u/throwa-waaaay's SOTDs for challenge 'Feats of Fragrance 2023'

u/throwa-waaaay submitted 1 SOTDS.
  1. u/throwa-waaaay posted on 2023-07-02 08:56:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 2, 2023

    • Prep: Shower
    • Brush: AP Shave Co G5C #FAUXFUR
    • Razor: Schick L Type Injector
    • Blade: Ted Pella PTFE Injector
    • Lather: Omega - Eucalyptus
    • Post Shave: Geo F Trumper - Eucris
    • Fragrance: Floris - No. 89

    I had originally planned on doing a James Bond themed shave today, but after checking my HC&C Bond last second, one of the last ingredients was silk, so I had to change it up. I planned on using a different razor as well but with today's challenge being an SE razor, I improvised. I also had a brush I wanted to use for this, but it hasn't even shipped yet. So in a way, I feel like I'm having a cow.....man.

    I selected Omega Eucalyptus shaving cream as it's one of my favorites when I'm in more of a rush, as it lathers in seconds, and it's very cheap.

    Trying to keep it as the James Bond theme I had in my head, I went with the razor from the film Live And Let Die, and in the novels, Bond used Trumper's Eucris, although I believe it was the hair tonic and not the aftershave, although its been some time since I've read through them. Novel Bond did however wear Floris No. 89 after the author himself.

    While the character of James Bond certainly loves his meat, it makes him almost the antithesis of today's theme, but in reality, to get fit for Bond, Daniel Craig had a diet that was heavily plant based; totally cutting out the tallow (not counting cheat days) Since non-tallow soap is only one day this month, he has definitely had 1 day in a month of not eating anything with animal byproducts; full circle

    #(ICan'tBelieveIt'sNot)ButterTheToastDay #ROTY #FOF