Post 'Tuesday Lather Games Thursday SOTD Thread - Jun 18, 2024' of challenge 'SOTD photo scavenger hunt 2024'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 13
  1. u/Crossan1983 posted on 2024-06-18 00:24:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LGSOTD 18-Jun-24

    I wanted to share my experience with this new (to me) Williams Shaving Mug Soap. I don't know whether anyone has ever tried this before, but it has utterly blown me away. As soon as the brush touched the puck it exploded with volumous slick lather It's the best shaving experience I (or anyone else) have ever had. To my utter shock though I've found that this has gone out of production, how could that possibly be!? This is the best thing ever and nothing else can ever compete.

    To add to this, I tried using these new Feather blades. I've never experienced anything quite like it. So sharp and smooth, the razor barely had to touch my sensitive skin to remove my tough wirey hair. This is my new go-to blade, and I will never use anything else ever again.

    To top the shave off, finished off with the Thayers Lemon. Now I don't know whether anyone else has cottoned on to this little gem, but it is amazing. My skin has never felt so soft and smooth.

    All of this is thanks to everyone's amazing advice, I wouldn't be where I am without all of your amazing input...

    Now, I hope that was somewhere in the right ballpark, but if I've completely missed the mark then ah well. That was an acceptable shave, the soap scent is just that...soap, I mean I suppose that's the only real need. The lather was just about passable, and I hate feathers, expensive (relatively) and rough for me, but I do actually like Thayers, so I have that going for me. Of course being a complete tit this morning, I was in a rush and didn't remove the blade for pics!


    In honour of the theme, I'm aiming this one at 'Darkness', this being the end of the line for this Soap, and likely it's existence in my den.

    Have a grand one all.



    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Though AI generated background (?) I like the contrasty lighting of your subject that meets with the background.

  2. u/tsrblke posted on 2024-06-18 05:40:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024 – Place a rose on the grave

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Bangalore V20
    • Razor: Wolfman WR1
    • Blade: Feather (DE) (1)
    • Lather: Dr. Jon’s – Rose of Phrygia
    • Post Shave: D.R. Harris – Pink Aftershave
    • Fragrance: Noble Otter – Two Kings

    It always sucks when a brand we love dies. I actually arrived on the scene right as Dr. Jon’s was closing shop. Everyone was upset, so I decided to grab some things from Maggard’s clearance and understand why people were sad to see it go. Rose of Phrygia is an incredible rose scent. He nailed the realism. This doesn’t smell like grandma’s purse with her rose perfume spilled, synthetic and too strong. It smells like walking through a rose garden.

    For #fof I’m going to continue that theme, laying a rose on the grave of this brand so to speak. DR Harris Rose aftershave, and Noble Otter Two kings (which is Rose and Oud, but heavy on the rose to my nose.) It’s a bit of a rose bomb, yes. And I’ve probably passed over the “unisex” line here, but ultimately it smells good. And it is thematic for the day.

    Since we’re talking about death (in a sense). Let’s use time for #photocontest today. After all we’re all subject to it’s unyielding march. Included in this picture is a pocket watch given to me as a groomsman present at my friend’s wedding. I love that you can see the mechanics of it as it runs. I need to carry it more.

    For the challenge. You want a W_E post? I’ll give you a W_E post. My very first, W_E post, so it has to be my best. A post in the style of our current sub exile u/pridetwo over at r/wicked_edge. Go see it for yourself (Assuming u/impressive_donut114 doesn’t pull it down to stop my point spree!)

  3. u/ginopono posted on 2024-06-18 06:55:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2024-06-18 - RIP

    • Lather: Dr. Jon's - Black Label
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Hallows
    • Fragrance: Guy Laroche - Drakkar Noir
    • Razor: West Coast Shaving - Midnight 78B
    • Brush: Maggard Razors - Synthetic Tuxedo

    RIP in Pieces:
    I hadn't fully decided on what to use today, but Dr. Jon's took it. Not much more than a year ago, Dr. Jon's was apparently killed by Volvo. Volvo please fix.

    Unifying Theme: Black Labels
    What do we have here? Hmm... Black Label has vaguely yellow lettering, an aesthetic that would make it perfect for tomorrow... but it's also literally called "Black Label."

    So, too, do Hallows and Drakkar Noir. Plus, the latter is literally called "Noir." The skull of Hallows is appropriate to the day's theme, too. Finally, a black brush and a black razor called "Midnight."

    # photocontest Darkness
    Because black.

    # FOF
    I affirm that winging it is a pretty good way of putting these things together.

    I knew that Black Label is a tobacco scent, possibly of the floral variety, but definitely with some added fruitiness (strawberry, if memory serves) that may give it the impression of being the floral kind of tobacco.

    I hadn't anticipated that the dark, mossy character of Hallows would be such an excellent complement to Black Label. I also didn't consider that the "fern" notes of Drakkar Noir, being a fougère, would transition so well from the oakmoss and vetiver of Hallows, while rounding back to the lightness of Black Label.

    Wicked Edge:
    This challenge needs to be retired. You can acheive whatever it is you're going for here with a private room, a closed door, and a sock.

    In the spirit of celebrating r/wicked_edge instead of mocking them, I put up a PIF especially for our new Games players who came to this sub from r/wicked_edge.

    I was one such player a few years ago, for an iteration of the Games that was overflowing with exclusion. After seeing that, I honestly don't know what compelled me to come back the following year, but I think it had something to do with the judges acknowledging that past negativity and making an earnest effort to correct it.

    But I digress.

  4. u/MudAccording posted on 2024-06-18 08:44:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LG SOTD Jun 18 2024 - That is not dead which can eternal lie


    Theme: A bucket (of blood)

    • Brush: Alpha - Outlaw 28mm G5 knot #PREMIUMPLASTIC #SHD #TOLL
    • Razor: Merkur - Futur #ADJUSTABLE #FLIPTOP
    • Blade: Feather - New Hi-Stainless
    • Lather: Maol Grooming & Talbot Shaving - Heliopteris - Artisan Shave Soap - sample
    • Post Shave: Dr. Jon's - 8th Dimension - Aftershave tonic
    • Fragrance: JMD Jean Michel Duriez - L'illusiomagiste - Sample


    As solicited by the Lather Games rulers, this post contain mentions and depictions of cuts that go beyond safe hair removal. The following includes, but is no way limited to, NSFW and potentially triggering texts and pics.

    Reader discretion is advised

    If you feel urges of “purging” or cutting your skin, please take note of the following resources, and consider talking to a qualified health professional.


    My tribute to some shaving and fragrance companies that are no longer in business:

    • The soap is signed Maol Grooming and Talbot Shaving, two artisans who often collaborated on great soap + AS offerings
    • Dr. Jon's, whose 8th dimension AS was released as a limited edition for 2019 Black Friday
    • Jean-Michel Duriez, a French perfumer who launched his own brand after decades of working for big international houses, made it to the 2018 Perfume Guide by Luca Turin & Tanya Sanchez, and was announced as shutting down in 2021


    I have no beef with anyone on r/wicked_edge.
    I am not familiar enough with the posting style that I seem to be asked to mimic.
    But "mama raised no quitter": today I am here to fully comply to the judges requests.
    I understand that the goal is get the best shave ever with the most badass gear I have. No compromises.

    You wanted Feather? Sure: got a brand new one, sharp as a scalpel.
    And I picked my Merkur Futur, the Face Mauler.
    Shaving is all about aggressiveness + efficiency.
    What's better than Japanese medical technology combined with German heavy metal engineering?

    So, forward to the objective. DFS?
    You didn't say "amateur day challenge".
    Today I'm gonna shave until there's no more sound feedback from my razor.
    The Futur & new Feather combo provides that special toast bread scraping sound that I had previously felt only with my MM24.

    After the first pass WTG, I got just a couple of red spots, as inferred in this pic.
    But I remember some WetTuber guy saying that it's ok to get cut.
    Must persevere!

    After nineteen other passes (especially on my left side, where hair seems to be a bit more rebellious), I got the cleanest shave since I've been born. I know that in the past I objected to be asked to share pics of my shaved body parts, but I now understand, gotta be proud of accomplishments such as today's.
    As requested, here's the evidence.


    No dickholing today, but an effort to provide kind of an olfactory memorial.

    The ceremony begins with the Heliopteris, a solar and clean fougère inspired by Ancient Egypt suggestions, and with notes that seem to care about reflecting the North African theme(Egyptian geranium, Egyptian coriander, Atlas cedar).
    Helios, the sun, may appear to die at the end of each day, but its death is not eternal: a new dawn, a new day, a new life are waiting.

    We then leap to the AS, an audacious 1980s throwback to the 8th dimension: since its creation, it was a Scent from Beyond, seducing the nose with a warm wood accord, but shocking the skin with a mentholated cooling effect. Totally different style and experience with respect to Heliopteris, but the overwhelming woods have no trouble making you forget the sunny fern of the lather.

    Finally, another woody sensation - this one by a French perfumer who was tired of the "quick explosiveness" of commercial fragrances, and wanted to create scents that were mostly about the drydown.
    L'illusiomagiste is the kind of cedar-vetiver accord with a hint of citrus that I can easily fall in love. This is not the first time that I wear it, and today I am still loving it. However, more often than not, I become maddened by "undying" drydowns.

    After a long time smelling the same notes, my brains starts to impatiently ask for something different, more mobile, more lively.

    The idea of something ending is discomforting, but at the same time, we are even more scared by the prospect of being in the presence of an undying creature?


    Note to the curious: if you travel to Italy and are up to a visit off the beaten path, check out the old anatomical wax models in museums such as La Specola in Florence. Also check out the website of the University of Cagliari collection of waxworks by Clemente Susini, where you may recognize someone familiar.


  5. u/iamhonestlylying posted on 2024-06-18 13:22:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Day 18

    • Brush: SmilezforMilez – 22mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Gem 1912
    • Blade: Gem PTFE
    • Lather: Dr. Jon’s – Flowers in the Dark Soap
    • Post Shave: Taconic Shave - Lavender Lime Splash
    • Fragrance: Paco Rabanne - Phantom

    For those unfamiliar (and as a reminder for those who are), Dr. Jon's was an artisan soap maker known for their intriguing scents. They closed shortly after I started wetshaving and I only have a couple samples of their products. Flowers in the Dark wasn't your typical lavender situation. Sure, there is lavender, but it is like a lavender field visited by a rogue bolt of lightning, which struck someone and landed them in a coffin made of cedar. I absolutely love it. It’s lavender, with a faint ozone tang, a whisper of the wood of a freshly milled wood (intriguing, right?)

    Now, Dr. Jon's is no more, a victim of, well, I’m not entirely sure what. It may have been an explosion of a batch of aftershave or, in a form of poetic justice, and the founder was struck by lightning, while frolicking in a lavender field, and he’s buried in a cedar coffin. I doubt know. I couldn’t be bothered to research why they went out of business, so that’s the story I’m choosing to believe. At any rate, Dr. Jon’s absence leaves a void in the world of curiously scented shave soap. And I have mixed feelings using this sample I have, because I know it’s not going to be made anymore. Like, I know I should use it, but I really enjoy this scent and I don’t want to finish it. I clearly have issues letting go and need to talk to the therapist about it.


    I lathered up from this tiny sample, a single tear tracing a path down my cheek, which eventually helped hydrate my lather. The shave itself was like a dream. The soap is great and I couldn’t help but think of the poor founder of Dr. Jon’s getting struck by lighting and dying in that lavender field. RIP in peace 🙏🏻

    To close out the shave, kept the lavender theme going with the splash and fragrance. Taconic’s Lavender Lime splash, is fresh, floral, and refreshing – giving an entirely different lavender vibe than the soap I used. Phantom, by Paco Rabanne, is more like a brighter version of scent of the soap, bringing an earthy elements, yet with a clean, sharp bite of citrus and a creamy lavender heart that shouldn't work, but somehow ends up smelling unexpectedly cool and is very nice to wear. #FOF

    For #photocontest: bucket

    The challenge today is to be one with r/wicked_edge, but I’m not entirely sure what that means. Wicked Edge is a vast resource for wetshavers new and old! On a completely unrelated note, I want to show you all my new invention: The Triple Gem! I got tired of doing three pass shaves, so I taped extra Gem blades to the top and bottom of my 1912. Boom! I can do a 3 pass shave in the time it used to take to do a 1 pass shave! Am I brilliant or am I brilliant? I made sure to use the strongest tape I could find because I safety is my top priority. I’ll be taking pre-order starting next week!

    iamhonestlylying’s Daily Top 5:

    In honor of “RIP in Pieces”… My Top 5 Best Stores that Don’t Exist Anymore

    5.) RadioShack – Need batteries? Wires? AC adapters? A computer? Speakers? If you needed it, Radio Shack had it.

    4.) Sports Authority – 12 Year old me would spend literally hours in Sports Authority while my family would walk around the rest of the mall. It was there I bought a life-sized cut-out of Ken Griffey Jr that still lives in my parent’s basement.

    3.) Brookstone – Oh my god. They had the most useful, useless overpriced junk that I absolutely needed. Somehow, they still have an online storefront, which is shocking, because the entire appeal was walking in, sitting in the massage chair, and maybe splurging on an impulse purchase of a portable weather-station.

    2.) Toys R Us – If 12 year old me loved Sports Authority, Toys R Us was for ages 4-11. Man, it was something special when my parents brought me there. Just had to make sure I avoided the pink aisles like the plague. God forbid any of my 10 year old friends see me even look down that aisle. Don’t want anyone to start any rumors…

    1.) Blockbuster – They could have had it all. Instead, they banked on the fact that people wanted to browse movie rentals in a physical location instead of relying on the fad of the internet. Whoops! Shootout to that one remaining Blockbuster in Oregon that’s refusing to admit defeat. It’s like the Japanese soldiers that stayed in the jungle after WWII because they thought the war was still going on.

  6. u/brokenjaw622 posted on 2024-06-18 13:26:00-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 18, 2024

    • Brush: AP Shave Co AP 400 22MM GELOUSY SHD FAN Badger

    • Razor: Gillette 1962 Slim H 2

    • Lather: Mickey Lee Soapworks - Pantie Dropper

    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Dickens

    • Fragrance: Azzaro - The Most Wanted Parfum

    RIP in Pieces day.

    First I would like to thank everyone who commented about my kid. He is doing much better today. He woke up around 10:00am. He’s been awake ever since and we’ve been able to get some food into his stomach and the color is starting to comeback into his face. When he woke up this morning he was completely white washed.

    This day I was in a panic over. I had nothing I could use. But thanks to u/souleater7173 for sending me this smoosh of Mickey Lee Soapworks pantie dropper. What an amazing soap. The smell is fantastic and just a little bit of water and a damp brush the lather was abundant. I had so much left over I was wishing I did not use as much of the smoosh as I did. But now I am on the search for more.

    When he sent it to me and told me what it was, I told him I already have an idea for my picture and what splash and frag to use.

    If you get the panties to drop, and the dickens proper, you will definitely be the most wanted.

    Now for today’s challenge

    Hello all,

    I’ve been reading and lurking around here for a few months now. A few posts here and there but nothing of a substance. Well that changes today! I thought I made a friend in u/souleater7173 ! Boy was I wrong. Can you believe he would send me a soap called gasp Pantie Dropper. I almost spilled my tea when I read his message. Let me tell you something, the missus was none to pleased either! I came here looking for like minded folks who loved the art of Wet Shaving, not soaps with names like that! Pure Smut! I’m disgusted and disappointed! If it wasn’t for the name of the soap I would ask him if I could buy a sample from him, personal check or money order of course. I don’t trust sending money through the internet. I only trust Amazon but that’s only to get Proraso and my vitamins. Ya know what for get this whole post! I’m done here. You all lost what could a been a great member of this community but because of one dirty minded member I’ll be taking my ball and going home!

    Photo Contest Humor my wife bought me this t-shirt 16 years ago

    #ROTY #FOF #Photocontest.

  7. u/Tetriside posted on 2024-06-18 14:01:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024 - R.I.P.

    • Brush: Semogue 610 #OLDWORLD #SMOLL
    • Razor: RazoRock Lupo Silver #RAINBOW
    • Blade: Wizamet (32)
    • Lather: Australian Private Reserve – Passione
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Daydream
    • Fragrance: Australian Private Reserve / Southern Witchcrafts - Gravefruit

    Challenge: Hey, I've been lurking for a while. I met this guy Douglas, or maybe it was Erik, on Facebook. He seemed like a cool dude. He made soap with cool labels, and didn't let the haters get to him. He Petal Pushed some Fancy shaving stuff on me, and now I'm hooked.

    I'm still new to this. So, I was hoping you could give me some pointers. I use Feather blades because they're the sharpest. I added a few shims to get some positive blade exposure. There were 5 blades in the pack. I need one to shave with. I hope the other 4 are enough. I corked my blade to make sure it was as sharp as possible. But, first I corked my cork to make sure it was corky enough. So, I'm doing all the things I've read to do, and I keep getting these bumps on my face. What gives?

    Passione is a passion fruit fougere. As I load the soap I smell notes of passion fruit, lavender, and oakmoss. As I'm lathering, I get brightness from the passion fruit, and fresh green notes alongside the lavender. It's light for a fougere. I never really picked up any base notes. I imagine there are more layers to this in eau de toilette form. It still smells great. It’s energetic. It would be great for a morning shave. The fragrance makes me feel like I can switch on my extroversion and greet new faces. The fact that I'll never get to smell Passione in its full glory makes me sad.

    Daydream isn't a fougere. But, it does share notes of passion fruit and oakmoss. Sweet bergamot is joined by notes of sharp passion fruit and bright lemon to create a pleasant and calming effect. Green tea and a touch of oakmoss offer some contrast to the sweet citrus. It pairs well with Passione. Daydream is approachable, pleasant, and tranquil. I love shaving with it. I need to pick up the frag at some point.

    I don’t have any fragrances with passion fruit. So, I grabbed the only Australian Private Reserve frag I have, Gravefruit, from their collaboration with Southern Witchcrafts. The grapefruit note in this is fragrant, zesty, bright citrus, and tart. A ting of yuzu adds some sweetness. There are hints of woody and green notes, and maybe a grassy note. But, this is a citrus bomb. I love it. It’s perfect for summer. But, I’m afraid to use it. I have FORO (fear of running out).

    #photocontest - Sugar & Sweets


  8. u/kitaecw posted on 2024-06-18 14:22:54-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    RIP in Pieces

    • Brush: Yaqi Ferrari
    • Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable
    • Blade: Bic
    • Lather: Palmolive Shaving Stick

    Palmolive Shaving Stick Has been discontinued for many years, so it is somewhat on theme.


    Time. Not available items are just a matter of time.

    Today’s Challenge:

    Wicked Edge

    I found this shaving stick in some small shop during a trip and the razor is some vintage Gillette from Ebay. The shave was great, just a few nicks. Waiting for my Rockwell razor though.

  9. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2024-06-18 14:49:32-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024 – LG 18: RIP in Pieces

    • Brush: Maggard Purple Swirl Synthetic
    • Razor: Gillette Tech
    • Blade: Voskhod (2)
    • Lather: Australian Private Reserve – Lavioletta
    • Post Shave: London Razors – Mountain Laurel
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Just Right for a Tuesday

    Today I headed over to Ross, where I know they always have cheap ~~proraso~~ APR for like 5 bucks. They didn’t have any AS so I hopped in the car to TJMaxx to get some ~~Nivea~~ overstock from London Razors AS. Luckily I also found some BM frags there too, great spot for niche pick ups instead of the department stores. The feathers I got are super sharp, so I corked it several times which somehow turned it into a voskhod. That made it so I then had to shim it to get it back to the right sharpness. Then I loaded up some GeoFatBoy and KenSurfs videos to make sure my technique was right.

    For our #FOF today, APR lavioletta is a bright lavender and violet forward scent. It’s crisp, clean, a vibrant green forward scent. Quick notes of citrus quickly heed to floral lavender backed by a lightly mossy and woody base. LR ML is another bright and floral scent, especially in AS form. I find the cedar also distinctly comes through. Lastly, continue with floral forwards we get to BM Tuesday. It’s a safe and versatile scent, relying heavily on lavender and violets like todays soap. There’s a light spice from the vetiver and nutmeg, keeping the scent from being one dimensional.

    For our #PHOTOCONTEST we went with soccer (aka football). Brand new Liverpool Football Club ball seemed ripe for the photo.

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Down vote for Scouser ball

  10. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-18 20:09:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024

    • Brush: Omega Penelli White HI-BRUSH Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Talbot Shaving – Holland Glen

    Today I used the dead brand Talbot. I bought this sample on a whim probably a year ago. Its scent had me confused ant first but it comes together. Off the tub, I got a lot of citrus and some floral notes. The citrus made no sense, but it worked. A little added brightness. As I used the soap, it became more damp. Predominently moss. Not oakmoss, but moss from a saturated forest floor, straight from Vancouver island. It definitely has the spraying spring water feeling from the top notes and a mossy dry down. It’s almost what I would expect waking up early morning when backpacking. This leads me to the time I did wake up backpacking, my tent pitched in a small clearing on moss (extremely comfy by the way). My gf and now wife were hiking a ridge line on our first overnight. We got behind, and ended on top of a mountain with the sun setting, wind whipping. Not a good spot to be. We couldn’t see trail markers any longer so made the call to hike down on the first path we were able to do so. At about 11pm, we Picked a spot slightly below tree line, on a small clearing of moss. All night, a mouse was trying to get into the tent so my partner incessantly smacked the tent to scare it. Terrible sleep. Woke up at 5am, as the sun was coming up. The same damp mossy earthy smell. Clean. We learned the mouse was a small branch in the wind that kept rubbing the tent with the breeze. We hiked another mile or so to the mountain top we came from down from and then hiked the ridge by ourselves for hours. It was an incredible experience. Wildlife was waking with us and not scared by the crowds yet. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to not make it to the campsite.

    Challenge: TLDR; talbot holland glen smells like Irish spring soap, except not as good. It’s honestly not as good as a shave soap either. I can save time and money just using bar soap. What have you discovered about shaving that is a surprise to you?


    Today the theme is wood for #photocontest

  11. u/bacconchop posted on 2024-06-18 20:33:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    RIP in Pieces

    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Vitae Taper w/AP Shave Co. 26mm Pure Bliss Knot
    • Razor: Yates Precision Polished Winning Razor
    • Blade: Personna - Comfort Coated
    • Lather: Archaic Alchemy - Agave
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Ramblin' Man Aftershave Balm
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - 福

    Daily Gratitude
    Thanks to Tetriside for the soap smoosh. Thanks to m... what... I feel... like a wicked edger... it's taking over...

    Thank you to u/StBandicootchie for always being my favorite mod in the world, and for protecting me from you weirdo's at wetshaving until I absolutely had to go here.

    Erm... what the sigma, this shave was terrible! I thought now that I bought this new straight razor to replace my gillette super razor would mean I would get good shaves, especially since I got the winning one! I even got shaving soap to lather up perfectly, just like barbasol. Not even to mention that I got the perfect angle.

    Unlike you nerds in r/wetshaving us wicked edgers actually touch grass, and I demonstrated that in the SOTD photo.

    I even went outside of my usual arko and barbasol to match your stupid lather games prompt that actually doesn't make since because RIP stands for rest in peace and that means that this prompt is rest in peace in pieces. I did this by using this soap from Archaic Alchemy which is only extinct because you guys are evil and you guys ganged up on them.

    And today I tried using aftershave and stinky cologne for the first time, agave is sweet so I went with some super sweet summery bright scents, I went with Ramblin' Man which I found out is actually a soap smell made by Creed, i'm pretty sure creed is about a boxer and boxing is mean and dangerous, is there a website to warn me about having any scents that are made by evil companies that are trying to make me violent? For the cologne I went with 福 因为它是猛犸象公司出品的柑橘花香,而柑橘就像龙舌兰一样适合夏天。

    TL;DR poop fart brain wicked edging year rookie winner a razor.

    Side Contests



  12. u/Eructate posted on 2024-06-18 20:43:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024 - RIP in Pieces

    • Prep: Warm Shower
    • Brush: Chisel and Hound Kingfisher - V12
    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy Titanium Razor #CNC
    • Blade: Feather (1)
    • Lather: K Shave Worx - Saratoga
    • Post Shave: K Shave Worx - Saratoga
    • Fragrance: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag

    For today, I used my absolute favorite K Shave Worx scent. This is one of those scents that I don't want to use because I don't want it to be gone, but I want to use it because it's just too good. I have been looking forward to pairing this set with Stag because, to my nose, Saratoga is just a sweetened version of Stag. The leather from both mixed better than I thought, and I will almost certainly be using Stag every time I use Saratoga.

    As for the shave, I think I am doing something wrong. For some reason, I am getting these bumps after I shave. You can barely see them, but they are there. I used the alum like I have been told, but I am getting quite a bit of razor burn followed by the bumps. Any tips would be great! I also don't understand why I have this growth after just a couple of hours. I used Feather blades today because I want to be able to go three days with no growth, and I figured since the Feathers were so sharp, that would help. Could it have something to do with this razor? I keep hearing something about riding the cap, but then I feel like I am rubbing the bare cap across my face. It isn't until I lower the angle again that it seems like I am cutting any hair. Honestly, I will probably get one of those slant razors from PAA because I hear those are more aggressive and should help. If anyone has any experience with one of the PAA razors, I would appreciate your opinion. If I go that route, when I order the razor I could also pick up some soap from them and the cube since lack of pre-shave might also be my problem.

    PHOTOCONTEST - Baseball

    Candidate for best shot: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Really nice shot

  13. u/souleater7173 posted on 2024-06-18 21:28:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 18, 2024 - what's a little crack between friends

    • Brush: Zenith Copper Scrubby 28mm B36
    • Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley (Brass, SB-C)
    • Blade: Wizamet
    • Lather: Australian Private Reserve - Coeur de Vert
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Teacher's Pet
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Lavender, Interrupted

    What's up guys, today we're trying something new. I've never ever used a pre-shave. Here on W_E, we like to embody the spirit of going big and going bold in everything we do, so for today's pre-shave I decided to melt down some of my soap and apply it to my face in wax form to really get my skin prepped to lather with this scrubby brush. Step one, take about 1/4 of your smush and put it in a plastic spoon (plastic is important, it tells you if you're getting the soap too hot). Step two, grab your handy lighter and melt down some the soap. Step three, allow to cool slightly, then massage into your skin. Step four, bowl lather as normal. Gotta say, I'm unimpressed with the results. Other than the 1^st degree burns, this form of preshave in no way enhanced my shave. The soap was still amazingly slick, and provided plenty of cushion for the blade after sloughing off the burnt skin with this super scrubby brush. I recommend everyone give this a shot at least once. Thank you for reading my shave of the day, and I hope everything learned a little something about warm pre-shaves.

    In all seriousness, I didn't do this. This idea seems far fetched even for the Wicked Edge of old. That sub has come a long way from the days of blood and gore in every post, and now contains some seriously informative content in more cases than not (I just wish I could find any of it behind all the random one-off posts).

    I want to give a huge shout-out to /u/oswald_heist for this smush of APR Coeur de Vert. I really, really liked this soap base even though the scent turned out to not be my thing. A second huge shout-out to /u/JoboozeRum for lending me this Karve CB. I decided to use the plate I already have on the aluminum to get started testing it out.

    For theme and relevancy sake: APR is defunct. I paired it with SBS Teacher's Pet because that scent is no longer produced (please bring it back), and I felt like the darker apple scent provided a good bridge to the frag. I chose Lavender, Interrupted as the frag to really dirty up the fresh, green Mousse de Saxe lingering from the lather. These paired together much better than I could've hoped.

    Photo Contest theme is The Elements: Fire. I had a dumb idea of putting the spoon I scooped the smush out of the paper with over a lighter to really evoke the crack imagery we tend to joke about with some of these unobtanium soaps. I think it worked. #photocontest.