u/loudmusicboy's SOTDs for challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt'

u/loudmusicboy submitted 3 SOTDS.
  1. u/loudmusicboy posted on 2023-07-02 05:12:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather Games Day 2- Veggin' Like Legends

    • Prep: Hot Shower - Preshave
    • Brush: Shore Shave 26mm Motherlode
    • Razor: EldormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM - PTFE (11)
    • Lather: Razor Emporium - Citrus Shave Soap
    • Post Shave: Razor Emporium - Citrus Splash

    I don't have many veg soaps in the collection. I could have used SV's Tundra Artica today, but it felt just waaaaayyyy too fancy for a Sunday. So out came the Razor Emporium Citrus soap and splash. Razor Emporium actually makes a strong performer of a soap in a veg base so I didn't feel like I was going to have to perform a blood sacrifice this morning to the Djudges.

    Today's Challenge- (Note to Djudges- Thanks for giving us a heads up on the next day's theme. It makes it a little easier to prepare as opposed to rolling out of bed and thinking "Oh fuck, how the hell am I going to pull this shave photo/video off without the wife thinking I've lost my mind yet again) This is an Easy Mode Challenge for sure. The MM24 (aka The LG Butterknife) can be heard scraping stubble off through the whole house. My dogs run into the kitchen wondering what crunchy food item might hit the floor for them. But, alas, disappointment reigns for my canine kids as they realize it's just their dad scraping his face again.


  2. u/loudmusicboy posted on 2023-07-10 07:07:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather Games Day 10- A Musical Shaving Interlude

    • Brush: CaYuen 26mm Tuxedo
    • Razor: Schick M1 Adjustable
    • Blade: Schick - Injector (3)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Adagio Soap
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Alive Splash

    When the LG calendar came out, my original thought was to use HoM Alive because every time I pull it out, the only song I can hear in my head is "Alive" from Pearl Jam. Plus, the way u/mammothben describes the inspiration for the scent makes me think that this song was playing in the background while he was doing the write up. But after rejiggering my calendar several times, HoM got pushed to a different day as I try nail 30 soap artisans in 30 days. As a result, I did a blind buy on a tub of Adagio because...MUSIC! The scent notes certainly sounded great, but when I got the tub and cracked it open, all I could smell was earthiness. I figured that maybe it opens up a bit when lathered...and it didn't. All I got this morning was more earthiness and none of the brighter notes mentioned in the description. Sigh. But, Alive came to the rescue in splash form and made me a much happier camper on this musically challenged day.

    So, onto the daily challenge. I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I recently took an "Art as Meditation" workshop from a friend of mine and started to look past my perceived lack of artistic ability and decided to just accept what ended up on the paper. I've got a pretty great and musically cheesy sketchpad book. This was made by another friend who makes them out of album covers. How could I not resist grabbing one with the Wham! cover. Ultimately, my vision of this soap's cover took shape and I'm happy with what I was able to sketch out here.


    With today's Music theme. I have a lot of albums to choose from but the Cult's "Electric" just seemed to work for me this morning. It's such a bad ass album to represent a bad ass month here on the sub.

  3. u/loudmusicboy posted on 2023-07-20 04:03:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather Games Day 20- We've Been Duped

    • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving MOAR BOAR (31 mm x 57 mm )
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: Gem PTFE (1)
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Prom King Soap
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Hygge Splash

    There's nothing like a fresh blade in the MM24. It's the shaving equivalent of opening a new bag of Doritos and inhaling the nacho cheesy goodness (and don't come at me with your "Cool Ranch are way better, bro" stylings). But why the MM24 on Dupelganger day? Well, as I was arranging and rearranging and rearranging the rearrangements of the calendar, I ultimately settled on SBS Prom King, which, according to the label, was an r/wetshaving release based off of JPG Le Male (DUPE!!). If I'm going to use one r/wetshaving exclusive, might as well use some others, like the sub exclusive MOAR F'N BOAR. And if we are going to use MOAR F'N BOAR, I might as well use the razor mascot of r/wetshaving, the MM24. Unfortunately, I didn't have a sub exclusive splash but settled on a scent that is sanctioned and praised around these parts in Hygge. As you can see from my SOTD photo, my dog Opie is suuuuuuuper impressed with my shaving choices this morning.

    Onto the Daily Challenge of fucking up my lather. I soaked MOAR BOAR during my shower. Unlike most days, when I removed it from the mug, instead of flicking it twice, I flicked it 5 times to remove the excess water and set to lathering and then slathering it on my face. Without adding more water to the brush as I lathered, like usual, I left my lather like this. Now, our esteemed Shaving Overlords may look at those pictures and think, "That's a pretty good lather there u/loudmusicboy", but au contraire mon freres, I'm a guy that likes a much wetter lather when using this brush. I like a lather that easily slides off the razor over the sink. As you can see here, that lather ain't moving off the razor without a deluge of water and so went the first pass. I didn't wash my face between passes and continued with a stickier lather than usual. But, all things considered, it was still a fantastic shave, even though I got more feedback than usual slapping on splash after using the MM24.

    Alright, Shaving Overlords, I've made my sacrifices to you this morning, now let me go off and tackle my day.

    photocontest pets

    How could I not include my old man Opeth in one of these photos.