u/PhilosphicalZombie's SOTDs for challenge 'Lather Games 2023'

u/PhilosphicalZombie submitted 25 SOTDS.
  1. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-01 12:30:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-01 Bonjour! New Base? But of Course!

    ~~Note: I have been putting off posting - Imgur.com has been having issues this morning, so until it picks up it's pieces no pic for the SOTD or for the soap and aftershave. I had not yet pulled them in. Hopefully the Brush and Brassbird links at least work (crosses fingers).~~

    Never have used Moon Soaps before. I think they have two bases a soap and a cream however it could just be odd wording - this one is definitely a shave soap.

    Anyway - the soap is inspired by the Bixby Bridge located on scenic Highway 1 near Big Sur, California. (never been there but here is a photo of the bridge by Karen Gustafson Randall from the soap maker's website).

    As I am metaphorically putting my feet onto the bridge for Lather Games this is a good first step.

    First of all I love the scent: Black Tea, Tonka, Smoked Vanilla Bean, Black Volcanic Sea Salt, Coastal Driftwood, Black Pepper, Italian Bergamot, Jasmine, Green Apple, and Musk. Very nicely done.

    Performance - leaves me happy. Since this is a first time use I will have to give it a go a few times but gotta say I'm happy.

    ~~Hopefully I can get a pic up. I've a nice one and with the label on this being intentionally old fashioned I even got to use some video effects without them looking stupid and out of place. This will have to do to show off the~~ label - from Moon Soap's website) Fixed!

    Sorry no new razors so I can't play along there today.

    Have a good one.

    Ed: Woah! It finally uploaded!

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland - Blackbird, DE safety razor, Brass, 101 mm handle
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Moon Soaps - Bixby
    • Post Shave: Moon Soaps - Bixby

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  2. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-02 12:13:51-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-02 Day 2 - (Vegan Day)"No Animals Were Harmed...

    Picked a known vegan soap maker for today. Dr. Jon's. The Sunday Funday - Blue is from a series of batches that appeared / were intended to continue to appear, testing scents out. This particular one was Dr. Jon's first crack at a "blue" scent. Of note it hits the blue scent trope quite well however projects a mint note a little heavier than I am used to in "Blues". That said it is an enjoyable composition and backed up with a top notch vegan base. Sad to see Dr. Jon's end it's run.

    I followed it up with Rose facial toner from Thayer's as I like the rose blending in with what lingers from the soap as I stand cleaning my shave up.

    The brush uses a plastic handle and synthetic fibers.

    The Ralf Aust features no animal products and while not an SE is at least a single sharp blade (no, I'm not gonna win any arguments but, eh).


    Surely you have noticed in the credit roll at the end of a film phrase "No Animals Were Harmed"...

    In 1972 the phrase "No Animals Were Harmed" was coined by the American Humane Association (AHA). The society first took an interest in motion pictures after a horse was forced to jump off of a cliff during the filming of Jesse James (released 1940), breaking it's spine from the 70 foot drop and was put down as a result.

    The AHA operates under a contract with the Screen Actors Guild and monitors films using Screen Actor Guild members (roughly 70% or US made films). The phrase "No Animals Were Harmed" is trademarked by the Human Society and can only be applied by it.

    Note: the label "No Animals Were Harmed" is not a blanket guarantee that in fact no animals came to harm in the making of a film. The AHA can not guarantee for unplanned accidents, individual trainers, and similar items. Largely it means the production followed AHA guidelines and a representative was on site act some time during production.

    As with any organizeation that grants a moral judgement the AHA has from time to time had scandals and detractors (including famous animal activist Bob Barker). That said perhaps something is better than nothing?

    If you are at all interested here are some interesting articles regarding the topic. To be clear I do also enjoy a tallow soap so I'm not saying much on my end. Still there is probably little need to stampede a horse off of a 70 foot cliff just to get a shot.






    Take care everyone and have a good day.

    Ed: forgot to add an SOTD pic.

    Thanks for the community award.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Ralf Aust - Ralf Aust 5/8" Round Point Straight Razor
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Dr. Jon's - Sunday Funday January 2022: Blue
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Witch Hazel Facial Toner

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Included interesting information about the history of the phrase "No Animals Were Harmed" as it pertains to making films.

  3. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-03 05:03:42-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-03 Almond Day or The Beautiful Scent of Poison

    The Shave:

    Good shave - I love the scent of Cella, however the soap is so-so for me in terms of slickness and protection. The aftershave salve I am using is an olive oil and beeswax product scented with orange and almond. This is not a weak scent much like Cella the marzipan calling card of bitter almond greets you almost as if you nose had a hand for it to shake.

    The Almond and Cherry scent of Cella is a classic barbering scent. Read on to find out why almond and cherry go so well together along with some other darker matters...

    Other Matters:

    Almonds have a genetic relationship to you guessed it cherries - also apples, apricots, and peaches to name a few valuable commercial crops. Because of the botanical relationship both almond and cherry scent can be derived from almonds.

    On it's own Almonds, the wild kind, are bitter and toxic due to (a cyanide compound - cyanogenic diglucoside amygdalin). Each of those plants have a cyanide compound in their pits. Around 10 - 70 bitter almonds could kill an adult human.However a naturally occurring mutation allowed for domestication that dramatically reduced the amount of the cyanide compound - resulting in sweet almonds.

    Without this - human domestication for food would not have been possible.

    Bitter almonds though are still though used as a scent compound in the form of essential oil. Special care and a chemical reaction must occur to remove cyanide compounds prior to use. Heat is another possible route.

    With all this laid out, keep in mind, cyanide (the deadly chemical compound) actually smells like almonds.

    In 1982, in Chicago, prior to tamper resistant packaging, several murders were carried out by lacing Tylenol with cyanide (specifically potassium cyanide). The easy access provided to the contents of the bottles (or any pill bottle at the time) allowed for multiple opportunities for the pills to be tampered with.

    Autopsy showed asphyxiation at a metabolic level but a cause was not immediately forthcoming. A public health Nurse noticed the commonality of the Tylenol product between each death (7 dead). A Cook County investigator was able to smell the almond scent in each bottle associated with the victims.Blood tests confirmed presence of the cyanide compound. Bottles were pulled quickly. Massive amounts of radio, newsprint, and television coverage got the word out and bottles in private homes were pitched.

    The fallout of the poisonings in the end did not mar Tylenol as the company (Johnson & Johnson) responded quickly for this specific incident with tamper resistant bottles and acted transparently at the time.

    Other fallout included one person sent a letter to the White house demanding a ransom be paid to stop the poisonings. That person was convicted of fraud however not murder as no linkage could be proven. As a result congress passed the "Tylenol Bill" in 1983 and tampering with medicine bottles became a federal crime.

    The case remains unresolved and open...

    Almond scents and flavors can also be derived from: Cherry or Apricots (pits)

    A little extra reading if interested - the first one is equally boring and fascinating. The article "It smells like almonds" deals with the Tylenol case. For me much more interesting (I can remember news coverage of the poisonings from when I was in elementary school)


    Take care and have a good day.

    Oh! And on more thing - My best to u/RedMosquitoMM on this special day! Pleasant and enjoyable shaves always for you good soul.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Simple Clean Shave - SCS Model A
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Cella - Crema Da Barba (Red)
    • Post Shave: Colannino's Sicilian Shaving Salve - Original Orange and Almond

  4. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-04 14:16:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-04 Of "Plough Winds" and Tornadoes

    Nice shave, the Un Jour Gris always does a good job of evoking a gray rainscape of a day. I pulled in the Tornadic to bolster the ozone and rain notes. Small nick under the nose nothing big and easily solved.


    Being from the US Midwest spring can be beautiful, however sometimes a bit dangerous. As a result I will be leaning into the description for the day requiring "or Prominently feature floral, grassy, or petrichor accords"

    A quick survey of the scents involved...

    Un Jour Gris (soap) - petrichor, vetiver and sandalwood

    Tornadic (aftershave) - Oakmoss, musk, rain, ozone, and mahogany.

    Both lean into spring storms and their results.

    And as such there is a specific feature to Spring I am looking to for this shave.

    Storms, "Plough Winds", and Tornadoes on the Prairie:

    Spring brings flowers and fresh air. A chance to crack open the windows and release the staleness of your metaphorical hibernation (just ask Persephone if you are into Greek mythology).

    But as with all things, there are small caveats, conditions, requirements placed upon the joy.

    In the Midwest spring comes with storms.

    Birds mill about warily, house flies begin to bite, small mice hurriedly work at their chores before hiding, and squirrels shaking their fluffed tails on ground and tree decide on a proper response to what they know is coming.

    On the plains you can smell a storm before it arrives. This wind is known as a "gust front" and runs on ahead of a storm as you feel the temperature drop.More scientifically it can be called a downburst but to the observer emotion matters more. Ignoring the sound of the gusts and the rumble of distant thunder. These gusts drive their own scents of warning to one waiting for the storm to arrive. Upon these unsettled winds which move forth to present themselves as a heralds, various scents are picked up, and added to the churn.

    The advancing gust steals up petrichor from the grounds inside the storm lofting the scent high into the air, then mingles in any ozone from the breath of searing lightning blasting it downward and tumbling it across the ground before the storm. Grasses, flowers, weeds, the trees that line the creeks and crops now waving not gently shake and give up dusts and pollen and their own general scents almost as if sweating nervous tannins, florals, hay, and dirt into the low ground bound moist and charged atmospheric river.

    At best a small rain follows.

    Or, perhaps a violent downpour with lighting blasting the sky and earth, brilliant as if being nature's own artillery followed, by the chasing cannon rumbled boom of thunder.

    At worst a "Derrecho" also known as a "Plough Wind" shears across the landscape toppling and cutting or a tornado with it's freight train sound mills the very ground marking it, scoring a track into the ground and picking apart houses into small unrecognizable pieces, grabbing cars and random items and dashing them into fields.

    And afterward a weighted mugginess with all those scents remains entrained in place. Those who suffered through remain to sort the damage.

    But the flowers don't mind. Though their scents have been blunted by the storm - out of the earth they will spring again.

    Take care and Have a good day.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Above The Tie - Calypso Blue V2 SB90, DE
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Catie's Bubbles - Un Jour Gris
    • Post Shave: Oz Shaving - Tornadic

  5. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-05 05:41:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-04 Canned Goop Shave - That's Goop

    Okay, so this one has had me the most agitated so far. Yes I used to use goop all the time. However, I have never used canned goop with a DE. Ever. Only with a multi-blade cartridge.

    My memory of foam (Memory foam?) is that it was slick but nearly completely lacking cushion or really any protection other than being just slick. While my memory hast turned out to be not completely unjustified the equipment chosen, at least the razor, was not the worst pairing.

    Well, first off the brush doesn't add anything to this party so let's pop that one off the list. Just not applicable.

    Very few DE razors are available for purchase in a Midwestern grocery store. There is a Gillette (King C.) offering, and a Van Der Hagen offering (sometimes a long handle, sometimes a short handle, sometimes a Merkur Futur knock-off). Out of curiosity a few years ago I picked up the short handeled Van Der Hagen out of curiosity. I think I may have seen a Bevel DE at sometime and I am told there is a Dollar Tree razor (which I have still never seen) but yeah mostly Van Der Hagen or King C. Gillette To be charitable the only thing milder that I own is a Fatip il Piccolo Spec Edition, in an OC configuration (a beautiful razor fit only for display: this razor has one side that just pushes lather around and the other side cuts stubble a bit somewhat kinda sort of) I know that is the worst representation of a Fatip so I chose unwisely. The Van Der Hagen blades are a bit rough to me in aggressive razors though they function well enough - however in the razor by Van Der Hagen it is fine because of the inherit mildness of the head design.

    Scent on the Barbasol was soapy fresh-ish. Not much to it. A very restrained amount of menthol in the mix was actually nice. It is effectively designed not to offend, not to be remarkable, and arguably not to be memorable.I kind of miss my Dad's favorite Lime Gillette foam from the 1980s but that was something I jsut couldn't find on any shelves.

    The Aqua Velva Musk, which was also bought at a grocery, did it's best burn and followed up with a Musk, leather, lemon, tobacco, talc combination that my family finds to be a bit much. In truth I'm fine with it although it will not win any quality or olfactory award. It is a good, basic, traditional aftershave offering that is not mint, aldehyde, or fougere based. So for an alternative basic aftershave scent it is not horrible and only exciting in that it is not mint based.

    Um, so, Anyway.

    Yeah. That on a 4 pass left me with a bit of stubble. I thought I had it knocked down but I am noticing it as I type this up.

    Tomorrow's shave will be better. I know what I have coming up.

    My main problem with this shave is the razor. So mild for my rough stubble. Worse I know it will basically have to come back for the cheapest shave on day 28...shudder. Really lather games is the only reason I keep the Van Der Hagen around.

    So that is the canned goop shave.

    Take care and have a good one.

    No Spotify at the moment so here is a manual list of background music for a pharmacy:

    This Classic

    Another Classic

    Yet More

    Oh this one is on fire

    This one has swing

    Awkward but still on theme

    This is probably the most retail one I could find!


    Take care and have a good day everyone.

    Ed: fixed text, what a mess. What a goopy mess.

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: Barbasol - Soothing Aloe (Shave Foam)
    • Post Shave: Combe, Inc - Aqua Velva Musk

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Rick Roll

  6. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-06 06:16:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-06 LG Day 6 - Wolf Mother x 3

    Nice shave. Although not the most aggressive razor I own - you do need to take your time with this one. Very clean shave. A really good lather from a maker with a very diverse scent catalogue running from novel (pickle, I ♥ Bacon) to delicate (Dusty Muave) to complex (Toki, Wolf Mother).

    This trifecta of Talent Soap Factory Wolf Mother software, Aftershave, and Edp, pulls in scents of blackberry, merlot, tobacco flower, whiskey, cocoa, marshmallow, sandalwood, some smokiness, and cedar along with hints of amber and patchouli. A nice blend suggesting a campfire shared by a couple.

    Although campfires happen all spring and summer long this seems more of a fall scent.

    I did decide not to play Jenga with my most expensive tools and software. Somehow I think it would be discouraging to a loved one who seems happy for me to have this hobby. So I passed. I wish others well in their feats of gravity defying stacking.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Above The Tie - Windsor SSRH2, OC Base Plate, DE - (not Windsor Pro)
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Wolf Mother
    • Post Shave: Talent Soap Factory - Wolf Mother
    • Fragrance: Talent Soap Factory - Wolf Mother

  7. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-07 05:17:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2027-07-07 Spiced Satsuma

    Seaforth! Spiced is a comforting spice nestled over a base of rice pudding or horchatta to me in terms of scent. Satsuma is the citrus of the fruit with spices. Trying to avoid going the bayrum route for spicy. The two don't quite mesh as nicely as I had hoped. I like both, just not sure they are a good partnership at least scent wise. Everything worked out for a clean shave tough.

    Have to run out the door. I have two projects due today and more work to be done on them.

    Looking forward to the weekend. Sleep is one of those things I'm missing right now.

    Well, back to the spice mine.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Titanium with Imperial Handle, DE
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. - Handcrafted Series "Summer" with 24mm Gelousy SHD fan knot (A1)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Spiced
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Satsuma (balm)

    Sponsor Uses

    • Spearhead Shaving (Software Sponsor Points)
    • AP Shave Co complete brushes or Handcrafted Series handles (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  8. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-08 19:28:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2027-07-08 Maggards Razors - Small Business Day

    Great scent on the Mango Sage Tea shave soap. I still need to order a full size.

    The Blue Swirl with the Timberwolf synthetic was my first synthetic fiber brush. And looking back at my SOTD posts it really has become a workhorse for me.

    Also the MR8 handle with the V3A head has become my travel buddy. Which is kinda funny because this thing is a chonk of a handle. Heavy. The diameter and weight make if a viable replacement for a roll of coins in a fist for a fistfight. The head cleaves away at a tough beard in a mild yet efficient fashion.

    The shave bowl in the picture was won at the 2023 Maggards Meet up. Been happy to have it around. It works much better than what I have been using with samples and you know what else it also looks nice.

    I had never heard of Maggards before joining up here a few years ago. I have to thank whoever directed me their after I started posting.

    Take care everyone. Hope your weekend is going well.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Maggard - V3A Head / MR8 Handle
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Maggard Razors - Mango Sage Tea
    • Post Shave: Saponificio Varesino - Desert Vetiver

    Sponsor Uses

    • Maggard Razors (house-brand soap) (Software Sponsor Points)

  9. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-09 08:28:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-09 Death Before Decafe

    Nice shave. The Ikon Short Comb is a bit of an underrated razor. Saw it discussed somewhere yesterday and decided to grab it for use today. Clean, free of nicks and such.

    A quick look at the scents on the software for today:

    Iced Coffee shave soap - As per Stirling, "Coffee! With menthol and a little hazelnut, “Made with a roasted black coffee fragrance with a hint of hazelnut, this soap also packs an icy menthol kick. This is a great unisex scent.”

    I ♥ Bacon aftershave - As per Talent Soap Factory "savory notes of hickory smoked bacon and wood smoke are enhanced with nuances of Vermont maple sugar, melted butter, vanilla extract, and fresh morning coffee."

    From the bottle of the aftershave a poem:

    There once was a pig from Peru Who said, "I love bacon too. I know its a sin, but I can't help but give in. Bacon just makes me go Woo!"

    -Mary Bukowski

    A quick note: For the aftershave when you put it on it smells like a pancake breakfast. Unfortunately as the scent wears on the aftershave - and it could sub for a cologne or possibly more (it is detectable on my skin at least 6 hours out) - the something is getting warm scent along with the maple begins to project more than the rest of the bundle. People begin asking if something is getting warm (like an electrical chord) so I usually save this aftershave for times like Thanksgiving where there are lots of food scents. With context people get it and understand the scent (again this is 3+ hours out) however without - some get nervous.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Ikon Razors - Ikon Short Comb with Bulldog 80 mm handle
    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps - Mountain Laurel, synthetic 26mm Maggard knot (from London Razors Mountain Laurel release PIF)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Iced Coffee
    • Post Shave: Talent Soap Factory - I ♥ Bacon

    Sponsor Uses

    • Stirling Soap Co. (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Summer Break Soaps brushes (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  10. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-10 05:38:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-10 Musical Monday - Deep Ellum for Jazz and Blues

    The Shave:

    First off the shave was very pleasant. Clean with no nicks. As I type this no irritation has announced itself. The T4 fan is a bit floppy however still does a good job on the lather. I just like a bit more scritch.

    The Scent of Deep Ellum as described by Crowne and Crane: "Our Deep Ellum shaving soap is named after the East Dallas neighborhood known for its down and dirty jazz and blues scene. The scent starts with a smokey orange citrus high note, mingled with subdued middle notes of violet and geranium and finished by bass notes of patchouli, musk and hard woods. This soap has soul."

    This is a well done cologne scent with a burnt orange lead and nice supporting notes.

    A Little More about Deep Ellum:

    Deep Ellum is a neighborhood in East Dallas, Texas was settled after the abolition of slavery in the United States as a freedman's town. Originally known as "Deep Elm" (as in Elm Street) however pronounced as Deep Ellum which stuck.

    With the arrival of the railroad the location thrived. However the Great Depression hit hard. The area faded. Highway construction in the late 1940s did more community damage. Elevated highways followed in the late 1960s and 1970s leveling large tracts of the neighborhood. A disruptive fate that hit many inner city and minority neighborhoods during this time period.

    From the 1920s through the 1950s Deep Ellum was known for Jazz and Blues with Lead Belly and Blind Lemon Jefferson composing there. While that identity remains. During the 1990s Deep Ellum was home to more than 150 bars and clubs. A punk scene was a feature from the 1980s and by the 1990s Deep Ellum was the place for touring acts and local bands. Deep Ellum remains an entertainment center to this day.

    A little reading you may find interesting:

    The History of Deep Ellum - Parks for Downtown Dallas (breezy quick read)

    The Legacy of Blind Lemon Jefferson in Deep Ellum

    How to Spend a Day in Deep Ellum (for the tourist)

    Deep Ellum, Dallas - Wikipedia

    Knights of Pythias Temple (Dallas, Texas) - Wikipedia A Dallas Landmark building with a large role in the neighborhood.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Charcoal Goods Level 2 with Stinger Handle
    • Brush: Shore Shave - "Chubster Martini Olive" with 26mm T4 Fan Synthetic knot
    • Lather: Crowne & Crane - Deep Ellum
    • Post Shave: Crowne & Cranes. - Deep Ellum (Balm)

  11. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-11 05:44:32-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-11 Summer Shave

    Went with the last "or" on the description for the shave under prominently feature citrus accords.

    Pucker Scent Notes: Lime, Lemon, Bergamot & Citron (this is the canard base)

    Orange Chill scent notes: Orange, Menthol (needed some cool down, nothing quite like cold orange juice on a summer morning).

    All in all a good shave. I need to use the straight a bit more often. This and the last time I've felt a bit rusty.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Ralf Aust - Ralf Aust 5/8" Round Point Straight Razor
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. - Handcrafted Series "Summer" with 24mm Gelousy SHD fan knot (A1)
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co - Pucker
    • Post Shave: Sterling Soap Co. - Orange Chill

    Sponsor Uses

    • Chicago Grooming Co. / Oleo Soapworks (Software Sponsor Points)
    • AP Shave Co complete brushes or Handcrafted Series handles (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  12. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-12 05:48:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-12 Fluffy

    Today's Shave soap is 7 Doubloons by Black Ship Grooming Co. which gets the coconut in right on the first ingredient!

    Scent: (Apple forward) – sandalwood, amber, fir, musk, apple, cilantro, black currant.

    Ingredients: Coconut oil, shea butter, stearic acid, potassium hydroxide, water, fragrance & essential oils.

    Followed this up with a Summer Break Soaps aftershave Teacher's Pet.

    The scents on that one are - Apple, brown sugar, white musk, orange, and patchouli. (Apple forward)

    But wait! There's more! Change up your lathering process - say no more.

    Do I normally bowl lather? Yes I do! Control freak? Nah just mild OCD. Ok so since I do not have a prehensile tail and my feet are well you know feet and not hands - that means I could lather in my hand (does not play at all well with mild OCD) or face lather to switch things up.

    I used to face lather mostly. I no longer do. A fluffy soap (and yeah it is a bit fluffy) is in my opinion not ideal for a face lather. But I got by.

    I like this soap although I rarely use it. But this should be done in a bowl, you know for better control.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland - Blackbird, DE safety razor, Brass, 101 mm handle
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Black Ship Grooming - Seven Doubloons
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Teacher's Pet

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  13. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-13 05:12:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-13 Hippies? Nah...Just a Fatman in the Bathtub With the Blues

    Clean shave (nearly), really a pretty decent one. Nice soap, not the easiest lather (lots of water and churn) but the end result is a great slick lather. Yeah, I'm happy.

    Where is the Patchouli?

    The scents on the soap for the day are really just "Orange & Patchouli" and a nice blend.

    The aftershave following up this is a bit more complex but has patchouli as one of it's base notes: (Top) lemon, jasmine, bitter orange peel (Middle) rose, bitter orange flowers, vetiver (Base) patchouli, oakmoss, vanilla. The earthiness helps ground the tart and the fruity in this composition.

    Song Day: Song Feature!

    Little Feat - Fatman in a Bathtub

    Why this song? Well it is a good one, however mostly, as I stood shaving I glanced over at the tub. Really that was all it took. Being perpetually sleepy I thought, what if I crawl in? And this song came to mind.

    And yes! It does have enough cowbell at the front to make Christopher Walken gleeful. Good fun beat complex beat. The Video, a recent official video, is a visual feast (despite the song's name) and really owes a great deal to the style of Terry Gilliam.

    "Spotcheck Billy got down on his hands and knees He said,

    "Hey momma, hey let me check your oil all right?"

    She said "No, no honey, not tonight!

    Will you comeback Monday

    Will you comeback Tuesday, oh, and then I might"

    Obviously it is full of sexual innuendo (I will leave you to parse it if you want) but really interesting is the rhythm. Here is a post trying to explain the wild rhythm scheme.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable - Date Code J3
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Subtle Art Soap Co. - Orange & Patchouli
    • Post Shave: S. Maria Novella - Vetiver

  14. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-14 15:17:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-14 Frigid Friday or, How to Feel the Brrr..n

    Glacial is menthol, at list for me approaching icy-hot. Almost a numbing agent is that cold. So the challenge for today, "This is not the way" being to shave in an order not usual to your normal way of going about things could prove somewhat tricky to get a great shave. I can get a great shave out of this soap and with this razor but in messing up the order the feedback is kind of a mess for me.

    Easy enough if normal = WTGxXTGxATG (Buff) then today = (Buff) ATGxXTGxWTG.

    Okay the buff part seemed a bit ornamental. How do you touch up something that has yet to be touched? I dunno so I hit my usual problem spots with a mostly non-directional volley of short strokes.

    Next to go against the grain. I have a new blade in and this is a rather aggressive head - Stirling's ST head offering - it should plow through fine. It did. However any miss is not going to get another ATG pass so unless the XTG catches it there is an unlikeliness that the WTG is gonna level it. So, yeah that took down a lot.

    The cross grain run was more comfortable but still left a few stands of my stubble in a couple places upon checking.

    WTG did manage to clean up a few remaining pockets of stubble but upon rinsing this was still a rather rough landscape.

    So we will just touch up this! Nope, already did that. Did that first. So yeah the most visually telling was the small strip of stuble thinly residing over my left upper lip.

    Not ideal, and what made it harder was that with the power of "Glacial" I could not as easily feel the out of sync WTG pass.

    Have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Stirling Soap Company - Stirling Stainless Steel "SSS" (Austin Handle / HA plate)
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Glacial Obsidian
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Black Ice

    Sponsor Uses

    • Stirling Soap Co. (Software Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Player embraces the daily challenge with gusto and begins his shave by buffing problem-spots.

  15. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-15 11:26:40-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-15 Cheepruh, Shipruh, eh? Sheep-ruh, eh? Chypre...*

    The shave - software:

    Always happy with the performance of Barrister and Mann. I have several of their soaps on hand. I do not have anything much in the way of Chypres so I procured a Barrister and Mann Le Grand Chypre soap sample and an aftershave sample. Chypres, they just don't seem to be supre common - watch I'm totally wrong. The scent is kinda perplexing to me. To me it seems to remind me of Tart-n-Tiny or smarties, and so kinda gourmand. Not bad. Just not expected. I mean take a smartie, or bottle cap, or something like that and elevate it's scent to a epic and glorious mannre and I guess end up with a Chypre. I kinda like it (Mrs. Zombie, not so much though).

    The shave - hadware:

    Noticing this is Stirling's but unsure of which Stirling soap might truly fit the profile of a chypre I decided to honor this with the hardware side of things. Today I used my Li'l brudder (which also works great for soaps in small containers) and the Stirling Stainless Steel razor. Rod wanted a razor made fully in the USA that matched his standards and his likes. The road was a bit rough, howevre I am incredibly happy Rod took the time to do this as I really enjoy this razor. I have both the ST (standard) and HA (hyper aggressive) heads. The ST is not low in aggression and is my default on this razor. It mows down a tough stubble with ease. The ST, I find to be a bit of a novelty, a novelty that should be wholly respected with great care. This is the most aggressive head configuration I own on a safety razor and you could regard it as a shavette-on-a-stick. The only othre head I have that comes close to this in aggression is an Ikon Tek head (which also demands similar care in use).

    All in all a great shave.

    Take care and have a good one


    *^(Sorry, no video I do not need to be on a tube or really any other visual medium. The term "face for radio" applies without modification, addendum, or any othre form of clause. In fact locked up in a dark room covered with a tarp may be advisable with regards to my countenance. A framed picture to scare away rats could, however, be a remarkably viable usage for my visage.)

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Stirling Soap Company - Stirling Stainless Steel "SSS" (Austin Handle / ST plate)
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Le Grand Chypre
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Le Grand Chypre

    Sponsor Uses

    • Barrister and Mann (Software Sponsor Points)

  16. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-16 12:00:51-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


    The Shave Mercantile's Country Barber (produced by Music city Suds) has as it's advertising copy:

    "Classic Country Barber - Limited Edition - Shaving Soap is our homage to the country icons that made the sound of Nashville. Handcrafted and powdery smooth with notes of Bergamot, Basil Leaf, Oakmoss, White Patchouli, Powder, stage lights, whining steel guitars, and some country blues."

    It does deliver on this "scent-scape" even seeming a bit musky sweet for this kind of scent despite declaring no musky notes. In use the soap is good but not of excellent tier. Afterwords perhaps a bit drying. Likeable enough and really a nice take on the type of scent but would be best paired with an aftershave balm - but no, no, no, that is not part of an old-school experience. We need the soothe that only comes after a bite the bullet howl with a slap of alcohol fueled aftershave.

    Enter an actual time honored barbershop beast - Jerris Osage Rub. So, Osage rub started out life as a hair tonic. Much like u/RedMosquitoMM I am going to site an entry from a blog called "From Pyrgos" but this one is specific to Osage Rub Osage Rub: Classic Coolness .

    Let's put it this way - Osage Rub started out as a hair tonic to "invigorate the scalp" and do other almost patent medicine type stuff. Throw that on a balding head and the tingle and cold will make you feel like something just might be accomplished. However some crappy but quick thinking barber somewhere upon performing a really poor shave leaving his ~~victim~~ client sliced and probably seething decided I have to do something quick - doused his palm in several squirts and slapped it on the poor fellas face. The shock of the alcohol and overwhelming coolness of ice quickly made the ~~client~~ victim forget anything about the sad shave he had just received - and it stuck. Well that or the marketing changed - lol (kinda like with Aqua Velva).

    Picked out the straight this morning to go along with the scenario.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable - Date Code J3
    • Razor: Ralf Aust - Ralf Aust 5/8" Round Point Straight Razor (DQed)
    • Brush: Semogue - Semogue 830, Boar bristle 22mm
    • Lather: The Shave Mercantile - Classic Country Barber
    • Post Shave: Jerris - Osage Rub

  17. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-17 05:31:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


    The Shave soap:

    Per Zingari Man,

    "We are delighted bring to you another amazing collaboration with Rogue Perfumery. The brilliant nose behind this incredible house is Manuel Cross. We are excited for you to try this classic gentlemen’s fragrance.

    Bon Monsieur is a fragrance of pure nostalgia. Having grown up in the 1980s I wanted to create a fragrance that encapsulates my formative years and that pays homage to some of the great fougeres of the time. A hefty dose of a fine lavender absolute and oakmoss form the base of Bon Monsieur. This is indeed a classic gentlemen’s fragrance.

    Notes: Lavender, Bergamot, Fir Balsam, Geranium, Oakmoss, Carnation, Lily of the Valley, Cedar, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Musk"

    Very nice, I enjoyed it and it did smell great.

    Floid the Genuine is not a collab however - just didn't have a good fit for a collab on hand in the aftershave department.

    The Gillette Sterling is an Indian market offering sold by Gillette. This three piece DE razor comes package on a card with one DE blade. Click the link on the razor if you are curious there is some more info.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette Sterling (7 O'clock)
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. - Handcrafted Series "Summer" with 24mm Gelousy SHD fan knot (A1)
    • Lather: Zingari Man - Bon Monsieur (Collab with Rogue Perfumery)
    • Post Shave: Floid - The Genuine

    Sponsor Uses

    • Zingari Man (Software Sponsor Points)
    • AP Shave Co complete brushes or Handcrafted Series handles (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  18. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-18 05:28:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-18 Spooky Season

    Not at all awake this morning.

    So, yeah. Just like normal I sent the day's shavings down the drain without thinking twice about it. So I guess this shave was basically Yak Shaving Day although I think the soap and aftershave balm fit the day.

    Couldn't even find the original Shaven Yak segment from Ren and Stimpy. Only could find clips from a video game.

    This is the last semi-useful dregs of that aftershave balm. I will be excited to replace it. This one has been used up and aged out.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Simple Clean Shave - SCS Model A
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Hallows
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Hallows (balm)

    Sponsor Uses

    • Barrister and Mann (Software Sponsor Points)

  19. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-19 05:43:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-19 Cream (Feeling Blue)

    Godrej shave cream has a pleasant but difficult to describe scent - the Cinthol version is kinda fruity, kinda minty / toothpastey. The Cinthol version has a nice payload of menthol. Does a good job.

    Did not use a sock - darn it! (If you got the pun well I'm shocked)

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Above The Tie - Calypso Blue V2 SB90, DE
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Godrej - Cinthol Shaving Cream
    • Post Shave: Veleiro - Veleiro Balsamo (balm)

  20. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-20 18:03:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-20 Pasty Dupelganger

    Chicago Grooming Co.'s Irving Park is the Dupeelganger for today (YSL Rive Gauche).

    Scent note list as follows: Bergamot, Star Anise, Rosemary, Lavender, Geranium Leaves, Cloves, Vetiver, Guaiac Wood, Patchouli.

    I love this set. But ya gone and made me lather it wrong. As I mentioned on another post I have mild OCD (was worse as a kid but you work on it). I bowl lather and work for that perfect whipped wholly hydrated lather and that is where I like to fall. Not loose, and runny, bubbly or chunky. Nor thick enough your fork can stand up in it (we are not aiming for a perfect bowl of chili here folks).

    So the default is to be pasty. ^(Grumble).

    Picked my brassbird because it handles most any lather (good or bad) quite well. Grabbed a new blade I had never used before (not great idea).

    Was an okay shave. Not gonna blame the soap or the razor. Can't say for the razor blade. The technique - all pasty like...means rinse, swipe, rinse, swipe, no good.! Oh well.

    So, in the immortal words of DJ Pete Nice and Secrch (3rd Bass) from Herbalz in Your Mouth:

    [Serch] Weebles to the weebles to the wobbles - to the herbalz

    [Nice] I don't drink milk when it curdles

    [Serch] Cause then it's too pasty, French like pastry

    [Nice] It's like gettin caught boostin at Macy's

    [Serch] True indeed, Cogswell Cogs, and Sprockets at Spacely's

    [Nice] I make like George, and Jet-i-son safely

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland - Blackbird, DE safety razor, Brass, 101 mm handle
    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps - Mountain Laurel, synthetic 26mm Maggard knot (from London Razors Mountain Laurel release PIF)
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co - Irving Park
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. - Irving Park

    Sponsor Uses

    • Chicago Grooming Co. / Oleo Soapworks (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Summer Break Soaps brushes (Hardware Sponsor Points)
    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  21. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-21 16:25:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


    Black Fern was originally part of the LA Shaving line up with a vegan base however has been brought into the standard Chiseled Face tallow base. This is a very dense and herbal fougere.

    Now for a Haiku on Fougere:

    Unfolded fronds rest

    Fougere the forest snuffle

    Damp within the weald

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Charcoal Goods Level 2 with Stinger Handle
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Li'l Brudder, Synthetic 22mm
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Black Fern
    • Post Shave: Eleven - Lime and Basil (balm)

  22. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-22 11:19:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-22 Mora e Muschio or Blackberries and Moss

    I almost used this for Cream day. I don't have a lot of berry based scents on hand. So I held off and this one is chock full of berries. "Mora e Muschio" as far as I understand translates from Italian to English as Blackberries and Moss.

    The scent notes on this one are: Top notes of red berries, blackberry and blueberry wrapped in a floral heart with a finish of white musk, cream and vanilla notes. Per maker - “sweet but not too sweet” I would have to agree there is only really a touch of sweetness. Nicely balanced.

    I've had this for a while and but this is my first use of it. So I miss-judged (or is that missdjudged...idk) how much I needed for a lather and came up a bit short. Fortunately the Chiseled face razor is a kind instrument and operated well even with the low lather investment I made.

    I did not go for the leg shave on leg day. No excuses. Just me being lazy. As such I fall on my sword for this challenge for I have no leg to stand on.

    Take care and have a good one.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Titanium with Imperial Handle, DE
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. - Handcrafted Series "Summer" with 24mm Gelousy SHD fan knot (A1)
    • Lather: Saponificio Bignoli - Mora E Muschio
    • Post Shave: Saponificio Bignoli - Mora E Muschio

    Sponsor Uses

    • AP Shave Co complete brushes or Handcrafted Series handles (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  23. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-23 14:47:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-23 Enchanting Aroma

    Got a bit lucky with this one. The sponsor of the day gets me probably the most compliments. Really the only compliments I get are from my wife. She is not a scent fanatic - in fact quite the opposite. She is not a big fan of scented products unless they are on her own terms (something she selects). Out of my shaving products most of the scents she likes are gourmand or with gourmand scent components, or even novelty soaps*. Noble Otter Lonestar is probably the most prominent example of a scent she regularly compliments me on as I am shaving that does not smell like food or have gourmand scents worked into it.

    I mean the notes listed for Lonestar are: Lemon, Sage, Magnolia, Texas Cedar, Oakmoss, Leather, and Hay. I mean yes lemon can be gourmand but it is not treated as such here. I'm not gonna go suck a lemon, it's not the kind of sage used in dressing at Thanksgiving and I'm not chewing on the rest of the scent components - so no I really don't consider this gourmand or gourmand leaning.

    And with this one I get actual compliments. Not snarky ones either.

    Interestingly enough one of her most disliked scents also comes from Noble Otter which is Two Kings. She is not big on floral at all.

    Picked the Parker 11R today because I thought the cow horn handle went along with a Lonestar themed shave quite well.


    Today's Challenge: Reporting with a Lather Audit.

    Have a good one and take care.


    *^(Yes she is full on excited about ")^(Remote Learning)^(" and is also the reason I own a) ^(Pickle) ^(and a) ^(Bacon) ^(Scented shave soap.)

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Parker 11R - (3 Piece, horn handle)
    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps - Mountain Laurel, synthetic 26mm Maggard knot (from London Razors Mountain Laurel release PIF)
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Lonestar
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter - Lonestar

    Sponsor Uses

    • Noble Otter (Software Sponsor Points)

  24. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-25 05:25:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-25 Non-dominant hand opposite Christmas (July in June)

    So how is this nightmare looking dude related to Christmas?

    Historical Background - [quick overview] A northern European traditional character associated with the Christmas season. Where St. Nicholas (roughly equatable with Sinter Klaus or Santa Claus) rewards the good children with toys and nice things. The Krampus instead hits the bad children with a switch or possibly even kidnaps them. Sort of a good cop / bad cop situation.

    Think of the Krampus in terms of diplomacy. The phrase "carrot and stick" applies. You give something useful or wanted (carrot) and prod with a threat or consequence (stick) in order to get the other party to do what you want.

    St. Nick or Santa Claus is the "Carrot" = Toys and Gifts

    The Krampus "Stick" = getting hit by a stick or possibly kidnapped.

    The other party you are negotiating with = your kid.

    Today's Challenge:

    For as otherwise relatively useless my non-dominate left hand is it does quite well with shaving and decently with typing. So things went well. I often do my left side of my face with my left hand anyway. Extending it to the right side is not so bad. Also, despite being really efficient and an open comb today's razor is actually quite forgiving.

    Scent notes: Holiday - Scent notes: cider, berries, honey, myrrh, anise (and fear!)

    Take care and have a good one.

    Edit: typo

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Ikon Razors - Ikon Short Comb with Bulldog 80 mm handle
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Maggard Blue Swirl, Timberwolf Synthetic, 24mm
    • Lather: Dr. John's - Krampus
    • Post Shave: Dr. John’s - Krampus

  25. u/PhilosphicalZombie posted on 2023-07-30 10:14:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-07-30 Bon Voyage, Lather Games!

    The Shave:

    Been away on an unplanned emergency business trip. Had to skip the last three days. Not all that happy (and although I'm not super competitive my score is gonna show it). It happened fast with very little packing and so this shave is taking those days growth off. Normally I shave everyday so I needed this shave. Got stuck on the tarmac waiting for them to open the gate for just shy of an hour in a thunder storm at Dulles. I had been crawling around on a roof and walking a construction site and doing a punch list and providing solutions for contractor confusions for a couple days and just finished up a couple hours earlier.

    I was sweaty, gross, dehydrated, and most assuredly smelled nasty. The poor sap stuck in the seat next to me had to put up with that while the air on the jet was in tarmac mode (barely there). Humid, hot, stinky and tired. Finally they decided there were few enough lightning strikes and allowed the ground crew out and we docked. The next leg of the trip ended up push back first an hour then a little more. That flight went much better and I finally got home at 2:00 am.

    I needed this shave! And it felt good.

    Daily Challenge - World Traveler:

    Me? I am from the USA (Midwest)

    Brush - from Portugal

    Razor - from India

    Blade - from Egypt

    Lather - from Greece

    Post Shave - from Austria

    Been a fun run! My best to all - enjoyed this year.

    Take care and have a good one.


    ^(Ed: fixed brush - I typed Italy for it I dunno why 'cuz it is definitely made in Portugal.)

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette Sterling (7 O'Clock) (India)
    • Brush: Semogue - Semogue 830, Boar bristle 22mm (Portugal)
    • Lather: BBS Artisan Soaps - Nile Lotus (Greece)
    • Post Shave: Kosmetik R. Nuener - Alt