Post 'Sunday Lather Games Thursday SOTD Thread - Jun 16, 2024' of challenge 'Feats of Fragrance 2024'

Reddit post
The number of participants is 13
  1. u/bmac92 posted on 2024-06-15 23:48:30-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 – 2024.06.16 SOTD: Lather Games Day 16 – Father’s Day

    • Brush: AP Shave Co Ruby Ripple 24mm Cashmere
    • Razor: Henson AL13+
    • Blade: Wizamet (1)
    • Lather: Barbasol – Shaving Cream Soothing Aloe
    • Post Shave: Calvin Klein – Obsession Balm
    • Fragrance: Ralph Lauren – Polo Green

    Daily Theme: Father's Day

    Theme justification: Barbasol Shaving Cream is currently produced by Perio Inc. Their "about us" page states that they come from a line of dental companies, "the first of which was founded in 1903." 1903 was before I was born.

    Also, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! I know it's not an easy job, but it does mean a lot. Here's to you!

    Relevant Post Shave & Frag: Continuing the "older than me" theme (plus paying homage to my father and grandfather). I'm using CK Obsession Aftershave balm. The [Calvin Klein fashion house was founded in 1968]( My frag is Ralph Lauren Polo Green. Ralph Lauren was founded in 1967. Both are older than I am. As a bonus, my grandfather wore Obsession (and used Barbasol) and my dad wore Polo Green.

    Scavenger Hunt ~~Justification~~: COMPLETED

    Razor facts: N/A

    Brush facts: N/A

    Daily/Special Challenge: Leg Day!


    First off, I'd like to state that I know I'm posting this extremely early in the day. My shave did, in fact, occur on 2024.06.16. I decided I wanted to get this done ASAP, so I took a night shower and shaved right after.

    Probably the challenge I was looking forward to the least outside of WetTuber Day. As I said for that challenge, though, mama didn’t raise no bitch.

    This challenge did make me change my calendar. I had to make an impromptu stop at Target yesterday to pick up some Barbasol. I had planned on using some brush-less Cella cream, but I only have a sample of that. Hence the trip to Target. Thankfully it was only a couple bucks. Plus, I found this neat stackable drawer for my razors, so that was nice.

    First thing I needed to do was for this shave was read /u/Newtothethis's guide on shaving legs. It was very informative. I grabbed my trusted Henson+, loaded a Wizamet, and got to work.

    To start, shorts for me are just above the knee. So that's where I'll be shaving to. Started with my left leg. Okay, everything is going fine. Just going section by section, like the guide told me to do. First part done (first pass). Left leg first pass done.

    Not too bad at all!

    Now, here's where the pictures stop a bit (mainly because I was in a groove). I forgot that I have some scars on my right leg that make my skin not smooth. Childhood injuries et al. As a result, I had a decent amount of blood, especially just below my right knee. I cleaned it up before taking a picture of my 1 pass legs. Nothing too major, all things considered.

    Pass number two was a lot easier. Without the hair clogging up my razor I was able to make quick work on the ATG pass. The result was some smooth legs. Sorry for the blood in the photo. Unfortunately, I did forget to take a before photo, but you can see me hair in my

    Overall, not a terrible job. The worst part about this shave was dealing with the clogging razor. Seemed like every inch or so the razor would clog. Guess my leg hair was denser than I thought. Also, I abandoned the brush about halfway through. It worked fine, but it was quicker just to glob it on with my hands.

    *Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder. Any unauthorized use of these photos will result in lengthy litigation where we both have to explain what they hell we're doing this month.

    Fragrance description

    For this, I'm just going to focus on Polo Green. This scent sparks a lot of memories for me since it is what my dad wore when I was growing up (mostly). That's not to say they are all good memories. The mix of pine and leather create a distinct smell that brings me back to childhood.

    Now onto the shave!

    I covered the shave in detail under the challenge header. The barbasol worked well enough for this task, with the Henson razor being the best choice for the job due to its mild nature. The CK balm was actually quite nice on my bare legs.


    • Razor Hashtags: 10/10
    • Brush Hashtags: 10/10
    • Hardware Sponsor Points: 2/2
    • Software Sponsor Points: 11/16
    • Number of Lather Brands: 16/30
    • Number of Lather Scents: 16/30
    • Number of Post Shaves: 16/30
    • Number of Frags: 16/30

    Contest Hashtags:



  2. u/Priusaurus posted on 2024-06-16 04:00:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024

    • Brush: Farvour Turncraft - Baby Blue Fordite - 26mm AP Shave Co Independent Synthetic
    • Razor: GEM MMOC
    • Blade: GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Taylor of Old Bond Street - Avocado Shaving Cream
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving – Heather Splash
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving – Heather EdT


    So this morning, I posted the bullshit below about how I wasn't going to shave my legs today, something something revolution, blah, blah, blah.... And some of you fools actually bought it. That's what separates the winners from the ~~losers~~ not winners. I had a busy fucking day today, celebrating three different Father's Days, so I shaved my legs in the car, with my 3.5 yr old twins in the backseat, and my wife driving. Ensuring we following Rule 3.4 aka "The u/MrTangerinesky Rule"


    I forgot to take a before picture, so here's a screengrab of from the video. And here's the after: Hakuna MaFUCKINGtata indeed. Silky smooth. Oh, and leg shaving is no joke: GORE WARNING HERE'S MY BLEEDING LEGS. Maybe next time, I don't shave my legs in the car with an MMOC?

    The Original SOTD Post below:

    ~~The judges think they're real funny doing a surprise leg shave day challenge on Father's Day. Real cute, guys. But you know what,~~ ~~for the first time in my Lather Games career, I'm skipping a challenge~~~~. I'm gonna bet on myself and not worry about the .2 points. And I suggest everyone else do the same. We need to send a message to the judges that we, the people, have power around here! Sure, the Lather Games wouldn't exist without these people who volunteer much of their time and get nothing in return.... BUT... The Lather Games also wouldn't exist without us, The Participants! And I'm tired and being pushed around by their challenges! And I'm not gonna take it anymore! If everyone joins me and skips this absurd challenge, no one gets an advantage and we ALL head into tomorrow without the .2 points for this challenge and we can pretend like it never happened. We need to take the power back! Now,~~ ~~WHO'S WITH ME~~~~?? VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!~~

    Now, on to the shave:

    To celebrate Father’s Day, I’m shaving with TOBS, because that’s probably what my dad learned to shave with a bazillion years ago. I feel like TOBS is like the Sears and Roebuck of the wetshaving world and the year is 1995. At one point, they were the powerhouse of shaving and one of the only games in town… Then a little upstart or two comes along and TOBS isn’t worried. “We have our reputation and a big customer base,” they’ll arrogantly say. Then slowly their market share gets chipped away, bit by bit. Not enough to be worrisome at all, but just enough where executive think: “That’s weird. I guess it was a down year.”

    But the next year is down too. And so is the next one. And your customer base start to (1) realize there are much better options out there and (2) they all start to die because they’re old. It wasn’t good for Sears and it can’t be good for TOBS. As we’ve learned, just because you’re a big company doesn’t mean you can’t fail (unless you’re a bank or car company) and I doubt King Charles will be bailing out Taylor of Old Bond St when they inevitably (hopefully) go under. There’s so much better stuff out there. We know it. And it’s only a matter of time before their customers find out about it too.

    As far as the scents of the day go, TOBS Avocado is a “fresh fougere” according to TOBS’ website and while I don’t quite smell that, the soapmakers’ word is canon around these parts. To my nose, it almost smells a little cucumber and powdery. The scent is fine, but nothing to write home about. For my splash, we have Spearhead’s Heather splash and the matching EdT. While TOBS Avocado is a basic scented “fougere”, Heather a wonderfully complex scent that is perfect for any day of the week. It has fresh green notes, clean lavender, and bright bergamot. Wearing the scents of Heather took my scents of the day from meh to pretty damn good. #FOF

    Challenge: ~~I’ve addressed this above.~~~~. Now, if only I had a suggestion for the judges on what they~~ ~~can do with those .2 points…~~ Champions never quit. Of course I shaved my legs. I wish I used a better soap than TOBS though.

    Soap Theme Justification: TOBS has been around like a bazillion years.

    Relevant Post Shave & Fragrance: Fougere on Fougere on Fougere.

  3. u/ginopono posted on 2024-06-16 07:14:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    2024-06-16 - Smooth

    • Lather: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac (1845)
    • Post Shave: Lucky Tiger - Aspen (1935)
    • Fragrance: Creed - Aventus (1760!)
    • Razor: Gilette Tech (1964, this razor)
    • Brush: West Coast Shaving Two Tone (meh)

    Unifying Theme: Older than me, and you can bet I was born after 1935.

    Leg Day: Some of you guys are really opposed to this prospect. What kind of misogynistic, toxically-masculine ideas did your fathers instill into you?

    Whatever. Leg-shaving is awesome and I don't know why it's been 11 months since I last did it. At least it makes the super airy feeling feel more exceptional. I very well may go back over them tomorrow, because I did not get as close as I would have liked.

    (E: In my zeal, I overlooked the before/after part of the challenge, but it is—strictly speaking—in the video, even if it's not very clear. It went well, though I was reminded that that little ledge, being against the shower wall, is quite restrictive when doing the left leg. It occurs to me I would do well to stretch more; I figure I'd be a bit more flexible if I did this regularly.)

    I think there's really something to using longer-handled razors for leg-shaves. Last year, I chose my longest one, because it's often said that that's useful. Today, I went with the Tech because of the day's theme even though it's shorter, plus I thought the Tech head would be mild enough, considering that I have a Travel Tech reserved for shaving the, uh... But I digress. Yeah, a longer handle would probably have been good.

    The biggest problem I had with today's shave was with the fact that my nose was full of Tabac the whole time. I thought I was going to choke to death on powder. Lucky Tiger leans pretty heavily into powderiness, too, and of course I used a fair amount of that in order to get coverage.
    You'd think that Creed would offer some relief, but I've come to determine that I do not care for Aventus, to the point that I'm kind of baffled that it has the reputation that it does. It's just so damn fruity, but still doesn't overcome the diaper-bag stench of Tabac.

  4. u/Str8_Razor posted on 2024-06-16 08:47:00-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    LG 16 - Father's Day

    • Brush: Rubberset - original vintage Boar #HOLLOW #RUNT
    • Razor: Gem Micromatic OC
    • Blade: - Personna GEM
    • Lather: Old Seaforth! - Heather
    • Post Shave: The Razor Company - POMP
    • Fragrance: Guerlaine - Habit Rouge EDT

    Seaforth! Heather, it's totally unscented, well not exactly it has some rancid stink, but it can give a good lather for shaving still. The Rubberset suffers from galloping alopecia, I should replace the old-boar.

    I had a sleeping witness of leg shaving, Looking at the photo I should go over some remaining hairs.

    .#FOF Rose

  5. u/scribe__ posted on 2024-06-16 10:10:10-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16 - Having some Margaritas in the Attic Day 4

    • Brush: Semogue 610 21mm Boar

    • Razor: Razorock Mamba

    • Blade: Asco Platinum Orange

    • Lather: Stirling - Margaritas in the Arctic Soap

    • Post Shave: Lucky Tiger Splash

    • Post Shave: Fine - L'Orange Nior Splash

    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Sonder EdP

    Orange zest at night

    Citrus, manliness, and class

    I feel sexy yo


  6. u/hugbckt posted on 2024-06-16 10:21:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 – LG Day 16 – Father’s Day

    • Brush: Omega Model 10048 Pro 48 Chrome Handle Boar
    • Razor: Razorock Mamba 70
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
    • Lather: Proraso – Menthol and Eucalyptus
    • Post Shave: Long Rifle Soap Co. – 1776 – Tonic
    • Fragrance: Olympic Orchids – Dev #2: The Main Act – Parfum

    It may be Father’s Day, but this shave is much more akin to how my mother probably shaves. Proraso was founded in 1908, nearly ninety years before I was born, and almost a half-century before my Dad was born. It’s not what my Dad shaves with, though. Last I checked, he shaves in the shower, with Irish Spring soap and a 3-blade cartridge, though he used to use Bic disposables. I think he probably taught me how to shave, but if he did, I don’t remember it. That might be related to why I started growing and keeping a beard at the age of 14.

    Today’s shave is inspired by my father in a different way. The soap keeps with the theme, but this old puck smells vague, clean, and soapy. Not quite the Irish Spring my father uses, but it has the same vibe. 1776, in addition to the mahogany scent that reminds me of school field trips to Lexington & Concord, has a tobacco leaf aspect that reminds me of the pipe my Dad used to smoke on special occasions, particularly while camping in Vermont every summer (until my parents split). The cigarettes he and my Mom smoked were abhorrent and not a smell I romanticize, but the scent of dried pipe tobacco in his leather bag is a magical fragrance – the scent of safety, youth, and a more carefree time of my life. Dev 2 represents the other thing I associate most with my father – the Catholic Church, which we devotedly attended every Sunday with exceptions only made for significant illness. This parfum of course is meant to evoke our more animalistic intentions (and how could it not, with such deep, resinous seduction), but the liturgical incense note is unmistakable, harkening to Holy Thursday mass and others, where incense would remind us of the solemnity of the occasion. #FOF

    Shaving my legs up to my nethers took so damn long. It’s not like I wasn’t warned, but I think the whole process took me nearly two hours. The hair clogged up the razor constantly, but I was too nervous to use something like the Ever Ready 1912 that might not have clogged so quickly. My body hair is pretty dark, pretty thick, and my legs are pretty long. But Mama didn’t raise a quitter, so I stuck with it. It looks weird and I know it’s going to itch like hell, but we did it, folks. Unlike some, I’m not phoning it in (*cough cough*, u/Priusaurus).

    Edit: fixed broken link

  7. u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2024-06-16 11:07:37-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 – LG 16: Fathers Day

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR Boar r/wetshaving #SUBBROOSH
    • Razor: Gillette Old Type
    • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
    • Lather: Proraso – Proraso Green
    • Post Shave: Clubman Pinaud – Lilac Vegetal
    • Fragrance: Taylor of Old Bond Street – Jermyn Street

    Happy Father’s Day! Or in my case, you are not the father. Today, every brand is older than me, and that is the linking factor, including hardware. We have Proraso (1908), Clubman Pinaud (1810), TOBS (1854), Gillette (1901), and Zenith (1902).

    As for #FOF, the link today was more on age, but we’ll chat a bit anyway. Proraso green is a fairly light eucalyptus and menthol. Lilac vegetal is severely lacking in the lilacs, oh my god, it’s so horrible. It’s like if the worst tasting medicine had a scent, and you mixed that with a used urinal cake, then sprinkled with baby powder to try and cover the stench. Jermyn street is a fresh and modern “Cologne like” fougere. Pretty heavy on the citrus.

    As for our #PHOTOCONTEST, we went with DIY. It seemed fitting for the Father’s Day theme today. My dad was not much of a DIYer, but that’s ok, his strengths were elsewhere. But as a relatively new homeowner myself, we got some tools to try and do basic stuff because some things are just crazy expensive. A few triumphs. I’ve successfully fixed the AC in my old, made cornhole boards, fixed our washer, and made a compost bin.

    As for today’s challenge, ain’t happening. Also, those old types have serious blade feel. I’m typing this from the airport (sorry Mr Miasma, didn’t shave here) and no way was leg shave going down right before vacation.

    soap brands 16/30, post shave 16/30, frag 16/30, post/frag linked 16/30, software sponsors 11/16, hardware sponsors 7/2, razor hashtags 9/15, brush hashtags 10/15, photo contest 16/30, daily challenges 13/26, special challenges 2/4

  8. u/brokenjaw622 posted on 2024-06-16 11:39:10-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Jun. 16, 2024

    • Brush: Rudy Vey Muehle 24mm STF #PREMIUMPLASTIC

    • Razor: Edwin Jagger 111W

    • Blade: Astra Green [1]

    • Lather: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original

    • Post Shave: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original

    • Fragrance: Maurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original

    Happy Father’s Day!

    Went with Tabac today. Maurer & Wirtz is older than all of us so was a pretty easy choice. Yup another dickhole, but if you are gonna stank, you might as well stank the stankiest one can stank.

    I have to admit, I like the scent of the soap and the frag. The aftershave reminds me of whatever air freshener/cleaner/bug spray that you smell when you walk into a cheap motel anywhere up and down I95. For my Jersey peeps, the motels up and down Rt. 1 from Elizabeth to New Brunswick. Think the Loop Inn back in the 80’s and 90’s or Lee’s in Edison.

    Today’s challenge is a no go for me. I was going to do it, but it’s going to be in the 90’s all week and I wear jeans for work with high socks and boots. I don’t feel like dealing with any irritation or nicks/cuts.

    Photo Contest Theme Birds Why birds? Because Tabac aftershave is just that. For the birds.

    #ROTY #FOF #PhotoContest

  9. u/tsrblke posted on 2024-06-16 11:44:40-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 – Manly Men (Tight Tights!)

    • Brush: The hands of the Tsar
    • Razor: Bic Sensative #rainbow
    • Blade: whatever comes in a bic
    • Lather: Barbasol – Classic Shaving Cream, Brushless Cream
    • Post Shave: Clubman Pinaud – Citrus Musk
    • Fragrance: Acquia de Parma – Colonia

    Happy Father’s Day to all those who are dads.

    Today’s shave is old brands. Because all dads are old I guess? (I know I feel old sometimes.) Coming up with old brands can be hard in this hobby because we all love new! Nevertheless, I’m pulling out my Barbersol 1919 for today. It’s a passible shave, but the cremo was better to be honest. Now a Giilette Razor would obviously qualify for “older than me.” But I want to go with an iconic Bic disposable. Why? Well, this shave is a bit of a tribute to my dad.

    See, I mentioned before dad taught me to shave with dial soap and a Bic razor. It was horrible. Dial soap isn’t even a shave cream (and thus ineligible for LG or I’d use it today.) Dad was…poorly trained in the arts of self-grooming. So the bic is for him. But also the Barbersol. See, in the last decade or so, dad has upgraded to canned Babersol foam. Still the Bic razors though. Now I suppose it’s better than dial, but one day I’ll convince him to try one of my razors. Maybe the injector once I get it back from u/hugbckt. (Since it’s the closest to a Bic). Or you know what, he can keep the bic, but maybe I’ll get him some good soap and a brush and he can at least get a decent non-drying lather. Chances I get him to shave his legs…well non-zero actually because I think he has knee surgery coming up.

    For #fof I cannot honor dad here. You think a guy who uses dial soap has any splash or cologne? Nope. But I choose brands that are also older than me. Clubman, in citrus musk form to play off the citrus in the barbersol, and Acqua di Parma – Colonna, because I got it from my wife in a small travel kit and it has a note that compliments the citrus musk all over my legs. I had never smelled it before, but it puts the cap on this.

    For #photocontest, let’s go black and white. Like old black and white films. Yes, with the yellow razor it makes no sense, but neither does any of this month. Let’s talk about the challenge. I had originally planned this as a shave in honor of my dad (as the writeup shows). So now it’s a leg shave in honor of him I guess.

    The challenge came with zero warning, worth 0.2 pts (unlike last year where it was worth 1). I suspect (and conversation on the Saturday DQ thread and discord support the idea) that most people are going to skip it for a variety of reasons. Only the super committed to completing every challenge will stick it out. I understand the idea behind springing it on us last minute, alas there is no bonus point for completing every challenge. And oversight I suggest is rectified next year. I could probably skip it, I’m so far behind in my target at this point I doubt it matters. But this is not about points. It’s about the love of the game. Plus, I promised u/newtothethis at least one leg shave this month and that I would shave on leg day. Now the planned leg shave is later in the calendar, but she’s doing the no scrub list today. I don’t intend to let her down because my dad taught me to keep my promises. So she gets two from me. Now a lot of people will try to tell you that they’re protesting should count for something, but meh. Planned shenanigans are planned, sometime rehashes of last year. Those are the easy points I suppose (judges seem to love it). You plan months in advance and execute something. As my father would say “Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.” My son threw a fit this morning, I have to cut the lawn, then I have to go out with family. Still, I made time for the challenge. Is that Legendary? Apparently for this year’s crop it is. None of y’all can adapt. Well I did. And I did fabulous.

    Before pics. Lessons were learned from last year and so I knocked the growth down with a trimmer/clippers first to make it go easier. After Pics. Now then I’m off to celebrate Father’s Day with my family. They may or may not notice my smooth legs. If they do, I don’t have to explain myself. They already know I’m crazy.

  10. u/Environmental-Gap380 posted on 2024-06-16 11:53:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 - Old Man Leg Day

    • Brush: Semogue Owners Club - Cherry Wood
    • Razor: Gillette English Ball End Tech
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet
    • Lather: Williams - Mug Soap
    • Post Shave: Thayers Facial - Toner Rose Petal
    • Fragrance: Ralph Lauren - Polo Cologne Intense


    Today’s theme:

    Every brand used predates me. I was born in 1970. Williams soap started in 1840 and went out of production around 2022. Thayers started making their products in 1847. King Camp Gillette first started work on his patented safety razor in 1895, but the company was incorporated in 1901. Just like cartridges today, the business used safety razors to sell blades. The Gillette Techs come later being introduced in 1939. This one has notched cap so manufactured likely between 1964 and 1973. There is no date code that I can see, just Gillette Made in England under the plate. P4 would be my birthday razor. Semogue brushes started being made in 1954 in Portugal. The one would fit the OLDWORLD tag, but I finished my scavenger hut a few days ago. Last the youngest company represented start in 1967, Ralph Lauren. This cologne was introduced in 1978, but the company at least started before 1970. So I kept it pretty old school today.

    I had thought about going vintage lady razors. I picked up this vintage Curvfit Razor -for personal daintiness. It had two blades in that tuck, but both had rust along the edge. I didn’t trust it enough, nor want to test the tetanus booster I got earlier this year. From the drawings on the box and instructions, it looks more intended for axillary depilation. I also had a couple other vintages I could try, like my Wilkinson Sword Empire 7-Day Razor, or Ever Ready Shovelhead 1924.,:but while the Wilkinson is worth 2-3 hashtags (7 day, non-disposable, and carbon steel safety), it is close to stock. The strop is still wrapped in waxed paper, but it took a hard bump sometime and the bakelite blade organizer is broken near the hinge. It is a pretty amazing little razor though. Kind of wanted to show that at the same time men were being sold razors like the Empire, women were marketed that gimmicky Curvfit or the Kewtie. I think Curvfit was sold from the 1930s to the 1950s. This one looks to be post war. The packaging for the earlier ones is more Art Deco.

    Leg Day:

    This is the second goofiest challenge presented so far (tomorrow tops it). I certainly did shave my legs last year, and due to some circulation issues, didn’t really need to shave again. I never had very hairy legs, and it is pretty fine and blond or light brown, but several years ago, most of the hair below the knee went away. Even the wiry ones on my big toe. There is still some there, but it is very faint and hard to get in a photo. To meet this challenge, I needed to shave all the way up. So I made a lather in my vintage Old Spice Mug. It was pretty dry and I had to work more water into it, but it just kept drying out in the mug. Dry lather in pic 1, but better not great in pic 2. After leg lathering to kept from loading more lather and drying up, I started to shave. Not safe for lunch. As you can see, I found some hairs to shave. I ended up redoing the lather several times. This Williams soap just starts to go away after a bit. I finally finished up smoothing my legs.Just one pass took longer than my normal shave routine. Lots of Thayers ~~Facial~~ Leg Toner to sooth the dry itchiness this left.

    Feats of Fragrance:

    Ok Williams Mug Soap has the scent of soap. That’s it, just soap. Starting with an empty palette today. To keep my vintage vibe going, my choices were Thayers, Ice Blue Aqua Velva, or Tabac. I didn’t want the Ice Blue on my legs, but it was also made by Williams, or bought by Williams in the 1920s. I used Tabac for soap yesterday, but not the lotion. It would have been ok. With Leg Day, the floral punch of Rose Petal just felt like it fit better. No old man stank was going on these dainty legs. Rose is a strange scent to me. In my head, rose scents used are just flower scented. I never think that it really is what roses smell like. Probably because modern roses used for bouquets have been hybridized for the straighter stems and tighter flowers, but lost most of the scent. Old school big blossom roses I guess still have the scent, but I’m not often around them. Still this Thayers is a nice clean floral. That left my choices for fragrance today. Trying to keep to a brand/company before 1970 left all of the artisan scents I have off the table. I could have used another variety of Tabac - Original EdT, Man Gravity, Man Silver, or Craftsman, but they didn’t feel right. Today is Father’s Day, and there was one choice for me that fit. Last year for my birthday, my daughter (and wife) gave me this enormous bottle of Polo Cologne Intense. It is a citrus/woody scent with Grapefruit, Sage, and Patchouli as the main notes list on the Ralph Lauren site, but Fragrantica is a bit more detailed adding basil and mint to the top notes, violet leaf and thyme into the middle, with bottom notes ambroxan & vetiver. Described as an aromatic fougere, it has been a pretty refreshing scent for today. Very clean and green for a leisurely brunch. Now I need a nap.

  11. u/schontzm posted on 2024-06-16 17:22:08-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024

    • Brush: Stirling x Zenith 510SE-XL
    • Razor: Schick Injector
    • Blade: Schick Injector
    • Lather: Mitchell’s Wool Fat – Mitchell’s Wool Fat
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Shire 2

    I have all brands older than me today. MWF from the 1930s, zenith from the 1900s, Schick from the 1920s, and House of Mammoth from historic ice age times as the name implies (how else would scents like Shire be possible, which existed before the reign of man). The scent from MWF is subtle and old timey. Some of the best descriptors I could put to it is clean, fresh, and soapy. Some would maybe say laundry sheets too. It’s a timeless scent. I think it is most reminiscent of powder, classic clean powder. Leading me to remember the scent as I once did. Baby shampoo. My mother ran a daycare from our house growing up so I encountered the scent a lot. It’s what you can almost smell in those 1980s photos of a baby on a clean blanket, looking like a Gerber model. Coincidentally I am reminded of this on Father’s Day, which I will get to be a part of next year with an expecting wife. So to make Father’s Day even more real, I decided to use a noble otter rawr brick in the shower today. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers (and those soon to be).

    Leg day - no.

    I did DIY for my theme today, complete with tools of the trade. I stink at fixing things or house stuff but am a half decent DIY landscaper. And I’m good at moving things. #photocontest


  12. u/iamhonestlylying posted on 2024-06-16 18:54:08-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Day 16
    • Brush: Maggard 30mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Gem 1912
    • Blade: Gem PTFE
    • Lather: Cella - Shave Soap
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts – Boonana Splash
    • Fragrance: Southern Witchcrafts – Boonana EdT

    What is old stays old. Cella has been around for like 400 years. This stuff has seen it all—from the rise and fall of empires to internet shaving competitions. Cella in shave dens everywhere for over a century, enduring world wars, disco fever, and the questionable hairstyles of the 80s and 90s. Using Cella is like stepping back in time partaking in a centuries-old ritual, connecting you with a lineage of shavers who probably did and thought a lot of fucked up stuff. But, it’s best not to dwell on that because we’ve come a long way since then! Cella is the granddaddy of shaving soaps, proving that some classics never go out of style.

    What do I pair a classic like Cella with? I decided on Boonana because both are a little sweet. Cella is like Almond Biscotti and Boonana reminds me of Banana Bread. Thanks to u/Priusaurus, we’ve learned no matter how good your lather smells, I know it won’t taste good. But I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t still a big part of me that would love to take a big bite of Boonana. The #FOF is simple today: smelling like delicious baked goods.

    photocontest: Donuts

    Challenge: Ugh…. Should I do it? Should I do it? Ughhhhh… WHY IS THIS A CHALLENGE?????

    Barely had enough soap to cover it, but I managed. Last year, I was kind of intrigued at this challenge and had time to mentally prepare. This year, I honestly was debating whether or not to participate. But we gotta go all out for the Lather Games!

    BTW - Just because I shaved my legs, I assume I'm still supposed to spray the frag on my neck? Or does the frag go on my legs too??? Maybe I'll go back and spray my legs just to be sure.

    iamhonestlylying’s Daily Top 5:

    In honor of “Father’s Day”… My Top 5 TV Dads of All-Time:

    (Editors note: If I were to make this list 10 years ago, Bill Cosby would have easily been #1. But we’ve learned a little bit since then, thus he will get NO credit on my list. I’m sure he’s heartbroken.)

    5.) Al Bundy – My mom didn’t allow me to watch Married with Children growing up, but I’ve since watched enough to know that Al Bundy is great dad who did his best to take care of his family. Sure, maybe he’s a little rough around the edges, but aren’t we all?

    4.) Danny Tanner – Never met a problem that couldn’t be solved in 22 minutes.

    3.) Mike Brady – Life could not have been easy as a closeted gay man in the 1970s, but that didn’t stop Richard Reid from being the gold standard of TV dads.

    2.) Carl Winslow – Imagine being a cop and going to work every day, then coming home and having this weirdo neighbor kid always hanging around, creeping on your daughter? Carl took it all in stride.

    1.) Phil Dunphy – The perfect balance of humor, wit, acceptance, and love made him a perfect TV dad. Danny Tanner walked so Phil Dunphy could run.

  13. u/Tetriside posted on 2024-06-16 20:20:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    June 16, 2024 - Father's Day

    • Brush: Vulfix Butterscotch Oumo Badger
    • Razor: Gillette Black Beauty T3 #ADJUSTABLE
    • Blade: Wizamet (30)
    • Lather: Haslinger - Schafmilch
    • Post Shave: Aqua Velva - Musk
    • Fragrance: Chanel - Antaeus

    Theme: all software brands used are older than me: Haslinger dates back to 1890 according to The Razor Company. Aqua Velva was trademarked in 1917. Chanel’s first fragrance, No. 5, was launched in 1921. I believe the hardware is older than me.

    Challenge: Leg day! It was tough finding time to get this in, but I did it. Pre-shave left leg and right leg. Post-shave [left leg] ( and [right leg] ( I know the photo edits look weird, but the carpet doesn't look great.

    There’s not much to say about the fragrance of Haslinger Schafmilch. It’s unscented. It’s as plain as the nose on soap’s face. I can smell some of the soap ingredients. It kind of smells like milk, and… soap. Yeah. I haven’t used this much. It’s a hard soap. I scraped some soap off of the puck, smushed it into my loading bowl, and bloomed it (which I never do). I scraped way too much soap. It’s a European hard soap. I should’ve known it would fluff like a marshmallow. Anyways, I loaded my vintage Vulfix brush and began lathering on my leg. After a while, there was enough lather that I started scraping it back into the bowl, just so I could get some water into the lather on my leg. My leg was fully lathered, I had all of that in the bowl, and I only picked up like half the soap. A little goes a long way, I guess. Eventually I didn’t have time to fuss with it anymore and had to call it good enough.

    The Black Beauty I used today was found in my grandfather's half-bath while cleaning out my grandmother’s house (he passed years before she did). The date code is T3 which means this was made in the 3rd quarter of 1973 (well before I was born). This was my first time shaving with it. I was going to use it last year. But, there’s no Father’s Day in July. I cleaned it up last night and soaked in Barbicide before the shave today. I set the dial to ‘4’ because that's my setting on the Slim. It shaved at least as well as the Slim. Clogging was an issue, though. [Warning, gross] This is what I pulled out of it during the shave.

    I ended up putting some Aqua Velva Musk on my face so I could smell it. There’s a ton of alcohol vapor splashing this on. I was going to make a joke about not standing near an open flame, but there’s actually a warning on the label about it being flammable until dry. What to say about this fragrance? It’s a classic cheapie. The musk is readily apparent. It’s leathery. There’s a core of powder. But, it’s overpowered by the musk. I’m able to smell alcohol long enough that I get a diesel scent effect. There’s a spice of tobacco, or maybe a warm spice like clove. There’s sort of an amber-like characteristic. It’s a bit cloying, but charming in a way, too. Sometimes I’ll reach for this if I just want to have something to smell and don’t want to use one of my frags. It sticks with you for a long time. This is an old-school masculine aftershave that has staying power, literally and figuratively.

    I purchased this bottle of Antaeus on the bazaar. It’s the vintage formula that contains real castoreum. Antaeus is woody and animalic. It’s a Chypre fragrance. In the opening I smell warm resinous sweet spicy notes, dry woody notes, and an animalic note. Overall, quite balsamic. Once the top notes evaporate, the balsamic notes are more or less gone. The animalic note remains. I smell oakmoss. It's a bit earthy, but there's some floral notes as well, mainly rose. I don’t know what modern bottlings are like. But, this has strong projection and good longevity. This fragrance has an air of mystery to it that I enjoy. It’s intriguing, yet understated. It’s not loud, but it does have something to say.

    #photocontest - Prius. Taking pictures of strangers’ vehicles like a degen.
