Post 'Thursday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jul 27, 2023' of challenge 'Rookie of the Year'

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The number of participants is 19
  1. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-07-26 23:44:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 27-July

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound - 'Finned' V14 #SHD  
    • Razor: Charcoal Goods - Everyday
    • Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps – Homecoming   
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Homecoming AS

    This is my first set of Summer Break Soaps, having never tried them before this was certainly an interesting day to try and do it. First up, the smell is bloody amazing. I've only got a couple of lavender soaps but this is beyond anything else I have. If there are darker scents available I can see myself getting more if they are just as good. 

    My intent here was to show you a bit of my adopted homeland in North Wales, alas the climate here most days isn't exactly conducive to a comfortable outdoor shave, and today was no bloody exception. Now, had the challenge been yesterday it would have been fantastic, clear blue skies and warm. Unfortunately this was what my journey was like to my chosen shave spot!. I had wanted to go to Dolbadarn Castle but settled for lake side.

    After arriving at my destination I took off into the woods bordering Lake Padarn, managed to find a relatively secluded spot so I think this will do along with a brief 360, half just to check I was alone.  

    Went to work with the lather, slapped it on and snapped a pic. Though I forgot the mirror at least I had taken a pic and realised the lather was crap, I'm not in a bad mood, that's just my face and it's chucking it down. So added a bit more water and went to work. What I've now come to realise is that it's incredibly difficult to shave with a wet phone in selfie mode, couldn't get the damn thing to take a photo until the end and couldn't get the vid rolling. 

    Though entertaining it wasn't the most enjoyable of outings on this particular day, I think it would have been fantastic on a sunny day.  At least I had a smooth finish and I smelt amazing. I'll be back here with my team for kayakng and paddle boarding tomorrow anyway. 

    /u/Enndeegee look I think I actually used the PhotoContest tags correctly for once, about time. Admittedly not particularly difficult considering the necessity of the outdoor challenge but I'll take it. 

    Hope everyone has an enjoyable outdoor adventure today! 



    #ROTY  #PhotoContest

  2. u/whosgotthepudding posted on 2023-07-27 06:02:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


    This smush was sent to me by the generous u/J33pGuy13, as I don't have anything Lavender forward in my own den (aside from Tabac now, but I just used that Splash yesterday).

    This was my first time with anything by MLS. As far as the scent goes, just straight lavender. Not just lavender, but all the lavender. I had no idea there were so many types of lavender. English lavender, spike lavender, topped lavender, and Lavadin Grosso just in this scent alone. I guess saying all the lavender is a bit of a reach. I decided to look up how many types of lavender there are. There are over 45 different species with almost 450 varieties. I was pretty surprised by that. In terms of performance, it was okay. Nothing to write home to Mom about or anything.

    Not having anything Lavender forward opted to go with more florals. Enter Two Kings. Rose and Oud with a hint of spices and a dash of incense in the back. The strong combination quickly drowned out the lavender, but it was still just ever slightly present and acted as a nice compliment to the rose and oud. I've found that I really like florals (when done right). I walked away from this smelling like a garden, and Mrs. Pudding blessing in this combo.

    No daily challenge for me today, as this one just isn't feasible with what I have going today.


  3. u/pridetwo posted on 2023-07-27 07:52:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Chisel & Hound Kuai Taper w/ V18 Fanchurian 26mm

    • Razor: Muhle Rocca R94

    • Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum

    • Lather: Mickey Lee Soapworks - Jefferson Square

    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Lavanille

    • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors - Telegrama

    Today's Theme: Lavendursday - Jefferson Square, Lavanille, and Telegrama all prominently feature different flavors of lavender. Jefferson Square is an earthy, potpourri lavender. Lavanille is that creamy, Mousse de Saxe-laden lavender we all know and love. And Telegrama is a fresh, clean lavender that kind of reminds me of liquid fabric softener.

    Today's Challenge: Shave Outside Day - As you'll see in the picture below, I set up and shaved outside on my backyard patio. I decided that just because I'm outside doesn't mean I have to shave like Bear Grylls, so I set up a nice little table and chair with my scuttle, water bowl, and shaving gear. I used my phone's selfie camera for a mirror and recorded a video so that the screen wouldn't turn off. If anyone wants to watch a 10 minute video of a random shirtless schlub of a man shaving quietly while the neighbor dogs bark, well, here you go. Djudges, don't say I didn't warn you, you didn't have to watch the video. There is no punchline. There is no secret message. It's just for anyone who really wants to watch me shave quietly outside.

    My theme for today's shave: Lavender

    I really enjoy lavender scents, so today was a really nice way to explore three different takes on lavender. I know, I could have done the feet juice frag for my fragrance, but I haven't used Telegrama before and I already know that I love Lavender, Interrupted. MLS Jefferson Square was a smush sent from /u/j33pguy13 and it was a very nice scent and soap. Lathered up well, and the scent opened up as I built the lather. The scent is very much like a potpourri bouquet - earthy, fragrant, but not sharp or creamy. Lavanille is that creamy lavender we're all well familiar with. Slight sharpness on the open, creamy on the drydown. Now Telegrama is a scent I've been excited to check out, and now I'm sad I was too late to get on the Noble Otter Telegrama soap/splash train. It's a really nice floral lavender that's just easy on the nose and very lovely.

    No music today, I wanted to just enjoy being outside and relax a little. #photocontest #FOF #ROTY

  4. u/tsrblke posted on 2023-07-27 08:05:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023 – Lavender 3 ways.

    • Brush: Chisel & Hound Badger
    • Razor: Valet Autostrop #selfsharpening
    • Blade: Feather (SE) (1)
    • Lather: Spieck – Lavender
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Bergamot Lavender
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Lavender Interrupted

    You know given Will’s marketing maybe that title was a poor choice. Or a epic one? You be the judge.

    Final loaner razor from u/Chronnoisseur420 to get some points. From here on out it’s u/j33pguy13’s CFL pass around (except Friday and Sunday when I need my English tech.) So I gues it’s tech on out except Saturday when I use the CFL…. Then, somehow we’re at AA… Wild how fast this went. Gonna blow off the first week of AA to test the CFL a bit more before I send it back. I’m both relieved and sad we’re reaching the end of our LG time.

    Back to the valet. This thing is wild and over engineered, and it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to load it. (the blade goes on the top which flips over?) I guess if you strop disposable blades maybe it’s useful? Dunno. I borrowed it so I could hit 8/10 hardware points. This is where I stop on that because I’m out of time. (note to anyone counting, I’m counting ahead. This makes 6/10. the CFL hits CNC and Rainbow, for 8).

    For the challenge. Did I ever mention I live on a corner lot? With a backyard that faces the street? This is basically shaving in public, with a nosy neighbor in that house above me who contently looks out her window at anything going on. Only difference is I can’t get thrown out of my house. Or rather, I don’t think my wife will throw me out. She’s already left for work. 20% chance my neighbor calls the cops on me. I waited to shave until after kid drop off to give me time to do this uninterrupted. Downside is it’s already 85 out. But hey shave sister ain’t that mister mister? Ah yes, that can keep me cool and moisten my stubble while I shave since this is well after showering. Got my gear ready outside, including a baby Yoda travel mirror I borrowed from my wife.

    Start shaving, if I dump soapy water all over the brand-new patio, I will be thrown out by the wife. So, I have a cup to rinse my razor in. But as I lather, I stick my face in the mister to get more water. Then alternate the brush in. It works…not bad. Get a decently wet lather. OK this razor is…odd, and I can’t really stretch my skin. Boy that’s a lot of blade feel, but I can muddle through pass one. Suddenly! Sounds…oh shit, the nosy neighbor has opened her garage. Crap, she’s coming out….more sounds.. WHEW, her and her husband are having a spat trying to get in the car (nothing serious, he’s been hurt and not letting her help him get in.) They are distracted and not noticing me.* I can get done if I hurry. But once they pull out of the garage I’m busted. Best case I have to talk to them. Worst case I have to explain myself. Stick my face in the mister mister…oh crap, it’s not strong enough to get the lather off! Crap my hands are too slippery to turn off the hose and unhook Mister Mister. Quick, wet hands, rub face clean, pass 2. This pass hurts, I can’t see what I’m doing in the mirror, I’m XTG, WTG, and ATG all at once. Try to rise the razor in Mister Mister…it doesn’t work. Glad I brought the cup, but cup water is getting soapy. Make it happen, finish shave. Stick head in mister mister. Still not rinsing. HOW ARE MY SHORTS WETTER THAN MY FACE. Fine, whatever, hurriedly walk in with soapy, but socially acceptable shaved face. I did shave outside. Challenge complete, no neigbor questions. Once inside rinse off, change shirts (eff it it’s hot, soaked shorts are actually not bad.) Notice I’m bleeding in several spots. Whelp styptic time. Apply balm. Apply Frag. Roll into home office late.

    Today’s #fof is pretty straight forward, Lavender everywhere. Which is good, I love Lavender. First post shave I bought: Bergamot Lavender. But I’ll go a bit deeper here with the theme and expound on types. The spieck Lavender strikes me as a more woody Lavender. This transitions nicely to the bergamot Lavender, which mixes with the citrus in the bergamot in the most fantastic way. The we move to the polar opposite of the spectrum: Lavender Interrupted. Lavender interrupted is sweet to the point I get vanilla first, and a punch of it. But it dries down to a sweeter Lavender. I want to stop and thank u/unitesstatesghost here for this sample. I was skeptical of Lavender Interrupted. I don’t like lavinille, which is nominally where Will starts here, it smells musty to me. So I didn’t jump on it. But she threw this in a PIF box to me and I’m glad because it’s nothing like lavinille. It defintely dries down more woody, but that just makes this FOF a full circle! Go me!

    On to #photocontest, since we’re shaving outside, here’s an entry in holes. Specifically the hole left over from my old deck after removing the piers. It’s appropriate since I’m shaving on the patio that replaced it. I filled it in after this photo finally (one more to do done!)

    Last 3 shaves remaining #ROTY folks. Who’s gonna finish strong?

    *So occasionally they do notice when I do weird things and it ends not great. Which is why I’m glad I dodged it this time. About 8 years ago, I grew 4 hop vines off my back patio. She asked if I was growing pot. “Yes, I grow pot right out in the open!” When I explained it was hops, she inquired as to whether I was bootlegging because she didn’t know homebrewing was legal. When I brough home my first deer’s head to get the antlers off and did that in the back yard…yeah you can imagine how well that went over. Fun fact for u/AirBudruler I didn’t know it at the time, but I was saved from trouble by the Air Bud Rule. “Ain’t no rule that says you can’t perform cranial surgery on a deer head in your own backyard.” (As long as you legally hunted it and properly dispose of the remains, and I did both.)

  5. u/throwa-waaaay posted on 2023-07-27 08:57:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023

    • Prep: Myrsol - Emulsion
    • Brush: Trotter Handcrafts Bone Classic G5C
    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy Aluminum
    • Blade: Personna 74 (7)
    • Lather: Martin de Candre - Original
    • Post Shave: Myrsol - Formula C
    • Fragrance: Hugo Boss - Hugo

    For Lavender day, I selected the classic Martin De Candre Original, which is Lavender, Mint, and Rosemary. Complemented with some minty Formula C Myrsol. I polished up my Legacy the other day, and it feels like a totally different, brand new, premium razor. Having my second use of the new Trotter brush which has been magnificent.

    For today's challenge, I need to take the L again, I live in a city, and shaving outdoors isn't a feasible option really. If I had a backyard or something, it would be one thing, but even going to a park may not be legal. Per the Gov site "Possession of a dagger, dirk, stiletto, machete, dangerous knife, or razor by anyone with the intent, which may be inferred by possession, to use it unlawfully against another is not allowed." /u/USS-SpongeBob pointed out I could take a cart, which is very true. However I'd have to go out, buy a mirror, and some other accoutrements, and then get to the park. I don't really have the time for that today unfortunately so a shave in my bathroom had to suffice. Respect to everyone who gets their outdoor shave today!

    Until tomorrow


  6. u/AdWorried2804 posted on 2023-07-27 08:58:30-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023 – Month of Lather Day 27

    • Brush: Parker BCPB Black Plastic & Chrome Potmetal handle w/ Pure Badger knot
    • Razor: Merkur 23C
    • Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (1)
    • Preshave: Razor Emporium – Small Batch Soap
    • Lather: Razor Emporium – Lavender
    • Post Shave: Black Ship Grooming – Ship Wreck Cove Splash
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Unscented Balm
    • Music: The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

    Daily Theme: RE Lavender on Lavendursday. Shave time.

    The Challenge/Shave: Here in Singapore everyone lives in high-rise apartment/condo buildings. I live in a corner unit, so my balcony "technically" meets the challenge criteria because it only has one wall. Here's my setup, and if you look closely, you'll see a train at the station across from me. Here's a couple horrible attempts to capture passing trains at the beginning and during the first pass. I gave up trying to take artsy-fartsy shaving pics and took a couple straight on train shots before and after my second pass.

    Prior to today I was not a fan of RE Lavender's scent. Maybe it was the outdoor air, or maybe it was because my lather-building technique has improved, but I really enjoyed today's lather. In spite of the cheap-@$$ hardware and crappy mirror I used; I ended up with a DFS. I'll take that any day. #ROTY

  7. u/Dry_Fly3965 posted on 2023-07-27 10:26:32-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Day 27 - Lavendursday

    • Brush: 28mm Synthetic Badger Bulb Knot Homemade Handle
    • Razor: Karve - Christopher Bradley
    • Blade: Astra Green
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw - La Superieur Lavender
    • Post Shave: Dr. Jon's - Flowers In The Dark
    • Fragrance: Paco Rabanne - Phantom

    Happy lavender day, I didn't shave outside, sorry. But I smell like a field of lavenders! haha. I went with La Superieur Lavender. It has such a pure Lavender smell, followed by Flowers In The Dark.

    For the fragrance, I followed the Lavender road with Phantom. The lather games has made me realize that most full-size colognes I have are from Paco Rabanne. I don't know what that means, just sharing.


  8. u/Admirable-Nobody-946 posted on 2023-07-27 11:06:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Simpson Classic #1 synthetic brush
    • Razor: Friedrich Herder Abraham Sohn 49 straight razor
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Lavender soap
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter - Bare splash
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Lavender Interrupted


    Closer still…

    Today I'm using a sample of Barrister and Mann's Lavender shaving soap purchased from Maggards for today. I thought it would go nicely with the sample of Lavender interrupted they were giving out at the meet up. I'm not sure I am the biggest fan of Lavendercentric scents but everything is top notch performance wise and the combo is pleasant and unobtrusive.

    I did snap some pics of my back porch outside shave. Just took the bowl of lather, my straight and a paper towel for wiping the blade off. I didn't have a portable mirror and used my reflection in a window. It was difficult to say the least and I abused my sideburns a little a gave myself a tiny wack on my chin. I don't reccomend it. At least my ⅞ width straight razor is like a snow shovel and I was able to whip out 1 shoddy pass very quickly. It's so hot in Chicago right now. At least I smell nice.

  9. u/rebdoomer88 posted on 2023-07-27 11:12:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Van Der Hagen Boar Brush
    • Razor: Parker Clip-Type Shavette Dark Sheesham Wood Handle
    • Blade: Treet Carbon Steel "Black Beauties"
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - The Four Horsemen: Plague


  10. u/partyman97_3 posted on 2023-07-27 13:29:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Thu Jul 27 2023

    • Prep: A hot shower
    • Razor: Merkur - 34C HD
    • Blade: Feather HI Stainless
    • Brush: Perfecto Badger
    • Lather: Castle Forbes - Lavender Essential Oil Cream
    • Post Shave: Aqua Velva - Classic Ice Blue AS

    The Castle Forbes is a great soap. Great lather and very cushioning. But the lavender scent in this soap is not very forward.

    I did not try outside today. Was in a motel room and couldn't think of an option to make it work.


  11. u/djanovshaving posted on 2023-07-27 13:36:58-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather games 2023 day 27

    • Prep: Warm water
    • Brush: Mühle - Rocca Jet
    • Razor: Mühle - Rocca Jet
    • Blade: Derby - Usta
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Monarch
    • Post Shave: Marmara - Barber N1

    I am so glad for today challenge! I love to spend my time in nature. I am like is modern to say "survivor enthusiast". I'll show you small part of my beautiful country.

    I am not a big fan of "Noble Otter" for only one reason. Scent is not so strong. On my opinion is even weak but I know people that is what they looking for. They don't like strong fragrances and I think this brand is perfect for them because is very good soap.

    Aftershave....... So here shit happened! This morning I found that I forget to take Barrister and Mann "Lavander" from my friend. And of course Mr. Murphy applied his law my friend is on vacation to the other side of country. I have to find something on way to the mountain. You'll say " what is the problem Bulgaria is one of the major producers of lavender you can find it in every corner " and you be never more wrong my friend! Only one small brand make lavender aftershave! And stop it two years ago. I call in their shop and ask if they have even one lost in storage or tester or even open and grumpy woman assured me that she will check and call me...... Still waiting her call. I write in our shaving club and my friends start to help me. "Take lavender alcohol..... Mix it with lavender oil ( o yes of course I'm gonna fuck my self for second time like in day 9 with my home made after vodka+ coffee) .... Order ....( like its gonna be delivered after hour best case delivery is 4 days from abroad).... And one of them told me about this Barber! But still I have to wait to delivery on next day! Fuck! And this is forth cosmetic shop and nothing! And because this friend told me that Marmara it is Turkish brand the light bulb lit up!!! I'll check in Turkish barbershops! On the third like in fairy tales the guy have it " of course I have my friend... This big bottle .... The purple one.... But only can sell it I can not give you for free! " I was so happy that I buy two other scents to make this guy happy like I am!! Always can make a gift to some friend!! With open heart and big smile I drive to the Vitosha mountain!


  12. u/squid_monk posted on 2023-07-27 16:00:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023

    Prep: Proraso - Refrescante Preshave Cream

    Brush: Antiga Barbearia de Bairro - Principe Real Green Boar Brush

    Razor: Gillette - Slim Adjustable Prospector Edition

    Blade: Treet - Platinum (1)

    Lather: Catie's Bubbles - Purple Grapefruit

    Post Shave: Antiga Barbearia de Bairro - Principe Real Green Aftershave Splash

    This soap is kind of a weird blend of scents to me, but Catie's Bubbles is an awesome soap base so this was, of course, a DFS.

    No challenge for me today.


  13. u/souleater7173 posted on 2023-07-27 16:06:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023

    • Brush: Zenith B36
    • Razor: Blackland Vector
    • Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild (AC) (16)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Lavender
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Lavender

    This is my desert island scent. If I could only use one scent for the rest of time it would be this. It’s not my favorite, but it’s definitely the best all around. Shaving outside made it hard to smell the soap.

    I shaved on my patio. I didn't use a mirror, and I'm surprised that the hardest part about that was actually getting a good lather, not the shaving itself. I wish shaving outside was the stupidest thing I had to do this week, but I think tomorrow is going to win that title.

    10 more miles today. Met my most recent goal of 10 miles two days in a row. Next goal is to make this 10 miles feel a lot easier. LG Mileage: 111 miles

    Tags: #ROTY

  14. u/AndImLars posted on 2023-07-27 16:53:37-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July. 27, 2023 - SOTD 

    • Prep: Splash of warm water
    • Brush: Oumo O4 Venus SHD Badger Brush 26MM
    • Razor: West Coast Shaving Multi Titanium Collection Razor
    • Blade: King C Gillette
    • Lather: Taylor of Old Bond Street - Lavender Shave Cream
    • Post Shave: Nivea Men - Sensitive Soothing Aftershave Balm


  15. u/2SaintsDude posted on 2023-07-27 17:30:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    JULY 27, 2023

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillete King C. Chrome
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Homecoming
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Witch Hazel w/ alcohol

    This is my first time trying Summer Break Soaps and I am hooked. I feel much better now in signing up for Doritos & Mtn Dew combo. Today all I can smell in the lather is lavender. There is a little bit of vetiver that caught my nose but I couldn’t decipher anything else aside from lavender.

    DAILY CHALLENGE: What a pleasant morning shave surprisingly. It is crazy hot in my part of the country so the air was crisp the sun was out and the heat was high. To my surprise as soon as I started to shave the sprinklers for my backyard lawn kicked in and I got this refreshing mist the whole time. Just as relaxing as it could have been. Did I mention I suck at taking pictures. This is the best I could do!


  16. u/Banedon38 posted on 2023-07-27 17:39:50-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023

    • Brush: AP Shave Co Independent 28mm
    • Razor: Leaf Elite
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (3)
    • Lather: Castle Forbes – Lavender
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Lavender
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Lavender, Interrupted

    Castle Forbes shaving creams actually work pretty well for me. Not cost effective compared to soaps really, but their lavender smells incredible. Paired with Barrister and Mann's lavender aftershave, another great smelling fresh lavender. Topped off with Lavender, Interrupted -- a dirtier, heavier take on the scent.


  17. u/blipsnchitz7 posted on 2023-07-27 18:20:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jul. 27, 2023
    Brush: AP Shave Co G5C
    Razor: Karve CB
    Blade: Astra SP Green
    Lather: Barrister And Mann - Lavender - Soap
    Post Shave:* Proraso - Green - Aftershave

    It was 96 degrees outside when I shaved today. Loved the lavender scent from this tub. I actually purchased it last week off Amazon for this challenge specifically(which is why the meme for today is a funny coincidence). Used the proraso aftershave because it’s the only mentholated aftershave I own and it’s hot as fuck outside. I really need to invest in a set of mentholated soap/after care because it’s 100 degrees plus for 2-3 months where I live. Suggestions? Anyways cheers!


  18. u/TheStallionPartThree posted on 2023-07-27 19:35:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023 – On the Porch on Lavendursday

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound “Acer Pearl” w/ V20 Fanchurian
    • Razor: GEM Micromatic Open Comb #brassing
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps – Homecoming
    • Post Shave: Fine Accoutrements – American Blend infused with Lavender Flowers

    This shave was one of those Kurt Vonnegut moments, one of this, well if this isn’t nice I don’t know what is moments. I really enjoyed this challenge as I sat on my front porch. Still warm and humid as anything. Quiet slow easy city night.

    A special appearance tonight is the shaving storage box made by my father. Apparently this was based off of civil war shaving kits. The mirror folds back in and it closes up. This is my first time using it for its intended purpose.

    u/eructate was kind enough to send me the smush of SBS Homecoming and how nice it was. Clean and beautiful. Restrained. I was really impressed and this may be the first purchase to come from smush trading. For the shave I thought the Gem would be the most appropriate as it’s the most “old timey” shave outside razor of mine. For the aftershave I added flowers from my girlfriends French lavender plant and let them infuse for the evening. AB is already so potent so I was worried nothing would come through but it actually added an initial layer of earthiness to the splash and later what smells like a bubblegum sweetness, but not in a bad way, in the middle.

    Fine shave on a fine evening. I’ll be sad to see LG go, just soaking up the last couple. Cheers mates. 🤙


  19. u/curbside_champ posted on 2023-07-27 19:39:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023 – Lavendursday

    • Brush: Edwin Jagger Silvertip Badger
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird Ti
    • Blade: Astra SP (3)
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Homecoming
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter – Cerberus Fougere
    • Fragrance: Duke Cannon – Sea solid cologne

    Early morning outdoor shave, what could be better than watch the sun come up while being eaten alive in 80 degree weather.

    The Soap/Lather: The scent on homecoming is quite clearly lavender, and I like it. Todays smoosh, courtesy of u/worbx was quite generous, so I went over to the hose and added some water and got going on some nice thick lather.

    The Shave: I learned from my kitchen shave and grabbed the kids iPad instead of my wife makeup mirror and set up shop on their table. Just I was beginning my shave I started to itch, and low and behold the damn mosquitos were biting my legs even though I lit 3 citronella candles. Needless to say this put a bit of a damper on the enjoyment, but I soldiered on. While I had initially planned to use my bowl of water for rinsing the razor I happened to have the sprinklers turn on and begin to soak me during the shave. Apparently they aren’t terribly well aimed, but they did provide a nice way to rinse the blade.

    Post Shave/Frag: Soaked and poorly shaved I wrapped it up by using Cerberus Fougere. While not the most lavender forward scent, the blend of lavender and greenery easily matched the days shave. I finished it off with Sea as it only seemed right to match the days sprinkler shower shave.

    Challenge: I did shave outside on my back patio. I wish I could have gone to a more scenic place, but as my shave took place at 5:30 this morning I didn’t feel like dealing with the sheriff at the parks.
