Post 'Thursday Austere August SOTD Thread - Aug 31, 2023' of challenge 'Weckoning 2023'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 12
  1. u/djundjila posted on 2023-08-30 23:50:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    The Final Day Of Weckoning is upon us

    • Brush: Rubberset 400-3 with a 26 mm unbleached Zenith boar knot at 56 mm loft
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade Med Prep
    • Blade: Kismet Rostfrei, Polymer beschichtet (37)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Oceana
    • Post Shave: Ralon – Original
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Island Man

    And that's a wrap, another Austere August in the books. A summary:

    1. This blade held up really well, and I got a nice last shave from it.
    2. The Weck is a total autopilot razor now.
    3. The Rubberset and a Zenith in a tight Colin Ferrule are a dream team: I love the strong back/soft tips combo. This is the Brush I broke in during last year's AA, btw
    4. Oceana in Soft Hearts was great. I like the scent, and this base rocks. I did not get close to killing this tub, but the remaining soap layer has become thin enough to be translucent.
    5. Ralon is great, but I noticed that I use comparatively huge amounts of it. There's no flow restrictor, so that should not have been surprising. The smell lingers for approximately 37 seconds, but even in this short window, Ralon got me multiple compliments from my wife this month.
    6. Island Man was a good choice for AA. It's pleasant and unintrusive. Perfect for a daily frag.

    For my first AA, I did the MMOC challenge, broke in a Zenith boar and used a Sea Spice Lime trick hole. Last year, for my second AA, I started AA with that same razor and GEM blade (which had 69 shaves on it by then) to make it to an even 100 by the end, and I raw hogged an unbleached Zenith. Both of these felt like real challenges at the beginning, but turned out to be easy in hindsight.

    This year, I deliberately took it easy with just the Weckoning challenge, and I enjoyed it just as much.


  2. u/EldrormR posted on 2023-08-31 03:31:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August 2023

    • Brush: >!REDACTED!<
    • Razor: Munnin Woodworks Forest Moss Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (31)
    • Lather: MdC Vetyver Brain Bowl (Day 127)
    • Post: CB V splash

    Well friends, we made it. One full month of soapy, wecky destruction. As a reference to how much soap >!REDACTED!< ate, here is a side by side of my Aug 1 and today's Brain Bowl shots.


  3. u/gcgallant posted on 2023-08-31 03:39:34-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023

    • Brush: Muninn Woodworks w/AP Shave Co 24mm Titanium Synthetic
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade (Straight Shave 312)
    • Blade: Kismet (31)
    • Lather: Saponificio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Soap
    • Post Shave: Saponificio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Aftershave
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Cucumber - Toner
    • Fragrance: Saponificio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Eau de Parfum

    2 passes. Face lather. Good shave.

    Kismet Blade - Losing My Edge
    August Photos

    I'm saying goodbye to Austere August from the road with another Slurry Lather™. Again, I've started with a wet brush but slightly less water than I've used before. The idea is to get all the slurry with less water strewn about to clean up. I don't recall if u/sgrdddy has played with this aspect or not.

    Anyway, this has been another fun Austere August. I will be carrying SV 70th into September. I'll explain about that in tomorrow's comment.

    Congrats to the Weckonistas who started with no Weck experience and made it through!

  4. u/jwoods23 posted on 2023-08-31 03:43:37-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Aug 31, 2023 - A Wecked Mammoth August

    • Prep: CeraVe - Hydrating Facial Cleanser

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps Grant w/Maggard 26mm Boar

    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade

    • Blade: Kismet Hair Shaper

    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Dammusi

    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Sonder Balm

    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Sonder

    Cheeks & neck: WTG/ATG, Chin: WTG/XTG

    Last AA shave for my second stupid early morning at work this week. Very grateful that I start 10 days of vacation tomorrow!

    As much as I’ve bitched this month about the Weck I’ve really enjoyed having the challenge of it! I’m still not good at it or can consistently get a close shave but I’ve gotten a lot quicker and have a lot less irritation from it.

    Raw Hoggin has been an absolute pleasure! This Maggard boar knot broke in fairly quickly and is just incredible! My only complaint is I did a terrible job setting it so had to reset it twice this month. This was my first time ever setting a knot so it’s been a learning experience.

    MammothMafia: second year of this an all I have to say is “The Family chooses Tusk, Tusk is life”

    Raw Hoggin album

    Daily tags: #RawHoggin #MammothMafia23 #MonthOfWeckoning

  5. u/Old_Hiker posted on 2023-08-31 04:17:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023

    • Brush: Zenith 508 Moar Boar
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet hair shaper (115)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Sheep
    • Post Shave: Lucky Tiger
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - unscented balm
    • Post Shave: Olay Complete

    Last shave of Austere August. Admittedly it really wasn't a challenge for me. I've used all this stuff a lot before the month began. But it was fun to play along anyway. And the Lucky Tiger made it through the month with one use left after today.


  6. u/Priusaurus posted on 2023-08-31 07:12:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023

    • Brush: AP Shave Co Gold Flakes with Oumo 30mm Boar
    • Razor: Diane Hair Shaper – Patent 33095 78145
    • Blade: Fromm Hair Shaper Blade (31)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Sheep
    • Post Shave: Declaration Ghosting – Unscented Aftershave Liniment

    Live look at me, finishing Austere August.

    I remember when I did the unscented thing last year, I was going stir crazy by like day 8. But this year, the challenge of the Weck kept me and all my senses occupied on not slicing my face up that I didn’t truly miss scents until about a week or so ago, once I really felt comfortable with shaving with a hair shaper. Then the blade started to give out on me a few days ago and I it’s been uphill since then. The good news is: after this month, I feel so much more confident with an open blade than I did before and I’m looking forward to using the hair shaper with a new, fresh blade in it.

    Breaking in this boar brush was a lot easier than the last time I did this. Probably because I knew what to expect this time around. This 30mm knot broke in relatively quickly and it a nice, soft, big soap eating machine.

    I weighed my tub of Stirling before my first shave on day 1 and it weighed 165 grams, and I weighed it again before today’s shave and was 95 grams. So, this month, I’ve used a whopping 70 grams of soap! That’s not even including today! Really happy to have made a big dent in this tub, and even happier to put it away for a long, long time…

    For tomorrow, we feast. #unscented #Monthofweckoning #RawHoggin

  7. u/putneycj posted on 2023-08-31 08:21:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023 - Fin

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps “Dundy” Maggard Boar 26mm
    • Razor: Marianna #310 Hair Shaper
    • Blade: Personna Hair Shaper (31)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth – Dammusi
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Dammusi

    Done. ‘Twas a good month, but, glad she’s over.

    True to form, the Personna had to bite me just a little bit on the neck to leave her final mark of wretchedness.

    Insert section here about learning a lot, blah blah.

    Software and Brush were top notch all month and here are the Final Pics (she’s still wet from last night). The blade today felt really dull – I think my lather was quite slick, but I notied the blades dullness more than I have all month.

    Anyway – thanks for the good month, y’all. We did it!

    Also, shoutout to u/jwoods23 and u/Environmental-Gap380, one of whose tags I Ctrl+F’d every day so I didn’t have to type ’em out or open an old SOTD. You guys really are the best. You were always there, reliably posting earlier than me. Cheers, friends.

    Tags: #RawHoggin #MammothMafia23 #MonthOfWeckoning

  8. u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-31 11:01:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023-08-31- Day ThirtyOne

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Kismet (31) under a microscope at 23 shaves
    • Brush: Omega Pro48
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
    • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
    • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

    Austere August:

    Dear u/PrideTwo

    Today marks the end of this unyielding #WAR. The thirty-first day of this MonthOfWeckoning has arrived, bringing with it a mix of emotions - relief, accomplishment, and a sense of closure. As I stood before the mirror today, the razor in hand, I knew that this journey was coming to its conclusion.

    The razor, my faithful companion through these thirty days, met my skin with a sense of finality. The scent of the soap, the enduring aroma of #WAR, carried with it the memories of this enduring challenge. In this moment, I realized that the battles fought, the routines embraced, and the lessons learned have all led me to this point.

    As I navigated the routine for the last time, I found myself carrying a sense of pride for completing this challenge. The #WAR is over, and I'm returning home, changed by the experience, ready to embrace what lies beyond.

    As the thirty-first day comes to a close, I carry with me a mix of emotions - the satisfaction of victory, the weight of accomplishment, and the promise of a new chapter. Tomorrow, I'll rise in a world without the confines of this #WAR, ready to face new challenges with the lessons learned in tow. Until then, my journal, I'll bid farewell to this chapter, knowing that the end of one journey marks the beginning of another. Onward, through the transition from this challenge to the uncharted paths that await beyond.

    I don't know if I should thank you u/pridetwo, or curse you...

    With great relief...


  9. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-08-31 14:38:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps 28mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Personna Glide-coated Hair Shaper (31)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Sonder
    • Post Shave: Stirling - Unscented - Balm
    • Fragrance: Kenneth Cole - Reaction


    Passes: (Face) WTG, XTG
    Passes: (Neck) WTG, ATG
    Cuts: 0 (Running total: 31)

    First off - soap usage. I started with a brand-new tub of Sonder, weighing in at 113 grams.

    I placed an empty tub of HoM on the scale to tare it. Then weighed my tub of Sonder. 59g remaining, meaning that 54g was used, or just under half the tub. I was using a 28mm brush, and definitely loaded heavy to give my face as much chance as possible to avoid meeting the Weck too closely, but I'm still surprised at how much I used. Today was the first day I could see the mammoth at the bottom of the tub.

    Now... a quick look back at some of my comments throughout the month:

    • 1: One of two things is going to happen. I'm either going to get better at this thing in short order, or I'm going to get out an MMOC and have an enjoyable August and give up the sweet, sweet Weckonista flair. The shave was bad enough that Osma was pulled out to stop some of my bleeding. The Osma quickly informed me that I am terrible at this. Cuts = 6

    • 2: I swear the Weck is just a medieval torture device. A better shave. Not great, but better. Cuts = 5

    • 3: If I have 28 more shaves like this, I'll be satisfied enough to keep with it, so unless I regress a lot, I think I'm in for the month.

    • 5: First nick-free Weck shave!

    • 6: Shaves are getting better, but are still wildly inconsistent, and a lot of thought and work.

    • 8: It like I get almost done, and then lacerate my chin. Every freaking day.

    • 9: Completely drama- and blood-free shave today. Not crazy close, but I'm taking acceptable and non-irritating over chasing BBS while I work on my technique.

    • 12: No blood again for the fourth day, but oddly a lot of irritation. I need to remind myself not to hurry with the Weck

    • 14: This was the first Weck shave that I would say was enjoyable. I've so far been so focused on not hurting myself, or frustrated on my inability to get a close shave that I was worried about it. Today I was just focused on the task at hand, and had a great shave.

    • 15: Another enjoyable close shave. How long until the blade starts to get dull and the shaves get bad?

    • 18: I started to notice the faintest amount of dragging from the blade.

    • 20: I'm not sure I'm going to make it to the end of the month. This blade is getting bad quickly.

    • 22: As the French said in early internet cartoons, I am le tired of this blade.

    • 25: This blade is now jumping around on my face like a jackrabbit.

    • 27: This blade is terrible. Yesterday Mrs. Miasma said she thought a well-honed spork would shave better. And I agree.

    • 28: I'm done with this. This shave is no longer enjoyable. The blade is no longer capable of cutting hair... The maximum number of times a Personna blade should be used is probably around 10, but definitely less than 28.

    • 31: I'm very glad to be done with the blade, but going all month with the Weck was a rewarding experience. Sonder was great too. Zero cuts today, ending the month at exactly one cut per day on average. Granted, 11 of those happened the first two days.

    Remote Learning is up for tomorrow!

  10. u/Environmental-Gap380 posted on 2023-08-31 18:22:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023 - The End of Austerity

    • Brush: Semogue SOC Cherry
    • Razor: Weck Hair Shaper Glitter Scales
    • Blade: Kismet Rostfrei (31)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Sonder
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Sonder Splash
    • Daily Tags: #Monthofweckoning #RawHoggin #MammothMafia23
    • Passes: Face - wtg/atg Neck - xtg up and down

    Brush before the final shave of Austere August

    In the picture you can see the tub is a bit over half used. Brush is still a hungry beast, and works best when well fed. It can make a lather with a small amount, but it is easier to get a good lather with a healthy scoop of soap. Tonight was not a great shave, but I got through it with no bloodletting. Plenty of sting from the splash confirmed it was a fairly rough shave. I went ahead and binned the blade when I was done. I only tookit out a couple times to clean up. I really should do it more frequently. It was difficult to get it moving. A plastic comb was used to push the blade keeping my digits away from the edge.

    At the beginning of the month, I had a lot of trepidation at the prospect of a solid month of straight shaves. A bit of a bumpy start, but after a week or so, I started to notice improvement. Not even close to mastering the technique at this point, but maybe after another 30-50 shaves I could advance from a novice with the cut throat blade.

    About the House of Mammoth - Sonder set, there is a good reason you see many SOTDs with this artisan’s products, and Sonder in particular. They are absolutely fantastic. Just like last year with Alive, I did not get sick of this scent. If this were the only base or splash I had to use, I wouldn’t be upset. However, a variety of wonderful products and scents are why we are here. I look forward to many interesting shaves in September. I won’t be doing 100% samples for the month, but will add in many first shaves with scents. I have the guest bedroom ready for after tomorrow’s shave with Remote Learning. I might not be allowed in the bedroom by my wife after that one. It will be interesting at least with the nacho cheese scented soap and EdP.

    Congratulations to all that finished your challenges and unchallenges. If you started but didn’t finish, that is probably a measure of your sanity.

  11. u/Eructate posted on 2023-08-31 20:25:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023

    • Prep: Warm Shower
    • Brush: AKA Brushworx- 26mm Boar
    • Razor: Weck Hair Shaper
    • Blade: Kismet (31)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag
    • Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag
    • Fragrance: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag

    Sadly, the final day of August. Of course I have loved using Stag every day, but the brush and razor have been fantastic as well. The brush broke in pretty quickly and has been an absolute dream to use the whole time. I was very nervous to accept the Weckoning, but am so glad I did. I have gotten to the point where I can get an equally great shave in about the same amount of time as a safety razor. I'm excited to see now if I can translate some of what I learned with the Weck to the straight razor side of the hobby. #RawHoggin #Monthofweckoning

  12. u/souleater7173 posted on 2023-08-31 21:05:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2023

    • Brush: Zenith 31mm MOAR BOAR
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
    • Blade: Personna Hair Shaper (31)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth – Sonder
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Sonder

    Welp. I did it. This blade got binned so fast after this shave. Going to take a day off from shaving, then do GEMs for a week or two. Looking forward to trying the Weck again with a Kismet sometime in the future. Really feel like I built a new skill and want to keep getting better with nicer blades. I can’t smell the soap anymore. I can still smell the splash. That’s my one lasting complaint with this month, how effective nose-blindness can be.

    AA Mileage: 150 miles! I did it. I missed my goal for literal number of rides (goal was 25 actual was 19), I legit didn’t realize I skipped that many days. Met my mileage goal (goal 150, actual 150). Really proud of my progress so far and looking forward to getting that first 20 miles in one ride some point in the near future.

    Tags: #Monthofweckoning #MammothMafia23