u/schontzm's SOTDs for challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt 2024'

u/schontzm submitted 30 SOTDS.
  1. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-01 19:45:49-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 1, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Resolute V20
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-D
    • Blade: Personna Lab Blue
    • Lather: Henri et Victoria – Oud wood
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Alive

    This LG, I am thinking of a different way to participate, in the spirit of why I have been attracted to wetshaving and this experience as a whole. I love the memories that each scent evokes, and probably why I have such a hard on for soaps/scents over hardware. So I will give a brief memory that each reminds me of, while hopefully simultaneously not wasting djudges time. This was bought well over a year ago (and never used) to help me understand and identify what oud wood smells of. My initial thought: unscented. Now: a delicate perfumy and woody depth, something I recognize in women’s scents over men’s. An undertone, not a star. But needed for a complete scent. Overall it reminds me of my journey to decipher the cacophony of noise that complex scents have. Like that time period, where everything is new to me, this soap brand and scent which I have never used exemplifies all that this hobby has to offer and all that I love about it. I wish you all the best of the LG, and to participate how you all see fit. Thanks all for organizing and donating – this sub really is special because of the friendship and interaction like this. Here is my “money” shot for the #photocontest #FOF

    Edit: forgot to add the AS – Alive because that is how I feel for day 1 of the LG.

  2. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-02 18:20:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 2, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Resolute V20
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-D
    • Blade: Personna Lab Blue
    • Lather: Zingari – The Navigator
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime

    Navigator is an obviously nautical themed scent, even having notes of “marine” and the art of an old Greek appearing ship. Perhaps the those sailors may appreciate the fire in the SOTD photo, nodding to Prometheus. This soap brings back relatively newer memories for my memory lane LG. It’s a grassy, fruity floral scent; grounded in salty sea spray. More green than I was expecting. It’s pretty clean overall, like a cool sea spray while boating off of Cape Cod while fishing for Strippers. Afterwards, heading into Wellfleet for oysters while popping in and out of shops and galleries. You catch aromatic flowers and greenery off of wind gusts from the landscaping and the more perfumy musks are wafting out shop doors. There is an undeniable saltiness on your shirt, the drying of the seaspray which lingers with you. It’s not a scent that has you feeling like your in the murk of an estuary or sometimes harshness where the land meets water; but bringing the middle of the ocean to a small little town. I’ve had plenty of Cape memories since I moved to New England, and this scent hits that more lively spring into summer time period where everything is blooming.

    The elements: Fire is for the #photocontest which helped me create this- my propane blowtorch assisted charcoal cooked meal.

    To honor u/priusaurus, I hope was able to rep Massachusetts, although it’s not quite the same as spooky Salem shaves, Mass restaurant shaves, or a real beach shave. Each one incredibly dedicated and impressive.


  3. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-03 19:45:07-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 3, 2024

    Day 3 down memory lane. My on theme, duck fat based soap threw me for a loop. It was my first use and I knew I was recognizing the notes it but didn’t know why. Up front it’s very fruity, unsurprisingly peary. But with an undernote…what is it….I know it….spices? Yes! It is! It’s that first step into my grandma’s house when I was younger. Not pie but straining to be the filling, it’s the fresheners or candles she would have going. This soap’s pear and spices are not so strong that it’s overwhelming but actually a nice touch. After a pass and a half, the sharp pear fades to the ubiquitously recognizable geranium, oak moss classic barbershop. That’s grandpa – rubbing his knuckles together ready to tear my forearm apart with his patented Indian rope burn (sorry for any offense but that’s what we called it 20+ years ago). His ungodly old man strength defying logic to wrestle you down while he has you locked down as you are catching whiffs of that oh so familiar scent. Overall, perhaps a little to potpourri upfront for this to be a staple, but it was nice to reflect on those visits so long ago.

    Alum – won’t use it. There is no “luxury” chuck of salt. It’s worse than sea salt varieties which at least captures other minerals to add some flavor into it. The alum salt is just a face burner that literally adds zero true health benefit (except when bleeding). I can’t describe it any better than u/kind_simian has already, who also provided the sample for today. Thank you!

    Tonight I decided to fill the frame with soap, brush, and razor for the #photocontest


  4. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-04 19:18:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 4, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Resolute V20 #SHD
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet
    • Lather: Eleven – Sicilian Lemon
    • Post Shave: Eleven – Organic Sweet Orange

    This was an easy memory to speak about. This scent is fresh like lemon zest, and sweet like a Meyer lemon, with a touch of that lemon tartness. I’m not sure if a Sicilian and Meyer lemon are the same but they definitely smell similar. The kind of lemons that are incredible for a lemon custard, which this soap does have a creamy aspect to as well. The kind of sweet, creamy, tart deliciousness that makes the corner of your jaw ache in joy as you take that first bite. It’s one note, but really is so much more than the sum of its parts (which is one). This brings me back to when I moved into my house and my sister bought us a house warming meyer lemon tree. We call it the Charlie Brown lemon tree. At least once a year, it gets revived from the brink of death. Somehow surviving borderline tree murder we inflict on it in the northeast. And once a year, we get 4-6 delicious fruits. Always serving as a reminder to call my sister, and thank her for being there for me.

    My favorite base is omnibus. It’s idiot proof. Under or over hydrate and it works great. HoM is a close second. I didn’t get to see the base wars much, as I am still relatively new, but would probably choose MLS base from a smush I had a while back.


    Artsy black and white for #PHOTOCONTEST

  5. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-05 20:17:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 5, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic #fauxfur #oldworld
    • Razor: GEM Clog-Prug #rustybuttrusty #fliptop
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Dollar shave club – shave butter
    • Post Shave: Zingari – Unscented

    My kind wife let me steal a bit of her cream today for those sweet sweet LG points. Unfortunately for me at 11pm, I had to fight for enough to barely make a pass via creative retrieval. For the challenge: I would normally just use my hand and smear on my face with this so the opposite would be a brush application. Worked fine but wasted what precious butter I had in the brush.

    This scent evokes…not many memories. It’s basic, non scented, boring. A routine. Going on with the day. But that’s alright, and it’s a good memory. More of a reminder that I’m fortunate to have a routine. I like to appreciate the simplicity of a routine. Don’t get me wrong, I love and crave wild times. But that’s for special occasions. Even the basic and boring should not be thrown by the wayside. This scent is reminiscent of that memory, as I reset my nose and await more special occasions.


    I present to you an onion, in many allium ways. Todays photo feature a white onion, chive flowers, scallions, and a bonus fresh and dried garlic #photocontest

  6. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-06 14:22:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 6, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Resolute V20
    • Razor: Schick Injector #rustybuttrusty
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: MacDuff’s Soap Company – Cardamom Chai
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! 3 Scots

    Side note that I read this razor tag as rusty butt rusty until today

    It was raining today which was perfect for this cardamom chai, drink based scent. I love cardamom and have used it a lot: cardamom shortbread cookies, cardamom brewed into my coffee, cardamom spiced green soba noodles (happy to dm a recipe), cardamom dental floss. It’s spicy, yet slightly citrusy in the same way that teas or coffee can be. I get that on top while the interplay with cinnamon and clove round this out for a warming journey. Maybe I imagine it, but I think I detect a slight milky note too. This scent evokes the memories I have sitting near a fireplace, quietly. Reading a book or reflecting, maybe just watching the rain come down like today. A blanket keeping me warm and my pup by my side relaxing. It’s for when you just need to take a break from the world and go into that calming space.

    Challenge: My 2 seconds of fame. Enjoy!


    I love how water beads into little balls, which is appropriate for Plato. It’s truly a phenomenon that is beautiful. Maybe not like my SOTD, but it can be. I was fortunate it poured today and I was able to take this photo in the rain. The elements: Water


    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    This is probably the most visually appealing photo I've judged so far.

  7. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-07 15:10:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 7, 2024

    Today’s shave was possible thanks to a smush from u/Impressive_Donut114. I didn’t really know what vetiver smells like and only know that there are different types of vetiver. Maybe I will need to explore other iterations of vetiver someday. Onto my olfactory reverie, where I immediately caught a big hit of florals. There was some grassy/earthy dampness (vetiver?) but the florals were very prominent to me. This was not what I was expecting as I awaited the smell of walking through a grassy field to materialize, now just a fleeting expectation. As I was washing off, I think I may have had a touch of powderiness come into play too. Maybe this is the fresh that accompanies the vetiver. I have already spoke of my potpourri loving grandma, but this scent is undeniably my maternal grandmother who had an affinity to use floral perfumes, a nod to her flower garden. I dreaded it when I was a young child, an overpowering punch of flowers and powder that was so common with “old people.” I can tell you exactly where I stood each time I went into that house, stood in line for a hug and kiss, then tossed my coat onto the master bed to head downstairs to play with my cousins. Is it my favorite technically created scent? No. But that shouldn’t stop me from enjoying it either.

    Challenge: I did it, I went straight to ATG and nicked my neck too. I used my most aggressive razor last year. This year, my least. I think I prefer the least.


    Today I used the The Elements: Earth. My SOTD coming from my garden bed of peas, and more importantly, dirt = Earth. #Photocontest

  8. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-08 14:39:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 8, 2024

    This soap is simply scented, as its name implies just orange and a touch of menthol. Right away, you notice the orange essential oils it was made with. The menthol is noticeable to me but actually adds to the scent. I would not say straight minty as expected but it compliments the citrusy oil to create a more earthy yet sharp and crisp citrus than pure oils. Slightly medicinal, slightly like Orange Glo; which I love by the way. Orange Glo has other fragrances like Linalool which may provide the similarity to me since that can sometimes take on a medicinal/mintesque scent. This takes me to my memory of bringing wood back to life, since I associate this scent with dusting the tables off. Although I didn’t use Orange Glo, this SOTD brought me back to the time that I worked on my first restoration of an antique pair of skis and ski boots. I am not handy so this was a good moment for me – I gave them to my sister for Christmas to decorate her new ski house. My second project was this antique butcher block. Neither were stained, although the color changed drastically and became true to what the wood used to look like. I hadn’t thought about this for a while so it was nice to reflect upon it.

    Mad Braggard Day: Two fold. First dumb purchase from another store included a razor/brush stand. Then, to top it off, I decided I didn’t want to harm my razor or brush so I put a line of silicon on it to be squishy. Now, its more useless than before since nothing fits on it (photo to follow once I get home late tonight because I forgot to take one). My second purchase is my largest from Maggard’s but is a nod to the absurdity of its longevity – one razor and 9 samples. I have finished exactly TWO of these samples from 12/27/21 but added >100 more and 30+ full tubs.

    Today’s SOTD features Trash. Specifically, trash from various orders I have placed in wetshaving to circle back to the challenge. Bubble wrap, packing peanuts, a cardboard box, and a USPS envelope.



  9. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-09 17:08:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 9, 2024

    Hygge is an updated barbershop, a new take on something old. As always, Ben provides his memories he has for each scent, so I think it is fitting that I reflect on this scent. My barbershop smelled of burnt hair and perm, from whatever (insert preferred generic word like Super, Master, or Expert)-Cuts mall place I went to for years. Come late college, I ended up at my first barber; open windowed where everyone watches the barbers who were rehabilitated convicted folks. They were incredibly good albeit slow. New city – had to get a new barber. Not as good but they did something new. After the neckline shavette, they splashed me with aftershave. A barbershop scent, probably Pinaud. Onto today, I smell the citrus and oakmoss and the masculine musk off the tub in Hygge. It definitely has the similarities to the “classic” barbershop that I smelled years ago. But more. It is sophisticated and updated, new and improved, representative of growth of both the barbershop scent and Ben as a perfumer. It has a more citrusy piney note that I detect, and more depth of which I cannot specifically pick out but lingers on my face. Hygge is a new modern take. Barbershops, for me, evoke a sense of self finding – even though my barbershop journey seems pretty inconspicuous as far as growth. It really was a defining time period for me as I was discovering myself. Cleaning myself up to look respectable, switching into a career, moving city to city, developing relationships with new people and friends. But I am still me throughout it, just a more updated version.

    Today is my passion hobby day, the freshly roasted chicken in the back represents several interlinked hobbies which all revolve around our food system and my obsession with it. I lurk in r/backyardchickens, r/chefit, r/cooking, r/composting, r/fermentation, r/foraging, r/organicgardening, r/permaculture, r/sousvide, r/grilling to name a few. This chicken represents me. Its a local, fully pasture raised, organic freedom ranger, prized for flavor and not breed for consumerism and monoculture money gains. Seasoned with only salt – allowing the chicken to shine and be valued for its flavor merits. I am a very technical cook so hopefully this shows it. I value the organic farming techniques this chicken was raised with; including crop and livestock rotation, open pastured animals, and building soil (ie, compost, compost tea, recycling of a diverse farm like using chicken manure to feed plants). This chicken was sliced onto a salad with Gem lettuce, French radish, strawberries, and scallions; all grown a stones throw from my house and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Its bones will be used for stock to complete the cycle.


    Challenge: 38% with 12/32. Embarrassed to say I missed a very cheesy answer.


  10. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-10 15:14:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 10, 2024

    I love Cerberus. It just smells great to me and probably my most successful full set blind buy. I get sweetness from the stone fruits. I would say apricots. Not fresh – but dried. Older, more leathery apricots. Concentrated and matured sweetness. It goes nicely with the resinous notes. I imagine this scent is tangible and not just volatile. Almost like it is from a tree with wound, slowly oozing. Sappy and sticky. I know there are other notes in there, namely sandalwood, patchouli, and jasmine. These play together to create a base, a surrounding scenery for the fruity resin. Each one is not singular but harmonious. It creates a portrait of that wounded tree with the fruity burnt orange resin center frame in a dense dark forest with tiny white flowers.

    It has been hard recall a memory from this one. I do get hit of insulin and bandaid from the resinous accords but not memory evoking I would say. My thoughts remind me of a clip from Somm. The point being – everyone smells and associates smells differently. Whatever notes you smell are yours to smell. So if its tennis balls or bandaids, who cares. It still can smell great to you.

    Challenge: I chose this song, which I think of as the OG music collaboration (yes I know it is not) to go with the soap collaboration.

    Today’s SOTD features a bird, specifically a blue jay in flight right above the shaving brush. I lured Mr. J with a feeder then painfully staked out this morning to get an action shot.



  11. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-11 15:18:44-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 11, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Resolute V20
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Gentleman’s Nod – Juniper Reverie
    • Post Shave: Gentleman’s Nod – Juniper Reverie
    • Fragrance: M;Men

    This soap/AS scent is marketed as part of GN’s Spring Élan collection. I get big whiffs of citrus and juniper, which should be expected. It is sharp and crisp, a bit strong for my liking. And perhaps I like a bit more “natural” feel to the scents where I can clearly pick out notes that I am more familiar with. The cognac accord is seemingly lost to me but I do notice the florals and coffee, and the incense as the day went on. Or maybe I was just drinking coffee right after I shaved. It was more cologne-y than I expected when reading the description. I used the tiniest bit of fragrance from my 15+ year old bottle of M;Men, with its grapefruit and rosemary notes, before walking into my fragrance free workplace. If you think outdoor shaves are daring…..you have never met 1000 Karen’s descending upon you to let you know how they are allergic to literally anything and they might die if you are within 100 feet of them as they cough right at you to let you know. Overall, this soap/as reminded me of college and getting ready to go out for the weekend. I usually did not use fragrance but many did and I remember the sharp crispness of them. And Juniper Reverie brings me back to MD20/20, Natty Ice, and Admiral Nelson.

    Challenge/photo theme: I tried to match up the whites, blues and yellows for the challenge today. I even made sure to include the fragrance. Then I also tossed in an antler from my first buck for an animal (not alive) theme.



  12. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-12 20:08:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 12, 2024

    This sandalwood scent is nice and light, sandalwood at its core. A little musk, a little depth. That classic shave smell. It brings back memories, no surprise, of shaving. It was the first time I received something via mail from a fellow wetshaver. It was u/35048467 who sent it after an awesome SOTD photo full of empty tubes. That April, Proraso became number one in the subs use single-handedly because of all the samples sent out. It was a cool introduction into the community. 🚂🚂🚂

    Challenge: My den is chaos. I have a cubby hole that I am spilling out of and a drawer of recently used items.

    Photo today features soccer (and football). Had to play it safe to be on soccer theme.



  13. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-13 19:00:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 13, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw – Amber Bomba

    Todays scent is a dupe of Grand Soir although nope explicated stated. It is a warming, obviously amber forward decent. Sweet, sensual for a scent. Convened by the tub artwork (lol). this is the scent you would expect to be seduced by, and it did for me. Memory for today is how I fell in love with Amber, and was searching for something similar to this for years. Funnily enough, it was because of a hand soap. I fell in love with it and wanted something similar. That’s when I found Amber bomba.

    Challenge: Technically – completed. Vacation travel day 1 and no time.

    A rest stop donut photo today for the #photocontest


  14. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-14 13:17:40-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 14, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps – Cannonball!

    Cannonball is one of my favorites cooling soaps, along with rope swing. I love how SBS is going for the feeling of a cannonball and not just a good smelling scent, which it also is. This reminds me of when I was young, when heated pools were not a thing that I was aware of. I would slather on my banana boat sunscreen, actually I wouldn’t because I was a stubborn brat but others would force me to put it on. It’s a smell that brings back memories, pina colada or tropical scent notes by the pool side. I would walk through the public locker room to head to the pool and always go right to the diving board. The best way to get acclimated was going in head first. The month of May never had warm water so the effects were chilling. Taking your breath away, over chlorinated vapors heading into your mouth too. This scent brings all of that back but in a refined and deliciously scented soap. It’s tropical, yet reminiscent, and chlorinated but not at all harsh. And the cooling is tolerable and enjoyable. Coincidentally I was at a pool today so was pretty excited I was able to use this soap.

    Challenge: I wish I were at home and had access to more things to stack. So today was my travel stack.

    Today the theme is sugar and sweets featuring several candies #photocontest


  15. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-15 19:30:32-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 15, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Australian Private Reserve – Coeur de Vert

    This is by far the closest tub I have to being finished. And honestly, not what I would consider close overall. But I can just barely see the bottom vs the 90+% of everything else. Todays scent is wonderful. It’s so grassy and has a touch of hay. Like a breezy day carrying the scent to you. A light sweetness with a little bit of floral, which I pick out as the violets. This is what I imagine standing in an idealistic prairie with sporadic wild flowers would be like, untouched by man. I imagine a picture of me lying down in the field with a slowly panning out video showing the endlessness of the yellow and green grasses. I can’t say my memory is specifically of that, but it is of untouched grasses in the late spring. Just laying there, taking it all in. It was a hillside adjacent to my local park where it was quiet and away from everyone. My quiet spot when I was little.

    Challenge: A shame to waste precious soap on a poor lather but here we are. Pasty it is. And if that wasn’t proof enough, here is me trying to get it off my razor.

    Today I found a Prius for my scavenger hunt. So I took out my luggage I had packed up for travel and got my SOTD photo in an amusement park hotel parking lot. Photo credit to the misses.



    Edit: Imgur finds my lather erotic, I guess that counts for something.

  16. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-16 17:22:08-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024

    • Brush: Stirling x Zenith 510SE-XL
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Mitchell’s Wool Fat – Mitchell’s Wool Fat
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Shire 2

    I have all brands older than me today. MWF from the 1930s, zenith from the 1900s, Schick from the 1920s, and House of Mammoth from historic ice age times as the name implies (how else would scents like Shire be possible, which existed before the reign of man). The scent from MWF is subtle and old timey. Some of the best descriptors I could put to it is clean, fresh, and soapy. Some would maybe say laundry sheets too. It’s a timeless scent. I think it is most reminiscent of powder, classic clean powder. Leading me to remember the scent as I once did. Baby shampoo. My mother ran a daycare from our house growing up so I encountered the scent a lot. It’s what you can almost smell in those 1980s photos of a baby on a clean blanket, looking like a Gerber model. Coincidentally I am reminded of this on Father’s Day, which I will get to be a part of next year with an expecting wife. So to make Father’s Day even more real, I decided to use a noble otter rawr brick in the shower today. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers (and those soon to be).

    Leg day - no.

    I did DIY for my theme today, complete with tools of the trade. I stink at fixing things or house stuff but am a half decent DIY landscaper. And I’m good at moving things. #photocontest


  17. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-17 19:43:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 17, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Catie’s Bubbles – La Terre Verte

    Today I am on theme by using Catie’s Bubbles. I haven’t used a lot of this brand but the descriptions have been pretty on point with a few of the major notes. Especially to someone like me who doesn’t always pick out subtleties. Oak moss, patchouli, sandalwood. Each complementing the other without being overly forward. It’s a nicely blended fragrance that isn’t overwhelming or boring. Just the right amount of each. I know it is supposed to evoke a forest, but I can’t get over how It reminds me of a nice vinaigrette. Just a couple ingredients but when blended nicely, it’s a game changer.

    Challenge: I tried my best to get an opportunity to do this in private but it’s hard when vacationing. So my wife thinks I’m a dummy. This is after I stopped in a parking lot to take a shave photo with a Prius in the background.

    Darkness for my scavenger hunt. I was trying to get the colors on the gear to contrast. #photocontest


  18. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-18 20:09:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Talbot Shaving – Holland Glen

    Today I used the dead brand Talbot. I bought this sample on a whim probably a year ago. Its scent had me confused ant first but it comes together. Off the tub, I got a lot of citrus and some floral notes. The citrus made no sense, but it worked. A little added brightness. As I used the soap, it became more damp. Predominently moss. Not oakmoss, but moss from a saturated forest floor, straight from Vancouver island. It definitely has the spraying spring water feeling from the top notes and a mossy dry down. It’s almost what I would expect waking up early morning when backpacking. This leads me to the time I did wake up backpacking, my tent pitched in a small clearing on moss (extremely comfy by the way). My gf and now wife were hiking a ridge line on our first overnight. We got behind, and ended on top of a mountain with the sun setting, wind whipping. Not a good spot to be. We couldn’t see trail markers any longer so made the call to hike down on the first path we were able to do so. At about 11pm, we Picked a spot slightly below tree line, on a small clearing of moss. All night, a mouse was trying to get into the tent so my partner incessantly smacked the tent to scare it. Terrible sleep. Woke up at 5am, as the sun was coming up. The same damp mossy earthy smell. Clean. We learned the mouse was a small branch in the wind that kept rubbing the tent with the breeze. We hiked another mile or so to the mountain top we came from down from and then hiked the ridge by ourselves for hours. It was an incredible experience. Wildlife was waking with us and not scared by the crowds yet. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to not make it to the campsite.

    Challenge: TLDR; talbot holland glen smells like Irish spring soap, except not as good. It’s honestly not as good as a shave soap either. I can save time and money just using bar soap. What have you discovered about shaving that is a surprise to you?


    Today the theme is wood for #photocontest

  19. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-19 19:14:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 19, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Sea Ice Lime

    Spearhead is my choice for the theme today. Sea Ice lime is the soap that is perfect for today. This was my first foray into Spearhead l as a brand, when the owner Dennis was giving out experimental tubs to newbies. I am no longer a newbie, I guess, but do have several other Spearheads soaps and AS because of this soap. I am glad I was able to use it while on vacation at Cape Cod. It has three facets to me: salty aquatic sea, bright lime, and spice which I get mostly coriander. To me, it’s a speed boat on the ocean with a margarita. I appreciate the clean salty sea spray nostalgia. The lime is apparent as a top and middle note mostly, with the spice taking over a little later. Coriander is distinct, and traditionally goes very well with lime. If I had to put a vibe to this scent, it’s 80s Miami and I love it. I can’t say it reminds me of the Cape specifically, but it damn sure reminds me of roasting on the hot beach. Having a refreshing corona with a lime wedge, unknowingly appreciating how much better it is on the beach because of the salty air enhancing the flavor. See u/hugbckt if you don’t know what I mean. If you aren’t eating tons of watermelon with your corona, you are missing out. But since I am here on the Cape, sea ICE lime is perfect because it’s like doing an ice bath as you go in the water, so cold it hurts but feels so good at the same time.


    Today’s theme is cactus. Not a succulent like I was tempted to do, but a bonafide cactus. The only, to my knowledge, native cactus in New England. Cape Cod coming through for the #photocontest

    Oh yea, a meme

  20. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-20 19:05:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 20, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: A A Shaving – Wapiti

    Today’s soap features predominantly aquatic notes. AA Shaving is a brand I never heard of and was fortunate that u/onionmiasma sent me a smush. Thank you! Wapiti opens with strong aquatic notes and dries down to woody notes. The aquatics stay throughout, changing from a brighter note to a muskier one. A little too strong in my opinion, although I can see how others would appreciate this. It falls into a more cologne territory scent than a realistic forestry scent which is what I generally prefer. Perhaps this is the calone, which I could be recognizing in the same vein as more popular colognes I have sniffed.


    Steampunk for my photo today. I really liked this watch because I could see all the gears, and today it comes in handy. #photocontest

    Edit: I forgot to include my memory. I have no clue why, but I remember Old Spice Pure Sport deodorant being reminiscent. We used to have summer football practices, and I would just load up on it. I hated smelling myself sweating and being gross, so I replaced it with moar deodorant. I was also one of the few who actually washed my practice uniform more than once a month. If you know the football locker room smell, you know what I mean. I’m sure hockey, etc probably all had their special stink too.

  21. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-21 12:50:06-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 21, 2024

    • Brush: Stirling x Zenith 510SE-XL
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    • Blade: Lord super stainless
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. (Formerly Oleo Soapworks) / House of Mammoth – Armonia

    Armonía is a tobacco fougere made by CGC and fragrance by HoM. To me, it is sharp. Right off, it’s green and aggressive, perhaps astringent which fades away to allow the tobacco, not sweet but dry, and undertone greens to come through. Distinctly a fougere, but also distinctly different than what is out there. My memory for this is of my dad. He used Brut AS my entire life, which I didn’t realize until recently was a fougere. In my mind, it’s the stereotype for fougeres and armonía brings back that memory with that sharp upfront note that I remember so vividly. Not all the fougere I have used do this. I can remember my dad giving me a yellow and white disposable razor with a cap, a handful of Barbasol, and we would shave together when I was maybe 4 or 5. After that shave, we would each get a little splash of Brut. I usually used one tiny drop because it was too much for my developing nose.

    I found a scent I recognize

    Being told of the fresh fern note lies

    Run through the forest

    The truth is the surest

    It’s but the notes while winter springifies

    Eyes for the #photocontest


  22. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-22 13:01:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 22, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Smartly twin blade disposable #rainbow
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts – Samhain

    Travel shave again. I did not check luggage so here we are but at least the tiny strip of green and the white (which is all the rainbow colors) disposable will get me a #rainbow. I have a new element of scent added with this shave, fire and brimstone that spewed from the sulfurous well water that I used in our cabin. How appropriate. This scent, minus the sulfur, is special to me because it’s the first my wife actually liked. Old spice may have the old spice guy, but Samhain should have a dapper headless horseman wearing this. I would put it as low medium sweet, as the incense, oud, and sandalwood balance out the pumpkin and vanilla. Maybe it’s the other way around. That duality and balance is what makes it so great. The Amber adds the depth of scent that I’m addicted to smelling. The well water may have stunk, but this soap is definitely one of my favorite scents. Overall, this scent evokes a feeling of a dark and comforting night. Rainstorms, cold rainstorms, the kind that chill you to the bone as they soak your boots and socks. Getting covered in mud. Then this scent, Samhain, to the rescue. It’s comforting, sweet encases yourself in the scent and warms you up. You could also say a warm drink scent like coffee or cocoa too but to me it doesn’t have that same feeling as Samhain. So it’s ironic it’s 90+ degrees and so hot my skin sears if I’m outside for more than 5 minutes. What a day for spooky Sunday weather.

    Unfortunate that I like my fingers or I would have ripped apart this disposable to carve my apple. But, regardless, challenge complete with the only food with me right now.

    Todays theme is the elements: air for my hot air filled surgical glove #photocontest


  23. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-23 19:54:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 23, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Smartly twin blade disposable
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Amazelnut

    Today I had a cancelled flight so changed my plans. Luckily, I decided to have one extra days worth of soap just in case. Amazelnut is a sweet gourmand scent that I would be more than happy to smell when waking everyday. It has notes of hazelnut and an added depth of vanilla, French vanilla anyone? When lathered, it brings out the depth of scent. There is some vetiver, and it brings a more perfume-esc quality to the soap which makes it more wearable. For my memory, it brings back a specific coffee/candy shop in my hometown because of the sweet coffee scent. One that was there long before me and kept the 1930-1940s small candy shop decor and vibe. Before I liked coffee to drink, we would get hand mixed soda (my favorite was Vanilla Coke) and in the winter milk steamers (again my favorite was vanilla). The shop is still there today although I haven’t been there in a while. But I’ll always have those memories of 7th and 8th grade after school stops.

    I found a bucket at my sisters where I was lucky enough to stay instead of a hotel for the #photocontest


  24. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-24 20:39:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 24, 2024

    One cancelled flight, one missed flight, 2 standby failures and one delayed flight plus 32 hours later, I am home from one of the worst airport TSA experiences ever. Luckily, because I didn’t have any of my themed soap which was graciously sent to me by u/impressive_donut114, I’m making it home in the nick of time. It’s the first use of TSF for me and it’s decent. I originally was expecting a chocolate peppermint based off the name of peppermint patty candy, but then I realized it’s peppermint Patti so must be Patti mayonnaise. The mayonnaise is for the creamy lather. Could this be a base race with Doug? Not quite in my opinion. It’s a very peppermint forward cooling soap, not really much otherwise. But there are different types of mint, this one leaning more towards peppermint gum scent. Clean and fresh. Not vegetal or medicinal, nor is it toothpasty or bathroom cleaner mint. Just pleasant. One of those if your in the mood for it scents. As hinted, this reminded me of blue peppermint orbit gum. I have memories of this gum for a weird reason. It was a gum of choose for a bit in junior high school especially during track and field meets. The weird thing, however, is the gum would eventually break down and turn to goo. Pretty quickly and unexpectedly. Looking into it, I was not the only one who experienced disintegrating gum. Well, it was the only sport with coed practices.

    Challenge: Honestly all sub exclusives are pretty cool. And they have developed into some pretty awesome ideas. I would probably pick Barrister and Mann, closely followed by HoM or Spearhead. I think these all have the most hits for me scent wise.

    Today the photo theme is stale wordplay humor (see above) #photocontest


  25. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-25 20:32:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 25, 2024

    Today I used the holiday scent tis the season from noble otter. I’ve described it before as a whoville Christmas scent, just really over the top Christmas. With lights and decorations, even the label looks like it smells. To me it is loud. It has sweet raspberry and bright rosemary, a touch of Christmas florals probably from the freesia. Clearly has the typical Christmas tree balsam for scent but mixed so well with the other notes, it shines. This scent reminds me of malls, complete with the encompassing scent of the holidays. Sometimes it can be comforting like miracle on 34th street but this one is like the malls in jingle all the way, if you like movies. If not, go watch them because they are classics (or at least one of them). Chaotic but bright lights and still the holidays. I love it.

    My hat: because I love hats, this includes pass one with a Boston Red Sox hat, then a Tilley hiking hat, then a Peruvian traditional llama hair hat. I like unique hats.


    for the photo contest, we have bokeh balls which I admittedly had to google what they are and figure how the heck to make them with a phone camera. I think I did a decent 6/10 job if I don’t say so myself #photocontest

  26. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-26 15:41:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 26, 2024

    I am slow to post this so had all the brands I didn’t use yet as a backup in case I get sniped. Today I used this lovely scent from Red House Farms, a soap maker I would encourage others to give a try. Pretty affordable, works well, and scents are nice. Sedona’s scent is based on what would be encountered in Sedona, Arizona. I never been there but assume it is desert, or at least partly. I get a lot of pine, but a woodsy natural pine, which I find different than the balsamy not as woodsy pine scent. Yes, balsam is natural but its association with the holidays probably did that to me. I imagine low, bushy evergreens in a clay desert. Which the soap ironically kind of looks like clay. I think the patchouli is giving me the clay notes. I find it true to its intent, and brings me to a dry, dusty, piney desert. Extremely pleasant and naturey. It reminds me of a memory of a summer wedding in Lake Tahoe. Not a desert by any means but huge pines and it was very dry and dusty. Hiking was amazing. The bride and groom did not expect the low temps at night during the reception (destination wedding). It was frigid. Table clothes turned to blankets, I got a radiation burn on my face from the outdoor heater, and to top it off they did not like cake so replaced the wedding cake with ice cream. It actually was a great trip and fun wedding, just cold but that forced everyone to dance to avoid frostbite.

    Clean brush talk: I used to have hard water and I felt this was much more noticeable prompting me to clean my brushes. I diluted vinegar, no scientific amount, and then “lathered” gently while letting it sit for a minute or two. This removes the hardness. Then rinse well. Then dish soap lather to remove the vinegar. Finally, lathered with a citrus type of shave soap (Stirling clementine was my go to). I did this maybe every couple months. Now that I have a softener, I honestly don’t do it much if at all.

    Today I used the theme grass for the photocontest, which is probably my last easy one to get #photocontest


  27. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-27 19:31:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024

    Arianna and Evan’s gets used about 1-2 times a year. Today it fulfilled the 10+ notes with this: Bergamot Lemon, 2 wonderful, but uniquely different Peach notes, Orange Blossom, Cognac, Tobacco Absolute, Mimosa, Leather, Vanilla, Dried Fruits, Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Himalayan Cedar. A total of 12, or 13 if you count 2 peaches. It actually is a nice scent, described as a gourmand with a twist. I find it to be a almost sickly sweet scent up front but quickly evolves to something else. The (2) peach notes are strong, combined with the dried fruits it does give it an overly sweet start which reminds me of a mix of prunes and peaches. The tobacco and leather accentuates the dried fruitiness making it smell thick, maybe sticky, to me. The other scents are there for background and depth, I get a woodiness but not clearly one type. An ever so slight hint of orange blossom too, it’s more likely I’m sensitive to citrus blossoms because they occasionally perfume my house while my Charlie Brown lemon tree produces them. As for what it evokes or a memory, it’s of a dark warm night, walking through a club/bar, shoulder to shoulder next to everyone trying to get a drink. A palpable heavy sweating air condensing on my skin. The building slowly heating up. It’s the sweetness of this scent that reminds me of the perfumes from 15 years ago. Overly applied so everyone within a ten foot radius gets a hint. But at the same time, I liked it then as I kinda do now.

    Left handed challenge (I’m right handed) is one that I just go slow with. Extra drippy lather to accommodate my weak hand taking so slow and drying it out.

    Today I used baseball as my theme. It’s the back stop to my local playground field. Welcome to the Sandlot for #photocontest


  28. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-28 16:41:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 28, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Cella – Milano Crema Da Barba
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts – Samhain

    Cella is the cheapest wetshaving soap/product I got with price of $1.01usd/oz. aftershaves I am blessed to have some good ones from HoM, B&M, etc and the cheapest is actually this Samhain from SW. this Schick I bought for 5 dollars and I only have one blade type for it. I may have felt good saving money today…but not anywhere close overall. For cella, it is an almond scent. Not an almond nut but a slightly sweet dessert almond. Specifically, I would say frangipan. Others may say marzipan but that is too sweet. Cella is a subtle sweet. A singular note, but pleasant. It reminds me of an apple galette that I like to make based on Alice Water’s. A butter pie or galette crust, peeled apples interior, and drizzled with apple skin/core glaze. Delicious as is but what makes the whole thing is frangipan smeared on the bottom on the crust. It’s two fold. 1) it tastes really good and natural almond flavor compliments apples while adding complexity to the galette and 2) it absorbs juices (contains flour) while providing a barrier (contains butter) for the crust from the juices. It’s becomes perfectly browned and crusty, with a butter crust when made right is flaky, and the frangipan + apple + glaze adds so much more than the regular apple pie does alone. As before – let me know if you would like a recipe.

    I used the theme “time” by making a sundial with my razor today. It’s arguably the most accurate device ever created, and it’s frugally the best way to tell time #photocontest


  29. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-29 16:19:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 29, 2024

    • Brush: Stirling x Zenith 510SE-XL
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Vanilla Sandalwood

    Today, vanilla sandalwood is on theme by prominently displaying sandalwood. This is Hawaiian sandalwood, which has a woody sweetness to it compared to the more spicy and peppery, cologne-esc woodiness that sometimes comes through. It is smooth and the sweet sandalwood is a great simple pairing for vanilla (which is one of my favorite notes anyway). Not sugary sweet either, even with the vanilla which is a plus. I would describe it smooth but not going as far as fully saying buttery or creamy, with the vanilla just adding to the smoothness. Light enough for summer, warm enough for winter, good year round. Edit: almost forgot my memory! This scent, along with a couple others reminds me of how I went nuts with samples from Stirling to get an idea of scents and simple scents. This, sandalwood, Christmas Eve, witchy woman, and probably 10 others. It’s a testament to how awesome Stirling is to have that many options and allowing people to try them out. Every time I use a Stirling sample, I can’t help but think I have another 12 waiting for me.

    For my top contestant picks….its tough. I think u/hugbckt, u/mrtangerinsky, u/priusaurus, u/impressive_donut114, and u/tsrblke would be my overall top 5 picks for consistency but there are honestly a few others who could bump anyone from the top 5. For ROTY, u/bmac92 for again consistency. For photocontest, going with u/crossan1983 and u/chronnoisseur420. For fof, I actually haven’t followed as closely as I should have so I will go with u/enndeegee. Airbud contest is going to be an upset and will likely be u/onionmiasma. Favorite post overall is barbershop day with u/whosgotthepudding and turning his home into a barbershop using only barbershop scents. Biggest shaft of the games is u/alg82 – the portal screwed u/alg82 over.

    I went on a journey to a summer camp to make sure I got the requisite theme: water vehicles. And made sure it was plural, as demanded by the literal reading of the rules for #photocontest


  30. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-30 14:26:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 30, 2024

    • Brush: Stirling x Zenith 510SE-XL
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-D
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet
    • Lather: WestMan Shaving – Adamastor
    • Post Shave: Australian Private Reserve – Coeur de Vert

    Adamastor was specifically bought for this challenge last year. It works well and in that tier right below the S-tier bases. Unfortunately, it has dimethicone so its now on my personal do not buy list once I found out. Scent wise, I get the rhubarb right away, along with a little saltiness. The rhubarb is spot on, sharp and tart just like a freshly snapped raw stem. A touch of earthiness as well, but only after lathering. I like the aquatic notes as they come through less cologne-y and more salty. As the abrasively green rhubarb dissipates, you get the remaining earthy notes to create a scent that goes from bright and vibrant, to a calmer and smoother green from the vetiver. It is a “clean” smelling scent. Reminiscence of a very elevated blue dawn soap but the more I smelled it, the more I got a different salty grassy green scent. It brings back memories of rhubarb pie, the first “fruit” of the spring. My grandmother, and now mom, would make a rhubarb custard pie every year. It really is better, in my opinion, than the classic strawberry rhubarb or douse your rhubarb in sugar pie. The cream tempers the rhubarb while it still has that ever-present tartness I love. I actually planted rhubarb this spring, so may have to continue the tradition starting next year when I can get a good harvest.

    Brush is from Italy ~4104 miles Razor is from Canada ~2130 miles Blade is from Russia ~4107 miles Lather is from Portugal ~3203 miles Post shave is from Australian ~10066 miles I am from the United States 0 miles

    In case you were wondering, it took ~23610 miles (37997km for my metric friends) for these items to make it to me, not including third party vendor travel. Add in the third party (for the ones I know where they came from), and it is ~26732 miles. Absolutely absurd when you think about it considering around the world is 24901 miles, just so I can shave. If this isn’t the definition of world traveler, I don’t know what is.

    Well, this is the last of my photo themes: Pirates. I was hoping to find the resting place of a real pirate, but alas, after researching, all the local pirates were apparently tossed into the sea after their hanging bodies were left to the seagulls as warnings for other pirates. So instead, please take a gander at all of this booty. #photocontest


    Great games everyone – really had a lot of fun reading and watching everyone’s antics.