Challenge 'Practice SOTD photo scavenger hunt'

Short Name: Practice SOTD photo scavenger hunt

This challenge is active and collecting participants.

Original post

Practice scrape of the daily SOTD thread for participants and djudges to get used to the DjudgePortal

Categories Djudged:

Score (MultipleChoiceCategory, djudges not eligible)

I've had a stupid idea for a photo contest for lather games as it seems a bit quiet on the side contest front. basically its a scavenger hunt. 30 topics and if you get them in your SOTD photo you get points, 1 point for a picture of the thing, 5 points for a model version, 10 for the real thing and 30 for the relevant user.

Candidate for best shot (NoteCategory, djudges not eligible)

If you think this is a candidate for best picture, explain why. Warning, this is visible to participants. (Markdown allowed)


The following note categories have been applied to posts;
  1. Candidate for best shot


  1. Submissions by u/cowzilla3
  2. Submissions by u/djundjila
  3. Submissions by u/Enndeegee
  4. Submissions by u/Impressive_Donut114
  5. Submissions by u/InfernalInternal
  6. Submissions by u/OnionMiasma
  7. Submissions by u/RedMosquitoMM
  8. Submissions by u/schontzm
  9. Submissions by u/tsrblke
  10. Submissions by u/USS-SpongeBob
  11. Submissions by u/wallygator88


  1. u/Enndeegee
  2. u/InfernalInternal
  3. u/OnionMiasma
  4. u/Semaj3000


There are a total of 17 SOTDs, or an average of 2.83 SOTDs per day.
  1. Sunday SOTD Thread - Jun 25, 2023
  2. Monday SOTD Thread - Jun 26, 2023
  3. Tuesday SOTD Thread - Jun 27, 2023
  4. Wednesday SOTD Thread - Jun 28, 2023
  5. Thursday SOTD Thread - Jun 29, 2023
  6. Friday SOTD Thread - Jun 30, 2023