Post 'Thursday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jun 27, 2024' of challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt 2024'

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The number of participants is 15
  1. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2024-06-26 23:18:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 27-Jun-24

    • Brush: Semogue - TSN Final Edition 2023 #OLDWORLD
    • Razor: Charcoal Goods - Gen 1 Level 3 #CNC
    • Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw - Vor V
    • Post Shave: Wholly Kaw - Vor V AS Toner
    • Post Shave: Wholly Kaw - Vor V Balm
    • Fragrance: Wholly Kaw - Vor V EDP

    Information Overload

    Ok so I flipped around on this one so much, desperately trying to find one that would work for my calender. This one was originally pegged for Halloween, before Boonana came to the rescue. To my relief this one has 11 scent notes:

    Geranium, Raspberry, Nutmeg, Saffron, Oud, Black Tea, Cashmeran, Musk, Leather, Amber and Vanilla.

    Honestly though, with my nose I could only really identify Raspberry, Leather and Vanilla, what I do know is that I like it, so much so that I went to the effort of getting the scent which is no easy feat over here.

    Challenge - Leftorium Challenge

    With last year's attempt to have my Mrs have a go at my face with a blade (there's trust there), I thought with an additional year on her I could get the daughter (5 y/o) involved. Unfortunately I made the grievous error of picking the Gen 1 CG Lvl 3, I could have robbed the other half's leaf, lesson learnt.

    The Mrs did suggest giving it to her without the blade, but I told her that defeats the purpose. Admittedly it started to tingle somewhat when she kept going over the same area, and I was sweating like a vicar in a house of ill repute, purely out of nerves. I let her go for the one pass, she got most of the way through, with one nerve wracking moment on the neck against the grain. So here was my daughter's effort, again sped up a lot so as not to waste people's time.

    I will admit I bottled it after that, took control and went to finish off the remaining passes with my left hand, which was uneventful barring a couple of slight nicks, one the chin and neck. So despite her not completing the full shave she still get a dessert as a reward!


    This one is aimed at 'Steam Punk'.

    Have a grand one all and good luck!



  2. u/ginopono posted on 2024-06-27 06:00:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2024-06-26 - Analysis Paralysis

    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts - Valley of Ashes
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Texas on Fire
    • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors - A City on Fire
    • Razor: Henson AL13 Medium
    • Brush: Omega 343178 Synthetic

    Unifying Theme: Combustion
    I was going to use Slow Explosions, which offers a little more variety in names, but my nose doesn't care for it and City on Fire fits wildly better in terms of scent.

    Information Overload:
    1) Coal 2) Tar 3) Bourbon 4) Tobacco 5) Bitter Citrus 6) Smoke 7) Leather 8) Motor Oil 9) Burning Rubber 10) Diesel 11) Clove 12) Birch Tar 13) Bergamot

    Leftorium Challenge: Yup. I'm suprised at how much better I am at doing this, despite only doing it once year. That said, I'm still pretty inept.

    The Henson is pretty much my designated Leftorium razor; I'm not sure I could cut myself with this thing if I tried! I'm not going to try to cut myself. I'm pretty sure I could cut myself with this thing if I tried.

    The order is backwards, which means we experience the effects of the blaze in reverse order. Starting with the soft ashen aroma of Valley, why do so many people say it's bad? I find it to be very nice; it's a calm, even soft scent. Surely, there is calm after everything has been burned to ashes, no?

    Texas on Fire is another that people don't seem to like. To be fair, there is a Stag-isness to it. I liken it to the tar-rich smoldering embers—when the flames have died down but the fire is very much alive in the heart of the burning wood—as we slowly move backwards in time from the ash.

    City on Fire is a bit more fresh, taking us futher back to when the fire was new. There's a clear wood (which is not a play on the listed "Clearwood" note) intermingling with smoke, with enough lively notes in the background that it brings to mind a small campfire in the moments just before the destruction begins to spread...

    #photocontest Fire

  3. u/tsrblke posted on 2024-06-27 07:23:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024 – Error: NaN

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound V24 Passaround
    • Razor: Bic Sensitive #rainbow
    • Blade: whatever comes in a bic (2)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Marilyn
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Marilyn
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Marilyn

    Today we celebrate information overload. As such for #fof I’m trickholing Marylin, which has 14 scent notes right on the back of the EdT box! Now when I think information overload, I think back to when I used to teach ethics of Big Data (I promise this ties into the scents!) There are “3 V’s” of big data: Volume, Velocity, and Variety. Basically, a large amount of a lot of different types of data; coming at you fast. That’s not a bad description of Marylin, a large amount of a lot of different scent notes coming at you fast. One thing I’d point out in my lectures is with these 3 V’s you get so much data it can basically be made to say whatever you want it to. Sometimes this is called spurious correlation. You can overfocus on one single thing and bend the data to show that thing. Again, back to Marylin, where…all I get is powder. Tons of notes and my nose chooses to bend it to powder. Oh well.

    For #photocontest, I’ve included a growler from a brewery/homebrew store near here called “Steampunk BrewWorks” for Steampunk. Their beers, like Marylin, often contain a lot of notes. And sometimes my pallet reduces it to “hops.”

    For the challenge. Well, this is a family affair, and the rules dictate it doesn’t have to be my hand, so here’s my daughter shaving my face with her left hand. Per my rules her face is not in frame, but as you can clearly see this is not an adult’s hand. It is also not her dominant hand. (Of note, she asked what the challenge was and I said, “shave with my left hand or someone else’s” she immediately said “I’m gonna cut your face!” with a wicked grin. I have compensated by using the Bic again.) Now one thing I didn’t plan on was that she insisted on lathering as well. Despite my numerous warnings, there was soap in my eyes. Apparently, I need to convince u/bostonphototourist to make “tear free Omnibus” next. She got about half my left side done then said “Dad, it’s not working.” She couldn’t get the angle of a bic right! I ended up finishing up (with my left hand as I am right-handed! Also take note, lather was mixed with my left hand and applied by her and my left hands. She’s also right handed.)

    Two quick closing notes: As you can see this is u/geekyoldrob’s pass around V24. It is wonderful. Damnit I don’t need a new brush.

    Also today's sponsor TSF: I said I’d love them to do a sub exclusive. I’m glad they joined up as a sponsor this year. They’re just fun.

  4. u/iamhonestlylying posted on 2024-06-27 08:07:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Day 27

    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts - Svolaer Aurora 28mm - SHD Badger
    • Razor: Gillette Executive FatBoy
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
    • Lather: AA Shaving – The Hunt
    • Post Shave: 345 Soap Co – Estes Splash
    • Fragrance: Boucheron - Jaipur Homme

    AA’s The Hunt has 22 listed scent notes. 22!! Does that mean I get double credit?? I think it’d be quicker for AA Shaving to list the scent notes that aren’t included with this soap. Holy shit – 22. When I read the list of scent notes, I had to take a break and get a snack halfway through. We’ve got woodsy notes, citrus bursts, floral undertones, spices, ozone, and possibly even unicorn tears. I think they just accidently dropped their fragrance oil collection into the soap and ran with it. I also got a kick out of this line from their description, “The Hunt is a great scent for the fall, summer, spring, and winter that is sure to please.” So that narrows it down to EVERY SEASON. Why not just say year-round?? And who orders the seasons like that??? Has anyone in human history ever ordered the seasons, starting with fall and going in reverse chronological order? That is crazy person behavior if I ever saw it. These people need to be locked up and have the key thrown away. We can’t have people that list the seasons in that order just roaming free. I will say, the scent was nice and enjoyable, and does it achieve it’s goal of taking my nose deep into the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, so they have that going for them.

    For my splash, I picked Estes, which has a pathetic 9 scent notes listed… Fucking amateurs… Similarly, they are trying to evoke the scent of the mountains, except this time in Colorado. And they do it with half the scent notes. Both scents are designed to take you into the mountains, but I guess the mountains the AA Shaving goes to are far more complex. Imagine needing to take more than double the time to do the same thing as others? It’s like AA Shaving is u/MudAccording and 345 is everyone else player Lather Games. For my fragrance, I chose Jaipur Homme by Boucheron. Not surprisingly, it shares some of the same scent notes as the soap and splash, but more importantly, it’s a nice, warm spicy amber. And it’s no slouch in the scent note department with 12 listed: Lime, Jasmine, Cardamom, Carnation, Rose, Patchouli and Cedar, Cinnamon, Lemon, Bergamot, Benzoin, Tonka Bean. It’s like they took every scent known to man, put it in a bottle, and called it a day. Citrus, spices, woods, flowers—it’s all in there. With the olfactory overdose my nose experienced today, I’m all sorts of confused. Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!! #FOF

    Sidecontest: #photocontest: Elements: Earth

    Challenge: I did indeed shave with my left hand. Once again, you’ll have to trust me on this. We’re on the honor system, right?

    iamhonestlylying’s Daily Top 5:

    In honor of “Information Overload”… The Top 5 Pictures of Overloaded Cars and Trucks

    5.) When I make a quick trip to Ikea

    4.) More tables, ladders, and chairs than a WWE match

    3.) Big load on a tiny truck

    2.) Should we get a Uhaul? Nah, we can fit it all in my truck

    1.) How many people are on this thing?

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Congratulations you've been entered into the best shot photography contest!

    Judge comment: nice simple shot, maybe think about additional elements or props to fill the space

  5. u/socialkittielynx posted on 2024-06-27 09:35:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    SOTD Information Overload * Brush: Chisel and Hound - LG Massaranduba handle w. Synthetic knot. * Razor: Gillette - Super Speed Flair Tip.
    Blade: Gillette - 7’o’clock super platinum (2). * Lather: Catie’s Bubbles - A Midnight Dreary.
    Post: CeraVe - Moisturizing Cream.

    Scent Notes: Orchid, Lotus, Spices, Black Currant, Black Truffle, Jasmine, Dark Chocolate, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Amber and Vanilla (12!).

    Today’s Challenge - while I did plan to shave with my non- dominant hand I succumbed to an injury walking with my SOTD forgetting there was a blade in - my alum pencil did nothing but sting. Luckily I am certified in traumatic bleeding, but it didn’t come to that this time.

    For the photo contest I have some birds- Peregrine Falcons to be exact. Falcons have nested at a nearby library (Evanston Public Library if you’re interested) for years and this year their clutch consists of 4 (3 males and one female)! Last year was a rough year for them so it’s amazing to see them have success. It’s pretty amazing to see how fast they grow and their stages of development. Volunteers will start to be on fledge watch this week as the juveniles are now all able to jump on the ledge (as seen in the photo) and will be start taking the first test flights.



  6. u/MudAccording posted on 2024-06-27 10:22:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)



    Theme Steampunk (Vintage brass telephone speaker. Retro-computer console from Terry Gilliam's Brazil, a masterwork of retro-futuristic overload)

    • Brush: Alpha Brush & Shaving Co. - Bully Boy 28mm #TOLL
    • Razor: Muhle - Hexagon - R41 head #CNC
    • Blade: Muhle - Stainless Razor Blade [3]
    • Lather: Murphy and McNeil / Black Mountain Shaving - DFS Horizons - Shaving soap - Kodiak base
    • Post Shave: First Line Shave / Black Mountain Shaving - Crossroads - Aftershave
    • Fragrance: Givenchy - Xeryus - vintage

    Today’s singalong:


    One of the first English language sentences that I learnt as a teenager was from a joke based on a white man who compares his penis tattoo to that of a tall Jamaican.

    The joke is rooted in a racial stereotype that is at the center of this interesting NYT op-ed from almost two decades ago.

    I wonder if the Wendy joke contributed to making my brain forge some association between a thoroughly-unraveled body of information and the value of one’s masculinity.

    Maybe this is the secret origin of my wordiness. 

    Could the dick-measurement social instinct be the reason why some of you are uncomfortable with my posts being “too long”?

    Are scent notes lists some kind of dick measuring contest?


    Before the end of the LG, I really wanted to shave with a bear tallow soap, also to homage u/enndeegee and his choice of prize for the Scruba Awards.

    Murphy and McNeil’s Kodiak base is excellent, especially in terms of post-shave feel. I find it very interesting that someone ended up trying to saponify tallow sourced not from a yard animal, or edible game, but from a predator whose population is thinned down within the narrow boundaries of local regulations.

    Bears have a strong symbolic presence in the world's cultures since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors depicted them on the walls of caves.

    When I shave with a soap that I know contains bear tallow, my mind is pervaded by a sense of awe that I haven't felt, for example, at the idea of shaving with a bison tallow soap. The symbolic power of certain animals is extremely intriguing to my skeptic mind.


    For my lather and AS I picked two scents formulated by Joseph Katon of Black Mountain Shaving.
    He definitely seems to have fun with long lists of notes:

    HORIZONS features 18 notes, divided in:
    Top: Lavender, bergamot, lemon, ginger, mandarin orange, tangerine, basil, rosew**d
    Middle: Honey, Cinnamon (synthetic), cashmere, jasmine sambac, Haitian vetiver, sandalwood, iris, carnation, patchouli, cedar
    Base: Leather, amber, labdanum, benzoin, oak moss, musk, tobacco, tonka, bourbon vanilla

    CROSSROADS also features 18 notes:
    Apple, Bergamot, Orange, Grapefruit, Oakmoss, Basil, Rosemary, Juniper, Carnation, Jasmine, Freesia, Cypress, Vetiver, Cashmeran, Patchouli, Vanilla, Amboxan, Sandalwood


    I completed my shave with this monumental 1980s fougère by Alberto Morillas.
    According to Fragrantica, it counts TWENTY NINE NOTES:
    Top notes: Lavender, Jasmine, Green Notes, Lemon, Violet, Bergamot, Nutmeg Flower, Mandarin Orange, Lily-of-the-Valley, Ylang-Ylang and Rose
    Middle notes: Cypress, Juniper Berries, Carnation, Geranium, Tarragon, Coriander, Petitgrain, Sandalwood, Cyclamen and Cinnamon.
    Base notes: Oakmoss, Balsam Fir, Leather, Vetiver, Amber, Cedar, Incense and Musk.

    My scent writeup today is much shorter: Horizons is nice but a bit "heavy" on the long run, I am happy I did not get the complementary postshave or EDP, it would've been too much.

    Crossroads is nicely contrasted and flows well into Xeryus' big Cinemascope and Technicolor spectacle.



    My razor was chosen before I found out about the daily challenge.
    As I have "franken'd" my Hexagon by replacing its DE89 head with an open comb, this has been a very slow shave with the "devil's hand". Managed not to get nicked, but I realized how hard it is to focus on a non-dominant hand, and how terrible it must've been up to the generation of my parents, when left-handed students were forced to become right-handed.


  7. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2024-06-27 14:21:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024 – LG 27: Information Overload

    • Brush: Rx Shaving 26mm Maggard Synthetic
    • Razor: Gillette Tech
    • Blade: Voskhod (9)
    • Lather: Jabones de Joserra – Cefiro
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Scarn
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – EMP

    Jabones is pricey and overrated but I got a couple samples in a PIF. Cefiro is his Aventus dupe coming in with exactly 10 notes listed. I find it to be somewhat muted, with bits of citrus being the leaders but nothing really jumping out. Scarn is a dupe of Sauvage, a bit spicy and citrusy. I felt as cool as all those sweet Johnny Depp ads. EMP is like Executive Man (aka Stirlings take on Aventus) but with boosted pineapple and smoke. I believe it’s slightly sweeter than EM too, likely from said pineapple. #FOF So, today’s linking is they are all dupes, but also fuck boi frags.

    For #PHOTOCONTEST we went with birds. I got my Hogwarts letter today, 25 years late, and lo and behold my shave gear was ready to pick up in Diagon Alley with my owl.

    As for the challenge, going lefty is always easier than anticipated. Like yeah, it takes a sec longer, but in the grand scheme of things it ain’t that bad.

    As for our sponsor, can’t say much as I’ve only tried 3-4 smooshes, but they seem like they could carve out some space in the unique/wacky/gourmand scents. Perhaps that’s all I’ve happened to try though.

  8. u/brokenjaw622 posted on 2024-06-27 14:24:50-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 27, 2024

    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird

    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE [23]

    • Lather: Zingari Man - The Merchant - Soap

    • Post Shave: Zingari Man - The Merchant - Aftershave

    • Post Shave: Zingari Man - The Merchant - Balm

    • Fragrance: Burberry - Brit

    Information Overlaod

    I had a few choices I could have used today but went with Zingari Man The Merchant for 3 reasons, I needed the Sponsor points, there is 14 scent notes listed on ZM’s website, and finally because the notes are right up my alley. Unfortunately, I could not get it to lather. Add water, still pasty, more water still pasty, more water still pasty, more water annnnnnnd broken. Ok let’s try again, this time I stopped before it broke, but it was still not right for me. The splash and the balm are awesome, don’t get me wrong the soap smells amazing and I’m gonna try it again, different brush maybe a bowl lather we shall see. I also recorded part of the shave using my left hand and you will see that this soap actually turned my towel brown.

    I went with Burberry Brit today because it has 13 sent notes and I honestly just like to wear it. The base notes are all to my liking but it’s the middles, the Rose and Cedar that are my favorites in this one

    Went to my last Dr’s Appointment today. This one was the Pacemaker doc, I swear I was the youngest person by 15-20 years in the waiting room. I got a clean bill, told me to come back in a year. So all I have left is my heart specialist in December hoping he says come back in a year, and in January I have a device check that they do once a year at the Pacemaker Clinic, the other times are all remotely.

    Today’s daily Challenge. I recorded the second pass of my shave using my left hand ATG. I used the left for WTG but that’s the easy one.

    Photo Contest. Theme Prius

    These last 4 days also have the last 4 themes that I have been trying to figure out since the themes were posted. I am not happy with this one at all but it’s honestly the best I could come up with.

    #ROTY #FOF #photocontest

  9. u/kitaecw posted on 2024-06-27 14:33:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Information Overload

    • Brush: Yaqi Ferrari
    • Razor: Qhave adjustable
    • Blade: BIC
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Le Grand Chypre

    How many scent notes are there? Le Grand Chypre ("Leh Grond SHEEP-ruh") combines notes of bergamot 1, lime 2, labdanum 3, oakmoss 4, and a touch of patchouli 5 to produce an elegant, citrusy heart. We wrapped it in notes of peach 6, rose 7, frankincense 8, cedar 9, cinnamon 10, and other 11.





    Today’s Challenge:

    Leftorium Challenge
    Shaving with the left hand is totally fine, need some time to master it, but it’s fun.

  10. u/lthornby posted on 2024-06-27 18:23:20-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    SOTD June 27

    • Prep: Shower
    • Brush: Yaqi - Moka
    • Razor: Merkur - Progress
    • Blade: Gillette - Permasharp
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming - AG 1889
    • Post Shave: Old Spice

    Left hand shave not too bad. I shave with both hands typically. Chose not to shave with a straight razor today though. No cuts so that's decent.


    Black n white

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Nice shot

  11. u/souleater7173 posted on 2024-06-27 19:15:07-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024 - this is my prius

    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts w/ 25mm Muhle STF
    • Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley (brass, SB-D)
    • Blade: Wizamet
    • Lather: Zingari Man - The Watchman
    • Post Shave: Wholly Kaw - King of Oud
    • Fragrance: Zoologist - Camel

    Relevance for the software is through all the pieces being on theme today. The Watchman is 19 notes, King of Oud is 14, and Camel is 18. From a scent perspective, King of Oud and Camel play really nice together with the emphasis on oud, incense, and rose working together between them.

    This challenge was a bit of an easy one today. I am right handed for everything that matters, but I almost always shave with both hands for the purpose of getting angles. To meet the challenge I just forced myself to shave left handed for the entire shave. As an added challenge I did a full three passes, which is something I almost never do for skin irritation reasons.

    I love this soap. I really need to use it more often. The lather is great. It's really slick throughout the shave, but I do wish is had slightly more residual slickness. I hate this splash. I LOVE the scent on King of Oud, but I hate this splash. It's somehow the driest liquid I've ever put on my skin. I have to use so much to get my whole face rubbed in that it can't be cost effective to use this stuff. That said, the face feel like 10 minutes after using the splash is phenomenal. There's clearly something in here doing good work even though I hate the experience of using it.

    Today's photo contest theme is A Prius. Specifically this is my prius. It lives in a photo on my iPad hosted on Toyota's website. Isn't it such a great Prius? I really enjoy owning my Prius. #photocontest

  12. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-27 19:31:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024

    Arianna and Evan’s gets used about 1-2 times a year. Today it fulfilled the 10+ notes with this: Bergamot Lemon, 2 wonderful, but uniquely different Peach notes, Orange Blossom, Cognac, Tobacco Absolute, Mimosa, Leather, Vanilla, Dried Fruits, Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Himalayan Cedar. A total of 12, or 13 if you count 2 peaches. It actually is a nice scent, described as a gourmand with a twist. I find it to be a almost sickly sweet scent up front but quickly evolves to something else. The (2) peach notes are strong, combined with the dried fruits it does give it an overly sweet start which reminds me of a mix of prunes and peaches. The tobacco and leather accentuates the dried fruitiness making it smell thick, maybe sticky, to me. The other scents are there for background and depth, I get a woodiness but not clearly one type. An ever so slight hint of orange blossom too, it’s more likely I’m sensitive to citrus blossoms because they occasionally perfume my house while my Charlie Brown lemon tree produces them. As for what it evokes or a memory, it’s of a dark warm night, walking through a club/bar, shoulder to shoulder next to everyone trying to get a drink. A palpable heavy sweating air condensing on my skin. The building slowly heating up. It’s the sweetness of this scent that reminds me of the perfumes from 15 years ago. Overly applied so everyone within a ten foot radius gets a hint. But at the same time, I liked it then as I kinda do now.

    Left handed challenge (I’m right handed) is one that I just go slow with. Extra drippy lather to accommodate my weak hand taking so slow and drying it out.

    Today I used baseball as my theme. It’s the back stop to my local playground field. Welcome to the Sandlot for #photocontest


  13. u/Eructate posted on 2024-06-27 20:44:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024 - Information Overload

    • Prep: Warm Shower
    • Brush: Craving Shaving Red Vintage Set Brush
    • Razor: Gillette Super Speed - Red Tip
    • Blade: Voskhod (12)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Spiced
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Spiced
    • Fragrance: Parfum Belcam - Red Classic Match

    Seaforth! Spiced scent notes include Mandarin, Aldehydes, Carnation, Anise, Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Benzoin, Tonka, and Vanilla. Spiced was the only Seaforth that met today's theme and is probably my favorite Seaforth scent. I paired it with the spicy Polo Red dupe for a play on spice and matching red.

    Today's challenge is better than the first time I did it. At this point, the only hard part is the right side of my neck. I escaped the shave with no issues and couldn't have had a better morning because of it!

    Side Contest: #PHOTOCONTEST - Steampunk

  14. u/Tetriside posted on 2024-06-27 20:51:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 27, 2024 - Information Overload

    • Brush: APShaveCo 24mm Cashmere Fan
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    • Blade: Wizamet (41)
    • Lather: Zingari Man - The Blacksmith
    • Post Shave: Gentlemen's Nod - Zaharoff Signature
    • Fragrance: Zoologist Perfumes - Musk Deer

    Challenge: I did a two pass shave using only my non dominant hand.

    Theme: The Blacksmith has 10 scent notes. Zaharoff Signature has 16 scent notes. Musk Deer has 11 scent notes.

    Zingari Man The Blacksmith is a r/wetshaving exclusive. The fragrance is a dupe of Bvlgari Man In Black. It’s very leathery. I detect some cardamom, and something floral. There’s a woody note buried under the leather. There’s hints of rum and spice. It’s an upscale, leather-forward fragrance. But, I find it a bit lifeless. I think I’d like it more if the rum and spice were dialed up.

    This Zaharoff splash is throwing me for a loop. When I splashed it on, it just smelled like bergamot, which isn’t even one of the advertised scent notes. So, I grabbed the bottle to give it another sniff. Now, it smells very musky, woody, with a peppery note. There’s still something reminiscent of bergamot. I think it’s the combination of cardamom, lavender, and pear, maybe mixed with an ingredient in the toner. It's a designer-style fragrance that's safe for most occasions, but doesn't spark joy for me.

    A couple of years ago during the r/wetshaving secret santa, I was the lucky recipient of the full Zoologist sampler. There’s a lot of winners in the set. Musk Deer is one of my favorites. I’m immediately enveloped by a strong note of musk with soft powdery undertones running up against a wall of dry cedar. Over the course of an hour it hasn’t really changed. The fragrance feels warm, and quite dapper. It’s more of a fall fragrance.

    This brush is a complete APShaveCo brush.

    #photocontest - Pirates. This post was typed on my handy pirate keyboard. We were warned about pirates. But, the spirit of piracy is hard to stamp out. My SOTD pic is ~~me~~ a pirate showing off their shave wares and illegally downloaded music.


    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    I seriouisly applaud your creativity to hit this theme! Got a good chuckle out of me

  15. u/bacconchop posted on 2024-06-27 21:55:10-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Information Overload

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Vitae Taper w/AP Shave Co. 26mm Pure Bliss Knot
    • Razor: Blackland Blackbird Brass SB Long Handle #CNC
    • Blade: Personna - Comfort Coated
    • Lather: Catie's Bubbles - V
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Presto Aftershave Splash
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Uitwaaien

    Daily Video

    Daily Gratitude
    Thanks to ShavinginCT for the soap and frag. Thanks to anyone who watches the whole vid. Thanks to the judges and fabulous people for putting this whole thing together.

    Daily Mistakes
    I forgot to shave earlier so it's late and I am rushing me.

    Daily Writeup Idk man, this is just too much smells, I'm completely overloaded. I absolutely love this razor and the Catie's Bubbles base isn't too bad, obviously it wasn't the best lather on my part because I didn't try to hard and it was left handed.

    Daily Theme Points Catie's Bubbles V has more than 10 scent notes.

    Daily Relevant Post Shave & Fragrance Points
    Both presto and uitwaaien have more than 10 scent notes.

    Daily Challenge I lathered and shaved with my left hand (I am right handed).

    Hardware Scavenger Hunt
    Nothing new today.

    Photo Contest
    Getting close to the end and there aren't any more easy prompts so I was actually scared and I had to think for a bit before I found this weird steampunk closet with a bunch of gas leaking out of a bunch of cool pipes. So today's photo contest theme is steampunk.

    Late shave, overloaded, steampunk, I win rookie of the year thank you very much give me my prize.

    Side Contests

