Post 'Monday Lather Games SOTD Thread - Jun 24, 2024' of challenge 'Rookie of the Year 2024'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 9
  1. u/bmac92 posted on 2024-06-24 05:28:07-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 24, 2024 – 2024.06.24 SOTD: Lather Games Day 24 – Christmas in July, but in June Eve

    • Brush: AKA Brushworxs Metamorphosis Kaiser-i-Hind with 26mm Turn-n-Shave Fullmoon knot
    • Razor: Aylsworth Drakkant
    • Blade: Wizamet
    • Lather: Zingari Man – The Watchman
    • Post Shave: Zingari Man – Unscented Balm
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Alive

    Daily Theme: Christmas in July, but in June Eve

    Theme justification: Today's soap, Zingari Man The Watchman, was provided by /u/OnionMiasma. /u/OnionMiasma has participated in over 12 shaves during these Lather Games

    Relevant Post Shave & Frag: The relevant theme for today's shave is a continuation of today's theme: stuff /u/OnionMiasma has gifted to me. In fact, he sent all three of these items in one box! See the note he provided for proof.. Items 1, 9, and 13. The photo has been edited to remove our names, but that is all. He sent me this care package shortly after I joined the sub. It was incredibly generous to do for a new member and showed me just how friendly this place is. You're a real one, /u/OnionMiasma.

    Scavenger Hunt ~~Justification~~: COMPLETED

    Razor facts: N/A

    Brush facts: N/A

    Daily/Special Challenge: /r/Wetshaving exclusive wish list

    Now this is tricky. Lots of great things out there. Do we bug /u/Rocketk455 for more meme soap? I don't think so. Not after he made You Did This. We need to let him focus on better things.

    Do we pressure /u/MammothBen into giving us green goop, for whatever reason? Nah.

    Seems like Stirling is already working on something in the background that might moove us.

    So, I think we should leave the next exclusive to one of this year's new sponsors. Namely, I recommend Aaron from Talent Soap Factory. Now, a lot of his scents are gourmand, but I don't think that this exclusive should go that route. I think he should piggyback off of a new, sure-to-be-hit movie: Twisters

    What would this smell like, you ask? Well, if you ask any Midwesterner or person who lives in tornado alley, they'll let you know that there is a distinctive smell before a thunderstorm and/or tornado. I typically associate this with Ozone, but I could be wrong. Since Aaron is in KC (according to Etsy), I'm assuming he knows this smell well. I've tried most of the "storm" scents that are popular around these parts, and nothing really comes close to what I'm thinking. Maybe it's because my sniffer is off (which is true), but I don't think it's that far off. To make it easier on Aaron, I've even drawn up a rudimentary label. Bear in mind that I'm no /u/Wyze0ne. I submit to you: "Welcome to Moore, OK!" For some reason imgur didn't like this photo, so I had to go with

    So there you go. Aaron, if you're on reddit and see this, let me know if you're up to this. I'm happy to be a smell tester for you.

    Fragrance description

    The watchman does his some of the ozone notes I suggest above, but it's definitely more of a sea-salt and ozone vibe. Makes me want to watch The Lighthouse

    Alive is not one of my top HoM scents, but it is nice. I think it is just a bit too floral for my liking. I do appreciate the apple that comes through, though. The initial opening spice you get reminds me of mulled apple cider.

    Now onto the shave!

    I do enjoy Zingari soaps. While not my favorite scent, the lather was nice and the overall shave was enjoyable. I don't know if it is because of my shenanigans I've been dealing with this month, but today's lather was absolutely phenomenal. Near perfect consistency, great sheen, A+ slickness and protection. Much better than using boiling soap with added chocolate like I did yesterday. Their balms are very nice as well.

    Overall, 7/10 shave today.


    • Razor Hashtags: 10/10
    • Brush Hashtags: 10/10
    • Hardware Sponsor Points: 2/2
    • Software Sponsor Points: 15/16
    • Number of Lather Brands: 24/30
    • Number of Lather Scents: 24/30
    • Number of Post Shaves: 24/30
    • Number of Frags: 24/30

    Contest Hashtags:



  2. u/socialkittielynx posted on 2024-06-24 10:50:20-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    SOTD * Bowl: Yates Precision Manufacturing - Sm. lather bowl.
    Brush: Proraso by Omega - boar travel brush.
    Razor: Henson AL13 - mild.
    Blade: Treet - Platinum Super Stainless.
    Lather: London Razors/Summer Break Soaps - Mountain Laurel.
    Fragrance:* Tom Ford - Neroli Portofino.

    Notes: Amber, Neroli, Geranium, Galbanum, Oakmoss- created as an homage to the Eastern Kentucky mountains. Soap by SBS, scent by London Razors. Okay this stuff is fantastic. This is another gift smoosh from u/pilgrim32 who saved my games and u/ShavigInCT who sent me a brush to help me be more competitive. Both are solid people and I will 100% PIF. I love florals and this one is excellent.

    I’ve never heard of mountain laurel (not a native shrub to Illinois ☹️), but I would be happy smelling this all day. It’s a fresh, green fragrance with the wonderful performance that SBS is known for. If anyone has some stashed away collecting dust in your shave den and wants to start the cleansing process of decluttering, let me know!

    As for fragrance- TF Neroli Portofino is as close as I have to pairing with the soap. Base notes include amber ✅ middle notes include neroli ✅ and maybe that’s it. I swear they go nicely together.

    Photocontest - blooming Christmas cactus

    Challenge- you can start by bringing back this soap and making it exclusive.

    I’d also be stoked for an exclusive from a female artisan.

    photocontest cactus


  3. u/brokenjaw622 posted on 2024-06-24 14:55:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 24, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel & Hound Strata W/TnS Quarter Moon Synthetic

    • Razor: Feather AC DX Kamisori #KAMISORI

    • Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Pro Touch [1]

    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co - Armonía

    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Co - Seaforth! Roman Spice

    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Co - Seaforth! Roman Spice

    Christmas in July, but June’s Eve

    Today was a day of a few firsts for me. Starting off with Armonía that was sent to me by u/Infernalinternal as well as the Kamisori out on loan for the games. Unfortunately for my wallet I really liked the Kami, so now I have to buy mine and send him back his. I have a bunch of samples from infernal that I plan I trying in July. Also even though I have used Roman Spice before, I still credit Infernal with turning me onto Seaforth! when he sent me a sample of 3 Scots a few months ago.

    I was nervous going into today’s shave, not gonna lie. But I went for it, slow and steady, and I am happy to report 2 passes no blood no irritation. Definitely the opposite of when I used a Weck for the first time.

    I’m going to need to grab a tub of Armonía, I love HOM tobacconist but this has a different tobacco scent to it that I really dig. It’s not in your face but it’s noticeably there. I like that very much.

    Son update, I think we are in the home stretch. No throwing up two days in a row, and he’s eating normally again. Super stoked about that.

    Today’s Challenge I am an admitted Catie’s Bubbles fan boy. I would love to see a sub exclusive made by u/C_Bubbles. I have not tried a soap from CB that I don’t like. I have 10 different ones right now and a back up of 1.

    Photo Contest: Theme Air. I had some trouble figuring out what to do with this one, but then it hit me. Fans move air, and we have a few Japanese folding fans and the DX is made in Japan so why not go that route.

    #ROTY #FOF #photocontest

  4. u/BossHoggins10 posted on 2024-06-24 16:11:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 24, 2024 - Christmas in July, but in June's Eve

    • Brush: Rubberset 400 w/ Maggard Synthetic
    • Razor: Yates Precision Manufacturing - Merica
    • Blade: Gillette - Silver Blue
    • Lather: Barrister & Mann - Reserve Spice
    • Post Shave: Old Spice - Indian
    • Fragrance: Old Spice EdC

    Today's Theme: Thank you to resident Spice Lord u/cowzilla3 for creating a giveaway back in January of some Old Spice dupes. Reserve Spice was probably my favorite of the bunch and the soaps opened up my eyes to the beauty of Old Spice. I've picked up a few different Old Spice splashes, use the Classic scent deodorant, and now have the Old Spice EdC because cowzilla3 and his giveaway. Despite his hijinks and cantankerous shenanigans during the Lather Games this month, I owe him my thanks.

    Today's Challenge: I think Spearhead Shaving Company would be my top pick for the next r/wetshaving exclusive. I personally have yet to experience exclusives as I'm still pretty new to this community, but I would be the first in line for this one.


  5. u/bacconchop posted on 2024-06-24 17:32:06-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Christmas in July, but in June's Eve

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Vitae Taper w/AP Shave Co. 26mm Pure Bliss Knot
    • Razor: Yates Precision Polished Winning Razor
    • Blade: Personna - Comfort Coated
    • Lather: Eleven Shaving - Unscented
    • Post Shave: Old Spice - Classic Aftershave
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - Admiral

    Daily Video

    Daily Gratitude
    I do the basic gratitude every day so I thought I would do something special for today, I will say what I enjoy about each person I thank. First person to thank is u/Cowzilla3 who PIFed me the soap smush, I like that he does the fun old spice thing without being annoying or obviously up for DQ. Next up is u/ShavinginCT who deserves a ton of thanks for sending me almost every frag this month including today's as well as he sent a ton of soap smushes and he helped me plan, I like the way that he isn't too active but everyone still knows him so when he messages everyone is pleasantly surprised. Thanks to u/Engineered_Shave for doing the razor passaround, I respect that he can be active and participate in the lather games here but he is still active in r/wicked_edge without losing too much culture. Thanks to my mom for the aftershave, I thank her for getting excited about my wacky hobbies but she makes sure to send hints when I am rambing on too much. Thanks to Rob @ Chisel & Hound for setting the knot at no extra cost, I like that he has a presence here and in the discords but he isn't too active so he keeps the imfamous cool big company guy role.

    Daily Mistakes
    I should have gotten a table or something to capture an easier to see photo.

    Daily Writeup Happy Christmas Eve in June July or whatever the hell today is. My family's relationship to the holidays is a bit weird so get ready for a massive story time that may have major gaps because this is just what I remember people have told me, my grandparents on my mom's side left the USSR as refugees seeking asylum on terms of religous prosecution as part of jews for grain where USSR would sell grain to Russia if they let jews leave, but because my grandma was German and they weren't both Jewish, they could only go to USA or Canada for some reason, my grandma said that if she was Jewish then they could have gone to Australia or something. So then the whole family went to Canada, but my grandpa wasn't religious at all, but the rest of his family was Jewish so my mom still grew up with that, but because my grandma isn't jewish, my mom isn't jewish, so we only kind of celebrate chanukah. Now on to my dad's side, he doesn't really talk about it but I'll see what I can remember, his dad was crushed by a giant concrete pillar or something when my dad was only like 6 and I'm pretty sure it was on Christmas Eve so my dad isn't big into Christmas but here in Utah everyone has been, is, or will be Mormon at some point and our family was Mormon until I was about 3 when my dad decided that the church is actually really messed up (nothing against anyone who is mormon) so my dad decided to leave, then my mom didn't like that or something so they divorced, then a year later or something my mom left the church, but we celebrate Christmas every year. So now we kind of celebrate Chistmas and Chanukah without being religous about either. Where was I going with this, idk, maybe I did it all as filler or just to practice typing on colemak because I have only been using it for like 4 days.

    Daily Theme Points I got the smush for free from cowzilla.

    Daily Relevant Post Shave & Fragrance Points
    Old Spice because it wouldn't be a shave with something from cowzilla without it. The frag sample was sent to me at no cost from ShavinginCT.

    Daily Challenge I've been thinking of my two wishlist exclusive soaps all day. 1. "Stirling Soap Co. Wetshaving Man" and I want it to be a pretty decent batch on their website because the chance of seeing that at my local shave shop that sells stirling would be crazy, coming up for the name of something there would instantly cop me that job. 2. Something from Spearhead because all my favorite soaps are from them.

    Hardware Scavenger Hunt
    Nothing today.

    Photo Contest
    I spent 30 minutes with all my shave stuff in one hand watching this bird feeder for a hummingbird, I only got the one crappy shot but all my stuff is there and if you zoom in you can see the bird.

    Gratitude, crazy family history, free stuff, bird watching, I win rookie of the year thank you very much give me my prize.

    Side Contests (but hopefully formatted good) #photocontest #ROTY

  6. u/Allisnotwellin posted on 2024-06-24 18:58:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LG2024- June 24th “gratitude”

    • Brush: Elite Razor Custom Birch Synthetic
    • Razor: Razorock GC .84
    • Blade: Lord Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw- DFS 2021
    • Post: Wholly Kaw- Eroe Splash

    Shave: First go around with this scent and Wholly Kaw base. Siero base performed very well. I’m a sucker for tobacco scents and this is one of the better ones I have ever smelled.

    I simply wouldn’t have been able to do the games without a very generous PIF from u/kind_simian last month. Soooo many great samples. And has broadened my horizons for spending even more money. Thank you!!!

    Challenge: My vote will always be Stirling. I think I find others that are better and then I use one the many soaps I have from them and wonder why I buy anything else.


  7. u/dean_peltons_sister posted on 2024-06-24 19:22:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 24, 2024
    Prep: Cremo - Coconut Mango Shave Cream - Preshave
    Brush: Omega 10049 - 100% Boar Bristle - RED #TOLL #HOLLOW * Razor: Edwin Jagger DE86RC14bl Black Rubber Coated
    Blade: Personna Platinum [3]
    Lather: Spearhead Shaving Seaforth - Sea Spice Lime - Soap
    Post Shave: Ariana & Evans - Revolution - Aftershave
    Post Shave: Tower 28 - SOS Rescue Spray

    The soap was a smush sent to me a long time ago from u/tsrblke - thanks again for welcoming me to this community!


    Shared from My Shave Den for iOS

  8. u/solongamerica posted on 2024-06-24 22:17:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 24, 2024

    • Brush: Zenith Boar 24 x 48 mm
    • Razor: GEM Damaskeene (“Screwy”) #FLIPTOP 
    • Blade: Personna GEM (3)
    • Lather: eleven – Organic Sweet Orange
    • Post Shave: Proraso – Eucalyptus and Menthol aftershave
    • Fragrance: Hermès – Terre d’Hermès EdP

    For the second time during these Games I was graciously given a boost by u/OnionMiasma , who sent me a smush of Eleven Organic Sweet Orange (he also sent me the smush of AA Wapiti that I used on Day 1). The orange smell here is fairly subtle, especially after whipping up a lather. I followed that with Proraso Green aftershave which was much more intense—definitely bracing and cool. Finally I used the famous Terre d’Hermès EdP, which has a wonderful mix of contrasting notes, both earthy and citrusy, with orange being especially noticeable.

    The mix of eucalyptus with citrus may need some explaining. I never thought the smells had much in common. On trips to California we drove once or twice through a grove of eucalyptus trees—a memorable experience just for the overpowering fragrance. Since then I’ve come to like grapefruit a lot, both the pulp and the peel, especially in drinks.

    It turns out that grapefruit peel has distinct characteristics, different from grapefruit pulp or juice. In his book Nose Dive Harold McGee writes: “Citrus fruits have split personalities: the peel and interior have very different structures, flavors, and culinary uses.” But among lemons, oranges, limes, and other citrus fruits, only grapefruit peel has significant quantities of eucalyptol, the molecule found in eucalyptus leaves (as well in leaves of the camphor laurel and bay laurel).

    Finally, grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi) originated as a hybrid, created by crossing pomelo with … wait for it… sweet orange.

    Daily Challenge

    Many people today picked Spearhead, which is a great choice, but I always want to pick something different from everyone else. So it seems sensible to choose Eleven, whose recent releases have bold, colorful graphic designs on their packaging (good for depicting citrus fruits). In addition to Sweet Orange, Eleven already has Lime & Basil and Sicilian Lemon. My suggestion would be a eucalyptus-grapefruit scented soap. Maybe with other scents mixed in.

    Today in Brush Strokes we feature a botanical painting by the Florentine artist Bartolomeo Bimbi. If you click on the image you can see a much larger version, including the legend at the bottom which names the various citrus fruits depicted.


  9. u/el_guapo26 posted on 2024-06-24 22:26:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 24, 2024 * Brush: Chisel & Hound Quartermoon
    Razor: Everyday Shaving Stinger
    Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Sharp Edge * Lather: AA Shaving - Wapiti - Soap
    Post Shave:* Zingari Man - The Watchman - Balm

    This shave was almost entirely furnished by u/OnionMiasma. The AA Shaving and Zingari balm were both gifted and the Everyday razor is on loan. I appreciate your generosity towards me and to this hobby as whole. Thank you! 🙏

    Daily Challenge: I’d like to see what Chiseled Face could bring to the table for a sub exclusive. Just spit balling here I’m thinking mix two stunners together and give us Midnight Banana! 🍌
