestible, and it will often confirm what it expects to be true, regardless of the reality. In my experience, this tends to be true when it comes to my perception of scents. That is, what one (read: I) perceives a scent to be is heavily influenced by what they are (I am) expecting it to be.
    For example, Shawn Maher, today's spotlight and the creator of this scent, compares it by metaphor to a pair leather shoes, evoking the leather note of its base. As a result, my mind said, "Alright, we're smelling leather now! Smell that leather!" And it did.

    There's of course more to this scent, and that becomes clear to me only through focus. I can be convinced that there is incense, oakmoss, and sandalwood tied in with the leather, although my nose reads it as "flavoring" the leather, if that makes sense.
    There is definitely a fruitiness to it, which seems to be the plum; however, I do not believe I detect the jasmine that is said to accompany it. A shame, because I've evidently mentioned my fondness for jasmine a few times already these Games, though I do concede that too much jasmine might threaten Grandma territory.

    Of course, this is all just me trying to decipher my own perception of the scent, a clumsy attempt to analyze it. All the while, I can't help but wonder if that's really necessary.

    When I take the scent in as whole, and let the description of leather shoes and 1950s department stores form a context around the scent, an image forms in my mind right out of Mrs. Maisel (I stopped after the first or second season, after she ditched Zachary Levi's character for like, no reason). I imagine a particular kind of vintage classiness that "never feels dated but never goes out of style." And that's how I feel when I wear it.

    While this razor predates the image I described above, it's close enough for me, plus I think it fits well aesthetically (and I have an odd yet mild fascination with Bakelite, possibly just because the word inexplicably has three syllables). I haven't been able to find much about the razor aside from that these were made by one Conrad Razor Blade Company in the 1940s. What I can say about it is that it's a surprisingly good little shaver. It's the kind of thing that makes me think, "man, they really had razors nailed ~~60~~ ~~70~~ 80 years ago!"


    Photo: Technology

    Speaking of going out of style, it's a real bummer what happened to pocket watches, isn't it? I get it, though; technological advancements in horology allowed smaller wrist-watches to take over, and waistcoats fell out of style, too. But that doesn't stop me from wearing both; the relentless, merciless, all-eviscerating sun does!

  6. u/tsrblke posted on 2023-07-06 06:57:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023 – Alive with Olfaction

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Cashmere
    • Razor: Gillette Superspeed
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet (4)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth – Alive
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Alive
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Alive

    Today is a good day. Shave was somewhat lessoned by the fact that the cashmere knot does not work great in my hands yet but there are no bad shaves with Alive. I went all in on olfactive overload, literally bathing myself in it with the Alive bath bar.

    This theme dictates my choices top to bottom so for #fof I’m going to note Alive was my first dickhole set that grew to become my second trifecta. As I’ve noted before, I went from Stirling sampler to 4 horsemen, which will make one a bit gun-shy about new stuff. I had a used tub of hygge I bought when u/MammothBen posted about his pending Black Friday clearance. Get a free beanie! How could I resist? I looked over the things in the sale, and was sorta cautious. I saw Alive and went “hmm sounds like a fairly safe bet.” TTS estimated a 3 for me, but I also knew it was always a bit low on guesses. (Almond Creme 2.6?!)

    Up until now I had 0 matching balms, following u/Itchypooter’s dickhole theory, I had a bunch of generally complimentary to stuff I owned balms but nothing matching. But this was on sale, so I went in. I distinctly remember thinking even at half off blind buying a trifecta was madness, especially since at that point my entire frag collection was a 25ml bottle of YSL l’homme gifted to me 5 years prior. I passed on the frag and would not realize my mistake for some time.

    When it arrived, I found the smell pleasant, but didn’t get around to using it. I finally did, and I was sitting at my desk later, frustrated by some paperwork I was tired of and I put my hands to my face and suddenly I smelled it. A scent that said “hey, pick yourself up, you’re alive and that’s a damned good start.”

    I used it several more times and realized I needed that whiff of smell through the day wanted and EdP. But by then they were all gone. I stalked the ‘zaar but most of them came in lots and I didn’t want extra stuff. Then a fateful email came, Alive was coming back. I snagged a bottle the morning it launched and haven’t looked back.

    Alive and Hygge while being totally different categories of scents, share themes of comfort. But while Hygge surrounds you, protecting you from the outside world, Alive draws you back into it. It reminds you, sure life sucks sometimes, but you’re alive and that’s a damned good start. I come back to it whenever I need this uplifting reminder (which lately is quite a bit.) When this tub gone, I hope Ben’s still selling it so I can buy more.

    So, a thank you to u/Mammothben for creating this and so many other scents that have brought me enjoyment or renewed energy these last few months (and for years to come).

    OK, emotional time over, after probably getting a negative point for being too wordy. It’s #photocontest time. Went for the “Pets” theme. Also, you’ll see my stacking challenge completed here. This was a fun challenge and when I was talking with my daughter (Preview of hobbies tomorrow, we do photography together so she’s helping on all these) we agreed that stacking in front of the only pet we own was appropriate. Took forever to get that fish in frame, but we did it. The items are not leaning on the aquarium I promise (the brush fell once, luckily it was a seconds brush so I think the scratch was already there.) Also #ROTY

  7. u/jwoods23 posted on 2023-07-06 07:00:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jul. 6, 2023 -Got Stacks?

    • Prep: House of Mammoth Alive Bath Bar

    • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive MOAR BOAR #CHONK #OLDWORLD

    • Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley SB-C

    • Blade: Astra Green

    • Lather: House Of Mammoth - Alive

    • Post Shave: House Of Mammoth - Alive Balm

    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Alive EdT

    “And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive”

    It’s Trickhole/Dickhole/All the Smellz day and I’m enjoying one from my favorite all around artesian today. House of Mammoth is by far my favorite brand, while there are some individual scents from other people I like more, everything I have tried from Ben has been absolutely incredible! Even the award winning Voices which isn’t my style I can appreciate the incredible work put in to create it.

    For todays challenge I’m a little more Slacking than Stacking compared to some people. I had the help of an almost 4 year old this morning so it’s as good as it was going to be.

    Going for the #Gaming theme for todays #photocontest picture. I distinctly remember stacking quarters on the HydroShock racing arcade console in the Pizza Inn every Sunday after church. Oh to be able to go back to days like that with no responsibilities!

  8. u/pridetwo posted on 2023-07-06 07:49:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Vie-Long Cachurro #HORSESASS #OLDWORLD

    • Razor: Gillette Old Type #REGUS

    • Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum

    • Lather: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original

    • Post Shave: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original

    • Fragrance: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original

    Today's Theme: Olfactory Overdose - Tabac soap, aftershave, and eau de cologne

    Today's Challenge: Stacking Day - Vertical stack

    My theme for today's shave: Nursing Home Sadness #photocontest

    So first things first, I had /u/tsrblke tagged in today's brush hashtag section of my LG spreadsheet and I'm not sure why but I'm leaving it there, he's pretty cool.

    Alright, with that out of the way, let's talk Tabac, misery, and what it's like growing up in a care home family business. Most of us have read the nursing home sadness copypasta at this point, but I think it'll help to put in perspective why it smells like that. First off, the powdery floral scent from the carnations in Tabac is what really pulls in the rash-preventing wipes and powder that nursing homes homes use to keep your grandparent bedsore-free. Then the neroli, lemon, and bergamot bring forward the memories of Lemon Pledge cleaner that nursing homes use for glass surfaces. And finally, the pine tree needles and aldehydes are reminiscent of Pine Sol cleaner that nursing homes use for pretty much everything else. In truth, the tobacco flower is doing very little heavy lifting in this memory association for most people. Maybe just the faintest whiff of it to remind people of the stressed out Filipino caregivers who sneak the occasional cigarette break once all the residents are generally pacified.

    My family owned a small care home business for all of my formative years and then some, so I grew up helping out around the care home, I did anything and everything from lifting residents who fell out of their bed at night back into their hospital beds to clearing out old dressers and walkers that the family of the deceased had no use for, and even occasionally helping hold up the residents who needed to be cleaned more thoroughly than a bed bath could accommodate. It's a grim business, you watch people deteriorate physically and mentally until they die. And you watch that happen over and over for years. So when Olfactory Overdose day came up and I realized my only viable option was to use a Tabac trifecta, I honestly dreaded the prospect. It was a generally unpleasant shave, and the Old Type that I used for "theme" purposes as well as hardware hashtags didn't help.

    But the worst part of this shave wasn't the soap scent that reminded me of hearing residents with sundowners' scream out for their families to help them because they had no idea where they were. The worst part of this shave was the absolute garbage-tier Vie Long Cachurro horse brush. Worst animal funk I've ever dealt with and I used it totally raw in this shave. Zero backbone, glue stuck to some of the hairs. Just a bad time in every way. Doesn't matter; acquired LG points. #FOF #ROTY

    Edit: Oh right, music. I picked Ozzy Osbourne's Tribute, a live recording of one of legendary guitarist Randy Rhoads' best shows. There was a "boomer metal" idea going into the album choice, but it really is an incredible recording and also something of a piece of history as it documents the peak of one of the greatest guitarists of all time.

    Edit 2: putting this here since robodjudge is an imperfect being: /u/tsrblke

  9. u/gcgallant posted on 2023-07-06 10:22:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023

    • Brush: Wald Nimbus Chryselephantine 29mm A1 Fan
    • Razor: Koraat 7/8" Near Wedge Spanish Point (Straight Shave 267) #STR8SNOB

    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch - Soap

    • Post Shave: Thayers - Lemon - Toner
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch - Aftershave
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch - Eau de Toilette  

    2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    Last year I was able to plan my entire LG calendar a couple of days ahead of time. This year I don't seem able to do better than look a couple of days ahead. However, on my first scan of the calendar I knew that today I would use (exactly as u/whosgotthepudding predicted) the Black Watch trifecta.

    What an absolute joy Black Watch is. For me the scent has the perfect balance between sophistication and the seafaring ruggedness portrayed in the old Old Spice ads. The Highland base is exceptional, and while today's level of closeness is only a little better than yesterday's (Cremo, Nacet blade, Parker Travel razor), the overall shave quality is cuts above [ points deduction for bad pun ].

    It did not occur to me last night (when I planned today's photo) that stacking this setup could go under the "Urban/Architecture" photo contest theme. Instead, I decided to try the r/wicked_edge theme. But, to show that I have some trifecta stacking chops, here is an image of this trifecta horizontally stacked in an improbable way, and this is an image of the Midnight Stag trifecta stacked in a physics-defying way.

    Theme: r/wicked_edge -- #photocontest

    Edit: Added hashtag for razor

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    good composition

  10. u/djundjila posted on 2023-07-06 12:45:13-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Olfactory Stacking Games

    • Brush: Viel-Long B0320921 Cachurro Horse Hair #HorseSass #Toll
    • Razor: Hoffritz Travel Slant #JetSetter #Unicorn
    • Blade: Astra (Blue) (1)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Black Watch
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Black Watch
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Black Watch

    Stacking is hard, risky, and the best case scenario is, well, you get a stack. Still, this was fun, and 44 attempts doesn't seem too shabby.

    I went with Black Watch, a recent favourite of mine for the theme today. Plum is an underused scent note IMO. Warm and sweet without being cloying. I also really enjoy using the Highland base, although I can't help but remember u/pppork describing it as greasy :)

    Regarding the unicorn hashtag: I can't prove that this particular travel slant was made before 1971, and this particular model seems to have been made until the late seventies or early eighties, when they switched to the scalloped cap that we still know today from the Merkur 37C (Hoffritz are rebranded Merkurs), but this model was produced since the sixties. I think this should satisfy the hashtag rule since this razor is itself, or is at least interchangeable with and indistinguishable from, a unicorn by the hashtag's definition. Either way, this is a great little 4-piece razor that folds into a tiny 5x5 cm shiny box. Oh, and this was my first ever vintage, which I proudly showed off on r/wicked_edge back in the day.

    EDIT: after u/enndeegee gave me a bad conscience about the #unicorn, I did some more digging. This razor in the exact packaging I have is was sold as a 1960s Hoffritz Travel Slant on

    Regarding the #Toll tag, this razor is sold as a 57mm loft, but I measure it at a solid 62mm.

    I'm shooting for the history theme of the #photocontest, specifically a piece of history of obsolete technology. The odd stamp-looking thing on the right in my SOTD picture is a pagination machine. Imagine yourself in the age before digital word processing and your job is to produce 1000 numbered raffle tickets and all you have is a photo copier. Or you are a clerk in charge of writing up a lengthy contract that is still being negotiated and its (type-written and carbon-copied) sections can still grow or shrink, but in the end it needs page numbers. Enter the pagination machine: This stamp has only one setting to choose, the revolution period, and then it counts. If you set the revolution period to 1, it'll start by stamping 1, then 2, 3, you get the picture (and it's literally in the picture, on the left side, where I used it to count my attempts at stacking). If you set the revolution period to 2, you can stamp your raffle tickets twice each, to have the sequence 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, ... so that you cat tear off half the ticket and use half for the raffle drawing and the other as a receipt for the participant. Neat, and obsolete now that you can just set a form field or page numbers in your word processor of choice and never worry about the pagination problem again.

  11. u/kitaecw posted on 2023-07-06 14:38:58-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-06 Lather Games SOTD

    • Brush: Yaqi Ferrari 26mm

    • Razor: Gillette Slim

    • Lather: Proraso - Red

    Proraso is the first shaving soap I tried, so it has strong nostalgic feelings for me. Proraso red was my second soap after the green one, and the smell of it is still one my favorites. Also, I don’t like to use aftershaves and this one is the only matching AS in my den, so it is very special.

    Tags: #ROTY #photocontest r/wicked_edge

  12. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2023-07-06 18:38:37-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023 – LG 6: Olfactory Overdose

    • Brush: r/wetshaving MOAR BOAR #CHONK #OLDWORLD
    • Razor: Henson AL13 #CNC
    • Blade: Astra SP (Green) (2)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Haverford
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Haverford
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Haverford

    ~~Dickhole Day~~ Olfactory Overdose is always a nice day you don’t have to think too much about, and I’m guilty of having far too many trifectas to choose from. That said, always love a Haverford shave. I think I actually prefer Haverford to TF Tobacco Vanille, but the sillage on the actual one is way better. Price on the Stirling however can’t be beat- I’ll have to get a full bottle. This set (well soap and AS) was actually my first LG prize along with one of their travel cases 3 LGs ago. The balm and frag since added. Apparently dickhole and stacking were paired together 2 years ago. I will say sparkle suds, shave shiny from that era folded just like Entertainment 720. Too ahead of its time. Also, let’s not forget this Haverford classic from the djudicial djudge man himself- one of the top posts I’ve seen in the games.

    Haverford is named after the Parks and Rec character Tom Haverford, here’s a great highlight reel of his inventions. It’s sweet and strong off the puck, with lots of caramelized vanilla. It shifts into the tobacco, with dried fruit undertones, and is built on a base of cocoa. There is some spiciness to it, but nothing crazy. The AS and frag are very similar to soap in how they transition, albeit quicker and slower respectively. The AS is also notably very heavy on the vanilla and a bit more spice appears in frag form. #FOF #PHOTOCONTEST (mobile phone, complete with Tom guest starring near the base of the stack).

    soap brands 6/30, post shave 6/30, frag 6/30, post/frag linked 6/30, software sponsors 2/15, hardware sponsors 1/2, razor hashtags 4/15, brush hashtags 5/15, photo contest 6/30, daily challenges 5/25, special challenges 1/5

  13. u/schontzm posted on 2023-07-06 19:13:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023

    • Brush: Muninn Woodworks purple burl AP Shave Co. 24mm MiG
    • Razor: Karve CB OC-F
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet
    • Lather: House of Mammoth – Alive
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Alive
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Alive

    I have to say I didn’t expect a bunch of wetshaving enthusiasts to have the real life skill set of M. C. Escher with their gear. I hope you enjoy my comparatively sad /r/wicked_edge styled tower #PHOTOCONTEST

    The soap and fragrance were obtained in a trade with /u/wudulikadrinkpackage, the decant generously thrown in. After I tried it, I had to get the AS too. To me, Alive blends tangy, sweet, and herbaceous into fresh laundry. It’s like what I expect a 30’s black and white idyllic prairie TV show to smell like as they hang their clothes on the line, for whatever reason. The cooling AS is a must in this heat wave.