Post 'Tuesday Austere August SOTD Thread - Aug 01, 2023' of challenge 'Unchallenge 2023'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 7
  1. u/FMKJuli posted on 2023-08-01 01:49:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    01-08 An easy-going month with Mammoth

    • Brush: Yaqi 'Purple Haze' w/ 24mm Mew Brown knot
    • Razor: 1953-54 Gillette 'Aristocrat Junior'
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo - Soap
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo - Balm
    • Fragrance: Proraso - Wood and Spice - Cologne

    Hi, hello, how are you. It's been a while, hasn't it?

    My last SOTD post here, let's see, was on… 30 November, 2022. Huh. Well, I suppose some apologies are in order. You see, there was that whole issue with the rabid bear, having to save the world over the weekend and– okay, let's cut the shit. I've been absent, and for that I am truly sorry. Life got in the way, I fell behind, and soon enough I didn't think I could hack it with the cool kids anymore. Another reason was probably the fact I settled into a nice daily driver, pared my soap rotation down to just a dozen tubs, and all in all stopped experimenting, buying or advancing in the hobby. I found what I liked, and that was that.

    Now, that's not really a great excuse, but it's what I got. I've been thinking/planning to come back, but always forgot or put it off for some reason, and after I missed this year's Lather Games (I mean, why hold them in the dead of our winter, sheesh - don't you know Australia is the centre of the universe?) all hope seemed lost. But u/MrTangerinesky called me back with the allure of Austere August, and I dutifully dragged my sorry ass back for a month of daily posting.

    With the lengthy preamble out of the way, let's get into the how and why.

    I'm doing two challenges this AA, and they are Mammoth Month by u/InfernalInternal / u/LaTuskFamilia, and the Unchallenging Challenge by Old Spice connoisseur u/cowzilla3. How did I manage to do both, when the latter's rules clearly states I can't? What can I say, I'm a sweet-talker…and already made an attempt on Cowzilla's life in the past, so we have history.

    Suppose I better explain myself, then?

    Let's just clear my sink-side shave station real quick…

    And there we go.

    So, the non-challenge. Cowzilla urges us to use our "easiest-to-use set of products" and I agonised a bit over what that would entail. However, I quickly pieced together what would be my most uninvolved, no-issues, comfiest shave experience, and you bet your ass it involves House of Mammoth. u/mammothben has put together something truly special with the Tusk base. It lathers like a dream. It doesn't condemn you to the deepest circle of hell for using too little water, or too much, or for swirling your brush the wrong way. It has a divine level of slickness and leaves your face feeling tip-top. And the smells - oh, the smells. Mood Indigo (it's just Indigo, nowadays) is like a comfy blanket for the face. It's a night drive from the city to the countryside and back, it's at once mysterious and familiar, it's just damn good. Same goes for the balm. I've had this set since my very earliest days in the hobby - in fact, Mood Indigo was my first-ever Bazaar purchase, I think - and I don't think I'll ever let it slip out of the rotation. Plain and simple, it was a no-brainer choice for the 'unchallenge'.

    On to the hardware: I've got a few razors in my collection, many of which I've got a fair bit of experience with. There's my daily driver, the Karve Christopher Bradley with the OC F plate, but that thing bites more than the aforementioned rabid bear I had to fight last Spring. There's my previous daily, the Fatip Lo Storto Originale (the 🦊). There's a bunch of others that are great, but not what I'd call fuss-free or easiest-to-use. But then there's the Aristocrat Junior. These things are a pain in the ass to date (just check Mr Razor's website), but rest assured it gives the most easiestest shave I've got on offer. It's TTO - of course, because who wants to fiddle with three pieces and a blade while covered in soap? That's not very easy-mode. It's mild - of course, because who wants to get nipped while enjoying the luxury of a Mood Indigo shave? It's just all around a great little unit, and if I think about it too much more I'm going to sell the rest of my gear and marry this Aristocrat Junior, so let's leave it at that.

    When it came to a brush to use for this whole month, I couldn't not use a Yaqi Mew Brown knot. They're the epitome of easy - cheap, so easy to replace; synthetic, so foolproof, smell-free and soft as a pillow; and…uh…the brush fits the colour scheme of Mood Indigo? I don't know, things don't always have to come in threes. I just couldn't look past this one for my easy-mode setup. It's no wonder this thing is my travel brush and comfort pick.

    Blade: It's a Nacet. Accessible, wicked sharp, never had a bad one, it's easy-mode. Nuff said.

    Frag: I wanted something I don't mind using every day, and Proraso's Wood and Spice cologne is just that. I do legitimately wear it 4 out of 5 days, because the flask is $50 so I can afford an extra spritz without breaking the bank. It doesn't last as long as your designer scents, but who cares when you can re-up for less than a penny? Easiestest pick here.

    And, uh, I think that's it? Let me know if I've forgotten anything, judge overlords. I hope I made my case clear for why I think this is my easy-mode setup.

    A few more things for housekeeping: I'm going to be doing this AA in Nightmare Mode, in line with the Mammoth challenge, but I hardly ever change my blades anyway, so I don't think this'll be a massive issue. For proof, here's a video of me unwrapping the new Nacet blade...well, trying to. It had to be a two-parter before I stitched it together in post, and even then I nearly sliced myself open in the process. Opening up a new blade pouch is hard with just one hand!

    Lastly, here's some hashtags needed for the bots to do their botting: #UNCHALLENGE #MammothMafia23

    It's good to be back, folks. Keen to see how you've all been doing.

  2. u/intertextonics posted on 2023-08-01 16:37:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Aug. 1, 2023
    Brush: AP Shave Co. - 22mm Synbad Synthetic
    Razor: Rockwell 6S
    Blade: Astra SP
    Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Electric Sheep - Soap
    Post Shave: Aqua Velva - Ice Blue - Aftershave
    Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented with Menthol - Balm
    Post Shave:* Osma - Alum

    SOTD Pic

    I had to think a bit for what soap I’d use for the Take the Easy Route Unchallenge. Ultimately I settled on Stirling because when I think of easy to use, no fuss soap, Stirling leaps to mind. My Rockwell 6S makes all shaves automatic and Aqua Velva just gives me a sense of nostalgia and it’s menthol will be a welcome relief to start a scorching day.

    Hope y’all have a good day! #UNCHALLENGE

    Shared from My Shave Den for iOS

  3. u/jrhunter25 posted on 2023-08-01 19:38:45-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Aug 1, 2023-Unchallenge Day 1

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Brush: PAA Starcraft brush
    • Razor: Schick I2 Hydromagic Injector
    • Blade: Schick injector
    • Soap: 345 Soap Co. Yacht Club
    • Postshave: Yacht Club splash, Balm, and EDP

    I haven't been posting on here at all in the last little bit to do becoming uninterested in posting all my mail calls and SOTDs because I have gotten settled in a daily driver routine and killing some soaps, and have really just been going through my den to thin it down and just get down to a handful of soaps, brushes, and razors. However, I did want to participate in AA but not do all the crazy challenges with a weck, gem razor, I don't own any HoM products, or deal with the God awful scent of some soap that will not be named. So, I decided to do the #UNCHALLENGE challenge this year. So I decided to use the razor that has been my daily driver for a better part of the last few months and is just truly an autopilot razor for me that gives me a DFS shave in 2.5 passes. The blades that work well for me so far are the Chinese Schick blades. 345 makes some great soap that just explodes in lather quickly for me and isn't picky about water content. I picked this scent as .y next soap to try and kill next. I picked the Starcraft brush because the handle is just comfortable in my hand, and the knot feels great for a face lather, and a synthetic knot to me is just the epitome of unchallenge. So I am looking forward to some nice, easy-going shaves this month. I hope everyone has a great day and has a great shave.

  4. u/jrhunter25 posted on 2023-08-01 19:38:58-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Aug 1, 2023-Unchallenge Day 1

    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Brush: PAA Starcraft brush
    • Razor: Schick I2 Hydromagic Injector
    • Blade: Schick injector
    • Soap: 345 Soap Co. Yacht Club
    • Postshave: Yacht Club splash, Balm, and EDP

    I haven't been posting on here at all in the last little bit to do becoming uninterested in posting all my mail calls and SOTDs because I have gotten settled in a daily driver routine and killing some soaps, and have really just been going through my den to thin it down and just get down to a handful of soaps, brushes, and razors. However, I did want to participate in AA but not do all the crazy challenges with a weck, gem razor, I don't own any HoM products, or deal with the God awful scent of some soap that will not be named. So, I decided to do the #UNCHALLENGE challenge this year. So I decided to use the razor that has been my daily driver for a better part of the last few months and is just truly an autopilot razor for me that gives me a DFS shave in 2.5 passes. The blades that work well for me so far are the Chinese Schick blades. 345 makes some great soap that just explodes in lather quickly for me and isn't picky about water content. I picked this scent as .y next soap to try and kill next. I picked the Starcraft brush because the handle is just comfortable in my hand, and the knot feels great for a face lather, and a synthetic knot to me is just the epitome of unchallenge. So I am looking forward to some nice, easy-going shaves this month. I hope everyone has a great day and has a great shave.


  5. u/bmac92 posted on 2023-08-01 19:59:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2023.08.01 SOTN (#UNCHALLENGE shave #1):

    • Prep: Neutrogena Hydro Boost Cleanser

    • Brush: AKA Brushworks Amethyst Watchman with 26mm AP Shave Co G5C

    • Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable

    • Blade: Gillette Perma-Sharp (1)

    • Lather: Seaforth! Sea Ice Lime

    • Post Shave: Stirling Mentholated Unscented Witch Hazel and Aloe, Seaforth! Sea Ice Lime Aftershave Splash, Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream Extra-Dry

    Here is my setup for the month:

    Overall, a very good shave to start the month. It was over 100F all day today (clocked my phone saying 105F at one point), and the AC on my side of my office decided it wanted to take some time off. Wonderful timing. At least my shave was cooling :)

    I had a few nicks to being careless, but as usual, the slim worked incredibly well.


  6. u/ChrisDaBombz posted on 2023-08-01 22:22:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 01, 2023 * Prep: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Body Wash * Brush: AP Shave Co. 26mm Synbad * Razor: Karve CB OC B * Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1) * Lather: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Soap * Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Splash * Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Balm * Fragrance: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - EdP

    What a beautiful family photo. People will ask if us Knights truly like Midnight Stag or if it's all a meme. I've gotta honestly say, for me, I really like the scent. It's like working on your vehicle in the garage all day, without the sweat, grease, and cuts. Or like going into the mechanic shop without spending $700 on parts or repairs. I get that it's not for everyone and I think some people need to realize that's OK. Some people can't stand rose. Personally, I dislike scents strongly scented with lavender. We can all just jive and let people like what they like.

    I noped out on the Weck challenge. I received on in the mail two days ago and have zero experience with it and just couldn't wholeheartedly commit to it. Maybe next year. Having added the Moar Boar this year, any other new boar couldn't live up to the expectations, so I also skipped that. So here we are with the trusty synbad synthetic and Karve. With the exception of last year's Raw Hoggin' and MMOC challenges, the Karve with a synth have been my faithful AA companions.

    Today's Stag Spray x1


  7. u/ChrisDaBombz posted on 2023-08-01 22:24:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 01, 2023 * Prep: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Body Wash * Brush: AP Shave Co. 26mm Synbad * Razor: Karve CB OC B * Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1) * Lather: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Soap * Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Splash * Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - Balm * Fragrance: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - EdP

    What a beautiful family photo. People will ask if us Knights truly like Midnight Stag or if it's all a meme. I've gotta honestly say, for me, I really like the scent. It's like working on your vehicle in the garage all day, without the sweat, grease, and cuts. Or like going into the mechanic shop without spending $700 on parts or repairs. I get that it's not for everyone and I think some people need to realize that's OK. Some people can't stand rose. Personally, I dislike scents strongly scented with lavender. We can all just jive and let people like what they like.

    I noped out on the Weck challenge. I received on in the mail two days ago and have zero experience with it and just couldn't wholeheartedly commit to it. Maybe next year. Having added the Moar Boar this year, any other new boar couldn't live up to the expectations, so I also skipped that. So here we are with the trusty synbad synthetic and Karve. With the exception of last year's Raw Hoggin' and MMOC challenges, the Karve with a synth have been my faithful AA companions.

    Today's Stag Spray x1