Post 'Sunday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jun 30, 2024' of challenge 'Rookie of the Year 2024'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 12
  1. u/MudAccording posted on 2024-06-30 03:22:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LG 2024 Goodbye

    • Brush: Alpha Brush & Shaving Co. - Bully Boy 28mm - CHINA
    • Razor: Henson AL-13 Medium - Blue - CANADA
    • Blade: Feather [1] - JAPAN
    • Lather: Eufros - Atlantico - SPAIN
    • Post Shave: HAGS for Yourshaving – Apocalypse - GREECE
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Embrace (sample) - US

    Me: Italy


    Like many other things in my life, my adventures in the wetshaving world have been strongly connected to the ties that bind the two sides of the Atlantic together, in a relationship where differences are more of a value than a limit.

    More than one of my LG posts this month have been related to this teme.

    One of the cultural values I most appreciate from the Anglo-Saxon world is the idea of a social contract that allows different individuals to come together within a shared system of values. It's this contract among willing individuals that creates the institutional authority. It works much better than the passive-aggressive power relations among individuals that have no shared trust system. Especially in hi-stress situations, it's only human to regress to our core instincts, like fight or flight, control or submit, etc.


    HAGS is a Greek brand.

    While in modern culture we associate Apocalypse with a global catastrophe, the original Greek meaning of the word is "revelation".

    I had initially planned to touch other topics, but I have to be honest and share what has been the most impactful revelation of the last month.

    Trust me that if we wanted to find posts containing the string "roty", we would. However, we are looking for posts containing the string "#roty", and we do find them all. Those 14 remaining roty participants are welcome to appeal their cases like you are. J33p will decide about their cases, or not, as he pleases.

    This is what u/djundjila replied to me in this post, after I offered in good faith to personally help with the hashtag problem that was affecting 10 out of the 15 ROTY players this year, for a total of 63 posts.

    My posts about the systemic hashtag issue have been mocked as whingeing by u/enndeegee, and whining by u/djundjila. The latter clarified that he remains persuaded that if I can't fix my hashtags,

    I have to conclude that people who mess up their hashtags consistently simply didn't care enough to double check

    I have been struggling with similar previous answers for some time, then I had my own revelation: while I tried to put the utmost care in my entries, I really don’t care to comply to the sadistic requests of paranoid people who would rather mock me than contribute to help me understand, and constructively address an issue that has affected many users. When I volunteered to help, I was further called out as a whiner, and many people downvoted me.

    I thought the Air Bud Rule was some kind of paradoxical joke, but I was faced with a harsh reality: there seem to be a tremendous and purulent wound that infects the relationship between the judges and the players. I was not there in previous years, and I don't know what happened.

    While I remain sympathetic towards the judges for all the effort they have been volunteering, I take issue with the sense of entitlement, the downtalking, the mockery of requests or even offers for help.

    One judgment that judges already shared with me about my persona is that I am a whiner.

    Maybe I am.

    And you know what? It's perfectly legitimate.

    If you use your authority as a judge to publicly mock people, and leave actual hate speech float around without even replying to preserve the safety of the sub, well, there's a chance you may hurt people.

    And hurt people may whine. You are free to downvote me, DQ me, ban me, do whatever you think will make you feel better than you are behaving. It won't help.


    I think I am older than most of the people who are writing here, old enough to own the fact that we are all more vulnerable than we would like to show.

    As adults, we are always responsible for our behavior, even when it doesn't reflect the nice and easy-going image that we or our friends tend to keep. We can be good people overall, and still make horrible mistakes.

    I have been online since the 1990s, I have seen the birth of the idea of flame wars, and I have developed enough antibodies to survive this shit. Possibly because I have around the internet for three decades, I will never downplay how easy it is to write aggressive posts that seem all fun and games, until the person on the other side, frequently a perfect unknown, gets hurt. It seems absurd to have to remind that online posts have real life consequences.

    Beyond my personal misadventures with the stressed-out judges, the concern I'd like to share here is about the state of TRUST within this community. It's obvious that there have been serious trust issues floating around this sub well before I set foot here. Nervous and overwhelmed people can humanly become petty. I suggest to tackle the problem at its root, because my situation is just a symptom. The issues will keep hovering around even after I'll no long be here.

    Another collective concern: in addition to the problems for "innocent" players that were not involved in any previous shenanigans, I point out the reputational damage to the sponsors.

    If anyone asked me about the opportunity for a brand to be associated to the Lather Games, I would strongly discourage them, as it would mean to be in the hands of folks who volunteered for something that stresses them so much they become aggressive towards the players.


    I committed to these LG to have a practical equivalent to one of life's biggest challenges: looking at yourself in the mirror, everyday, accept who you are, and try to improve on that.

    I have been around long enough to know that sooner or later in life everyone feels the pressure of this challenge, and we all make mistakes. It's ok to be vulnerable and ask for help. It's only human to want to be surrounded by loving people, especially when others are channeling hate.

    I would really like to thank u/mammothben for creating a fragrance that reminds us of the importance of showing connectedness and hugging each other, even in the worst circumstances.

    A big hug to all.

  2. u/socialkittielynx posted on 2024-06-30 04:48:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    SOTD World Traveler * Brush: Omega - 10098 Boar Brush.
    Razor: Henson - AL13 mild.
    Blade: Feather - Stainless.
    Lather: Cella - Bio Cream. * Post:* Cella - Bio Balm.

    Cella cream and balm =Italy Razor = Canada Blade = Japan Brush = Italy

    An assortment of some money from my travels. I studied abroad in Greece and it was the best time of my life. With the Euro you miss some of that country specific cash, but I suppose it makes things easier. Get out there and travel the world and your own country. There is so much more to life than a screen or Reddit points though it’s been a fun adventure. I’m in the U.S..

    Coins: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Denmark, Norway, Canada , Turkey, Greece

    Bills: Costa Rica, Euro, Australia, Turkey, Greece

    photocontest money


  3. u/el_guapo26 posted on 2024-06-30 07:18:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 30, 2024 Bon Voyage, Lather Games! * Brush: Omega 10049
    Razor: Merkur 34C
    Blade: Feather
    Lather: Australian Private Reserve - Fenchurch
    Post Shave: Australian Private Reserve - Fenchurch

    Brush - Italy

    Razor - Germany

    Blade - Japan

    Soap - Australia

    Splash - Australia

    Me - USA 🇺🇸


  4. u/bmac92 posted on 2024-06-30 10:22:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 30, 2024 – 2024.06.30 SOTD: Lather Games Day 30 – Bon Voyage, Lather Games

    • Brush: Maggard 22mm Black & White Synthetic
    • Razor: Henson AL13+
    • Blade: Wizamet
    • Lather: Bundubeard – Kletterkees
    • Post Shave: Areffa Soap – Cocaine splash
    • Fragrance: Calvin Klein – Obsession

    Daily Theme: Bon Voyage, Lather Games

    Theme justification: Today's lather, Bundubeard Kletterkees, is made in South Africa. I reside in the United States of America, which is different than South Africa. I'm not too bad at geography, so I can confirm this fact.

    Relevant Post Shave & Frag: Today's relevant theme is "Products not made in the USA." To go with my my lather for today, I've gone with Areffa Soap Cocaine aftershave which is made in Ukraine and Calvin Klein Obsession EdT which is made in France (last line on the sticker). Again, due to my geography skills, I know none of these places are the USA.

    Scavenger Hunt ~~Justification~~: COMPLETED

    Razor facts: N/A

    Brush facts: N/A

    Daily/Special Challenge: World Traveler

    I have already described my software above, but to recap: Bundubeard soap made in South Africa; Areffa Soap aftershave made in Ukraine; CK Obsession EdT made in France; I live in the USA.

    My hardware is also made outside the USA:

    Brush: Maggard 22mm Synth - Made in China (confirmed by Brad (/u/undream22) on Discord in May)

    Razor: Henson Al13 - Made in Canada: "Our Razors are fully designed, manufactured, assembled and packaged in Canada.

    Blade: Wizimet - Made in Russia

    Bowl: random bowl purchased in Japan - Made in Japan

    Fragrance description

    Bundubeard Kletterkees smells very fruity, without being overly sweet. It's a nice anytime scent, in my opinion.

    Areffa Soap Cocaine is a dupe of Franck Boclet Cocaine. I'm not a fan. The fragrance is extremely floral and sweet, not something that I enjoy too often.

    Calvin Klein Obsession is what my grandfather wore, so it reminds me of him (and older men in general). I wore it all through High School, so now other than the nostalgia I don't care for the scent. It does remind me of going into his wood-shop, though, so that is nice. I guess that is the point of scents, right, to transport us to a different location (time being irrelevent)? I used the Obsession balm earlier this month, but the scent of the EdT is a lot better.

    Lather Games Farewell Address & Final Shave!

    Today is it. The last day of the Lather Games. We've had a lot of fun over the past 30 days and made some memories. Some good, some bad. I'm glad I was able to take part. I've done a lot of things I thought I'd never do over these Games:


    That's why today we're saying, "Bon Voyage" to the Lather Games. That's not all I'm saying goodbye to, though. Earlier this month, I was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider. You can read about it on my SOTD here. I'm doing fine now thanks to time and a round of antibiotics. The spider, though, unfortunately did not survive. I'm assuming that I squished it in my sleep.

    Ultimately, I am sorry that this spider had to die. It was probably incredibly scared (as much as an arachnid can be) by the big man in its habitat. Typically when threatened they flee, but it's hard to do when you're being rolled on by a giant is about to squish you. Spiders are very important to the ecosystem, so killing them is unnecessary and saddening. It was just doing what was natural to it; not the spiders fault that the venom caused me pain.

    So I thought it was only right to give the spider a proper send off. It didn't turn out exactly like I had hoped, but it is the thought that counts, right?

    I gathered my supplies for this shave, then headed down to a local park.. The park I chose did not have any public grills, so I had to just use my pan by itself. Time to construct the funeral pyre. This is how it started out, but due to a thunderstorm last night everything was wet. It made today absolutely perfect in terms of weather, but left no burnable twigs et al. I powered on, though. I added the spider (which had unfortunately broken into pieces while being stored) to the pyre.

    I found a nice spot overlooking the water that was still in a safe area to light the fire. I intended to have some sparklers going, but unfortunately they wouldn't light. I eventually had to add some napkins from QT in order to get the fire going. I added some drier grass too hoping that would help. I didn't achieve the proper fire I was hoping for (combination of poor pyre, wind, and not completely dry twigs), but in the end the spider was sent to Valhalla via fire.

    I then turned my attention to the shave. I spread out some soap into my bowl, lathered up, and shaved.

    Bundubeard's mutton tallow is extremely nice. Easy to lather up and very slick. Smells great too!

    After a nice shave, I washed off my razor, washed the bowl and brush with the bathroom faucet (and will clean them again at home), and disposed of the ashes.

    I do hope that the slain spider finds peace among the ducks, geese, and fish. Everyone, and everything, deserves peace.

    And with that, we bid adieu to the 2024 Lather Games. Here's to 2025!


    • Razor Hashtags: 10/10
    • Brush Hashtags: 10/10
    • Hardware Sponsor Points: 2/2
    • Software Sponsor Points: 16/16
    • Number of Lather Brands: 30/30
    • Number of Lather Scents: 30/30
    • Number of Post Shaves: 30/30
    • Number of Frags: 30/30

    Contest Hashtags:



  5. u/Breadheater9876 posted on 2024-06-30 10:50:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 30, 2024

    • Prep: Hot shower
    • Brush: Omega 10049
    • Razor: Muhle Companion
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Muhle - Sandalwood

    I live in the United States, and Muhle Sandalwood comes from Germany, so I'm on theme.

    I made an attempt at the daily challenge, but I think it's largely a failure. My razor is also from Germany, so I probably lose out there. The brush is from Italy. I didn't check on the blade until afterwards, but the Internet suggests it could have been manufactured in a number of places, one of which is Germany. 🤷


  6. u/BossHoggins10 posted on 2024-06-30 10:59:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 30, 2024 - Bon Voyage, Lather Games!

    • Brush: Omega - Bambino
    • Razor: Leaf - Twig
    • Blade: Gillette - Silver Blue
    • Lather: Nivea Men - Sensitive Shave Gel
    • Post Shave: Old Spice - Splash - Indian
    • Post Shave: L'Occitane Homme - L'Occitan After Shave Balm
    • Fragrance: Old Spice EdC

    Today's Theme: I live in the United States, so I kind of panicked yesterday realizing that I only had American soaps. I have a of Proraso cream, but that meant I couldn't use my Omega brush. I rushed to Walmart late last night and did find a shave product that was not made in America, which seems strange because we have become so accustomed to things being made in China or somewhere besides America. The shave gel actually lathered up somewhat decently with the brush despite it being canned goo. It is certainly a step above Barbasol, but still below Proraso products. I actually enjoyed the fresh clean scent and the shave was okay, the Twig is almost unusably mild for me.

    Today's Challenge: As stated above, I'm from the States. The only thing I missed today was a pre-shave, but I don't hardly ever use them.

    Brush: Omega Bambino is from Italy

    Razor: Leaf Twig is made in China

    Blade: Gillette Silver Blue blades are made in Russia

    Lather: Nivea Men Sensitive Shave Gel is made in Poland

    Post Shave: Old Spice Splash is from India

    Post Shave: L'Occitane Homme After Shave Balm is made in France

    Fragrance: Old Spice Eau de Cologne is made in Canada

    Extra Words: Thank you to the judges for organizing all of this. This was my first ever Lather Games and I had a blast. It was much more dedication than I initially thought it would be, and I did not even go that hard compared to some of the others competing. Thank you for the smushes u/Eructate u/hugbckt u/Tetriside u/bmac92.


  7. u/brokenjaw622 posted on 2024-06-30 12:20:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 30, 2024
    Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T1
    Razor: Feather AC DX Kamisori
    Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Pro Touch [2]
    Lather: Saponifcio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Soap
    Post Shave: Saponifcio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Aftershave
    Fragrance: Versace - Eros Flame

    Bon Voyage, Lather Games!

    I just want to say it’s been a pleasure playing LG. It was a fun month, learned a lot, and will be better prepared for next year.

    LG final Daily Challenge World Traveler.

    I live in the U.S.A. So here is my worldly shave of the day.

    Saponificio Versano 70th Anniversary Soap and Splash are from Italy Versace Eros Flame is also from Italy. Simpson Brush made on the Isle of Man Feather DX Is made in Japan as are the Captain Titan blades.

    I want to give a shout out to all my fellow Rookies, good luck to all of you!

    Photo Contest Theme Water Vehicles.

    I saved this one for the last day of the games. That’s my neighbors boat in the background.

    And for one last time

    #ROTY #FOF #Photocontest

  8. u/dean_peltons_sister posted on 2024-06-30 15:45:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 30, 2024
    Brush: Simpsons Chubby 1 Best #SMOLL #WEDONTNEEDNOSTINKINGBADGERS Badger
    Razor: RazoRock Superslant L2++ #CNC
    Blade: Gillette Silver Blue [3]
    Lather: Mühle Shave Care - Sandalwood Luxury Shaving Soap - Soap
    Post Shave:* Proraso - Coarse Beards - Sandalwood Oil & Shea Butter - Aftershave

    I live in the USA

    RazoRock razor- Canada

    Gillette blade - Russia

    Simpsons brush - UK

    Mühle soap - Germany

    Qshave scuttle - China

    Proraso aftershave splash - Italy


    Shared from My Shave Den for iOS

  9. u/sandmanct1 posted on 2024-06-30 18:00:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    • Brush: Zenith - Horse Hair
    • Razor: Eclipse - Red Ring
    • Blade: Parker - Premium Platinum
    • Lather:  Savonniere Du Moulin - Cedres Et Anis
    • Post Shave: Bart's Balm - Ben Nevis
    • Fragrance: Burberry - Touch

    For the final day of the Lather Games, I decided on a European Tour. This was fitting because yesterday I celebrated my anniversary, and for our honeymoon we did a tour of Europe. I am from the USA. First my razor was an Eclipse Red RIng made in England. My blade was a Parker made in Turkey from Swedish steel on German machinery. My brush a Zenith from Italy. My lather was Savonniere Du Moulin Cedres Et Anis made on a Donkey farm in France. My aftershave balm was Bart's Balm from Scotland and my fragrance was Burberry Touch made in Spain.

    Today's challenge, all my items are from different countries and specifically all European.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the Lather Games, thanks for putting this together!


  10. u/bacconchop posted on 2024-06-30 20:23:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Bon Voyage, Lather Games!

    • Brush: Bevel Shaving Brush
    • Razor: Panhandle Barbershop Co. Tonsorial Gem #RUSTYBUTTRUSTY
    • Lather: Tallow + Steel - Shag
    • Post Shave: Brut - Classic
    • Fragrance: Creed - Aventus

    Daily Video

    Daily Gratitude
    Thanks to tsrblke for the soap sample. Thanks to Nordstrom for the frag sample. Thanks to my mom for going on the hunt for the aftershave and fragrance. Thanks to my mom for getting me the starter kit that had this brush. Thanks to my mom for buying me this razor a very long time ago. Thanks to my mom for recording me and supporting me through these crazy games. Thanks to anyone who watches the whole vid. Thanks to anyone that mentioned me in their predictions of ROTY yesterday! Thanks to the judges and fabulous people for putting this whole thing together.

    Daily Mistakes
    I should have done more planning on where we had to go so my mom wouldn't drive so much. I also forgot to tell her to record landscape so enjoy the OG day one portrait style. I also forgot to get the photo contest cactus while we were out.

    Daily Writeup Welp, this is my last post of the month and therefore the last post of the Lather Games 2024. It's bittersweet and I am probably making too much of a deal but I'm just an emotional person okay! The bitter part is I will miss the games but the sweet part is I will finally be able to use all my own stuff! And I can use soaps from full tubs!!! I no longer need to load from parchment paper. As I said in the video, as of now I don't think I will shave daily in August because of band camp lol. Now for once I will actually talk about the shave itself, yesterday I returned to my straight razors for the first time in a while and today's shave is a lot better than yesterday's shave because I had a bit more experience from yesterday, still a lot to work on but today was a much closer shave with less irritation. Today I sold the Friodur because I dont shave with straight razors enough to warrant having 2 straights. I'm excited for tomorrow's shave, I think I'll use roman spice or something.

    Daily Theme Points I am an American citizen living in America. Tallow + Steel is based in Canada, where my mom grew up!

    Daily Relevant Post Shave & Fragrance Points
    This Brut was made in Mexico. Creed is based and made in France.

    Daily Challenge See above for soap, frag, and aftershave. Today was quite the expedition to find the frag and aftershave btw!!! The brush is made in China. The razor is made in Germany, where my grandma's family is from!

    Hardware Scavenger Hunt
    This razor is in pretty good shape but it definitely has a bit of patina making it my #RUSTYBUTTRUSTY.

    Photo Contest
    I forgot about getting the cactus when we were out and about so I had to scooter over to the local trader joe's to grab this cactus trio just for the photo.

    Thanks mom, I win rookie of the year thank you very much give me my prize.

    Side Contests #photocontest #ROTY

  11. u/solongamerica posted on 2024-06-30 20:51:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 30, 2024 – Closing Ceremony

    • Brush: Commonwealth 'CW' Badger, purchased on Ebay (China)
    • Razor: Fatip Piccolo Slant Closed Comb (Italy)
    • Blade: Gillette - Nacet (Russia)
    • Lather: Tallow & Steel - Shag (Canada)
    • Post Shave: Master Soap Creations - Alien (South Africa)
    • Fragrance: Jovoy Paris - Incident Diplomatique (France)

    Thanks to u/tsrblke for the T&S Shag smush! I'm ending the games as I began, with a smush sent to me by another member of the sub. This support and camaraderie has been one of the highlights of the Lather Games.

    For the Daily Challenge I used items from different nations (see above). I'm born and raised in the USA.

    Names of two items used reference foreignness and foreign affairs (Alien and Incident Diplomatique). I guess you could throw in Tallow & Steel’s Shag, if indeed this r/Wetshaving exclusive soap is a reference to Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery. In any case, Shag made for a harmonious, if heady, brew in combination with the other two scents, particularly the vetiver and patchouli of Incident Diplomatique.

    The final edition of Brush Strokes features Stadia II by Ethiopian-American artist Julie Mehretu. It’s a huge abstract work, energetic and lively if somewhat ambiguous, that depicts what looks like a large stadium during an international athletic event. An arena of conflict, competition, and community, simultaneously and always.

    / #ROTY

    EDIT: apparently if you mention Austin Powers on reddit for any reason a bot invites you to join r/ohbehave where you can enjoy posts such as this

  12. u/lovingwolf posted on 2024-06-30 22:15:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    SOTD - 2024-06-30

    • Beard Growth: 48 Hours
    • Prep: Hot Shower
    • Pre Shave: None
    • Brush: Yaqi - Mysterious Space
    • Razor: Henson Ti22
    • Blade: Baili Platinum
    • Passes: WTG x2
    • Lather: Proraso Red
    • Post Shave: Master Soap Creations - Bloom
    • Fragance: Dior Sauvage

    • Comments:

    What a great weekend to catch up on some sports... first started off with Cricket T20, then start of the TdF... and F1 today... amazing weekend!

    Tried to hit as many continents as possible I could for international day. Bloom from South Africa, Proraso from Italy, Baili blades from China, Henson form Canada and Dior from France (live in US btw)

    Btw /u/tsrblke - Thanks for the Shag smush, I didn't know what the Lather games were till I saw your PiF post and got pulled into the rabbit hole. I used it for christmas eve but was too late to post... got so busy I couldn't post my SOTDs on time :(

    Sad to see the lather games end today... anyways I'll get back to lurking /r/formuladank/
