Post 'Sunday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jul 09, 2023' of challenge 'Rookie of the Year'

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The number of participants is 19
  1. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2023-07-09 01:25:56-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 09-July

    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts - Declaration Grooming B16 #SHD
    • Razor: Henckels Friodur 17  #STR8SNOB   
    • Lather: Ariana & Evans – Cha Cha Matcha
    • Post Shave: Ariana & Evans – Cha Cha Matcha AS

    To cover the theme for the day I'm cracking on with tea, but in this instance it's green. Whilst again I'm not a fan of the drink, much prefer the morning kick up the arse with coffee but I struggled to find one in Soap form, but this is actually quite pleasant. Unsurprisingly green, fresh and very decent performance, the splash has a fair longevity as well. 

    Diving on with the straight as well, the Friodur 17 is a cracking razor. I thought going to 7/8 would be a bit of a step up but it's actually very manoeuvrable, as with my two others it holds it's edge really well. Wonderfully smooth finish. 

    For the challenge of the day, shaving in the kitchen. I realise that this is only early days and the challenges are likely to escalate, but I've already got my Mrs sizing me up for a straight jacket. A very strange setup, I'm 6'5" so trying to shave over the sink was a no go. I had no option but to shave over the hob, mirror on the extractor and a pot to dump the lather/rinse the razor, weird. Saying that, shaving in natural light was actually quite nice for once. 

    Think I can slot the hob on as technology, not particularly advanced I know…perhaps a stretch, nay worries! 

    Safe shaves everyone, have a good'un. 





  2. u/partyman97_3 posted on 2023-07-09 05:31:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Sun Jul 09 2023

    • Prep: Coffee, Face wash soap/warm water
    • Razor: Merker 34C HD
    • Blade: Feather New Hi-Stainless
    • Brush: Semogue 620
    • Lather: Crown & Crane - Green Tea
    • Post Shave: Pinaud - Clubman AS Lotion

    Awesome sunday morning shave. First time using Crown and & Crane. The green tea sent was for sure there. I have a very insensitive nose but also picked up scent of citrus. The lather was really rich and foamy. The shave was very slick.

    Against my better judgement I shaves in the kitchen. Took a portable mirror in there so I could see what I was doing. Good shave, but definitely missed the big mirror and the bright lights.


  3. u/tsrblke posted on 2023-07-09 06:41:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 – It’s a kitchen!

    • Brush: Maggard Synthetic
    • Razor: Gillette Superspeed
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Sharpedge (Yellow) (1)
    • Lather: Master Soap Creations – Peppermint Latte
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Hipster
    • Post Shave: Nivea – Sensitive Post Shave Balm
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux – 1904

    Shave in a kitchen, ok. Doesn’t have to be my kitchen? Double ok. My kids have a Disney Princess Kitchen Set I can shave in. No mirror? Fine I’ll use my tablet in camera mode. (that only kinda worked). Of course it’s short so you gotta sit cross-legged and run using a bowl and towel. Don’t believe I did this? My daughter captured photographic proof. (WARNING: I’m clothed so pic is sfw, but I’m also just wearing shorts and a t-shirt so you probably don’t want to click on it.)

    Shave went surprisingly well I gotta say all things considered. No nicks, fairly smooth. I used a wet towel to soften the whiskers. Since it’s kitchen day I broke out a mixing bowl for rinsing water and my trusty baseball helmet ice cream bowl to make the lather.

    My #fof only sorta worked here. Obviously coffee ties all these together, but while coffee is prominent in the soap that has only 2 notes (no dq concerns there), after 15 minutes of shaving your nose is blown out by the peppermint. I got nothing off hipster. I showered before applying 1904 which brought some back. But in my ongoing thread of “how chatty lux speaks to a fellow St Louisian” let’s talk coffee. Coffee is a seriously underrated part of St. Louis. Shawn’s right to speak of the 3rd wave roasters. My morning coffee is from a small operation in North St. Louis, my wife and I basically courted at the on campus Kaldi location. But STL also has a few massive operations too. If you’ve drank coffee at a big hotel good chance it as made by Ronnoco (which is O’Connor spelled backwards.) who is hq’d here. And my old office was a few blocks from Thomas Coffee. Roasting days were my favorite day to walk into the building. Sure it’s a canned coffee but in a pinch you could do worse at the price point. (it was one of our go tos during our budget troubles.)

    For #photocontest gonna go a different way than u/jwoods23. Yes coffee but I’m going to go with technology. Modern coffee makers are getting increasingly complex. This one alters timing based on brew size and type (it does coffee concentrate and iced coffee with proper ratios.) Sure a simple pour over or French press is good, but I can’t set that the night before. Technology is great.

    Also #ROTY gotta keep it going.

  4. u/2SaintsDude posted on 2023-07-09 07:16:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    JULY 9, 2023

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillette SuperSpeed Vintage 1967
    • Lather: Gentlemans Nod - Musashi
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Witch Hazel w/ alcohol

    So this shave was weird! I have never shaved in a kitchen before. Positives about it were plenty of room and how close to the coffee maker I was lol… Negatives were that I made a mess which earn me a trip to the dog house. Today’s quote was “ Why are you shaving in the place where we eat? Don’t be gross”. So it was a fast shave to say the least! I must say I was not a fan of the GN scent when I open the sample but after lathering my face it got better. All I could smell was tea (advertised as jasmine) but it was pretty good. Back to cleaning the kitchen. Ya’ll have a good one.


    Edit: Crap forgot to post pic!!!

  5. u/throwa-waaaay posted on 2023-07-09 07:57:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023

    • Prep: Shower
    • Brush: Zenith 507U XSE
    • Razor: Merkur 34G
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum
    • Lather: Barrister And Mann - Cheshire
    • Post Shave: Historic & Oak - Italian Soda
    • Fragrance: None

    I do enjoy tea, but I'm primarily a coffee drinker. Shout out to /u/tsrblke for hooking me up with B&M Cheshire. A great scent, it smells like what I think a really classy boutique would smell like. I finished up the shave with H&O Italian Soda, which I find complements the scent very well.

    As for today's challenge, I am blessed enough to shave a mirror in my kitchen, so no serious issues. Actually, quite the opposite, way more counter space than in my bathroom. Although it was less than practical doing a 180 from the mirror to the sink to rinse. Until tomorrow!


  6. u/pridetwo posted on 2023-07-09 08:28:34-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: AP Shave Co 30mm Synbad #CHONK #FAUXFUR

    • Razor: Muhle Rocca R94

    • Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum

    • Lather: Hoffman's Shaving Co. - Affogato

    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Rumble

    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - 1904

    Today's Theme: Coffee - everything in today's shave has coffee notes to varying degrees

    Today's Challenge: Shave in the kitchen day - It was a bit odd shaving in the kitchen sink since I don't have a mirror, but it was rather nice just looking out into the backyard and relying on feedback from my razor and my skin to guide me on where to shave. Honestly I got a pretty darn good shave out of it, though I may have fucked up my sideburns a little.

    My theme for today's shave: The Morning After

    So for today's shave, I pulled together all my coffee-adjacent scents, and thought about coffee, my memory associations with the smell, and how the people in this hobby tend to talk about coffee. IRC gets super sexual about coffee all the time, and /u/mammothben describes Rumble as a sexy scent (that will definitely get you laid, if you happen to meet up with /u/rocketk455), so I decided to go all in on sexy coffee, which to me means it's the morning after. Affogato was basically straight up creamy coffee and worked very well for a soap scent, and while Rumble is definitely sexy I find it to be like a new Corvette - really only sexy to other dudes. Lastly CL's 1904 is a great coffee-ish scent that picks up a lot more of the lime note than I expected, though the drydown definitely gets to coffee and cardamom.

    And for music, I picked out the sexiest goth metal album (yes, that's not an oxymoron) I have - Prey by Tiamat. It's actually a super mellow album that's definitely got the right rhythm throughout the course of the album for a steamy 45ish minute lovemaking session.

    Also, ogre mug, because Shrek is love. Shrek is life. And it's all ogre now. #photocontest #FOF #ROTY

  7. u/Admirable-Nobody-946 posted on 2023-07-09 09:07:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Simpson Classic #1 synthetic brush
    • Razor: Karve Shaving Christopher Bradley
    • Lather: Catie's Bubbles - Irish Coffee
    • Post Shave: London Razors - Chapter 2 Coffee and Contemplation splash
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Rumble EDP


    A day of coffee Scents! I love coffee. Like all day long sippin'. Today's shave features the amazing Caties Bubbles Irish coffee soap. A fairly heavily used grab from the Maggards meet up PIF table for this very day. Never a complaint about the performance of Caties Bubbles products. It was really cool to meet the man behind the Bubbles at the meet up. We had a nice chat and I picked up a soap and splash set of the blugere. I loved it so much I went online and bought the EDP too.

    The London Razors Chapter 2 coffee and contemplation splash is also really great. A complex coffee forward scent that was created to develope throughout the day and in my experience it does just that. Solid scent strength maybe an 8. Long lasting. So fitting that today's sponsor spotlight is London Razors and I had a product I enjoy to use today to honor their hard work.

    I shaved in the kitchen today and had to be quick to get outa there before my wife came home and caught me. She would be none too pleased to have my shaving in the kitchen. I finished the shave and was sneaking out of the kitchen clutching my hardware and software as she was coming in the back door. Perfecto! Here's photo evidence of my kitchen shave. Have a good day yall!!

  8. u/souleater7173 posted on 2023-07-09 09:54:49-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. 26mm G5C
    • Razor: Gillette NEW Long Comb #REGUS
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (3)
    • Lather: Catie’s Bubbles – Irish Coffee
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Cheshire

    This shave kind of sucked. I think it was a combination of using products I don’t use very often and having to be at a weird angle to get the mirror I could put in my kitchen to work. I’ve gotten great lathers out of this CB soap before, just didn’t get it today, maybe all the brand switching for LG is messing with me. I struggle with this razor in general, can’t ever seem to keep the angle consistent. Sometimes it feels extremely mild, sometimes, like today, it feels blade heavy. I tend to use this as my travel razor since it came in a nice carrying case. I’m pretty sure it’s a Gillette NEW Long Comb, but I’m pretty bad at identifying razors, so if anybody thinks I should correct my post let me know. It definitely doesn’t have a date code.

    The kitchen part of this shave was interesting. I regret using a mirror. I can’t shave with my glasses on, so I had to lean down into the mirror and that probably messed with my shave angle. I think if this pops up in next year’s games I’ll do a head shave since I don’t need a mirror for that. It was really nice drinking a cup of coffee while shaving with coffee and tea scents. I'm definitely going to have to stop at the boba place for a coffee milk tea later.

    Healthy activity of the day. I’m going to start counting calories again. I hate it. It makes me sad. But I need to get a lot better at keeping track of what I eat. On a positive note, I get to add 6 miles to my bike ride tracker today. Did a 2 mile sprint last night (bad idea for the future, my heart rate was way too high the whole time), and got another 4 miles in at a reasonably pace this morning. Going to switch to morning rides for the rest of the month probably so that I can walk my dog in the evening. LG Mileage: 23 miles

    Tags: #ROTY

  9. u/djanovshaving posted on 2023-07-09 11:02:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather Games 2023 Day 9

    • Prep: Warm water
    • Brush: Mühle - Rytmo pure badger
    • Razor: Mühle - Rytmo R41
    • Razor: Razorock - Lupo OC 95 SS
    • Blade: Gillette - Minora
    • Lather: Nordic shaving - Coffee
    • Post Shave: Osma - alum block
    • Post Shave: Coffee + alcohol

    For today shaving I tried to think something really unusual and unexpected in kitchen. Like stippled DE blade to wooden spatula, make lather in blender, to broke oven glass to use it like blade to shave my self, bake Lather Coffee pie, to brew my own aftershave and etc. But is Sunday. I am in my mountain house and I need to enjoy this last weekend morning and I am to old for this shit!!! And even I don't drink Coffee. I am not a Coffee person. I was so impatient to make battle between my champion Mühle R41 and new arrival Razorock Lupo and can wait end of the games so I decided to make the things that I want. After all I make this to enjoy wetshaving. OK ... OK.... To be everything correct I do it in kitchen. Absolutely even result! But I'll give advantage to Lupo. Holds a blade more solid. There is a little play in blade in R41. Amazing BBS. Great shavers. Jari from Finland make this soaps. Really great guy!!! I have a contact with him a few times. Great costumer care! Awesome dude!!! I have almost all soaps except this one. I borrowed from my friend Ivo. Like I says I don't like coffee. But other scents are wonderful! Gives Natural feeling !! You have to try it! Coconut base soap with lanolin. Good slickness and cushion. Lost a little bit from original strength of scent but really little bit. The other scents that he produce "Absent" "Birch" and "Citrus and ginger " are amazing. Definitely you have to try them. And yes I used my homemade aftershave with vodka and coffee. Was awful! Doesn't smell like coffee. More like some sour highly alcohol liquid. If some of artisans read this please tell me how you make this great aftershaves!!!


    P.S. I almost every day or when I am inspired make video and link it to some sentence but to be more clear I'll link again like "video".


  10. u/rebdoomer88 posted on 2023-07-09 11:15:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    • Brush: Van Der Hagen Boar Brush

    • Razor: Van Der Hagen 85mm Safety Razor

    • Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Sharpedge

    • Lather: Shannon's Soaps x TRC - Light Roast


  11. u/curbside_champ posted on 2023-07-09 14:03:50-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 – Death Before Decaf * Brush: Paladin Chief 26mm Satin Juma Smoke
    Razor: Blackland Blackbird Ti
    Blade: Astra SP (1)
    Lather: Gentleman’s Nod - Musashi * Post Shave:* HAGS – The Awakening splash

    Admittedly I don’t normally drink coffee or tea. I’m more a regular soda for breakfast kind of guy. Sound unhealthy? It is, but healthy is not what today is all about. A while back I decided to give Musashi a try though as I wanted to see what a tea scent was like and so thankfully I had a tea scented soap to use for today.

    The Soap/Lather: The scent of this soap out of the container is strong. I mean really strong and quite off-putting. If you can get past this point and lather it up the scent evens out a little bit and becomes rather enjoyable. The soap lathered up quickly enough, although the kitchen sink gave me a little more water than I would have liked. With my slightly overhydrated lather I was ready to go.

    The Shave: I didn’t expect this shave to be too difficult. After all it’s only a change of location. What I forgot all about is the one thing a bathroom has and a kitchen doesn’t that seriously affects shaving, a mirror. My wife was fairly confused with the fact that I was lathering in the kitchen, but after almost two decades with me she’s seen enough of my shenanigans to just shrug this one off. She was even kind enough to allow me to use her portable mirror. That’s right, my wife handed me her face powder and told me the mirror on it was all she had. To say this shave was challenging would be an understatement. The severely limited view, lack of a second hand to stretch skin, and the paparazzi pictures my wife was taking were not at all helpful. I managed to make it through the shave with just barely enough lather and only a few inquisitive questions from the kids. I quickly wrapped up the shave with The Awakening splash and cleaned up my mess.

    Theme: Today’s theme was coffee or tea scent and Musashi definitely nails it. The strong Jasmine scent is clearly discernable and somewhat overwhelming. For splash inspiration I looked to my favorite tea in a can, Just Peachy. Yep I made my own Just Peachy shave by using The Awakening which has not only the peach notes, but a Jasmine note as well to help blend it into the soap scent and carry the tea scent through.

    Challenge: I did in fact shave in the kitchen, and I do not recommend it.


  12. u/whosgotthepudding posted on 2023-07-09 15:03:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


    • Brush: Farvour Turn Crafts w/ C&H v12 Fanchurian
    • Razor: Koraat 8/8, Near Wedge Square Point
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - 42
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - 42 Aftershave Splash

    I only have two soaps in my den with tea notes, so the answer to which was obvious. The ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. 42. Admittedly, I wasn't too hot on this scent when I first got it and picked it up for the HHGTG theme. After a while, though, it grew on me. The base in this tub is Excelsior and has started showing the ring of death around it. I don't use this set that often, but I enjoy it when I do. The performance is fantastic and whips up a slick lather.

    This Koraat is a gentle giant. Tons of weight behind it. I just recently used it to shave a friends head, and it just mowed through his hair. It may be about time for a refresh of the edge, but great shave all the same this morning from it.


  13. u/Dry_Fly3965 posted on 2023-07-09 15:14:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Day 9 - Death Before Decaf

    • Brush: 28mm Synthetic Badger Bulb Knot homemade handle
    • Razor: Karve - CB
    • Blade: Astra Green
    • Lather: Grooming Dept - Mallard Corretto
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter - The Noir Et Vanille
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - 1904

    For today, I went with Grooming Dept's Mallard Corretto. I am a big fan of this soap and followed it up with other greats.

    For the fragrance, I went with 1904. I couldn't think of a better fragrance for Death Before Decaf.

    This was my first shave in the kitchen.


  14. u/AndImLars posted on 2023-07-09 15:52:06-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July. 9, 2023 - SOTD 

    • Prep: Splash of warm water
    • Brush: Oumo O4 Venus SHD Badger Brush 26MM
    • Razor: West Coast Shaving Multi Titanium Collection Razor
    • Blade: Treet Platinum
    • Lather: Black Ship Grooming Co - Captain Joe
    • Post Shave: Chiesled Face - Natural Aftershave Balm


  15. u/squid_monk posted on 2023-07-09 16:07:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023

    Prep: Shower + Proraso - Refrescante Preshave Cream

    Brush: Simpsons - Commodore X3 Best Badger Shave Brush #OLDWORLD #SMOLL #WEDONTNEEDNOSTINKINGBADGERS

    Razor: Gillette - Slim Adjustable Prospector Edition

    Blade: Gillette - Nacet (1)

    Lather: Caties Bubbles - Irish Coffee shave soap

    Post Shave: Alum Block + Pinaud Clubman Aftershave

    I've never used a coffee or tea scent before, but thanks to u/chronnoisseur42O I got to sample this Caties Bubbles Irish Coffee soap. It was a very pleasant smell and the CB lather is always awesome.


  16. u/TheStallionPartThree posted on 2023-07-09 19:03:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 – Coffee and Donuts?

    • Brush: Maggard Synthetic
    • Razor: Gillette Guard
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Leviathan
    • Post Shave: Fine Accoutrements – American Blend

    Shave in the kitchen? Well it’s my lucky week because I’ve been relegated to shaving in the kitchen for the past 3 shaves, today being the fourth. Turns out, our Airbnb out here in sunny Los Angeles does not have a sink in the bathroom. And since we’re on vacation we’ve decided to not bother with cooking this week.Just cereal and coffee in the morning. So no real hiccups with this shaving arrangement until yesterday when with my back turned one of those old cereal bowls with milk was placed in the bowl I was using as rinse. Oh the hilarity. I should soak it in now as I will only have two more shaves to soak in the joy of shaving with a Gillette Guard in a strangers converted garage vintage industrial sink. The accordion style mirror is pretty cool tho, if less than practical.

    As for the shave, Leviathan was as it is, just not for me but I gave it a shot and got a sample with the last release. I can smell more than just the dark bitterness but not often enough. In honor of the shave I did finish off the end of a cold cup of coffee from this morning as my pre shave. As always great performance. As for what goes best with coffee…. Donuts! And we have yet to enjoy the pleasures of this city’s donuts. Thinking we may go all in tomorrow and track them down, anyone have suggestions?

    Cheers! 🤙


  17. u/Banedon38 posted on 2023-07-09 19:13:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023

    • Brush: Frank Shaving 30mm Badger
    • Razor: High Proof
    • Blade: Wizamet (1)
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Woodshop
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Woodshop
    • Fragrance: Summer Break Soaps - Woodshop EdP

    Woodshop opens with a very noticeable coffee hit to me, but quickly smooths out into a very wearable fragrance -- which was not what I was expecting when I first picked it up.



    • a room or area where food is prepared and cooked.

    Meaning, for instance, if one had washed and prepared vegetables in a sink, or ever hooked up a microwave or hotplate in a particular room, it is now considered a kitchen?

    • the percussion section of an orchestra.

    Well...I'll leave this to your imagination of how this could take place in the same room.


  18. u/AdWorried2804 posted on 2023-07-09 20:36:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 – Month of Lather Day 9

    • Brush: DS Cosmetics Carrot handle w/ 26mm 2-band Badger + Synthetic mixed knot #MISTURA
    • Razor: Rex Supply Co. Ambassador XL Adjustable #DIAL
    • Blade: Gillette Perma-Sharp (1)
    • Preshave: Stirling Soap Co. – Unscented
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Cheshire
    • Post Shave: Black Ship Grooming – Davy Jones Splash
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Unscented Balm
    • Music: Loveninjas - Earl Grey with Honey

    Daily Theme: It's early Monday here in Singapore. While I love me some coffee (and will guzzle a full pot once I get to work), to ease my way back into work mode I need a caffeine product that's a little more subtle. Enter Cheshire. As per B&M: We blend American clary sage, bergamot, and small amounts of lavender and patchouli to create a very realistic interpretation of the smell of Earl Grey (the tea, not the man). That works for me.

    Daily Challenge: Here is a perspective view of today's shaving station.

    The Shave: A thoroughly enjoyable shave. In spite of not really being able to see what I was doing, B&M's Omnibus base was more than slick enough to compensate for my suspect shaving technique. Now I need to clean the kitchen because there is lather everywhere! #ROTY

  19. u/blipsnchitz7 posted on 2023-07-09 21:01:34-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jul. 9, 2023
    Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T2 #SMOLL #OLDWORLD * Razor: Rex Supply Co Envoy #CNC * Blade: Personna Platinum Chrome
    Lather: King C Gillette - Transparent - cream * Post Shave: Stirling - Piacenza - Aftershave

    Ok, today was trash for the games. Today is the only day I did not have a soap for(that wasn’t a repeat). I may not have the most hardware but damn I want that extra point for 30 soaps. So I went on a crusade. 3 different box stores and found this guy at target. As much as I wanna say it’s trash, it wasn’t terrible. ‘White tea’ for the win I guess. Also to add to my ‘rookiness’ I didn’t even know the scavenger hunt was a thing. So now I’m hashtagging lol. Anyways alls wells that ends well. This is the most days I’ve ever shaved in a row and I shaved in the kitchen with my wife mocking me :)
