u/Breadheater9876's SOTDs for challenge 'Rookie of the Year 2024'

u/Breadheater9876 submitted 29 SOTDS.
  1. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-01 09:01:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 1, 2024

    Prep: Hot shower Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian Razor: Muhle Companion Blade: Astra Green (Indian) Lather: Maggards London Barbershop Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    2 pass. This is the only Maggards lather product I own, I had completely forgotten I had the sample, and I only ever used it once previously. I'm hoping that gets me partial points. Moreover, today I overloaded the brush and made a huge lather, thus making that other day totally inconsequential by comparison.


  2. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-02 10:27:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 2, 2024

    Prep: Hot shower

    Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian

    Razor: Muhle Companion

    Blade: Astra Green (Indian)

    Lather: Chiseled Face Bay Rum

    Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    2 pass. I've got a couple of scents in my usual rotation that meet the theme today, but I realized I hadn't pulled out the Bay Rum in months. Apparently, though, I'm already starting to buckle under the pressure of the Lather Games. I had a brief stress dream this morning that the contents of my soap sample vanished before I could finish loading the brush. I was in a total panic, looking everywhere for the missing soap. šŸ¤¦


  3. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-03 07:50:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 3, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off #RUNT
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Smash

    According to the web listing, this soap has Mammoth tallow (checks notes), ahem, duck tallow. You know, I can't help but think this was a missed opportunity. And it's not like you'd need a regular supply of Mammoth. One must be enough. (Frantic typing.) According to the interwebs, a Mammoth is roughly 4,571 times larger than a duck. Is this soap made with duck genocide (speciocide?)?! Stop the speciocide, use Mammoth tallow!

    OnionMiosma day challenge: I didn't use any alum today because, like most days, I'm a wussy and don't want to deliberately cause myself even more pain than I usually do in the shaving process.


  4. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-04 15:57:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 4, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off #SMOLL
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Muhle - Sandalwood

    This puck is advertised with just the one scent note, and frankly, it barely even has that scent, so I think I'm on theme. I bought it before (re-) discovering the world of artisan soaps, and it mostly hides under the sink in shame.

    Base war stories: I haven't really been paying attention to soap bases long enough to lament the discontinuance of any, but I have strong memories from my childhood of my grandad and my dad routinely gifting each other Crabtree and Evelyn shave soap. At some point, probably in my early twenties, I started using it, too. Was the base any good? We'll find out when I bust out my 15+ year old puck later this month. Current favorite base: Sudsy Soapery Supercreamed Triple Butter.

    (Image to confirm brush measurements: https://imgur.com/a/4uiXpmm)


  5. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-05 07:24:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 5, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: My fingers
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Edge - Sensitive skin shave gel with aloe vera

    Shave gel is so weird. I can't believe there was a time when I used that stuff on the regular.

    Reverse lather challenge: I thought that I had failed to meet this challenge, but I see that a number of others are arguing for fingers being the opposite of brushes. Obviously, they are all totally right, and I, too, have completed the challenge.


  6. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-06 07:12:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 6, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower

    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off

    • Razor: Muhle Companion

    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)

    • Lather: Talent Soap Factory - FizzĀ 

    Considering today's theme, I had to go with Fizz. Root beer is my favorite soda, by far, and this soap never fails to make me smile.Ā 


  7. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-07 07:18:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 7, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Bespoke #1

    I have no idea what vetiver smells like. Well, I mean, I googled it, and so I know what itā€™s supposed to smell like. But I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever smelled anything that was vetiver and only vetiver. So, basically, I have no idea if vetiver is particularly prominent in Bespoke #1. However, the Chiseled Face website says, ā€œBespoke #1's scent journey begins with Vetiver Essential Oil, grounding the fragrance with its deeply earthy, woody character.ā€ I think that means Iā€™m on theme. Mostly, I think it just smells spicy and my wife says it makes me smell like an old man. Also, this scent really lingers.

    GeoFatBoy Special Challenge: One and done against the grain. On my leg. Because the points arenā€™t worth it for the carnage that would ensue if I tried that on my face.


  8. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-08 10:47:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 8, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Maggards - London Barbershop

    Mad braggard day challenge: I haven't really been too financially irresponsible with my shaving purchases (yet), out of a healthy fear of my wife terminating my hobby. But the silliest Maggards purchase would probably be wet shaving kit for my 13 year old nephew.


  9. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-09 10:24:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Ghost Town Barber

    Obviously, this one fits the spooky theme. It's got "ghost" right there in the name. (Covers microphone while aide whispers in ear) Like I said, it's got "barber" right there in the name. It's got all the expected scent notes like leather, smoke and gunpowder. (Covers microphone and nods appreciatively as aide whispers) Bergamot, white patchouli, oakmoss, as I said. Classic.

    On the quiz, I got 3/32, and barely that. I would blame my incompetence at operating the quiz site, but looking through the revealed answers, I seriously doubt I would have gotten many more without cheating.


  10. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-10 07:32:42-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 10, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower

    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off

    • Razor: Muhle Companion

    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)

    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Smash

    I thought I was going to miss out on today's theme, but was pleasantly surprised to discover that Smash is a collaboration with Barrister and Mann.

    The obvious song choice for today would be Jack Black as Bowser singing Peaches. But for you folks I pulled out all the stops, dug deeper, and found the intro song to the lost 90s sitcom Shaving with Strangers on the Internet.


  11. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-11 07:26:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 11, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Peony and Violet

    This soap has a light floral scent with grassy notes. I'm not sure if it's in accordance with any petrichors. (Fires up Google) No, I don't think I'm detecting any of that.


  12. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-12 07:38:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 12, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Goodfellow & Co - Moroccan Mint & Cedar Shave Cream

    After carefully considering all of the shave creams available at Target, I chose this one because it was the cheapest. I suppose, if I had planned ahead, I could have double dipped and used this on goop day. Alas, a rookie mistake.

    I squeezed out quite a lot of product while trying (and failing) to whip up a lather. I think this stuff is meant to just be slathered on without the aid of a brush. It's certainly slick enough, but no cushion at all. It smells very strongly of mint. I'm prepared to believe that there are cedar notes, too, but my nose couldn't really detect them.


  13. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-13 08:55:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 13, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Trade Winds

    Trade Winds was a contestant in The Great Spice Off (https://www.reddit.com/r/Wetshaving/s/TX95gqLoeT). If u/cowzilla3 says, "Taking whiff is like smelling Old Spice...", who are we to argue? The man is unimpeachable in this forum. The word "dupe" or "duplicate" appears more than half a dozen times in his review. He even says, "it... succeeds very well at... smelling like an Old Spice dupe." I think that is entirely enough context to prove my point.

    For today's challenge, I let the AI have a go. I got a few that were pretty on point, and also a fuzzy animal for reasons I will never know: https://imgur.com/a/bGG6e4j If I can scrape together a few minutes later, I'll try my hand at actually drawing the label.


  14. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-14 12:15:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 14, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Cryogen

    For a few seconds after applying the lather, I thought, that's funny, I remember this being really intense-- there it is!

    Cryogen is way too much for me. All I want is to get it off as quickly as possible. But then my skin continues to tingle for a half hour. Yeesh!

    Stacking day challenge: the challenge description says, "pile your expensive treasures..." Well, none of the shaving kit I used today is particularly expensive or treasured. So I stacked some other treasures. Which felt really weird. And nerve wracking.


  15. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-15 10:22:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 15, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Badger brush I've had forever with the maker's mark rubbed off
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Trade Winds

    I was, perhaps, a week away from killing this tub back in February or March. I really like Trade Winds, so I intended to buy a replacement. But Maggards was sold out when I went to place my order. Between that order and a few gifts received, I haven't felt like I could justify a replacement. So I've been savoring it.

    Water day challenge: I only got the brush slightly damp. Frankly, I'm surprised that there was enough soap in the tub to overload the brush, but it is a small brush. Lather was dryer than usual, but Chiseled Face works well without much water, so šŸ¤·.


  16. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-16 10:40:00-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Crabtree & Evelyn - Sandalwood
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    According to Wikipedia, Crabtree & Evelyn opened in 1971, which predates me by 9 years, so I'm on theme. This particular bowl is nearly untouched, in no small part because I just don't love the scent. I like sandalwood, but this one has a bitterness that I don't care for.

    Leg day challenge: Sun's out, guns out. No before image because they've been shaved for a while.


  17. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-17 07:43:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 17, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Switchback
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    Talent Soap Factory soaps are vegan, so it's on theme.

    Knee lather challenge: built my lather on my shoulder. And my knees, too, I guess.


  18. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-18 08:43:07-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 202

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Crabtree & Evelyn - Sandalwood
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    According to Wikipedia, Crabtree & Evelyn opened a store in 1971, became an international chain, closed most of their locations in 2009, ceased all operations in 2018, briefly existed as an online brand, and disappeared completely in 2022.

    When I started wet shaving with a brush and "fancy" soaps 20ish years ago, shopping online mostly wasn't a thing. You bought what you saw in brick and mortar stores, which, for me, was Col Conk or Crabtree & Evelyn. I was familiar with this brand because my dad and grandad routinely gifted it to each other. I bought this particular bowl probably 15 or so years ago, and it's lasted, nearly untouched, because it was never my preferred scent. (I can't remember now what my preferred scent was.)

    In terms of shaving experience, it's nothing worth writing home about. Slickness was okay, cushion was meh, post shave was meh. And the sandalwood scent is kind of bitter. Frankly, it's got nothing on modern artisan soaps.

    Wicked Edge challenge: I've posted a bit in Wicked Edge, with my most up voted posts being some show and tells. But I gather that the challenge is really about war stories and carnage. So I'll tell a story that I could have posted to Wicked Edge, but didn't. Perhaps 6 months ago, during a typical day and an average shave, I nicked myself between my lower lip and my chin. It drew blood, but seemed really minor, and I didnā€™t do anything special about it. I went on about my business. While breakfasting, my daughter turned up, gave me a funny look, and asked me if I needed a band-aid. Initially, I had no idea what she was talking about, but then I remembered the shaving mishap, and I reassured her that it was no big deal, and I wouldnā€™t need a band-aid or anything. She said something to the effect of, ā€œOoookay, dad,ā€ and backed away. Half an hour later, I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and I saw that the little nick had bled profusely, with thick streams of dried blood all down my chin. Rinsing the carnage off my face immediately reopened the wound, and I was forced to cork it with a big round band-aid.


  19. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-19 07:18:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 19, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Black Ship Grooming - Captain Scurvy
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    It says, "Made in Beaver, PA" on the side of the tub.

    Shaving meme challenge: I gave it my best shot.


  20. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-20 07:35:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 20, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Summer Storm
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    Work sucks.


  21. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-21 08:38:08-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 21, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - JAĢRNVIƐR
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    Google says fougĆØre fragrances are inspired by the scent of ferns, moss, wood, and green notes. They typically include citrus, rose, and geranium.

    According to Chiseled Face, Jarnvidr is inspired by ancient Norse woods. "The heart of JaĢrnviĆ°r holds the aromatic duo of Cedar and Geranium, which brings a touch of green freshness, invigorating the senses much like a walk through a verdant forest after a soft rain. Light, refreshing notes of Orange cut through, lending a crisp citrus twist that lifts the entire composition." And there's a strong, lingering rose note, too. I assert this is a fougere in all but name.

    Enndeegee appreciation day challenge:
    There once was a heater of bread
    Who regarded the theme with some dread
    After shaving his face
    He pleaded his case
    And the judges exclaimed, "Well said!"


  22. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-22 09:16:40-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 22, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Melange
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    If it's spicy enough for the guild navigators, it should be spicy enough for the judges.

    I'm impressed by this scent every time I use it. It's incredibly spicy, but still seems balanced. And despite the very strong scent, I don't find it overwhelming or off-putting. Kind of wish I'd picked up a whole tub.


  23. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-23 10:23:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 23, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Fizz
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    I picked a soap that smells like my favorite sweet drink for Sweet Sunday.


  24. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-25 07:50:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 25, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Ariana & Evans - Apricity
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    Apricity means ā€œthe warmth of the sun in winter.ā€ I can't imagine any other reason to name this soap Apricity except to emphasize that it's a winter scent.

    I normally wear a hat. Like pretty much all the time. I feel naked without my cap (my Walz cap, naturally, as they are the best). I have even, occasionally, forgotten to take it off when going to bed. However, this morning I forgot about the challenge and therefore was not wearing a hat until after the shave. Sigh.


  25. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-26 07:13:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 26, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Sudsy Soapery - White Sage and Lime
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    As this is my first Lather Games, Iā€™m not sure what the strategy usually is for the Wildcard theme. Do people pick a popular soap and try to get in early and crush the competition? Do they go for the obscure? I get the impression that the wildly inappropriate is encouraged.

    I guess Iā€™m playing it safe and using something slightly obscure. Based on last monthā€™s software report, I was the only one in May to use anything by Sudsy Soapery. Frankly, thatā€™s a shame. While the White Sage and Lime scent isnā€™t very exciting (itā€™s fine, just not exciting), the base is amazing. The tub says itā€™s Supercreamed Triple-Butter. Whatever. Itā€™s super easy to lather. Soft and slick. Tons of residual slickness. And really excellent post shave feel.

    Clean Brush Talk: I happen to have an old bottle of ā€œdaily clarifyingā€ shampoo that I donā€™t think anyone is using anymore. Every now and again, when the mood strikes me, Iā€™ll put some on my brush, suds it up, then rinse it out. So far, it works great. To get soap scum off my brush handles, Iā€™ve been gently wiping them with a magic eraser every so often. If thereā€™s a better way to handle that, Iā€™m happy to learn.


  26. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-27 08:25:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Astra Green (Indian)
    • Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Switchback
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    The scent notes on the tub say, ā€œAmber, teakwood, coffee beans, musk, cedar and leather all mellow with hints of lemon, bergamot, neroli, iris, and vetiver.ā€ By my count, thatā€™s 11.

    Normally, I feel pretty comfortable using my left hand for things. But I had a lot of trepidation going into this shave. I made it through the WTG pass, but called it there. I spotted a couple weepers and Iā€™m blaming my maladroit handling. If I were determined, Iā€™m sure I could get used to this and build some muscle memory. But for now, it just feels dangerously awkward.


  27. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-28 07:09:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 28, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Omega 10049
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Col Conk - Amber
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    I'm pretty sure that if I bought Col Conk new, it would qualify as the cheapest soap in my den. However, this isn't new Col Conk. This stuff came from a four pack I picked up around 20 years ago. So I probably paid half what they're charging now.

    For the rest of my kit, the Omega brush is a bargain, and the Wilkinson Sword is apparently one penny cheaper than my preferred Astra Green. I only have the one razor, so it's the cheapest by default. As for how great it felt, well, I donā€™t love the scent of the Col Conk, which is part of the reason Iā€™ve had it for 20 years. The lather was also kinda dry. The brush is totally fine, but obviously not as luxurious as my Chisel and Hound, and I didnā€™t actually notice a difference with the blade (dammit, thatā€™s nearly a dollar a year in potential savings lost!).


  28. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-29 13:15:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 29, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Sakura with v21 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Black Ship Grooming - Captain Scurvy
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man Sego Aftershave Balm Unscented

    The scent notes for Captain Scurvy are lime, vanilla and sandalwood. To my nose, it smells like rich orange with spicy oatmeal. Whatever, I still like it. And the sandalwood is definitely present. Oh, and my deodorant is Dove Men + Care Orange + Sandalwood. Nailed it!


  29. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-30 10:50:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 30, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Omega 10049
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Muhle - Sandalwood

    I live in the United States, and Muhle Sandalwood comes from Germany, so I'm on theme.

    I made an attempt at the daily challenge, but I think it's largely a failure. My razor is also from Germany, so I probably lose out there. The brush is from Italy. I didn't check on the blade until afterwards, but the Internet suggests it could have been manufactured in a number of places, one of which is Germany. šŸ¤·
