Post 'Sunday Lather Games Thursday SOTD Thread - Jun 09, 2024' of challenge 'Feats of Fragrance 2024'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 13
  1. u/tsrblke posted on 2024-06-09 06:21:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024

    • Brush: Turn n Shave – L7 Boba
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector (4)
    • Lather: Beak and Snout Apothecary – Bard's Barbershop
    • Post Shave: Zingari – The Wanderer
    • Fragrance: Zingari – The Wanderer Extrait

    Barbershop day! So many possible choices from every soap company. I chose this one-off run from one of u/hugbckt’s friends that was PIF’d out a while ago. It’s good soap for a beginner soaper, I enjoy it. ~~I don’t think he ever gave me an official name so we’ll just call it “Medieval Barbershop.”~~ (Edit see below) Now a quick run to #fof namely everything in this setup is Crafter’s Choice Barbershop. Yes, even the Extrait. (Thirsty Badger Dupe List identifies the Wanderer as CC Barbershop even if it’s not sold as a barbershop. My soap is on theme as it was released as a Barbershop, and the post/frags are connected by use of the same frag oil, regardless of their marketing). Now I know CC gets a bad rap around here, but I find that in soap and even the toner it’s a good scent. Pleasant and sorta just there. I used the toner all AA and had no problems. But bumping it up to extrait highlights every flaw it has and none of its charms. It’s wildly unbalanced. Borderline offensive. This stuff PROJECTS. I’m going to turn heads at church I suspect and not in a “ohh that’s nice” way. So, for #photocontest let me tip my hat to the u/onionmiasma, with an onion, since I’m a walking miasma myself today. (Yes Onion, I know the CC burns you, except you reported this soap didn’t!)

    Also, in honor of Barbershop day I’ve gone ahead and turned my house into a barbershop. Econimics being what they are I can’t justify the cost of a #2 buzz cut on my son at [big name chain place]. A set of Wahl clippers pays for themselves after 2 uses. And I got a more expensive battery operated set. To match with today’s theme I decided to move up my son’s monthly ~~bloodletting~~ haircut, so he’ll get that later today. He doesn’t know he’s been drafted as a LG set piece. I’ll follow up with the results in a comment once done. I suspect he’s gonna try to run away again. Which is sad, because if he sits still, he gets a nice DE neckline cleanup and some toner.

    Quiz wouldn’t work for me at all. Tried on my phone. It’s so ad ridden it crashed my desktop browser after forcing me to turn off ad block. But I’m committed so I did it with a word window open next to it to score myself. 7/32. But I don’t know scents. I suck at the discord Latherbot game.

    Edit: Son haircut in comment below. (not risking a major edit here).

    Edit I found the original post and this was called "Bard's Barbershop" so I updated the name.

  2. u/scribe__ posted on 2024-06-09 06:31:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9 - I Don't Have Barbershop Soap FML

    • Brush: Semogue 610 21mm Boar

    • Razor: Razorock Mamba

    • Blade: Asco Platinum Orange

    • Lather: Stirling - Margaritas in the Arctic Soap

    • Post Shave: Lucky Tiger Splash

    • Post Shave: Pinaud - Clubman Splash

    • Fragrance: Stirling - Barbershop EdP

    I was dead set on using Stirling's Barbershop this morning, only to have it dawn on me upon opening my shave closet that I actually finished that soap off back in January. RIP. So I decided to jump the gun to the next soap I plan to finish off, a sibling of the soap I planned to use today, Margaritas in the Arctic. I'm gonna enjoy these next few weeks, as Stirling soap is just fantastic.

    In honor of today's Barbershop theme, I went with the classic Clubman for it's powdery fresh feeling, and the heir to the soap I planned to use, Stirling's Barbershop EdP. The powdery splash and sweet fragrance compliment each other super well. Yes, Stirling's take on the classic scent is quite unique and borderline gourmand, but it is quite versatile when matched with more traditional barbershop pairings. Rod knocked this one outta the park.


  3. u/iamhonestlylying posted on 2024-06-09 07:10:42-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Day 9

    • Brush: Maggard Razors – 30mm Synthetic #TOLL
    • Razor: Gillette – Travel Tech #ZAMAC #STAINLESSLESS
    • Blade: Treet Carbon Steel
    • Lather: Apex Alchemy – Cutthroat Soap
    • Post Shave: Apex Alchemy – Cutthroat Splash
    • Fragrance: Montblanc – Explorer EdT

    Barbershop is one of those scents that I loved when I was first starting wetshaving, but then I realized that so many that are pretty much carbon copies of each other. And EVERYONE has a barbershop scent and I can’t get excited about any of them anymore. Even Apex Alchemy, who has a really fun line-up of scents, have a Barbershop. The businessperson in me wonders who is buying all these barbershop scented items? And why are so many soapmakers doing what everyone else is doing? Someone must be buying them, right? Who is buying all these barbershop scents?? WHICH ONE OF YOU IS IT???

    The lack of originality is almost painful to watch. As barbershop scents flood the wetshaving market, they’re drowning out any semblance of uniqueness and creativity. How many times have we found ourselves surrounded by soaps, splashes, and colognes, each offering a scent that seems all too familiar? “We want to evoke the memory of a classic barbershop…” AND SO DOES EVERY OTHER SOAPMAKER! The sameness of this barbershop offering really stifles one the one best parts of this hobby – scents that are truly unique! I think I’d rather a soapmaker only release dupes with AI labels than see another barbershop scent get released! At some point, the madness needs to end! SOMEONE END THIS BARBERSHOP MADNESS!!!!!

    Apex Alchemy’s is okay (as far as barbershop scents go). Not the best, and not the worst either. It’s not as powdery as some of the other ones I’ve tried and the splash almost has a subtle fruitiness to it, which is kind of unique in my experiences with Barbershops. I paired the Cutthroat soap and splash with Montblanc – Explorer because it’s big on bergamot, like Cutthroat, but then has some Sage & Pink Pepper which partner really nicely with the fruitiness from the splash. All-in-all, I’m smelling great on this fine Sunday morning, the scents of today’s shave me reminiscing of the memory of where my dad I used get his haircut when I was a kid—OH DEAR GOD IT HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! #FOF

    For #photocontest – Eyes

    Challenge Quiz I’m for real embarrassed. I got 4/32.

    iamhonestlylying’s Daily Top 5:

    In honor of “Barbershops”… The top 5 regrettable hair styles of the past:

    5.) The Mullet Why?

    4.) Bowl Cut We thought this was a good idea!

    3.) Frosted Tips This too!

    2.) Perms Before my time, but why???

    1.) Rat Tails When you don’t want to go all in on a mullet??

  4. u/ginopono posted on 2024-06-09 07:20:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2024-06-09 - Bit O' Honey

    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. - No. 11
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Deton-8
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - 1904
    • Razor: Henson AL13 Medium #CNC
    • Brush: Omega 343178 Synthetic #FAUXFUR

    Unifying Theme: Numbers

    Shave and a Haircut:
    Ah, barbershop: The category of scents that has no defining characteristics other than that someone decided to slap that label on it.

    Surprise Quiz:
    I figured it would be either an array of personal questions (e.g. What was your first soap?) or some version of the bot-driven quiz in the Discord. Lo and behold the latter.

    Considering that I don't strive to have an encyclop(a)edic knowledge of scent notes (who does?), there's a freakin' S in Limes and Bergamot, and my cat was yelling at me the whole time only to shut up when there were some 23 seconds on the timer, which happened to also be the very moment I hit the 'give up' button, 5/32 doesn't seem half bad.

    I've never seen that hosting page before, but it... leaves a lot to be desired, doesn't it? It's not uncommon for one of my browser or ad-blocker or DNS filter to break some sites, so I thought it might have been the case here. Nope, it was actually working as intended.

    On to the scents. This started off seeming like the most asinine combination, thanks to the fact that each one is only related by name. Practically, though, it worked out.

    No. 11 is one of those "clean laundry" barbershop scents, providing a backdrop for the scents to follow. This is convenient, because Deton-8 drops a bomb of spice (one might even say a Spicebomb) on top of it. Kaboom! I expected a bit of a conflict between Deton-8 and the coffee-forward 1904, but it's a lot less jarring than mixing 1904 with the spices of General Tso. Instead, it's a calming resolution, like settling down under the rafters of a cozy a coffee shop while the memory of spice lingers on.

    I should really start frequenting coffee shops again, especially with going back to grad school in a couple months; being in public provides a certain amount of pressure to be productive. Plus, it's a challenge—to say the least—to focus when this cat just won't shut the hell up. No, Artemis, we're not going outside. It's hot.

    But I digress.

    #photocontest Fil the Frame
    Hot damn, that's terrible. I had nothing else for this one, though, and it does help to highlight all those arabic numerals.

  5. u/bmac92 posted on 2024-06-09 09:29:58-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024 – 2024.06.09: Lather Games Day 9 – Shave and a Haircut – Two Bits

    • Brush: Paragon Shaving Plisson knot (28mm) with Paragon handle
    • Razor: Gem Jr. 1912 #TWINS
    • Razor: Ever-Ready 1912
    • Blade: GEM PTFE
    • Blade: GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw – Man From Mayfair
    • Post Shave: Bricktown Grooming – Lafayette Barbershop
    • Fragrance: DS & Durga – Burning Barbershop

    Daily Theme: Shave and a Haircut - Two Bits

    Theme justification: Wholly Kay Man from Mayfair is listed as WK's "barbershop line."

    Relevant Post Shave & Frag: my AS and Frag continue the Barbershop theme.

    Scavenger Hunt Justification:

    Razor facts: I used a GEM Junior 1912 and an Ever-Ready 1912 for today's shave.

    Brush facts: N/A

    Daily/Special Challenge: Surprise Quiz!

    The judges would add a surprise quiz when the sponsor spotlight for the day is an educator.

    Here are my results: 26/32. A lot from memory, some from googling. I am ashamed that I missed SSL. It's one of my favorite scents. I skipped the line when first going through the list and never remembered to go back for it.

    Fragrance description

    I did not care too much for the soap's fragrance. I think it was the basil that caused me to shy away.

    The aftershave, though, I really enjoy. This was a complete surprise to me. It seems to be a little sweet to the nose. The lavender is the primary scent, with some powder and sandalwood following. It works.

    The frag, though, was the star. Not only did it complement the AS to a degree, it took it to another level and creates an interesting story. You're at the barbershop getting a trim, enjoying the day. The past hour or so you had been at the dog park, playing with your newly-adopted chocolate lab. He's such a sweet boy. Plus, he's a great wingman. The cute girl you've noticed around town a couple of times was there with her dog as well, and the dogs started to play together. She came over and talked to you about your dog. Surprisingly, you both hit it off. She gave you her number to set up a "play date" for the dogs since they were apparently best friends now. You took your dog home, and decided to go to the aforementioned barbershop since your hair is a mess. Gotta look your best for next week! During the trim, everything is going great and you're on top of the world. Then you smell it: smoke. "That's weird," you think to yourself. It grows stronger. You put it out of your mind, thinking that if the building was on fire the alarms would go off. The cut continues, though. A few moments later a firefighter burst through the door and yells that you need to evacuate. The building is on fire. You quickly leave, thankful that the firefighter told you before the building collapsed on your head.

    You leave and head home to your pup, but you realize that your haircut was only half done. You'll fix it before the pup play date. You're busy, though, and don't find time. When you show up with your dog at the dog park for the play date, she gives a playful laugh. It's a lovely laugh. You regale her with the story and she shows great concern. She's extremely grateful that you survived. You both smile at each other.

    10 years later, you're at the dog park again. You, your wife, your two dogs, and your toddler. You think back to the time you first met your wife, right here in this dog park, and the smell of that burning barbershop rushes back to you. You smile at the memory. Then you wonder if you should have a happy memory associated with a tragic event. Your wife asks you what you're thinking about, and you just say, "Nothing," to avoid explaining the complicated thoughts running in your head. You ultimately decide it's fine to smile, and continue on enjoying the day with your family.

    Now onto the shave!

    Wholly Kaw lather worked as expected. No complaints.

    For today's razor, I followed /u/Enndeegee's lead. I took my GEM 1912 and combined it with /u/EldrormR's Ever-Ready 1912. I took the heads off to more easily tape it together. Came out pretty good, if I do say so myself. Here is proof that I actually shaved with both sides. I felt like Darth Mual wielding this thing. I can only imagine what /u/Enndeegee must have felt like.

    Shave went better than expected, and I didn't end up cutting my palm.

    Sponsor Spotlight

    I love Summer Break Soaps. Great scents, willing to deal with our malarkey, creates a dorito soap and mnt dew splash because one guy asked for it, and more. Helps that Doug is a fantastic base as well.

    Plus, /u/Rocketk455 is an educator. As the son of an educator (in a state that hates educators), I do like that I'm supporting education him when I buy his stuff. It's a thankless job, so thank you for what you do, /u/Rocketk455.


    • Razor Hashtags: 8/10
    • Brush Hashtags: 7/10
    • Hardware Sponsor Points: 2/2
    • Software Sponsor Points: 6/16
    • Number of Lather Brands: 9/30
    • Number of Lather Scents: 9/30
    • Number of Post Shaves: 9/30
    • Number of Frags: 9/30

    Contest Hashtags:



  6. u/hugbckt posted on 2024-06-09 09:38:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024 – LG Day 9 – ( –··–· –· )

    • Brush: Omega Model 10048 Pro 48 Chrome Handle Boar
    • Razor: GEM 1912 #TWINS
    • Razor: Ever Ready 1912
    • Blade: AccuTec Pro Premium
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Seville
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter – Barrbarr
    • Fragrance: Chicago Grooming Co. – Windy City Barbershop

    Like many others on the sub, Barbershop scents don’t excite me too much. Today was my first time trying “god’s barbershop” Seville. Off the puck, I’m presented with a zestful burst of citrus and herbs, like laying in the sun-drenched groves of Seville. Upon lathering, the scent deepens, unveiling a soft, earthy lavender and distinct rosemary. This is nothing like any barbershop I’ve been in, and I can see why many see it as an easy addition to their dens. With Barrbarr, we take an aggressive turn. I’m hit with a wave of bubblegum initially, which dries down into a sour lemon candy with a backbone of woods and herbs to keep it from feeling like a gourmand. A light powdery quality reminds me that it does indeed fit into the barbershop genre, but the genre is starting to feel too diverse. I considered using No. 11 for my frag today, but there are only so many takes on a barbershop accord that my nose can handle today. Windy City opens with clear notes of amber and musk, mixing with a subtle, sweet powder and a lighter bubblegum accord than that of NO. It has an inviting softness and timelessness, while remaining grounded by the steel accord that reminds us of the brutal Chicago winds, giving a notable coldness to the ensemble. Altogether, a shave almost entirely disparate from my childhood haircuts, with the only things tying it to my barbershop experiences being the light powdery notes and something about the scent of the boar hair in this particular brush. It may be worth noting, though, that I grew up going to the hair salon in my tiny town, usually with my mom. (I've tried to shake from my memory some of the embarrassing haircuts I was allowed to get.) I don't think any barbershop managed to stay open for more than a couple of years; those shops, like most businesses in my town, were doomed from the start. #FOF

    Thanks to others trying the quiz first and noting that you do not have to answer in order. Going in order, I would have been stuck at >!Vernal!<. Being able to bounce around (my preferred test-taking strategy), I managed a solid 19/32. I would like to thank the LatherBot minigame in the sub discord for expanding my knowledge and helping me to passively memorize scent notes. The latter half of the quiz seems to act as inspiration for those unsure what to use for Information Overload day later this month. Even when the answers came up at the end, there were no “oh, I should have known that one” moments. Definitely a situation where either I know it or I don’t. Not sure that anyone other than u/wyze0ne could get all 32 without cheating, but time will tell.

    (edited: forgot hashtag)

  7. u/Environmental-Gap380 posted on 2024-06-09 10:35:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024 - Shave and a Haircut

    • Brush: Rubberset 49-3 #TOLL
    • Razor: Graeger GR100B AC #KAMISORI
    • Blade: Dorco AC
    • Lather: Zingari Man - The Master
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter - Barrbarr
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Seville EdC


    Shave and a Haircut:

    I looked at my selection and asked myself which Barbershop should I use? My response: All of them! Ok didn’t fit 100% of them but hit the big three and gave myself a bonus spritz after I used my selections. Justification for hitting the soap theme: ZM - The Master is blatantly a barbershop and even has a picture of a barber’s chair. For the post shave, once again hitting the theme in the name itself- Noble Otter - Barrbarr. Plus the label art is a riff on a barner’s pole and has an Otter getting a shave like at an old fashioned barbershop. Last Barrister and Mann - Seville is marketed as a barbershop, but the name is a play on “The ~~Rabbit~~ Barber of Seville”. I’ll be giving myself a haircut with a Wahl trimmer and #3 guard later today.

    Today’s Challenge:

    I am an idiot. I should have known that the djudges would throw u/cowzilla3 a bone and only pick Old Spice as the correct answer. I got a paltry 8.


    This is a theme that just gives me the warm fuzzies. I never really went to an old school barbershop, so no clue what they should smell like. As a kid, my dad traded services with my mom’s favorite hair stylist. She’d come to our house and cut our hair, or we’d go to the salon where she worked. So a barbershop to me smells like fruity-floral shampoo, hairspray, styling mousse, and permanent chemicals. That is not what these are thank goodness. This was my first use of The Master. I’ve had the sample for a while. When I opened it, I thought it smelled similar to Seville. Citrusy, spicy/herbaceous (but not cinnamon/clove), a bit earthy and woody. Lathered it lost a lot of the scent. Maybe that’s because it is at least two years old. Noble Otter - Barrbarr was one of the first scents I got from them. Every time I use it, I think I could just use this everyday. It is clean with the lemon, but woody and earthy from the sandalwood and patchouli which complements The base notes of The Master. Finishing off this trio with Seville is a no brainer. How can you do a barbershop without “God’s Barbershop”. I first tried Seville in the Reserve base with a smoosh from u/OnionMiasma. It immediately went on my buy ASAP list, except in Omnibus. When Will introduced his EdC’s in Seville, Limon, and Nordost, I got the first two, but waited too long on Nordost. It is a funny thing, but the scent notes to Seville and Barrbarr are almost the same, but they are distinctly different in execution. All three scents worked well to build a harmonious trio. Wait a second, barber’s don’t do trios, needs to be a quartet. I gave myself a bonus spritz of Summer Break Soap - Picture Day EdT. It is a more powdery and clean barbershop scent, but still has enough in common with the trio to achieve

    Today’s Sponsor:

    What more can be said about the mad genius Kyle u/rocketk455? He somehow got a group of us to commit to a Dorito and Mtn Dew trifecta. It must be part of some sinister plan to take on big soap. Doritos and Mtn Dew are pretty popular products, and if that can be harnessed in the wetshaving world, first takeover the hobbyists, then use that momentum to get in every grocery store, Target, and Walmart. I think some people will claim someone else from these very games convinced Kyle to remake that scent, but why would he make his house stink of stale nacho cheese if it wasn’t part of a bigger plan?

  8. u/Str8_Razor posted on 2024-06-09 12:07:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LG 9 - Shave and a Haircut - Two Bits

    • Brush: Chiseled & Hound - Badger 26mm #SMOLL
    • Razor: Straight Razor King Pelican 32
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Barrbarr
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts - Gothorum Tonstrina
    • Fragrance: Darkbeat Parfums - Barber Note Sin Corte No Hay Gloria

    .#FOF BarrBarr Tonstina Barber Note

    • Barrbarr: Lemon, Rosemary, Basil, Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Patchouli

    • Gothorum Tonstrina: Patchouli, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Lavender, Basil, and Musk

    • Barber Note: Petitgrain, Fern, Aldehydes, Mint, Ginger and Lemon; Lavender, Sandalwood, Geranium, Lily-of-the-Valley and Rose; Moss, Leather, Suede, Coumarin, Cedar, Castoreum, Patchouli, Musk and Guaiac Wood

    Three barbershop's scents combined

  9. u/Tetriside posted on 2024-06-09 12:56:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024 - Shave and a Haircut - Two Bits

    • Brush: ShoreShave Burnt Orange, Tangerine, PearlSwirl T4 Fan 26 mm
    • Razor: CJB Kamisori Shavette #KAMISORI
    • Blade: Feather Pro Guard (7)
    • Lather: Eleven - Barbershop
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Fleur de France
    • Fragrance: Summer Break Soaps - Picture Day

    Theme: all software is/was marketed as a barbershop fragrance.

    Challenge: 5/32

    Another early morning shave on the weekend.

    What is a Barbershop? Italian barbershop fragrances usually smell like almond. French barbershop fragrances are citrusy. In North America barbershop fragrances are often powdery, and often a fougere, or close to it. But, there's no clear definition. So, what makes something a barbershop fragrance? Marketing, apparently.

    Eleven’s take on a barbershop fragrance is heavy on oakmoss, with a spicy basil and strong musk. I'm not finding any powder, or lavender at all, really. It feels like someone is missing. This is my first time using a product from Eleven. It took a lot of water before it started to puff up. Once it started it just. Kept. Going. It made a crazy amount of lather. This soap holds lots of water. Further testing is needed. But, the slickness was very good.

    It's a shame that Fleur de France was discontinued, because I really like this fragrance. The scent notes on the label read like a typical barbershop with the addition of citron. The proportions of the scents separates this from American barbershop fragrances. A sharp, bright, note of citron is front and center. Rosemary adds some herbaceousness. The musk stands out. The oakmoss and coumarin are restrained and serve to form the base. It feels lively.

    Picture Day is an American style barbershop fragrance. There's a strong note of lavender exhibiting a tasteful amount of powder that's not enough to classify this as a powdery fragrance to me. The aftershave is overpowering the frag at the moment.

    After a couple of hours, I'm still smelling more Fleur de France than Picture Day. I'll have to revisit the frag when I get home.

    I'm finally home, 12+ hours later. I gave Picture Day a spray on each wrist. I get a big green note which I assume is geranium. There's lavender which brings powder into play. Rather than being talc-y, the powder smells musty, or maybe peppery.

    #photocontest - water


    Edit: replaced a pic with a meme.

  10. u/Priusaurus posted on 2024-06-09 13:07:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024

    • Brush: AP Shave Co - Black/Gold Flakes - 30mm Oumo Boar #TOLL
    • Razor: Diane Hair Shaper #WECKONISTA
    • Blade: Fromm
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps – Picture Day Soap
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Picture Day Splash
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Hygge EdP

    Smoke fills the room, as a meeting of shave artisans from around the globe gather for their monthly meeting. They're all tired. They meet regularly in the dimly lit streets of r/wetshaving where shadows danced with secrets and whispers echoed off cobblestone walls. They were are the darlings of the craft, their creations adored by connoisseurs who sought the exquisite aromas they concocted with passion and precision. But now, they were prisoners of their own success, shackled to the demand for barbershop scents that stifled their creativity and gnawed at their souls.

    An artisan named Will took a long, drawn out drag on a cigarette. From the lit end, a long, cylindrical column of ash extended, seemingly defying gravity as it clung precariously to the cigarette. "I just don't know how much longer I can do this," he sighed. "I'm one of the best perfumers in this hobby and they want me to create another Barbershop scent..." He sounded beyond defeated.

    A deafening silence filled the room. They all know the reality of the situation. The hive mind had asked for yet another barbershop scent and there's only so much one artisan can take.

    Another artisan took a sip of whiskey from the dark corner and breaks the silence, "I'm telling you guys. Give up the barbershop scents. You'll feel better when you do." His voice was soft and gravely, yet his words projected across the room. Everyone stopped. You could cut the tension with a Weck. Kyle emerged from the darkness.

    Some sneered, while others just shook their heads. Everyone was silent. That would be impossible! For their operations relied on the barbershop scents to stay afloat. They've created this monster and now they have to deal with the Frankenstein they birthed.

    Kyle stood tall in the workshop, surrounded by shelves laden with exotic oils and dried herbs, his hands stained with the orange of Dorito dust. "You'll drive yourself insane if you keep doing Barbershops," he declared. Everyone knew he was right. His words carried the weight of years of frustration. "We're artisans, damn it, not puppets dancing to the tune of the masses. Set yourselves free and create something special! Something unique!"

    His words hung heavy in the air. The others exchanged uneasy glances, their faces etched with doubt and fear. But Kyle's resolve was unwavering. He had made up his mind long ago, and he would not be swayed.

    The other artisans knew there was truth in Kyle's words. But, they couldn't do it. While they would love to be done with Barbershop scents. They just couldn't. They had to bow to the whims of the masses, sacrificing their artistry for the sake of profit. While only Kyle would reclaim his craft, one tub of soap at a time, the rest would continue to grow weary, praying for a chance of artistic redemption, and just hoping to break free from their Crafters Choice prison.

    But the path to Kyle's liberation was not without its obstacles. The public clamored for a re-release of Picture Day. Their voices were a cacophony of demands that threatened to drown out his voice of defiance.

    But he would not be deterred. With steely determination and a heart as unyielding as a titanium razor, he would not back down. Kyle was armed with nothing but passion and unwavering belief in the power of his creativity. And a lot of lavender. As he stood in his quest for freedom, he knew that no matter the outcome, he had already won the greatest victory of all: the right to create on his own terms. And the sweet scent of defiance that lingered in the air would promise of a far brighter tomorrow than any Barbershop scent ever could. Maybe one day the other artisans would follow him, but today was not that day. For he was ahead of his time.


    My #FOF: Finishing up the shave with HoM Hygge is the most no brainer of every #FOF no-brainer there could possibly be. They’re both barbershop styles and share some of the same characteristics, but Hygge has a subtle citrus sweetness to it that really gives it an extra je-nais-se-quois where it is so much more than a barbershop fragrance. It’s clean, wearable, and there’s a musk that gives it an absolutely delightful warmth. These two scents share a lot of similar characteristics, but are wonderful on their own and amazing when layering the Hygge on top of the Picture Day Splash.

    Challenge: I got a 15/32. I’m kinda pissed I missed Rawr.

    Soap Theme Justification: From SBS: “This is my interpretation of a barbershop style scent, which was developed with my barbershop in mind”

    Relevant Post Shave & Fragrance: Barbershops everywhere!

  11. u/brokenjaw622 posted on 2024-06-09 13:46:51-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 9, 2024

    • Brush: Paladin Sumo 26mm Boar

    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird

    • Blade: Personna Lab Blue [4]

    • Lather: HAGS - Barberwood

    • Post Shave: HAGS - Barberwood

    • Fragrance: HAGS - Barberwood

    Shave and a haircut 2 bits.

    First shave using HAGS Barberwood, I know some people love HAGS and some hate them. I have to admit I’m not gonna say I love them, but I have 2 trifectas from them this and Isla Muerta and I definitely like both of them. The Frags are roller ball extracts and they smell great. They are not going to get you noticed when you walk into a room, but up close they are noticeable

    Today’s theme, that saying brings back found memories of my step-grandfather. But he always said “Shave and haircut (pause) Shampoo.” He always paused and it was a long pause and then shamPOO! He treated me just like the rest of his grandchildren. He was a good man and when he passed, we found a box and he had every card for every birthday and Christmas that the 3 grandsons including me that was given to him. You would never have known he was sentimental like that from talking to him. He was truly missed when he passed.

    Soap/As/Frag justification: Direct from HAGS

    “Barberwood” is a luxurious and masculine fragrance that evokes the timeless charm of a traditional barbershop. This captivating scent combines notes of talc, musk, and amber with a refreshing burst of Sicilian lemon and the warm, exotic aromas of myrrh, sandalwood, and heliotrope. The rich and earthy base of patchouli, orris root, and honey is complemented by the sweet and cozy scent of vanilla and the woody intensity of oakmoss and tonka bean. To add a touch of boldness and sophistication, Barberwood also features the deep and alluring notes of agarwood (oud) and leather. Experience the ultimate gentlemen’s grooming experience with the intoxicating scent of Barberwood.

    Today’s Challenge I scored 10 of 32. Im not very good at remembering scent profiles, but I was lucky enough to remember the 10 from my prepping for LG.

    Photo contest theme Darkness. Even in Darkness there is still some light.

    #ROTY #FOF #photocontest

  12. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2024-06-09 16:28:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024 – LG 9: Shave and a Hair Cut Two Bits

    • Brush: Zenith Titanio 20mm #RUNT
    • Razor: GEM Junior #FLIPTOP
    • Blade: GEM (39)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Fleur de France
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Epiphenomenon
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Seville

    If you want to dive deep into barbershops, go read u/velocipedic Battle of the Barbershops threads. I’ll aim to keep it short(ish) again today for #FOF. Fleur de France is a French barbershop, despite the description saying it is less powdery to not make it feel dated, I still find it quite so. That is not a complaint, but rather an observation. I would say this is most prevalent in soap form, and musky, where more rosemary and herbal twang come out in the AS/frag (not used today). That said, Epi is a powdery talc bomb. Think babies or old people, and both would be at home with Epi. As for Seville, can’t leave out God’s Barbershop today. Way more citrus than the previous two, a little mossy earthiness underneath. Honestly, this AS is overpowering it a bit even.

    For todays #PHOTOCONTEST we went with air, as in airborne. I’m embarrassed to admit how long I was sitting there throwing shave wares over the thick crocheted blanket and couch praying the glass wouldn’t break. iPhone burst photo needs to up its came, so many so blurry. Maybe a video screen grab would have worked better. Minor casualties too, some damaged labels and brushed, so we switched out the latter and kept trying with a different brush for today.

    As for the daily challenge, I got 25! Not bad for last years FOF champion. The breakdown, got all 16 where brand was given. 9 of the others. 2 of which I already used in soap form in LG, and I think 4-5 more in some fashion for future. Also of note, I own 19 of these in some form (soap, AS, frag), I have used 22 (including the 19, but smooshes of 3 more). Ones I don’t own but got correct: CB 322 (was looking at vetiver options for the games), WK King of Oud (little lucky 1st scent note is oud), CGC Montrose Beach (salt water and coconut give it away, but not as much as u/onionmiasma’s shave there last year, amirite?). I also knew 2 others were fourgeres but couldn’t get them (WK and CB) and knew the last one was a TSF but couldn’t get the name. I appreciated how Mood Indigo was an acceptable answer too.

    Edit: forgot to shout out today's sponsor Rocket! Awesome stuff, enages in the community and silliness (looking at you Remote Learning). Also, as a fellow educator, props. I'm still not on sumer break.

    soap brands 9/30, post shave 9/30, frag 9/30, post/frag linked 9/30, software sponsors 6/16, hardware sponsors 6/2, razor hashtags 7/15, brush hashtags 9/15, photo contest 9/30, daily challenges 8/26, special challenges 1/4

  13. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-09 17:08:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024

    Hygge is an updated barbershop, a new take on something old. As always, Ben provides his memories he has for each scent, so I think it is fitting that I reflect on this scent. My barbershop smelled of burnt hair and perm, from whatever (insert preferred generic word like Super, Master, or Expert)-Cuts mall place I went to for years. Come late college, I ended up at my first barber; open windowed where everyone watches the barbers who were rehabilitated convicted folks. They were incredibly good albeit slow. New city – had to get a new barber. Not as good but they did something new. After the neckline shavette, they splashed me with aftershave. A barbershop scent, probably Pinaud. Onto today, I smell the citrus and oakmoss and the masculine musk off the tub in Hygge. It definitely has the similarities to the “classic” barbershop that I smelled years ago. But more. It is sophisticated and updated, new and improved, representative of growth of both the barbershop scent and Ben as a perfumer. It has a more citrusy piney note that I detect, and more depth of which I cannot specifically pick out but lingers on my face. Hygge is a new modern take. Barbershops, for me, evoke a sense of self finding – even though my barbershop journey seems pretty inconspicuous as far as growth. It really was a defining time period for me as I was discovering myself. Cleaning myself up to look respectable, switching into a career, moving city to city, developing relationships with new people and friends. But I am still me throughout it, just a more updated version.

    Today is my passion hobby day, the freshly roasted chicken in the back represents several interlinked hobbies which all revolve around our food system and my obsession with it. I lurk in r/backyardchickens, r/chefit, r/cooking, r/composting, r/fermentation, r/foraging, r/organicgardening, r/permaculture, r/sousvide, r/grilling to name a few. This chicken represents me. Its a local, fully pasture raised, organic freedom ranger, prized for flavor and not breed for consumerism and monoculture money gains. Seasoned with only salt – allowing the chicken to shine and be valued for its flavor merits. I am a very technical cook so hopefully this shows it. I value the organic farming techniques this chicken was raised with; including crop and livestock rotation, open pastured animals, and building soil (ie, compost, compost tea, recycling of a diverse farm like using chicken manure to feed plants). This chicken was sliced onto a salad with Gem lettuce, French radish, strawberries, and scallions; all grown a stones throw from my house and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Its bones will be used for stock to complete the cycle.


    Challenge: 38% with 12/32. Embarrassed to say I missed a very cheesy answer.
